Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1230: Traitor

People focused on the Andromeda-class battleships, Scorpio-class cruisers, Perseus-class destroyers, Monoceros-class frigates named by Kylenia. When the series of battleships, SNS TV reported another news---- --The logistics fleet of the Adam government transported a large amount of building materials to the Delar star system. It seems that... Captain Tang is not satisfied with the existence of the Atlantis space station and intends to rebuild the battleship production line of the Delar star system. 【Full text reading】

Some people think this is very inspirational, and you should get up wherever you fall.

Some people think this is a waste. They all know that Kristel has become a Jedi. Why does he have to spend a lot of time to rebuild the battleship production line and directly use political means to buy the shipbuilding controlled by military industrial enterprises such as Iga Industrial and the Rover Technology Consortium. Factory, and then transform it for self-use.

With the power that Captain Tang currently possesses, it is not difficult to achieve this goal.

Some people think that this is the personal feelings of Captain Tang, and you must know that he has never been a qualified businessman.


In short, the international community has had mixed responses to his plan to rebuild the production line of the Dilar Star System battleship.


Phoenix Empire, Durham Star System, Empire Star Engineering School, Office of Student Association.

A greasy young student frowned as he looked at the display device connected to the mobile device on the multifunctional desk.

Below the report titled "New Pharaoh-class battleships test the waters today, or become a powerful enemy of Andromeda-class battleships." There are hundreds of posts.

The new Pharaoh-class battleship is an advanced weapon of the fifth-generation battleship of the Phoenix Empire, and many Phoenix empires regard it as a quasi-sixth-generation battleship.

The most highly praised one in the thread is the eight characters of "Strengthening the body by immorality, the rise of the empire."

The first floor below is: "Don't just play around and don't do anything, it's the mule that pulls out for a walk."

The message on the third floor started with a big smile, followed by "Oh, friends...I don't think they dare, because it will shake the DI system."

The fourth floor teased: "Brother on the upper bunk, I am very worried about your life."

The fifth floor said: "Haha, this kind of terminology... I guess it's a report from Comet.com."

The young students were surprised that after the Phoenix Empire declared war on the Star Covenant, they hadn't seen this kind of ridicule for a long time, and how suddenly they appeared again.

He scanned the timetable in the lower right corner of the screen and typed a message: "Now that the national disaster is at stake, and the moment of life and death, you don’t want to serve the motherland and avenge the prince, but you are here to speak coldly. I have reason to suspect that you are the Star League. The spies who enter the empire are **** traitors."

The seventh floor appeared soon, with only a silent expression.

The young student moved the cursor and switched to the second tab, which was also a news report. The title is: "Morning Star Casting has delivered 500 warships to the Star Alliance Navy. Can General Ingrid continue to write the legend, act as a mountain and stabilize the golden beam?"

There are also many comments below this news report.

"Come on, General Ingrid, please remember that there are thousands of people from the Phoenix Empire standing behind you."

"Adam Oliver is a dog raised by Morningstar. I don't know how many times he wandered his tail to get 500 warships."

"If the empire needs it, I am willing to donate half a year's salary."

"The new Pharaoh-class battleship is not only equipped with large-caliber laser cannons, but also the most advanced gravitational radar. The central computer can perform hundreds of millions of floating-point calculations per second, and its comprehensive capabilities are not under the Andromeda-class battleship."

"I don't know how long it will take for the new Tiankhan-class frigate to enter the ranks. As a high-speed assault warship equipped with a pulse jump drive, it is just a piece of cake to deal with the Kirinza-class frigate."

"Yes, yes... The pulse jump driver is a super weapon that can provide short-distance jump capabilities. I can't wait to see the scene of the Tian Khan-class frigate shooting the Star Alliance battleship Daisy."

The young student smiled with satisfaction, thinking that if everyone could be as loyal to the empire and His Majesty the Emperor like the friends above, then his job would not be much easier.

