Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1209: 4 options

"Oh? His Majesty the Holy Emperor didn't seem to accidentally fall into my hands."

Where did he know that His Majesty the Holy Emperor was actually very shocked. From the first time he woke up, he was shocked when he saw Abathur's inhuman face. He just sat in that position for a long time, and all his emotions and thoughts were used to Hidden in my heart, not on the face. If this is not the case, how can "imagine the holy meaning" become an independent word.

Abathur's back disappeared over the glass door, leaving only a touch of green scalp.

Virginia Alexander said, "The one just now..."

"It's called Abathur, and it's my biotechnology consultant." Tang Fang said with a smile, "Don't try to dig a corner..."

This joke is not funny at all, in any case, His Majesty the Holy Emperor has no thoughts of jokes. After all, it is now in the palm of the enemy, and the memory in his mind tells him that the Phoenix Empire will usher in a negative change.

Tang Fang pulled a chair, sat down against the hospital bed, stared at that majestic face for a while, and said, "I know what you are thinking."

After talking and clapping his hands, the monitor facing the hospital bed awakened from its dormant state, slowly showing scenes.

There are scenes of the first prince announcing that the Phoenix Empire will send troops to the Star Covenant, scenes of Jupiter expeditionary forces landing on the Sotuk star system, scenes of the Silver Eagles announcing their advance and retreat with the Star Covenant, and scenes of wandering planets devouring battleships of the Republic of Date In the picture, there is also a picture of the Queen of Blades stepping on Pliden Almaty's head...

For a person who has been unconscious for more than half a year, especially for a character like Virginia Alexander, those pictures are thrilling. Fortunately, Tang Fang did his homework in advance, and the video was carefully edited by Emma to ensure that His Majesty the Holy Emperor's consciousness that has only been awakened can accept these complex and shocking messages.

"..." Virginia Alexander was silent for a long time, and the medical laboratory fell into a long silence.

Tang Fang was not in a hurry. During this time, he got up and walked to the rest area to help His Majesty the Holy Emperor pick up a glass of water, put it where he could use it, and then sat back on the chair, waiting for the other party to digest the information.

"So, you saved me..."

"I can't talk about it." Tang Fang turned off the display very intimately, so as not to overstimulate the light from the screen. His Majesty Holy Emperor opened his eyes soon: "You should know what I'm plotting...because I am more alive than you are. Would like to see you die...but not now."

Virginia Alexander said, "You are smart and honest."

Tang Fang smiled, did not waste too much tongue on this issue, and stared closely at the people in front of him: "I want to hear the views of His Majesty the Holy Emperor about what has happened over the past six months."

Virginia Alexander’s face has always been very calm, only when he was receiving the video message just now, there was occasional brilliance in his eyes, which is not so sharp. After all, from the perspective of age, he is already an old man buried in loess on his chest, only better than Henrietta was a few years younger.

The difference is that with the downfall of Hymn Will, the eyes of His Royal Highness the Regent look at people more and more peaceful, and the calm of His Majesty the Holy Emperor's eyes is a pretentious calm. If you look closely, you will find the blood and excitement in the young people. .

This point can be verified from Alice's narration. She is not indulging in female sex, but paying a sincere price and a price to every woman she likes.

His body is old, and his heart is still young.

"I think...this is a good opportunity for you. Whether you simply want to make Morningstar casting bigger and stronger, or take advantage of the east wind of the times to kill the exclusive empire in the Helumbel region, in short... you succeeded It set off a revolutionary storm."

"Revolution?" Tang Fang smiled without speaking.

Virginia Alexander said: "It's just that no one has called out these two words yet...Revolution, I like this word very much, not like "change" or "rescue"...Although the victors in history use flowers or The blood beautifies the war, but in essence, it is a devil, a reason for killing."

Tang Fang still just smiled, without expressing his thoughts or insights. Because His Majesty the Holy Emperor was right, revolution...to put it bluntly, it means killing people, killing others for power or ideals.

"By the way, there is one thing that I forgot to record in the video material of Fang Cai. Bayern Torres is dead... Yes, I killed him, and the Burning Legion is over. I think this will make you feel better. But what do you do? Repay me? Your Majesty the Holy Emperor."

