Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1239: Thrandis

For the human body, the connecting channel is very spacious, but for the dark archon + unclean, it is not spacious, it just happens to be able to fight. [No pop-up novel network].

When the Unclean and Dark Archon blocked the "zombies", Tassada's psychic storm fell on the "zombie" group in front, a line of blue and white led down, and the phantom energy turned into a whirlpool within the target area, and more than two dozen "zombies" On fire, they fell to the ground one after another, trampled and submerged by surging latecomers.

Zeratul appeared in the air, and the curved blade slashed at an elite guard of the Anubis Legion, and shot a singularity spike with the other hand. Phoenix stomped the ground with all four feet and shot into the sky under the action of recoil, and slammed into an elite guard of the Anubis Legion in a very brutal manner.

Gestalt Zero threw a fragmentation grenade forward, blowing up a group of "zombies".

The energy regiment fired by the plasma rifle was evaded by the elite guards of the Anubis Legion. Tang Fang's right arm stretched out, the goddess of the storm lifted up, and half the moon shot out like a lightning.

Under normal circumstances, enemies who have just avoided the energy group can only choose to resist Ban Yue Slash.

The power of the goddess of the storm wielded in Tang Fang's hands could not even be countered by the Devourer, and the elite guards of the Anubis Legion were naturally even more impossible to resist.

However, the result of the final blow was that Banyue Zhan closely adhered to the target's body and wiped it off, smashing the 4 high-frequency short blades on the outer side of the left arm, raising a blue, four red and five rays of light without destroying the target.

Emma's answer is that unless controlled by a fine computer, there is no way to make the dodge action just now based on the body's responsiveness and the body's coordination ability. The elite guard of the Anubis Legion in front of him has even more control over his body than Black 4 and Black 8.

Although the grave guard-class armor is similar to the harsh environment protective clothing, it is a special agent-specific armor that performs assassinations, infiltrations, and stealth operations. In terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, it cannot be compared to the Jackal God-class power armor, but it is necessary to talk about perception and flexibility. Naturally, the former is better.

However, the present scene completely broke Emma's analysis of the Gravekeeper-class battle armor and the Jackal God-class power armor.

Zeratul's homeopathic slash also failed to hit the target, but just pushed the opponent back. The singularity spike was shattered by a burst of energy from the rear, and did not stop the Anubis Legion's elite guards, allowing them to break into the area where Tang is located.

Phoenix collided with another elite guard of the Anubis Legion and smashed into the "zombie" pile like a cannonball, overwhelming.

Another elite guard of the Anubis legion broke through the front line, and the elite guard of the Anubis legion who had not been shot by the singularity spike rushed towards Tang.

At this moment, the black mist suddenly rose, two hands appeared in front of Tang Fang, the power of the void exploded, and the two elite guards of the Anubis Legion were restricted in the air, unable to continue the attack just now.

While Mohandar was imprisoned in the void, Tasada attacked from the side, with a phantom energy shock wave, pushing back the elite guards of the Anubis Legion and several "zombies" behind him, with a psionic blade to the nearest encounter imprisonment. The elite guards of the Anubis Legion were cut off.

Where did you think that the elite guards of the Anubis legion that Zeratul pushed back twisted their bodies, their hips contracted and shortened, and the black tail whip sparked several arcs. They suddenly twisted and changed directions, passing through the battlefield in an extremely tricky trajectory and shooting towards the tower. Sada, forced him to save himself with a knife, and missed the opportunity to kill the target.

After Tang Fang smashed the high-frequency sword of the elite guards of the Anubis Legion in a half-moon, he moved his plasma rifle. He originally planned to make up the knife at the first time. How did he know that the tail whip shot from sideways suddenly wrapped his wrist and pulled it aside , The rifle went out of control and fired, and the energy group nearly hit Phoenix.

He didn't panic, his wrist was bent inward, and the Nether Energy Blade was quickly forming, drew a blue and white light mark in the air, and cut to the black tail whip that bound his left arm.

What did you think of giving the elite guard of the Anubis Legion who had been smashed by the high-frequency sword, the tail flame surged, and the other arm's high-frequency sharp blade cut diagonally.

He didn't have time to brew a V-shaped energy shield, and directly greeted him with two guide rails to support the cutting of the high-frequency sharp blade.

