Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1242: Look at each other

Hei Q watched the uninvited guest slowly falling to the same level, his eyes moved from the bone wings to the whip, and then from the whip to the murderous face, and finally fell to her right hand. [The fastest update b6. ] There was a man there, the red tie and white shirt held by the hand of the Queen of Blades, who looked like a plaything in the palm of a female devil.

If there are people from the Phoenix Empire here, they will quickly recognize the identity of the man held by the Queen of Blades. Lorenz Alexander, father of Ingrid Alexander, one of the representatives of the radical empire.

Since the Queen of Blades appeared, Tang Fang hadn't looked away from her, and hadn't even noticed the existence of Lorenz Alexander. It is a pity that Queen Blade left him only a back view.

This seems unfeeling, disappointing and frustrating, but from another angle, it seems to be a kind of trust.

Without the familiar gentle gaze, you can't see the quiet smile of Clayya, but some are just killing intent and domineering, and the classic image of the Queen of Blades.

His mood became very heavy, he wanted to say something, but somehow he couldn't say a word.

Tasada and Zeratul retreated to his side, standing on the left and right, looking at the Queen of Blades facing the black q with dread.

A muffled sound interrupted the strange atmosphere formed by the three-way confrontation. It originated from the fall of Lorenz Alexander and fell to the cold ground. Judging from his physical characteristics, it seemed that he died not long after.

It wasn't until then that he noticed that Prince Lawrence, who was the wind and rain of the Phoenix Empire, became the prey of the Queen of Blades.

"Abyss Knight..." a voice with strong killing intent and anger sounded, covering the roar of zerg and howling of zombies.

Hei Q raised two Gatling laser cannons, looked at the figure in front of him, and whispered, "Queen of Blades..."

"You should know why I came." The Queen of Blades said in a cold voice: "Today...you will pay the due price for what you did in the past."

Black Q didn't say much, he suddenly lifted two Gatling laser cannons, and shot a row of light rain at the figure in front of him.

The bone wings shook quickly, and the Queen of Blades turned into an afterimage and flew up, like a rain beam passing by from the original position, shooting into the shadow area behind, and there was a series of explosions.

The orange light masterpiece, the afterimage collided with the energy shield radiated by the extended Grand Priest-level power armor, and sharp bone spurs poked on the surface of the transparent diamond crystal, splashing prancing light spots.

Not only was the energy shield hit, but even the body of the black q was hit hard and it was difficult to stand on it.

The 12 elite guards of the Anubis Legion who had besieged Tang Fang were eager to protect the owner, and gave up fighting with Gestalt Zero and others. The rear wing expanded, and a splendor gushed from the jet port, giving up the original attack behavior and turned into 12 lines. The flash shot at the back of the Queen of Blades to share the pressure of the black q.

Suddenly, dense bone spurs flew out of the surrounding battlefield, accompanied by a jingle, several Guanghua deviated from the track, and fell from the sky to the ground very embarrassed. Only three lights and shadows broke through the Hydralisk's interception and approached the position of the Queen of Blades.

They were fast, and the response speed of the Queen of Blades was even better. Just as the first light blade drew a perfect arc, and the high frequency blade slashed towards her body from the side with a piercing scream, she suddenly gave up pressure on the energy shield , The bone wings flapped, and the whole person exploded backwards, like a swooping eagle, quickly turned around in the air, and threw down an elite guard of the Anubis Legion behind, with the prey directly on the ground, with a dull sound The impact caused a long spark to be drawn that was caused by the friction of the extended Jackal God-class power armor tail fin against the surface alloy.

She used the elite guards of the Anubis Legion under her as a pedal. When the two stopped, the bone wings pierced down behind her, penetrating the expanded Jackal God-level power armor chest assembly, and driving the inside. Pierced through.

An elite guard of the Anubis Legion who was just spotted by the Hydralisk rushed towards him, the tail whip came first, and pierced in a very tricky direction, not wanting the Queen of Blades to look like long eyes behind her, and tilt her head to avoid the enemy. , His right hand grabbed in the air, directly imprisoning the tail whip, his left hand shot an orange phantom energy, knocking the Anubis Legion elite guard.

When the enemy lost control and flew out, she slammed her tail whip, and the elite guard of the Anubis Legion stopped flying, then recoiled inward at an extremely fast speed, and was forwarded with a pop. The protruding bone wings pierced and hung in the air.

