Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1248: Black K and Black Six

The Fallen Angel is a relic warship...what are they? Throughout the past experience, the scientific and technological strength of the Anubis Legion is roughly equivalent to that of the StarCraft humans, perhaps more than a little bit in some respects, and to a very limited extent. However, judging from the capabilities displayed by these Rubik’s Cube warships, just It is the macro jump technology that is much more than before.

This reminded him of another thing-in the impression of Black 7, the Anubis Legion was the weakest arm of the surrogate. Then there are new doubts-does this prove that the technological power mastered by the surrogate can be comparable or even surpassing the Yipsyron civilization and the Alante civilization? So where does this power of science and technology that are completely different from the two civilizations come from? Destroyer?

He is not a bystander, Emma is, but he does not express any thoughts or make associations. He just concentrates on recording the scenes on the battlefield, analyzing and calculating to determine the enemy's capabilities.

After the appearance of the Rubik's Cube battleship, the cyan gloom that filled the gap between the modules quickly faded, and was finally covered by night and shadow.

The silence does not last too long, it can be short. After a breath of light faded from the module gap, a varying number of dazzling brilliance burst out from the Rubik's Cube battleship hydration module, dividing the surrounding area into a solid fragmented space, like a crystal cube suddenly broken from inside.

Compared with the laser cannons carried by the Minotaur-class battle cruisers, the laser cannons carried by the Pluto-class destroyers will maintain continuous light in the air, and the heat damage will stop until the energy is exhausted. There is no doubt that this increases the destructive power of the rays, but reduces the frequency of weapon use. In short, the Minotaur-class battlecruisers can quickly and intensively fire at small units, while the battle targets of the Phantombat-class destroyers are more of the same specifications and higher specifications.

The so-called continuity here is just that the laser guns of the Minotaur-class battlecruisers show continuous characteristics. In fact, the longest light duration is only two seconds.

However, if you compare the bat destroyer with the Rubik's Cube battleship, it is another concept.

The light emitted by the Rubik’s Cube is a blue-white particle beam with a dark blue color in the middle, and the concentration decreases sharply toward the two wings, until the edge area becomes pure white, so it looks more than the laser beam of the Ghostbat-class destroyer. Gorgeous.

The particle beam lasts for a long time, and not only for a long time, it can be moved according to the target position. This will have a good effect on some warships that have energy shields and can resist the particle beam for a long time. A low-level warship that can be destroyed with a single shot is undoubtedly a wasteful act.

No, according to Tang Fang's standards, how could this be a wasteful behavior? This is completely a prodigal act.

It is hard to imagine that the 100m-class size of the Rubik's Cube warship can output this level of attack.

The detector focuses on the color and shape changes of the firing module of the Rubik's Cube battleship. During the period between flight and firing, the module was painted in black, but when preparing to fire, the surface of the specific module quickly fluidized, changing from a solid state to a viscous substance, and the color was no longer black, becoming exquisite and translucent.

At the moment when the particle beam is excited, a water wave-like halo will diffuse inside the module, which seems to be an active energy reaction.

From the point of view of damage, the attack of the Rubik’s Cube warship is enough to destroy the Zerg air force units including the Devourer, Corruptor, Euglena, and King Insect. You must know that it is replaced with a Phantom Bat destroyer, which only has a double bow. The main gun can do this, and the second gun, unless it hits a specific part, there is no way to destroy the enemy in one shot.

More importantly, the Rubik's Cube warship can conduct multiple bursts at the same time. It is conceivable to know how strong this kind of battleship is. It is necessary to know the size of the Rubik's Cube battleship, but it is similar to the Cerberus-class frigate. It belongs to the frigate-class warship, which is one level lower than the Ghostbat-class destroyer.

Those Zerg air force units that rushed to the front line began to suffer massive casualties. Facing the Rubik’s Cube battleship, the flying dragon was not much different from the Corruptor. This made the plan of the Queen of Blades quickly aborted. After losing the cover of the black bee, the swarm was injured. Big.

Seriously, these casualties are not ineffective, and the detector records a new situation.

The attack power of the Rubik's Cube is very powerful, but it is not that it can maintain output for a long time. As the internal halo of the module weakens, the system will stop functioning and perform similar cooling and filling operations to prepare for the next shot. At this time, the Rubik's Cube warship will change its structure, replace the d-state module with the module that has not executed the shooting, and continue to attack the hostile target.

