Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1246: Bliss Pure Land

The juvenile k, juvenile q and others that Howson and Churchill saw in the white space belong to the collection of black q, just like the description of transformers for little boys and Barbie dolls for little girls, to satisfy the perversion of black q. Collection desire. At the same time, it is also a means of memory preservation ------ in order to fill the memory gap before becoming a knight of the abyss. As for whether there are wings behind, it means that the subject is dead or alive.

Tang Fang has always admired the coordinated combat capabilities of the elite guards of the Anubis Legion wearing the extended Jackal God-class power armor, which is perfect. This can be seen from the fact that they can barely contain the combination of hero units like Zeratul and Mohandar. It was not until he saw the intelligence sent by Churchill that he learned the essence of the 12 elite guards of the Anubis Legion. In layman's terms, they are clones or shadows of black q. With some scientific explanations, similar to the combination of central brain + drone, these 12 bodies contain the defective personality of the black q, and the individuals have the telepathic ability common in identical twins, so they can achieve perfect cooperation. , To maximize group combat effectiveness.

He really admires the professional knowledge and experimental results of the black q, although it is inhumane, although it has become his own stumbling block

However, what puzzles Heiq, Heik, and Tang Fang is that although the surrogate indulges in the research behavior of Heiq, he turned a blind eye to the connection between the Anubis Legion and the radical prince of the Phoenix Empire. But he didn't pay much attention to this research, and he was not interested in those "zombies" and clones, as if they were a pile of rubbish, not worthy of the attention of big people like him.

To be fair, the research of black q has high value, whether it is at the medical level or at the philosophical and biological level. God-armed sage Noah, that is, the famous evil scientist Morris Griffin, and the Zerg scientist Abathur, all use external forces to act on the human body to achieve the effect of improvement. The black q's method is to cut into the spiritual world and influence human physique through special personality.

Anyway, from Tang Fang's point of view, the black q's methods seemed more mysterious, just like cultivating immortals. And Noah and Abathur took a simple and rude path.

He didn't waste too much energy and time on the value of Black Q's research results. He quickly sent Emma's recompiled virus program, ordered Churchill to follow the plan, and then looked back at Black Q and the Queen of Blades.

Zeratul, Tasada and others restrained the elite guards of the Anubis Legion, helped her clear the obstacles ahead, and were able to face the black q directly.

Just when Tang Fang was hesitant to go up and help her, or wait for the two sides to fight for the loss and then look at the situation, an unexpected change suddenly occurred outside.

The end of the flagella on Leviathan's abdomen flickered and suddenly floated upward from a static state, leaving the original position. The light from "Montesque" once again fell on the glass corridor connecting the passage, illuminating the figures of different colors on the battlefield, and also illuminating Tang Fang's eyes.

In fact, the sudden burst of light did not originate from the shining of "Montesque", but because he saw the changes in the void on the other side of the space station through the sensor system of the detector.

Since the Queen of Blades appeared, his attention has been on the internal battlefield, ignoring... and there is no need to deal with unexpected situations, let alone the energy to tame Leviathan under the condition that the power of the system is greatly weakened. This will only make His relationship with the Queen of Blades has worsened. Whether it is for the safety of Claire's life or for the interests of the battlefield, the time has not yet arrived, and it has not yet been torn apart.

Now Leviathan is under the control of the Queen of Blades. The reason it left here is because a huge space battleship suddenly appeared in the void on the other side of the space station. From the movement of Leviathan, it is clear that it is going to meet and enter the battlefield. The uninvited guest.

In fact, in Tang Fang’s view, it is not considered an "uninvited guest". If he is not mistaken, the huge space battleship that broke into the airspace near the space station is the last flagship of the Anubis Legion ------ Bliss Pure Land. . Because no matter from the appearance or the technological style, this huge ship looks like the Hades-class aircraft carrier in his hands, but it is even bigger. The captain is about 2.6 kilometers long, and it has been out of the category of super aircraft carriers and reached the level of fortress ships.

"Hei K, can't help but finally make a move..."

From the start of the battle, he saw Black Q and Black 10, but did not see the three of Black K, Black 6, and Black 5. He knew that the opponent was scrupulous about his Fearless Commander-class fortress and did not dare to act rashly. Judging from the scene when Hei Q is wearing an expanded Grand Priest-class power armor and arranging traps in the connecting channel, the opponent is more about destroying himself through inland warfare, rather than launching a decisive battle in space.