Virginia Alexander picked up the water glass not far from him, took a sip, and made a very non-serious sound, diminishing the somewhat depressed atmosphere in the room.

"The inferior way is to use my life to threaten Lorenz to retreat."

Tang Fang nodded. If you put him in the position of Ingrid Alexander, it would be a good solution to this matter. It is only necessary to declare to the public that His Majesty the Holy Emperor has returned to heaven, and Virginia Alexander in the hands of Morningstar Casting is a fake, a clone made by Captain Tang.

The Phoenix Empire is not a country like the Star Alliance or the Charles Federation. In government propaganda, the full name of Virginia Alexander is the reincarnation of Divine Phoenix, His Majesty the Great Sage, the Holy Emperor. How could such a god-man fall into the hands of that shameless, mean and vicious guy in Tang Fang's description of the official media? This development is not recognized and accepted. Many people would rather live in a dream than open their eyes and accept a cruel future.

They will accept the sayings of Lorenz Alexander and Sphinkel Alexander and weave for themselves a holy emperor's return to heaven. Tang Fang desecrated the nightmare of the spiritual leader of the Phoenix Empire and lived stubbornly in a hypocritical world. .

This is very similar to a text he learned when he was a child——Holding the ears and stealing the bells. From a medical point of view, it can be regarded as a kind of psychotherapy.

The most likely consequence of it is that Virginia Alexander is alive but dead. The trump card held by Morningstar Casting was thus invalidated, and it allowed Lorenz and Sphinkel to set off a cleansing, completely turning the first prince Hegel Alexander into a puppet, and at the same time intensifying the domestic public’s attitude towards Morningstar. Cast hatred with the Star Alliance.

Under such a trend, under the muzzle in the name of "patriotism", and under the fear of "patriotism", even if the discerning people have the intention to resist, they dare to say anything in public... Perhaps silence to act in opposition and ignorance is their only choice. .

"The inferior way is to control me and instruct the conservatives of the Phoenix Empire to interfere with Lorenz and Sphinkel and drag the Phoenix Empire's navy back. That will trigger a court battle and bring you to yours. Morningstar Casting is involved in a political storm... Most importantly, I don't think you will win."

Tang Fang continued to nod. His Majesty the Holy Emperor said that the reason for the existence of the throne is essentially a symbol of power. The powerful group headed by the royal family needs its existence to protect its own interests. The conflict between the radicals and conservatives of the Phoenix Empire is a kind of conflict that occurs within interest groups. Once the conservatives learn that they are also involved, the most likely situation is to burn themselves and make the interests in conflict all The people turned their guns in unison.

At that time... Virginia, which could not represent the interests of the powerful? Does Alexander still have a meaning?

"The medium way is to use me as a commodity to negotiate with Lorenz and Sphinkel. They retreat, and then you kill me. Everyone gets what they need and gets what they get. The radicals can obviously kill. I, why don’t you do that, because it will cause a series of turmoil within the Phoenix Empire. They would never dare to do it without fully controlling the situation. But if the person who killed me was replaced by you, not only would it not bring turmoil, but also It will have a positive effect."

"They will use you to exaggerate their hatred and achieve the goal of stabilizing politics, but... they won't really send troops to cast Morningstar as enemies. They will only intensify the civil struggle. The more they reject you, the more they reject the Star Alliance, civilians. The more stupid, off-road, and the farther away from civilized society, the easier it is to control and exploit. In the words of your Han people, it should be a double song, Morningstar Casting and the power of the Phoenix Empire will benefit, while those at the bottom of society are pitiful When the insects were sold, they helped the human heart dealers count the money.

Tang Fang nodded again, Virginia Alexander, as the Holy Emperor of the Phoenix Empire, naturally has the most say and experience in playing tricks, deceiving people's hearts, and maintaining the rule.

His Majesty the Holy Emperor slowed down the middle policy, carefully observed the changes in Tang Fang's expression, and then said the best policy.