In other words, in the extreme mode, the Rubik’s Cube can simultaneously activate 54 particle beam cannons with reduced damage, covering surrounding targets with a large range of firepower, and its combat capability is more flexible than the honeycomb weapons of the Moth-class aerospace fighter and the Unicorn. , Efficient.

Slightly curved engine, particle beam cannon, multiple shooting... Rubik's Cube battleship is not a relic battleship, but its combat power is comparable to a relic battleship. No, compared to the Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ship, their performance is better.

In all fairness, the combat power of these Rubik's Cube battleships is much higher than that of the Cerberos-class frigates and the Darkbat-class destroyers.

Like this kind of warship, Bliss Pure Land carries thirty or forty ships. What concept is this? If it weren’t for the Dragon Whisperers to sit in the atrium, the Anubis Legion would only need to release the Bliss Pure Land to the star systems of the capitals of various countries, whether it was a human emperor like Virginia Alexander or an elected president like Adam Oliver. There is only one way to surrender unconditionally.

According to Emma's analysis results, the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress is not as good as the Elysium in the confrontation of ship-based ships. Although the former has a body length of 5km, which is twice as long as the latter, it has obvious shortcomings in terms of aircraft carrier functions. Moreover, the powerful warships parked in the harbor have been exhausted after the epic battle between the Ypsilons and the Ailantes. , Only the basic Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ship and the assault-class fast assault ship are left.

Under the tyrannical firepower of the Rubik's Cube battleship, the frontline battlefield turned sideways. At the same time, on the Bliss Pure Land bridge, Heik stood on the high platform on the second floor, ignoring the changing signs on the holographic sand table hanging in the air, using the smooth surface of the monitor beside him as a mirror, holding it stained with red. Paint brush, nod a grain of cinnabar on the forehead of the mask.

No matter from the movement or the mood, it can be seen that he is not nervous at all, he is relaxed, and enjoys himself, focusing and happily doing his favorite sports. No, it should be art.

Different from the perverted pursuit of Hei6, his art is very advanced and exquisite, like a **** gardening enthusiast taking care of delicate young plants, every trace, every sweep, every bit, soaked with love.

If there were only the bat destroyers and the Cerberos-class frigates, there would be more variables in this war, but with the addition of the Firefly-class assault ships, the power of a single corpse mothership alone would not be enough to defeat him. What's more, he is very clear about the situation in the connecting channel, the Queen of Blades is entangled by the black q, and has no energy to take care of the outer war. Tang Fang’s bug-class transmission capability was again sealed by the t-energy stone system. Before the intrepid commander-class fortress arrived at the Montesk star system, he did not need to waste all his energy on fighting the Zerg Air Force.

Draw a beautiful face and then appear in front of Tang Fang and the Queen of Blades who were swallowed by despair. What a beautiful scene.

If there is no memory, then create memories.

He thinks differently from Heiq. He feels that giving others unforgettable memories is better than having a childhood memory. He doesn't want to live in his own world like Black 10, nor does he want to live in a fictitious world like Black Q. He prefers to let himself live in the memory of others. So he has been working hard to make himself unique and easy to be remembered by others.

People are most intuitive to people, and it is also the first impression... it is the face.

In the equipment pool on the first floor of the Bliss Pure Land bridge, the soldiers of the Anubis Legion sit behind the ring equipment and are connected to the command processing unit corresponding to the seat through a cable. The red light beam flows uniformly on the surface of the cable and is injected into the upper parts. .

The driving method of the Hades-class destroyers and Hades-class aircraft carriers is different. In addition to the special helmet that analyzes brain waves, the operator’s back is fixed with a metal component similar to the spine. The joints and the joints are tiny tank-shaped containers. The slender pipes from the underside of the chair and the instruction processing unit are connected to these tiny canned containers, which are filled with green solution.

Firefly-class assault ships intervened in the frontline battlefield, frustrating the offensive of the Zerg army. Unceremoniously, the Swarm of the Queen of Blades did not gain any advantage in the first battle, but lost many units and was at an absolute disadvantage.