As for why the abyss knights are sure they will land on the space station secretly. It may be that they know that they need the t-energy stone, because no one does not want the t-energy stone, God’s armed forces, the Anubis legion, the Supreme Council... I believe that the dark forces of this level know how precious the t-energy stone is, and he does not exception.

Of course, there is another possibility. The other party has no idea whether he will land on the space station, and the arrangement of the black q is only an alternative. The Ypsilon people have quantum teleportation equipment, which can be used by people like Will Olipod. Presumably the Anubis Legion also has similar technology that can help them quickly transfer to the Pure Land of Bliss. In the unlikely event that he did not land on the space station, but chose to use the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, Black Q and Black 10 can quickly leave using the transmission device and withdraw from the space station to save themselves.

Hei K calculated the choices he might make, but did not expect the Queen of Blades to suddenly step into the war, disrupt the arrangement of Hei Q, and go to the next step.

Perhaps there are other considerations, such as destroying Leviathan, cutting off the back of the Queen of Blades and her, after all, her relationship with the Queen of Blades is very ambiguous. It could also be a dog jumping over the wall...In short, the Bliss Pure Land appeared in this airspace.

According to the image sent back by the detector, the Bliss Pure Land, as a 2.6-kilometer-long giant battleship, did not continue the subdivision structure of the Hades-class aircraft carrier. Only the relevant modules of the bow and stern are in the same line as the Hades-class aircraft carrier. Part of it is a very strange semi-open structure... It looks a bit like an animal skeleton from a distance.

Apart from these characteristics, there is a circle of elliptical wings resembling a star ring on the outer side of the Bliss Pure Land, which is connected to the internal hull through fixed equipment, which can inspire a gray shield, which is completely different from the large diamond shield of the Hades-class aircraft carrier.

Affected by the gray shields on the periphery of the battleship, the detector has no way to obtain more detailed information.

"Is this the Pure Land of Bliss..." When Tang Fang sighed silently, Leviathan's figure left from the connecting passage facing the "Montesque" side, and confronted the Pure Land of Bliss.

Gestalt Zero suddenly withdrew and retreated. While pulling out several pulse grenades from Tang Fang's waist, he looked at the location of the Bliss Pure Land and said, "Aren't you going to help her?"

Using Emma as the medium, Zeratul, Mohandar and others learned about the black k’s debut. This is Gestalt Zero’s question and their question.

Tang Fang shook his head and said, "It's not time yet."

As they talked, Leviathan opened his mouth, and the Zerg Air Force composed of flying dragons, corrupters, and explosive mosquitoes swarmed out. At the same time, the vesicles in the abdomen were ejected, and more than 30 brood lords emerged from their cocoons, shook their tails, and flew behind the swarm to the position of the Bliss Pure Land.

Leviathan was like a huge thunder-thundering chariot, leaving the space station area surrounded by densely packed Zerg units, and pressing toward the front line. It seems that the Queen of Blades knows very well that it cannot perform naval battles around the space station. Once it affects itself, the consequences will be very bad.

On the other side, the Bliss Pure Land has remained in place, and it seems that it does not want to spread to the space station and harm its companions. It can be seen from this that black k should not be a lunatic like black 6.

In response to the action of the Queen of Blades, the central and front parts of the gray energy shield released by the outer starring of the Bliss Pure Land quickly faded, and eventually disappeared, exposing the rear hull.

The bow module similar to the Hades-class aircraft carrier split from the center line. A special warship about 190 meters in length took off from the catapult of the fully enclosed hangar, like a long sword, left the mothership and entered the dark space ahead.

As soon as the warship left the aircraft carrier Bliss Pure Land, he confirmed one thing. It was not an Anubis Legion-standard warship such as a bat destroyer or a Cerberus-class frigate, but a relic warship.

Unlike the warships he had seen in the past, this relic warship is a bit like the Ypsilon Silvermoon Shuttle that Tang Fang once boarded. The horizontal length is greater than the vertical length, except that the two wings are not curved inward like the Silvermoon Shuttle. It extends vertically up and down the hull, with the ends bent to form a lace-like structure. The center of the hull is a structure similar to the cockpit of a fighter plane, with laser cannon arrays distributed on both sides, and the front section of the two wings is similar to a rectangular injection port.