A gloomy light flashed from the rear battlefield near the unclean person, accompanied by a low buzzing sound, and the big sword flashed past, cutting open the unclean person's right paw with lightning speed, and picked it up to its head.

Perhaps this blow brought a great burden to the system, and the Gravekeeper-class battle armor could not remain invisible, exposing the black 1o.

Facing the unclean with a human body has its own visual impact, but judging from the murderous intent and momentum of the black 1o scattered, if the knife is used to prove it, the unclean will definitely die on the spot.

The dark archon’s body suddenly burst out of a red energy ring, shaking the wolf-like "zombie" cluster around him, an arm-like energy object seemed to stretch out from the surging red flames, the light flashed, and the invisible mental shock wave penetrated Black 1o body.

Odachi inevitably loses its momentum, and the trail is slightly off. It scrapes against the face of the unclean person, cutting off several strands of biological tissue like tentacles.

Hei 1o gave a cold snort, and stepped back violently, avoiding the tail lash of the unclean. Just hearing a boom, the whole ground was trembling, and the two "zombies" were knocked over and howled like beasts.

A red faint bloom flowed from the edge of the dark blade of Odachi, and with a roar of black, he broke free from the mind control of the dark archon. However, after this difficulty, he did not dare to continue the attack, black light flashed on the surface of the battle armor, and his body seemed to be hidden in the water, slowly disappearing into the "zombie" cluster.

His fatal blow did not kill the unclean, only severed a sharp claw. It seemed that this operation did not achieve the expected goal, but it opened a channel for another Anubis legion elite guard to spray on the tail. Under the afterburner of the injection device, it broke through the rear battlefield extremely quickly and attacked Tang Fang's position.

Four high-frequency short blades tore the air, bringing a terrifying howling sound, but the tail whip shot faster than the elite guards of the Anubis Legion, and the sharp tip of the gun quickly rotated during the flight, creating a circle Shock waves, like thunder.

Gestalt Zero is blocking the "zombie" cluster, Tassada, Zeratul, Mohandar, and Phoenix are dealing with the elite guards of the Anubis Legion. He himself is playing against two elite guards of the Anubis Legion at the same time. Take action to deal with the enemy coming from behind.

There is a big gap between the elite guards of the Anubis Legion encountered on the Fallen Angel and the elite guards of the Anubis Legion encountered right now.

The Hunyuan Destroyer and Hunyuan Destroyer are larger in size, and there is not enough room to move, and the attacking enemy is extremely aggressive...

At this moment, the black light flowing in the space behind Tang Fang, a golden arm quickly drilled out, where the blue light flashed, the blade at the end of the tail whip flew out, and a "do" was inserted into the high-frequency blade that was broken by the goddess of the storm. The elite guards of the Anubis Legion on the left flank, destroyed the main propulsion system, and the arc throbbed for a while. Following a small explosion, black smoke overflowed like a dragon.

At this time, the black light had dissipated, revealing a slender golden figure, and another psionic blade intersected with the high frequency blade of the elite guard of the Anubis Legion, exploding with blue and red brilliance.

With the strength of the psionic blade, it is not the high-frequency short blade of the Jackal God power armor that can withstand it, let alone the psionic blade equipped by the hero unit, but what is shocking is that the high-frequency short blade of the elite guards of the Anubis Legion is short. A red torrent ejected from the gap on the surface of the blade, contacting the nether energy blade, as if a violent wind was blowing on the water surface, swelling surging waves, and a see-saw of energy appeared.

"Huh, despicable guy." A cold scolding, the phantom energy that originally constructed the psionic blade suddenly converged, turned into a surge of energy, and shot at the elite guards of the Anubis Legion who had failed to attack.

The expanded Jackal God-class power armor tail swayed, and the flame that was originally jetted backwards turned at an 18o degree. The elite guards of the Anubis Legion retreated sharply and dodged the phantom energy blast spurred by Cerandis.

On the other side, the goddess of the storm repelled the enemy on the right, and the tail whip that tied her left arm was also cut off by the Nether Energy Blade. Tang Fang had the opportunity to look back and said, "Thank you."

"Atanis said that we must unite sincerely and gather our will to defeat powerful enemies."

"I very much agree with your point of view." Tang Fang looked around the surroundings, the murderous intent on his face growing stronger.

"Don't try to get close to me, you haven't completely won my trust."

Captain Tang's eyes were murderous, and there was embarrassment brewing on his face: "Since you don't trust me, why do you want to help me?"