The blood flowed along the edge of the bone wings, dripping on the ground at the feet of Queen Blade, and merged with the blood of the elite guards of the Anubis Legion who had just died.

The elite guards of the Anubis Legion who slowed down did not dare to advance and changed to Gauss rifles to shoot. Black Q raised the Gatling laser cannon again and fired frantically at the location of the Queen of Blades.

In the face of attacks from all directions, she could only choose to temporarily avoid her sharp edges. While shaking off the bone wings and hanging the corpse, she tapped her toes to avoid enemy attacks at a thundering speed, and walked around in the endless roar.

Tang Fang only reacted at this time, thinking that it would not help to entangle the issue between Claire and Tang Lin. The current priority is to take advantage of the good opportunity of the "zombie" swarm being dragged by the insect swarm of the Queen of Blades to attack Black Q. .

"Zelato, Tasada, Phoenix... I know you have enemies with the Queen of Blades, but today and today, I ask you to help her... just to help me."

Tassada glanced back at him, and rushed forward. Zeratul nodded slightly, turning into a black smoke and dissipating.

Phoenix did not immediately make a move, moved four mechanical feet, looked at each other head-on, and said in a calm tone: "I don't want to help the Queen of Blades, but I don't want to see you lose what you love, my friend."

After saying this, he did not wait for Tang Fang's response, and quickly moved the mechanical foot to the nearest Anubis Legion elite guards.

There are very complicated reasons why Tasada and others were suppressed by the enemy just now. On the one hand, they must protect Tang Fang’s life safety. On the other hand, there are a large number of enemies, and the "zombies" are not afraid of death. In addition, black 10 and black q are waiting for an opportunity to attack. . Therefore, I have been conserving strength, trying to maintain the nether energy level, waiting for the system to lock the current space, and usher in reinforcements before letting go.

Things have developed to the present, although the system operation has not returned to normal, they have not waited for system reinforcements, but have received the help of the insect swarm of Queen Blade, they can finally let go of their hands and feet.

The addition of Zeratul, Tasada, and Phoenix immediately disrupted the perfect cooperation between the black q and the elite guards of the Anubis Legion, allowing the Queen of Blades to counterattack, selling a flaw very cleverly, and seducing the one-armed Anu. The elite guards of the Biss Army approached, suddenly stretched out a virtual grip, an invisible force pulled the target closer.

The elite guards of the one-armed Anubis Legion are also fierce. They watched the claws pierce the chest cavity, but at the last moment they controlled the tail to release the maximum thrust, leading the enemy to fly back.

In the shadow of the pile of "zombie" corpses, a cold light flashed, and the sharp edge of Odachi was set against the gaze of Hei 10, like the gaze of death.

The idea of ​​the elite guards of the one-armed Anubis Legion is very simple. They will take the Queen of Blades to die.

Thrandis and Gestalt Zero are cooperating with the Zerg unit to strangle the "zombies". Mohandar is not far from the Queen of Blades, but he did nothing, just shrinks his pupils.

At the critical moment, Tang Fang shot a lightning beam from the Storm Goddess with his right hand, and his body shot out extremely quickly. Just before the Blade Queen entered the black 10 attack range, he pushed his left hand toward the black 10 body and raised his right arm to parry the Odachi.

His reaction was quick, and he used the magnetic levitation module on the ground to instantly cross the extremely long distance and appear in front of Black 10. However, the posture is very bad. He will push the Black 10 out and save the Queen of Blades, but the right arm of the parry Odachi will definitely hurt the enemy, and even the entire arm will be broken at the elbow.

With a soft sneer, the knife marks flashed, a black shadow revolved into the sky, and the blood rain sprinkled and mottled the ground.

Tang Fang's face was very pale, not because of excessive blood loss, nor because of pain, but simply being frightened.

Although he doesn't know what happened and is not sure about Claire's current situation, he did not hesitate to step forward at this critical moment, just like Claire did everything to protect herself when he was in the temple. To protect the Queen of Blades... Of course he didn't want to protect the Queen of Blades, what he wanted to protect was Claire.

It is one thing to have the courage to take risks, but it is another thing to really face the blade. Courage can overcome fear, but it does not mean that there will be no fear.

