Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1237: Dive into the mission

[Title: StarCraft carry the body of the first Thousand two hundred thirty-seven sneaked into the task of: Sappers of A]

Take the latest chapter of StarCraft with you. Welcome to 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: The complete pinyin of \"2k Novel\", easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The gate of good fortune, perfect world, immeasurable, immeasurable, immortal, demon, sage, wisdom, emperor, mountains, and rivers, three realms, blood song, best practice, strong and young, master, but I, god, reckless, desolate, I want to conquer the sky, I am God’s will of Han Yu After Wu Zun Dao Wu Zun Dao Wu Zun Yao Zun entered the hangar, the three of them took off their military uniforms and replaced them with a set of t-shirts with special lace on the sleeves. Tang Fang used the disguise mask for shadow agents given by Nova to hide his true colors. Churchill and Howson each wore a pair of sunglasses.

In short, from the costume point of view, there is a bit less righteousness, and it looks like a character like a gangster or a thug.

"Damn it, that fellow Alice, she must have done this deliberately." Howson rubbed the special lace on the cuffs, with an expression of disgust: "Only those sissy stylists who specialize in flattering women wear this. clothes."

Churchill patted him on the shoulder and said: "I think this setting is very good, at least it can cover your fierce appearance and reduce the probability of being seen by the enemy."

Howson raised his hands lightly, shook his orchid fingers in front of him: "Aha, you like this tone."

Churchill twitched, and said with a cold voice: "You can save this energy to deal with the Anubis Legion."

Tang Fang didn’t care about their daily bickering. He looked through the porthole and fell outside in the dark and icy endless void. He watched a glorious glow in the distance. The medium shuttle, painted with the emblem of the Phoenix Empire, moved from fast to slow, slowly approaching the fearless commander. Class fortress, connected with a hatch in the hangar.

"They are here, let's go." After saying this, he pulled the switch next to him, and when the air pressure in the tunnel reached a suitable level, he first walked out of the hangar and walked to the shuttle at the end of the connecting tunnel.

Hausen and Churchill also stopped quarreling, straightened the sunglasses on their faces, made a serious expression, and followed him into the connecting passage.

Soon after the three of them boarded the plane, the shuttle was disconnected from the hangar door and turned into a flying blast to shoot towards the Montesk star system.

There was a half-daylight scene, the fast flowing light outside the window disappeared, the eyes went dark, and the shuttle appeared in the inner space of the star system. The burning red giant star cast a dark red light on the surface of the porthole, looking like a lava **** from a distance.

The red color like blood leaped in the depths of his pupils and rose on the surface of his cheeks. Tang Fang looked at the shadow of the edge of the sea of ​​fire and his face became particularly gloomy.

Howson and Churchill were not in the mood to look at the magnificent waves outside. They focused their energy on the children and teenagers in the iron cage. Some of them giggled all the way. They didn't even notice when their clothes were wet, and some looked fierce and vicious, as if they found their prey. The evil wolves roared from time to time, exuding cold killing intent, and others were very quiet. They squatted in the shadows to disrupt, restore, disrupt, and restore the Rubik's Cube, repeating it tirelessly.

Due to the limitation of the environment, the Montesque star system has no planets suitable for human habitation. Even if the environment is modified, it cannot be maintained for a long time. Because "Montesque" is very unstable, no one knows when it will burst out suddenly and destroy the flames. Everything touched.

In the past, there was an observation platform here, where many astronomers recorded "Montesque" activities and various data. However, in recent years, the government has abandoned scientific research stations, and all astronomers have withdrawn from this place, leaving only one. A space platform where you can feel the charm of the red giant star up close.

After the observation platform was abandoned, it was taken over by a medical institution with a military background to conduct drug research and clinical trials.

Just as the Silvermoon shuttle crashed in the small town of Blanca, Tang Fang, Aros, and Hausen encountered a resistance group led by Grant. Among them was a young man named Marni, whose older brother returned from the battlefield. Later, in order not to drag his brother down, he would not hesitate to sell his body to military institutions for drug experiments. The Phoenix Empire also has similar institutions.

However, the current medical institution is different from the medical institution that hires normal people to conduct drug experiments. Its volunteers are not from natural persons in the society, but from welfare institutions established throughout the Phoenix Empire.