He felt very upset, thinking that Seradis, this guy, seemed to be a Ulaner-like character again, not as easy to talk as Zeratul and Phoenix.

Serendith said: "You need to figure out one thing, I just don't want to see you die, because I look forward to the day of meeting with the archbishop more than eternal sleep."

"Ha...haha...hahaha." Tang Fang said with a dry smile: "Trust me, you will see him one day."

Sure enough, he had long felt that the relationship between Thrandis and Atanis was unusual, and now that she cared about the archbishop so much, it seemed to confirm his guess.

Tasada circled a phantom energy shock wave, shook the elite guards of the Anubis Legion and the "zombie" swarms, stepped back in front of the two, frowning and said: "The situation is worse than we thought. You must think about it. It’s better to break out of the enemy’s encirclement."

Whether it was the phantom energy shock wave he shot, the fragmentation grenade thrown by Gestalt Zero, or the toxin spit out by the unclean, they did not cause considerable damage to the "zombie" cluster. These human-like and inhuman beasts cannot be treated with common sense. Even if their bodies are wrapped in flames, they will still not stop moving. Instead, they will turn into fire men and continue to attack their own front.

Just like the dozen or so "zombies" that were knocked down by Tasada just now, they were trampled continuously by latecomers, not only did not die, but also aroused their ferocity.

The 12 elite guards of the Anubis Legion have been difficult to deal with Black 1o, plus these undead beasts that can only be destroyed unless they are dismembered, not to mention that Black has not shot yet. Black K, Black 6, and Black 5 do not know where to hide Where to wait for an opportunity to start, as Tasada said, the situation is very bad.


In area b, the Dark Templar warriors fought with the elite guards of the Anubis Legion who had copied from the back bread.

Unlike the 12 elite guards of the Anubis Legion that connect the passages, the elite guards of the Anubis Legion who are responsible for encircling Hausen and Churchill are much weaker in combat effectiveness, and they are also equipped with ordinary jackal-level power armor.

In the aisle leading to the shuttle, five ghost agents are resisting the combined impact of Anubis Legion soldiers and the "zombie" cluster. Although the enemy's investment in this area is far less than the investment in the connecting channel, the combination of the ghost agent and the dark templar has the absolute upper hand, but it is almost impossible to eliminate the enemy in a short time.

Hausen and Churchill had just stepped back from the front, sitting in the middle of a corridor near the warehouse of the experimental body, breathing heavily.

Tang Fang warned them as soon as he learned of the enemy's plan to wait and see, but he was still a step too late, trapped in an encirclement of the Anubis Legion combat unit, unable to move forward.

Churchill stuffed a compressed biscuit into his mouth and patted off the powder sticking to his palm. Wanghausen complained: "If I do as I say, how can I end up in such a dilemma."

"Why didn't you say when you were on the Fearless Commander-class fortress? Now that you are facing difficulties, you start to be an afterthought."

"I...I...I..." Churchill was speechless.

In fact, Yuffi gave a similar suggestion to Tang. Now that the space station where the Abyssal Knights are located, he directly drove over the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, and set fire to destroy the target facility. The rest of the Anubis Legion inside was naturally wiped out. Just deal with the Bliss Pure Land number.

He very much agrees with this proposal, but feels that to be on the safe side, it would be better to use the annihilation artillery of the Fearless Commander-class fortress ship. The reason for not saying it was because he was afraid that Tang Fang would scold him as a prodigal son. You must know that "annihilation" consumes zero element isotopes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ and is not a general refined zero element.

Regrettably, Tang did not accept Yuffi's proposal, did not even express his worries, insisted on carrying out the 6th battle, and finally caught the enemy's ambush and fell into a predicament.

After adjusting the breathing rhythm, Howson got up from the ground, picked up the reinforced electromagnetic gun next to him, and walked to the area where the ghost agent and the enemy were fighting.

Churchill wiped his mouth with his hand, got up and followed behind him, knowing he was stupefied and bumped into something, he almost sat back on the floor and looked up anxiously. Now Howson stopped at some point, he was tilting his neck to look at it. An area.

He turned his head and saw that the target area was a baffle structure, behind which should be a ventilation duct connected to the air conditioning system.

Howson walked over and knocked with his hands, a dull metallic echo.

At this time, Churchill's eyes lit up.


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