When Odachi’s blade slammed against the surface of the rail, he woke up from shock and suddenly realized that things had changed. Odachi did not hurt him as Emma had predicted. The chopping angle showed a slight deviation. It was this very subtle difference that changed the trajectory, so Odachi did not hurt him and intersected with the edge of the rail.

With a soft slap, a black shadow fell on the ground not far from his side.

He tilted his head as hard as he could, and saw the broken bone wing on his side in his gaze. He watched the blood drip from the wound. Suddenly, there were mixed feelings, and countless emotions poured out from the bottom of his heart.

It was the Queen of Blades who, at the expense of herself, helped him shake the Black 10 Odachi and kept his arm.

Did he protect her? Or did she protect him? It's really hard to say clearly.

The plasma rifle fired a silver line, stroking it against Black 10's cheek, shattering a corner of the mask.

Black 10's Odachi was held by the Storm Goddess, and there was no way to continue the attack. Considering the close hand-to-hand combat against the Storm Goddess and the Nether Energy Blade, plus an agile Queen of Blades, it would definitely suffer. He retreated very decisively and jumped out of the battle group.

The shooting of the plasma rifle not only shattered his mask, but also scratched his skin. Until he stood still, he noticed a drop of blood from his right ear and wet his armor.

He looked at Tang Fang's eyes getting colder and colder, but his footsteps were retreating, like a ghost that escaped into the darkness, slowly disappearing into the "zombie" cluster.

It wasn't until the last touch of the sharp edge disappeared, that he couldn't detect the breath of Black 10, and put a "zombie" down again, that he had time to take care of the people behind him.

The body of the elite guard of the one-armed Anubis Legion was thrown aside. When he looked over, the Queen of Blades was facing his face with her back, throwing the plasma adhered to her palm to the ground nearby.

"Kleiya..." To be honest, he didn't know what to call her. The emotion was similar to the cowardice of near-hometown, but now it was cowardly. If it was a familiar body, a familiar face, and a familiar bluegrass fragrance, he would have difficulty holding the girl without letting go, but now...Although he is also familiar with the appearance of the Queen of Blades.

She paused when she heard the voice coming from behind, then tilted her head and swept his face with her gaze.

The broken part of the bone wing is still dripping blood, falling from the top, like a rain curtain covering the face, naturally it is not graceful and hazy.

The gaze was not ferocious, but it was not close, it was a bit cold, like a cold spring that hadn't dissipated.

"Clearia?" The Queen of Blades turned slowly and said coldly: "She is dead."

"No, you lied." Tang Fang didn't back down, looking at her with the same cold eyes and said: "If she is really dead, then why would you help me withstand the Black 10 attack?"

During the Brood War, the Queen of Blades was cold-blooded and tight. With her personality ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she would not care about the life and death of humans, let alone the humans who tried to control her behavior.

She...is the Queen of Blades, she...is the Swarm. She was as harsh as the wind on the ice field, and as cruel as a knife contaminated with human blood. It is not realistic to expect her to have human emotions.

Therefore, he stubbornly believed that the Queen of Blades who would not hesitate to damage the wings to help him shake too much too much was not a pure Queen of Blades.

"Make no mistake, I just don't want to lose someone who helps contain the enemy." She said, walking forward, approaching Tang Fang, stretching out her sharp claws, and said coldly: "Your woman has already She died, I swallowed everything about her."

Tang Fang looked at the sharp nails pointing at the center of his eyebrows, his face was very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe..."

After speaking, he took a deep breath and looked at the Queen of Blades in the same color: "The reason why I tolerate your arrogance and arrogance is only because of Claire...Queen of Blades."

She looked up at Leviathan's face, then looked at Tang Fang's face, and threatened: "If you insist on blocking my footsteps, I will tear you to pieces without mercy."

After saying this, she turned and walked towards the location of black q.

Tang Fang took a deep breath and asked sharply, "Where is Tang Lin? How is Tang Lin?"

The Queen of Blades said without looking back: "Dead." The answer was very brief, only two words.

He didn't believe everything she said, that respect for Claire was overwhelmed by anger, and he couldn't help but mobilize the power of the system to restrain the Queen of Blades' actions and prepare to use violence to retrieve her memory.

However, things changed unexpectedly. White light flowed through the edges of the bone wings, and an invisible energy blocked the system's control of the target.

ps: From tomorrow on, change back to 8:8 in the morning. The words will be released at 7 o'clock and will be changed after 8 o'clock.

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