The various weird teenagers in the iron cage beside Howson and Churchill are the "volunteers" of the medical institution.

Even if human beings have entered space civilization and medical technology has been greatly improved, it is unavoidable to give birth to children with congenital defects, whether it is the harsh space environment, the use and popularization of radiation electrical appliances, and the human beings of zero-based products. Dependence will have a great impact on pregnant women.

Genetic diseases such as malformations and organ hypoplasia are easier to detect and avoid. However, there are still no good methods to detect genetic diseases such as mental retardation, autism, and cognitive impairment. Even if there is... the living environment of the Phoenix Empire, ordinary people do not have enough wealth to carry out detailed screening.

The above are congenital diseases, not to mention the acquired diseases caused by electronic pollution.

If born in a wealthy home, such a child with a physical defect can live in peace until death. If born in a civilian family, they not only need to consume daily necessities, but also take up a lot of parents' time and bring a heavy burden to a family.

Not many parents will give up their children, but when the oppression from the society and the slavery of the powerful makes them feel difficult to breathe, giving up becomes a choice, liberating themselves and their children.

This is cruel and inhumane, but the society and the powerful have ever been humane to them and kind to them? The noble lords would rather put their wealth on a dog, and the country would rather inject funds into the army than raise a group of unworthy people with no value in slavery.

Whether it is being overwhelmed by life or beautifying official reports, they believe that these children who cannot work and live like normal people will have a better future in welfare institutions. Many people send their children behind iron gates. world. Then... some people never see their children again.

The rich and powerful have propaganda resources, military resources, medical resources, power resources... It is naturally very easy to cover up a scandal. As for the children’s parents, they still have to work, live, and take care of other children. Where can they have the time and ability to fight against power, not to mention facing the armored cavalry with flesh and blood is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

In fact, from another perspective, this is also a kind of relief, although it is cold-blooded and cruel, it will leave scars that cannot be healed in the bottom of my heart.

Over time, many people become numb, and even accept this happening with relief and helplessness.

It's like changing children in the war-torn era. If they don't deal with their own children, let someone else do it.

Very cruel, but more sad.

The children and teenagers behind him are "volunteers" from welfare agencies throughout the Phoenix Empire, poor people abandoned by their parents, society, and the country.

He looked at the stream of flames wandering on the surface of the red giant, and at the space station getting closer and closer, there was not much anger in his heart, only bitterness and bitterness remained.

Hausen changed from his usual dignified manner and tried to open the iron cages, but was stopped by Churchill.

He saved this batch, did he save the next batch? He saved them for a while, can he support them for a lifetime? What's more, it is now during the mission, and the annihilation of the remaining party of the Anubis Legion is their primary goal.

"Hey, why didn't you see the Abyssal Knight's Bliss Pure Land?" Churchill used questioning to distract Howson.

Outside the porthole, the shuttle was approaching the auxiliary pier of the space station along the navigation mark, but did not see the legendary Bliss Pure Land, not even a warship.

As expected, Howson no longer entangled with the problem of opening and closing the iron cage. He walked to the side of Tang Fang, but before he could speak, with a slight vibration from the soles of his feet, the shuttle stopped at a berth, and the folding channel slowly elongated. Join.

"Let's go." Tang Fang greeted the two of them, pulled an iron cage, and walked to the area where the cabin door was.

Their current identity is that of the gangs of the Phoenix Empire to transport the experimental subjects. According to past practices, they are eligible to enter the core area of ​​the space station.

Although the use of abandoned children, prisoners, and wanderers to do human experiments is already a hidden rule in the Phoenix Empire, for the sake of face and reputation, it is still difficult for the rich and powerful to dispatch military personnel to carry out transportation tasks. For one thing, the empire is not monolithic and uses military forces. Resources are easily seized by political opponents. Secondly, if such incidents are proved by enemy spies, it will inevitably cause a disturbance in the international community. Therefore, from the "abducted" of the abandoned children from welfare institutions to the arrival of the Montesque star system, people from the evil forces of the imperial society are all responsible.

Of course, those officials will certainly not sign written agreements with gangs, or even verbal agreements. The medical institution of the Montesque Star System cannot be found in the official system either. On the map of Phoenix, this area has been abandoned due to environmental problems.