"The best way is to put me back. The conservatives will regain the initiative. With my prestige and status, Lorenz, Sphinkel and others will fall into an absolute disadvantage. At the same time, you are asking The Kannada line of defense is linked with the Star Alliance navy, which gives Ingrid Alexander a little bit of color. Internal and external troubles will inevitably bring shocks to the hearts of the main combatants. I will complete my work at this time and completely disintegrate their alliance. To relieve the military crisis of the Star Alliance."

"I know... this is the most unacceptable plan for you."

Tang Fang didn't nod his head this time, but showed a slight smile. His Majesty the Holy Emperor was right, let the tiger go back to the mountain, and then sit and watch the tiger-wolf fight, and depending on the situation, add some condiments to make the Phoenix Empire into serious internal friction, and all crises can naturally be resolved smoothly.

Why did those people from the main battle group start a war against the Star Alliance? It is not the emperor's throne of Virginia Alexander. The current foreign war is nothing more than the continuation of internal conflicts. Once His Majesty returns, the internal situation will be reversed from the political and military aspects, and the frontline will experience defeat again, and the main battle will not last.

However, from the perspective of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, Captain Tang would definitely not do this, because he finally seized the opportunity of the outbreak of civil strife in the Phoenix Empire to hold the head of the country, and just let it go. Reckless choice. Who can guarantee that the above words will come true? Who can guarantee that His Majesty the Holy Emperor will do that? No one can guarantee...

The best skill of capitalists is to draw big pie, and the best skill of politicians is to turn black into white and false to true.

"I will let you go back."

Virginia Alexander didn't show any joy at these words, but a solemn expression on his face.

Tang Fang clapped his hands, the door to the data processing center opened, and a woman walked into the room.

The black eyepieces cover most of the face, making it impossible to see the face behind, but from the outside, it should be a beauty.

She is wearing a protective suit for the harsh environment that is completely different from the male ghost agent, with streamer flowing along the conductive fibers, holding a gun-like sword in her hand, and looking at the old man on the hospital bed with scrutiny.

Tang Fang said: "She is Nova, and will protect the life of His Majesty the Holy Emperor in the next time."

Virginia Alexander swept his face with a slightly dissatisfied look, and said, "I think surveillance is greater than protection."

Tang Fang smiled and said: "You don't really think that you are poisoned. Hegel Alexander declared war on the Star Alliance. The Phoenix Empire still does not lose the strength of the Star Alliance and the Silver Eagle Regiment. Isn't Sfinkel and the others a magical calculation?"

The person on the bed was silent. As the king of the Phoenix Empire, he has long noticed an indescribable evil force growing in the dark zone, but this is more of a feeling, and all investigations into this situation have not found any substantial findings.

Although this further aggravated his suspicion, it is speculated that the reason why Lorenz and others accelerated the pace of the coup was to get strong support. Because of what happened in the Turanx United Kingdom, he had doubted whether God was armed, the Supreme Council or something was behind the scenes. But guessing is one thing, and now hearing Tang confirm it is another.

"I don't want to let the key people who have worked so hard to rescue the front foot, and then fall into the enemy's control. If the same situation occurs again, who can guarantee that the people of Lorenz are just like before, just poisoning and restricting your actions, not Don't do it or stop, just kill you neatly."

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ do you know who is behind the scenes?" Virginia? Alexander stared into his eyes and said, "Is it armed with God? The Supreme Council? Or the Anubis Army? "

Tang Fang shook his head: "I haven't got the specific information yet, so I can confirm which power is doing it. To tell the truth... I don't have much interest in the political struggles of the Phoenix Empire. I just hope that through your actions, you can draw out the people behind the scenes, and then follow the path to find them. It’s that simple to hide where you want to be wiped out."

In fact, although no direct evidence can be found to determine which force is involved, from the analysis of his style of action, he is somewhat eye-catching. He thinks that Black 5 and Black 6 will not disperse, and he will cooperate with Black K, Black Q and others. The melee in the Hirombel region, and the neuroparasites similar to te colonies detected by Abathur in His Majesty the Holy Emperor can also support this view.

Whether it is to completely wipe out this organization, to avenge the damage that the agents have done to him, or to obtain more energy stones to treat Yingluo, Heik and his Bliss Pure Land are a hurdle that cannot be overcome.


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