Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1233: Tang Fang's return

Many power families contemporaneous with the Smith family were either standing in the wrong line or being wiped out in the long river of history due to internal strife. The reason why the pasqueflower has survived to this day stems from the group training of "not standing in line, not forming factions, enduring loneliness, and doing things carefully. , A stable life" policy.

Why Marlowe Smith was entrusted by Virginia Alexander to serve as the governor of the Alkasi District of the Babylonian Star System in the Star Covenant. It was the result of a compromise between the radicals and the conservatives... They needed an existence similar to the Smith family. , To buffer the political conflicts between the two sides.

After the Star Alliance and the Phoenix Empire became hostile, Marlowe Smith returned to China. He was originally qualified to become the governor of a star system with his resume as the governor of the Special Administrative Region on Alcais. Under the fire of the Eighth Prince's tragic death of the Star Alliance fleet, Hegel Alexander, who was in power on behalf of his father, declared war on the Star Alliance, and the radicals were in the limelight for a while.

The radicals led by Spinkel Alexander and Ingrid Alexander should try their best to win over the Smith family and further crack down on the conservative forces. However, because Tang Fang overshadowed the Phoenix Empire in Alcais, Marlowe ? Smith's role in it is a bit unclear, and he was eventually assigned to the Durham Star System as the deputy governor. It seems flat, but in fact, it is mostly derogatory.

Marlowe Smith was of course not reconciled, but what could be done? The only thing that could be done was to curse Tang Fang a thousand times and ten thousand times in his heart. At first, he was kicked by that kid because the relationship between the Star Alliance government could not happen. Later, Morning Star Casting became stronger and stronger, and now it has become an existence that can hold back the power of the country. Naturally, it is even more impossible to avenge and resolve hatred.

Once when he returned home, he talked a lot after drunk and said what he was thinking. His old father was silent for a long time, and finally he suddenly said something inexplicable, "Did he harm you or save you? , It's a bit early..."

He never understood why his father said that, until Virginia Alexander woke up and paid special attention to a small incident in Durham's star system, and he gradually understood the meaning of that sentence.

Kearney Heller, as a special investigator dispatched by His Majesty the Holy King, had just arrived at the Air Prison A-102 when he encountered prisoner riots. As long as he was not a fool, anyone could see the strangeness behind this incident.

He is the deputy governor of the Durham star system, and Julias is the governor of the Durham star system. The other party, on the grounds that he is out of the country and cannot get to the location of the incident in time, entrusted him with the rescue of the special investigator. , And said meaningfully at the end of the call: "You figure it out...I believe in your abilities."

He suddenly woke up. If there is no accident, he will sit in the position of deputy governor for a long time. Although his position is not high and a bit embarrassing, he is far away from the core of power and does not have to choose or stand in line. There is a high probability that he will save his life under the political storm that may occur.

But now? Who could think that this would happen to the Darum star system. Julias is out of town, can't get there in time? The ghost believed what he said. I'm afraid that what happened in the Air Prison A-102 was specially arranged by that guy. Whether it was to cover up the abnormal death of the youth, or to show His Majesty a bit of color, it was very troublesome to deal with.

The phrase "you figure it out...I believe in your abilities." On the surface, it is a compliment, but in fact it is forcing him to walk from behind the scenes to the front desk. What is involuntary, this is called involuntary, so he was very upset, holding a bit of resentment in his heart.

"Your Excellency, according to the information collected by the internal security forces of Air Prison A-102, Colonel Kearney is now trapped in Area D. Based on the analysis of the fire in the surrounding area, the situation is not optimistic. Because of the emergency, the rescuers came here. Insufficient strength. If you focus on firefighting and rescue missions, it will be difficult to stop the escape of prisoners. If you focus on arrest and containment missions, the survival probability of independent investigators will further decline."

The voice of the staff officer awakened him, Marlowe Smith glanced at Abano and understood the old servant's worries.