Anyway, affected by the war, those unpleasant remarks have been reduced a lot, and it seems that you can complete the task without much effort and win the full scholarship this academic year.

The same is the Durham Star System, in a space prison far from the Imperial Star Engineering School.

The two prison guards were holding black electric batons, tapping their palms lightly, pop, pop, pop...

They looked at the weak youth in front of them with playful eyes... as if it was not a person, but a monkey.

"What did I say wrong?" the young man said in a hoarse voice: "I will not confess my guilt, never..."

He glanced at the prisoners standing outside, wearing yellow prison uniforms, looking at his prisoners with indifferent eyes, and continued: "I just say those injustices, those ugliness, I just hope to awaken the spirit of every Phoenix Empire. Teach them how to walk with their spine straight, how to fight for their own power, and save future generations from the fear of violence and punishment."

"Why do the people of the Charles Federation dare to stand up and declare war on the injustices around them? Because they know that there are thousands of Charles Federation people standing behind them. But what about us? Under the violence and oppression, we have learned to be indifferent, and we are accustomed to compromise. Even betrayed cruelly. When the wicked are united, the good people are still scattered..."

Pop, pop, pop...not the sound of an electric baton tapping the palm, but the sound of the palm tapping the palm.

Some bald guards interrupted the young man’s statement, glanced over the surrounding prisoners of various faces, yawned and said, “Tomorrow there will be tens of thousands of shells to be loaded and unloaded, and the welding work of the engineering frame has to be completed because of him... …Because no one can sleep because of one person, we are punished here with him. What should I do..."

At this moment, a thin, thin yellow man walked in front of the young man, punched the young man very quickly, and hit the young man’s face severely. Blood spurted out of his nose and dyed his fist red. The prison uniform and the ground were dyed red.

"You brazen traitor, our prince has been killed, and the dignity of the country is gone. You still have the mind to pursue yourself and your family here?" The yellow race seemed to get more and more angry.

The youth hadn't stood still, another fist fell on his right cheek, and blood splashed out.




The slogan resounded throughout the hall, echoing on the iron wall and the ears of everyone.

The yellow man wiped the blood from the back of his hand and returned to where he stood.

The bald prison guard slapped his palm with an electric baton and said, "Well said, traitor... he is a traitor." Then he turned to look at another middle-aged prisoner next to him.

The man hesitated, a complex light flashed in his eyes, and finally walked out, walked to the young man who had just stood still, and threw a punch: "Go to hell, you traitor."

The blood splashed out again, dyed the prison uniform and fist red.

Then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

The bald guard has always been quiet, but no one dared to say "no" and no one didn't know what to do.

Traitor... the word is heavy, very, very heavy, heavier than a mountain.

No one wants to bear such an infamy, and the best way to get rid of this infamy is to punch the young man, draw the line, let his blood on the fist, and try to prove that he is a patriot...whether they are If you agree with the youth from the bottom of your heart, you still don't agree with the youth.

A piece of blood fell on the ground, some of which had dried up and turned into dazzling blood spots, still dispersing bursts of fishy air.

The young man fell to the ground and became dying, unable to speak those impassioned words anymore.

His blood was on those who were wearing prison uniforms of the same color as him.

The black guard with thick lips behind took a step forward and looked at the young man who fell on the ground with contempt. He lifted his black hair and approached the unrecognizable face, with a victorious gesture and tone. Said: "Look, after all that, who did you wake up?"

The young man didn't say anything, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and soiled the face opposite.

The black prison guard wiped off the blood stains with his hands, did not get angry, and said calmly: "Did you see... I didn't use violence. It is them who turned you into this kind of person... The ones you tried to wake up."

The prison guard looked at the youth’s bleak eyes and said, “Let me guess, are you disappointed now? I’m sorry... Yeah, you are dying. You died in the notorious name of a traitor. No one will pity you. People will mourn you, even relatives and friends will draw a line with you."