There were no handover procedures, nor did they see the staff of the space station. The three people pushed the iron cage to leave the connecting passage and proceeded to the space station b area according to the route map provided by Alice.

The corridor was always empty, with only pale lights, the vibration of the vent cloth, and the sound of runners rubbing the floor. The entire space station is like a haunted house, quiet and frightening.

Howson had a solemn face, but fortunately his sunglasses covered most of his face. If he was seen by someone with a heart, I'm afraid he would already be suspicious.

"These guys...really cautious."

Churchill kicked him: "Speak carefully, maybe they are hiding somewhere to watch our every move."

As the two talked quietly, Tang Fang stopped the iron cage, walked to the locked security door, and inserted the key fob that the person who inserted Alice gave him.

The verification program runs for a while, the LED arrays on the panel light up in turn with a light ding sound, and the door opens to both sides, revealing the rear view.

Judging from the layout of the room, it should be a storage unit, with tall petri dishes lined up on both sides of the front room, but there is no life-sustaining solution in it, and no experimental body can be seen.

The rear part of the warehouse is a cell structure for placing iron cages. The layout is very similar to the special prison that Tang Fang had seen on the ground floor of the Alcaisian Fallen Angel Leisure Club. There is a platform in the middle, and the two sides are clamped by booms. Cell.

The three of them moved the iron cage to the transmission device and started the operation process. When preparing to leave, one of the 13-year-olds in the iron cage suddenly raised his head, looking at their backs and begging: "Please, don't... don't leave me here alone, I am afraid... I am afraid ..."

Tang Fang's body shook, but he didn't turn his head in the end, and he continued to walk forward.

The disguised face of Yi Rong Mask was always calm, and his mood was not calm at all.

The outside light shone on the surface of the petri dish, as if it had formed a layer of hoarfrost.

"Emma, ​​how is it?"

"Commander, the virus has been implanted in the space station's security management system. No drones used by the Anubis Corps to detect invisible units have been detected in Zone B."

Emma's reply was consistent with the scan result of the detector, which made him a little relieved. In fact, the verification chip provided by Alice's people has been deciphered and rewritten by Emma and turned into a virus vector, which can help Tang Fang understand and even control the security system of the space station.

Judging from the information gathered in front of him, everything was normal, and the Abyss Knight did not notice his arrival.

All he has to do now is to go back to the shuttle and change his combat outfit to sneak into other areas. As for the transportation in area b, there will be a system unit instead, and the virus implanted in the security system will cover them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to provide false information to the people in the monitoring room.

One thing he didn't understand was why the Abyss Knights were hiding in this place, and what was their relationship with the medical institutions of the Phoenix Empire. You must know that the purpose of the Anubis Legion's activities in the Hirombel region is the energy stone, and there is no option for scientific research tasks.

"Forget it... it doesn't matter." He shook his head, waved away the doubts in his mind, entered the shuttle cargo warehouse, and summoned three Marines to continue transporting the iron cage to area b. Then he took out a set of harsh environment protective clothing for his own use, and gave two sets of special power armor for battlefield porcupines to Churchill and Hausen. After they were neatly dressed, they left the shuttle and proceeded to the originally locked area.

Churchill was very satisfied with this new set of power armor. The special power armor of the battlefield porcupine itself was much stronger than Ma Runjia. Now it is loaded with laser sighting system and magnetic track weapons, and the combat effectiveness has been further enhanced.

There is another change that he is very happy about, and Howson is very lost. Tang Fang told him that the battlefield porcupine power armor is equipped with a super enhancer, which is completely different from the stimulant of Ma Runjia. Using it will not only cause a burden on the body, but also Play a therapeutic effect. This shows that he can fully utilize his physical functions to the limit without having to worry about his own health as before.

You must know that Infinite Doping was previously only the patent of Aros and Howson. Now with the battlefield porcupine power armor, he can also do this.

Tang Fang did not pretend to take the two people into area a, telling them to wait in area b, and instruct Emma to open the door of area b leading to area a and enter the unknown area in a sneaky manner.

After the two people sat on the ground for a while, Howson winked and said, "Anyway, the security system of zone b has been breached by the virus process. It is better to go to other areas to find out what research the Phoenix Empire is doing."

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