If a full fire is ordered, the prisoners will be released, and Julias must arrange a back road so that the prisoners "disappear".

If the prisoner is ordered to be stopped, the independent investigator will be killed.

No matter what he chooses, His Majesty the Holy Emperor will be disgraced, and he will be regarded as an incompetent person by the people.

I am afraid that the situation of the entire Durham star system is under the control of Julias, and the other party deliberately designed everything to let him play a buffer role again.

It’s just that this buffer is different from the last one. As the price for the conservatives headed by the Holy Emperor and the radicals headed by Sphinkel and others to test each other, it is likely to ruin his political future and even affect the future of the family. .

Yes, he will become a scapegoat to quell this farce.

He will become the chief culprit to cover up the truth about the youth's death and the person behind the murder of independent investigators.

He was quite sure that the radicals and conservatives would sacrifice him tacitly to end this round of confrontation. The people will see the result they want-a high official is finished, the grievances of the youth can be upheld, the surging public anger can be calmed, and His Majesty the Holy Emperor has not broken his words.

Is this the truth? No one will care.

As for which of the radicals and conservatives is better this time, only they know.

This is politics. Everyone is playing with others with wisdom.

This is politics. There is no right or wrong, no justice or evil, only balance, compromise, renunciation, and betrayal.

He remembered a sentence his grandfather said before his death: "The Smith family can last forever, the biggest reliance on it is not proper management, but luck."

It now appears that that luck has been exhausted in his generation.

Of course, those who look to His Majesty the Holy Emperor to change GE are even more pathetic. An unjust case of the Durham Star System has developed such a development and caused such embarrassment, let alone a political TI brake. It is conceivable. How strong resistance and counterattack will be faced.

Change to GE? Or improvement? It's simple to say, but difficult to do.

Unless you can, like the Turanx United Kingdom, have Tang Fang's enthusiasm and naiveness, and a powerful military force, guarding the cruel and ruthless group of powerful groups, then can you overcome many difficulties and make substantial progress.

Like the social situation of the Phoenix Empire, there is no such strong figure as Tang Fang to intervene, and hope to change GE from the top? It is no different from a idiotic dream. Only bottom-up resistance, completely overthrowing the imperial TI system, and killing a part of the powerful can complete the great cause of reforming GE.

"Your Excellency, please give an order." A large colonel said blankly.

Marlowe Smith looked at the man with a sneer.

"Your Excellency, please order." The colonel officer repeated.

At this moment, the bridge door suddenly opened, and a few people walked in outside, the leader of which was a female lieutenant officer.

The colonel frowned, looked at the person and said, "Lieutenant Louise, this is not where you should be, right now..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and a blue long sword pierced his body, and the light jumped in the somewhat muddy eyes. There was shock and fear on his face, but more still puzzled.

The staff officers and entourage around were stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, and they were going to get weapons to kill the female lieutenant who was suddenly attacked. How did you know that the soldiers next to the female lieutenant moved faster than them, and did not wait to pull out the one that was pinned to the waist. The weapon was hit by the enemy's preemptive gunfire and fell in a pool of blood one after another.

There was a pungent stench in the air, and the bridge was terribly quiet. The guys who moved a little slower froze in place, not daring to move a bit.

The lieutenant officer drew out the spear and sword that was sent into the colonel's chest and put her finger on the forehead of the predecessor. She watched the man fall to the ground with a puff, and then turned her head to look at Marlow Smith who was shocked.

"Are you Marlowe Smith? Former Governor Alcassie?"

He couldn't hear too much emotion from these words, and couldn't tell whether the other party was hostile or not, but he still nodded: "I'm Marlow Smith, the former Governor of Alcais."

The female officer wiped her face with her hand, and as the stream of light receded like a wave, the semi-closed mask retracted into the device behind the ear, revealing a face completely different from Lieutenant Louise.

"I have two things here this time." She said while taking Marlowe Smith into the small conference room next to the bridge and inserting a data chip into the multimedia system.

"The first thing, entrusted by others, bring you a letter."