When Hei K concentrates on drawing facial makeup, in the gap between the beams of the Firefly-class assault ship, a gray light that cannot be captured by the fast human eyes shuttles back and forth on the battlefield, shooting waves of light rain, which is a belt for flying dragons and explosive mosquitoes. Go heavy blow.

The lethality of these rays is between the light laser cannon carried by the Wraith-class aerospace fighters and the secondary guns of the Wraith-class destroyers. It is a bit weak to deal with Corruptors and Devourers. It is just right to deal with flying dragons and explosive mosquitoes. As the only relic warship on the battlefield, it looks a little weak. But if you start from the firing speed, the operating frequency of the shipboard laser gun group is much higher than the secondary guns of the Moth-class aerospace fighters and the Celestial-class destroyers, a bit like the attack method of the Minotaur-class battle cruiser.

The driver of the Sopnos was not an ordinary Anubis soldier, but an old acquaintance of Captain Tang-Black 6.

Compared with the black k, the 6 adults are much more frivolous, just like when they were on the bridge of the Fallen Angel, they gently swayed from the waist, and then the hips, thighs, knees, calves... jumped and considered enchanting. Dance steps. Although there is no fragrance of blood, the beauty of stumps and broken arms, and the sad singing of the dead, the experience of flying over the battlefield with extreme speed made him feel like an unruly wind, crushing flowers and sprinkling them. A group of fragrance blew through the secluded pool water, making a round of ripples.

It is hard to imagine that the nearly 200-meter hull of the Shupnos can flexibly cross the battlefield like a Darkmoth-class air-to-sky fighter, piercing the clouds and riding the wind, just like a shock.

"Pile of dark clouds, like cyan flames, burning on the bottomless sea. The sea seized the lightning bolts and extinguished them in its own abyss. The shadows of these lightnings, like fire snakes, are in the sea. Swim around and disappear in a flash."

"The storm! The storm is coming!

"This is the brave Haiyan, flying proudly on the roaring sea, in the midst of lightning; this is the prophet of victory shouting: Let the storm come harder!"

The six adults raised their arms slowly and slowly lowered them, looking at the flying dragon corpse that was exploded outside the window, showing a thoughtful appearance: "I don't know if it is more contagious than the affectionate recitation of the fourth child?"

After this sentence, he cried without warning. It was a real cry, not a fake cry, because tears slipped from the gap between the mask and cheeks, and the neck skin was wet: "My soulmate...my friend, you are there. How about living in a world without pain? I really hope..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped, changed his gentle expression, raised his head and laughed: "I don't want to die in front of Black 5, I don't want... I will make his body the most exquisite artwork, using him His blood makes a sweet wine, uses his skin to make the most artistic lampshade, and wears his teeth into a gorgeous necklace."

"Do you know how to express the most primitive impulse to love... just eat him, eat him...hahahaha."

He held the mask with his hand and laughed unscrupulously.

The concentration of Black K and the arrogance of Black 6 could not be communicated to the connecting channel. The information that Tang Fang and Queen Blade knew was limited to the fierce confrontation in the space battlefield.

The Firefly-class assault ship did not start the Weiqu engine to snipe the Leviathan forward pressure. When the number of dead and wounded air units such as Corruptor, Flying Dragon, Bursting Mosquito, Devourer, Euglena, Flying Snake, and Brood Lord exceeds 500, the horrifying vertical mouth opens again, and more new zergs enter the frontline battlefield. .

Leviathan in her hands is completely different from Tang Fang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The current Leviathan carries a complete insect nest, not just a biological mothership.

It was a joke that the Abyss Knight thought that this would defeat her confidence. Those Zerg air force units were just a stone she used to throw rocks and ask for directions.

The blue and white light beams fired by the Firefly-class assault ship swept across the void, and a flying snake couldn't avoid it. Its body was like an old bark split by an axe blade. The red body fluid suddenly exploded and turned into crystal liquid **** in the dark space. In the light, the huge corpse was shattered and burnt behind.

The blue and white light beam swallowed a blasting mosquito behind during its movement, and directly annihilated it under the energy torrent.

More than 30 Firefly-class assault ships are like a dam that intercepts the flood peaks, gaining time for the rear bat-class destroyers and Cerberus-class frigates to re-adjust to the previous offensive formation.


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