He was convinced that there was no record of this type of warship in the internal database of the Ypsilon industrial ship in the Lost Lands. He thought it did not originate from the Ypsilon civilization, it was all the warships of the Ailantian civilization, and it was a special model, not a standard warship. .

The horizontally spreading hull did not affect its flexibility. The matrix of thrusters lined up at the tail gave it extremely terrifying propulsion. The speed was staggering. This is why the process of leaving the mothership of the relic warship like a hand The long sword that pierced the night sky was clean and astounding.

Compared with the relic warships stored in the sealed harbor at the bow, the warships stored in the sealed harbor at the stern are not gorgeous at all. There is no hull structure to split from it, nor can you see the splendid trajectory left by the wings of the ship in the night sky. There are only three exit ports that open inward, and a few simple hulls that sink into the outer void from top to bottom.

Unlike the ruined warship at the bow, the hangar at the stern stores a special warship, neither belonging to the Yipsyron civilization nor the Ailante civilization. In terms of details, it is somewhat similar to the style of the Ghost Bat destroyer. Similar, but the gap is far from the overall point of view, especially in appearance.

It was a cube battleship, not...it should be said that it was a Rubik's Cube battleship. This is not to say that they are connected with the Rubik's Cube class aircraft carrier manufactured by the Star Alliance. In fact, from a distance, it is a Rubik's cube used to develop intelligence.

There are more than 30 such warships, about 100 meters in length, and similar in size to the Cerberus-class frigate. From the appearance point of view, each section is divided into 9 modules, a total of 6 sections form a cube. When they fly, the small cracks in the middle of the 9 modules in the rear section shoot out a grid-like blue flame to push the cube The battleship moves forward. If you zoom in and observe, you will find that there are many small injection ports distributed between the module and the module.

It was the first time that he saw Anubis Legion-standard warships except for the Destroyer of the Wraith Bat and the frigate of Cerberus.

The above is the change of the bow and stern of the ship. The semi-open structure in the middle of the Hull of Bliss Pure Land, which looks a bit like a skeleton, slowly rotates, changing from a parallel posture relative to the hull to a vertical posture. Rule cross.

As the gray matter energy disappeared, he finally saw what that large facility like an animal skeleton was.

The Hades-class aircraft carrier stores Hades-class destroyers through compartments. Unlike the Cerberus-class frigates, the Elysium is different. Compared with the former, it has a higher utilization rate of space~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can store more Many carrier-based ships.

Yes, the facility shaped like a skeleton is essentially a semi-open harbor, and between the silver-white pier and the pier are battleships after another. A total of 80 ghostbat-class destroyers are mounted on the two wings of the harbor. Their sterns are inward and their bows are outwards. The propellers shoot out short flames and are quickly leaving the mothership.

In the outer wharf that is docked with the bat-class destroyer, located in the center of the harbor, there are a total of more than 240 Cerberus-class frigates berthed. These coffin-like dark warships are embedded in lattice berths, looking from a vertical direction. Go, much like the weapon panel of a large missile launcher.

The picture of them igniting and leaving port is like a missile launcher shooting out one missile after another.

The bat-class destroyer flies from the outer side of the harbor to the two wings, and the Cerberus-class frigate flies from the center of the harbor to the bow or stern. Those flames, those flashes, are exceptionally wonderful in the gloomy space, at least in terms of momentum, the scene where Bi Leviathan spit out the Zerg Air Force is even more shocking.

From the relic battleship to the Rubik’s cube battleship, to the Hades-class destroyer and the Cerberus-class frigate, from a quantitative point of view, the Bliss Pure Land can hold almost half the number of warships in the fleet. Compared with the Hades-class aircraft carrier, its ships The long increment is less than double, but the number of ships carried is more than four times the latter.

Tang Fang knows that the semi-open structure can effectively increase the volume and has super explosive power. The carrier-based ship cluster can leave the mothership in a short time and enter the battlefield. But correspondingly, the hull without external structure is more fragile. I believe that the surrogates, Heik and others cannot fail to understand this flaw. Since they insist on designing this way, they can only explain one problem-they have absolute confidence in the shield system of the Bliss Pure Land.

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