As the voice fell, the holographic projection facility interweaves a three-dimensional image in the air.

Marlow Smith looked at the figure made of light, his pupils suddenly shrank: "Tang Fang!"

As Nova said, it was a letter, not a face-to-face communication, so the three-dimensional image did not respond to his greetings, or sighed. After the light spots on the face jittered slightly for a while, the voice output system began to speak.

"I won't say anything polite. If my guess is not biased, I think the situation of Lord Earl is very bad. When I was in Alcassie, I got a lot of benefits from your hand, but I didn't help much. I've been stubborn about this, and now I finally have a chance to repay the old kindness, but forget it, it's a cause."

Marlowe Smith frowned upon hearing these words, wondering what medicine is sold in this kid gourd?

At the beginning, Tang Fang placed him with Alcaisi. It is him who should be worried about, not the guy who got the bargain, but now he ran to him to behave, saying that he was repaying his old kindness... In short, he would not I believe things are as simple as Tang Fang said.

Nova stepped forward from the back, and dropped the freezer she had been carrying with her right hand on the conference table in front.

Marlowe Smith hesitated and walked over, pressing the upper switch, followed by a jet of sneer, the top cover of the freezer opened, and a fishy odor came to his face.

When he saw the contents inside, he shook his body and sat down on the chair beside him, his face turned pale.

Of course that is not a good thing. To be precise, they are two human heads-from the Governor of Durham Star System Julias and the Garrison Commander Fan Xiaogang.

Unlike just now, the gaze he looked at Nova was no longer in surprise, but in deep fear. He didn't know how this woman did it, but she did. Under the protection of guards and agents, she killed the governor of the Durham Star System and cut off their heads.

Nova took a step closer, glanced across his bloodless face, without any emotional expression, took out another data chip from her arms and inserted it into the data interface of the multimedia system, and pressed the play button.

To some extent, it was also a letter, a letter of appointment. The writer is Virginia Alexander, His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the Phoenix Empire, and the content is to appoint Marlow Smith as Governor of Durham Star System and Commander of the Garrison Navy.

Marlow Smith is known as the most talented of his peers in the Smith family. He is a man of both civil and military style. He was both the planetary governor and the commander of the garrison when he was in Alkesi. However, Alkasi is a part of the Star Alliance's territory after all, and serving as the local supreme official there and returning to China to serve as the local supreme official in the Durham star system have completely different meanings.

In other words, this letter of appointment is equivalent to opening a promotion channel for him, as long as he takes one step forward, he can enter the core of Phoenix Empire power. You must know that this promotion is not an ordinary promotion. He will take over the military and political power of the Durham Star System alone, instead of the power structure of the previous Governor Julias + Garrison Commander Fan Xiaogang.

From the past, all similar appointments, the recipients will enter the core of empire power in a very short time.

Virginia Alexander’s assignment is over, and Nova presses another play button, and Tang Fang’s voice is heard again in the room.

"I think... now you should be clear about the meaning of what I said just now, do it hard, don't let me down." After saying this, the light and shadow above the holographic projector flashed away.

Obviously it was Virginia Alexander’s appointment letter, but Captain Tang played the role of a prophet. What the **** does this happen? He thought of a possibility, but could not accept it.

At the beginning, he wooed Tang Fang on the Alcaisian Star, in order to place the Morning Star Casting under the control of the Phoenix Empire, so as to obtain the qualifications for promotion and take his career to the next level. However, in the end he didn’t get the result he wanted. Tang Fang turned his head around and put him together. Now he saw the appointment letter from His Majesty the Holy Emperor. The promotion of Deputy Governor of Durham Star Systems to Governor and Commander of the Garrison Navy.

Looking at the brightly colored heads in the freezer, then looking at the murderous female agent beside him, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, trying to calm himself down.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that His Majesty the Holy Emperor and Captain Tang have reached some kind of cooperation. With reference to the domestic political situation, this is the most likely thing to happen.

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