"So you see, how expensive it is to be a freedom fighter!"

"So you see, you died in the hands of people you were trying to save, but they used a kind of commendable righteousness and great festival. Look at you... how humiliating you die, how cheap you die, I really do for you Feels sad in his life."

"Of course, if these people can go out alive, if these people have a conscience, and if the Phoenix Empire is dead and replaced by newcomers, the ruling class may treat you as a passionate hero, a fearless fighter, and a respectable person. Treated by the sages, those generous speeches you just said will turn into famous aphorisms, respected by thousands of people."

"However, in essence, it is nothing more than a method used by the new interest groups to replace the Phoenix Empire to maintain the legitimacy of their own ZHENG and defraud the public for support."

"The world is so sinister, and society is so cruel, even if you struggle with all your strength, you won't be able to change the future you want in the end."

The prison guard looked down at the bloodless face, and the mockery in his eyes grew thicker.

In his opinion, youth is really naive. Because what young people are fighting against is not a single person, nor a group of people, nor a country, but the evil side of human nature. There is no possibility of victory at all. How can an egg break a rock, how can a donkey knock down a train?

They use group violence, use head sheep effect, use egoism, use hypocritical justice...these evil side of mankind to counter the youth. To put it bluntly, they played with him, trampled him, and didn't even soil their hands and clothes.

"You know, everything I do is learned from those above. It's up to you...whatever you do to fight against the visible and invisible enemies."

"Being a man... If... don't dream, what is the difference..." After saying this, the young man swallowed his last breath and died.

The black prison guard spit on the corpse: "You are not as good as a salted fish now."

The bald guard of the yellow race looked back, "Have you ever eaten salted fish?"

The black prison guard said, "I have eaten sashimi with wasabi oil. I think...the taste should be similar."

To be honest, he hates eating that kind of food.

"It's up to you to handle the corpse." The yellow prison guard did not explain to the black guard the difference between salted fish and sashimi, and the difference in taste, and stood up and walked to the prison area deep in the corridor.

"I will write a material to the warden, saying that you have successfully killed an enemy agent who broke into the prison, and then you will get a reduced sentence."

Someone saw the youth die just like this, dead on their hands. Everyone here was stained with the blood of the deceased. They couldn't help but feel a little afraid and self-blaming, their faces pale as snow.

However, there are still some people, the blue veins on their faces are blooming, their faces are red like a fire burning below, and the whole body is trembling...not afraid of trembling, but excited trembling. Because this method can be used to vent the repressed impulses in the body without being punished. In the name of justice, in the name of trial, in the name of patriotism... As for the young man's right, is it for their sake? This is of course impossible. The good intentions of the hostile elements must be secret ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until the prison guards say that they will be awarded credit for commutation, and the ashamed person chose to forget the scene just now. In the impression of other people, just one person died, just one person died, that's it!

The young man's body was cremated overnight, then thrown into the stinking ditch behind the prison area, and finally drifted into the "sea".

This incident is like a small splash of water suddenly rising from a corner of the endless universe, so insignificant.

When His Majesty the Holy Emperor gave a speech at the University of Horus, it was revealed that many people with courage and thoughts tried to straighten their backbone and become a clean stream of society.

However, as Virginia Alexander became seriously ill, the eighth prince David Alexander died at the hands of the Star Alliance Navy. Hegel Alexander, who was in power on behalf of his father, decided to declare war on the Star Alliance and avenge his younger brother. The pro-war faction was in the limelight. In the grassroots government and civil society, the suppression and persecution of the reformers of GE and progressive people followed. upgrade.

It is not uncommon for people like young people to die under the guards of prison guards. The whole society is shrouded in great fear and anxiety. No one dares to talk nonsense, no one dares to mention His Majesty the Holy Emperor, because people who do this are not being sentenced to crimes. It is disappeared, unemployed, mentally ill...

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