Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1260: Housekeeping artifact

He chose the sun fragment not far away, but still didn't find anything.

Could it be possible... He shifted his sight to functional buildings such as Keystone and Hunyuan Obelisk.

Without hesitation, first click on the keystone, then the Hunyuan Obelisk. After not discovering it, one by one passed, and suddenly stopped at the Void Fragment that had just been unlocked. The lower left corner of the menu bar "upgrade to Void Corruption" The options change from the original gray locked state to highlighted.

Void Corruption... unlocked so soon? !

He was more concerned about the role of Void Corruption than he sighed. Without any hesitation, he pressed the corresponding hotkey to upgrade the Void Fragment to Void Corruption.

The void fragments in a static state began to change, and the originally tightly bound black crystal surface cracks expanded and expanded outward, leaking a bit of red light inside, smudging the surrounding time and space.

He was in a daze when he heard the sound of the rock peeling, cracking, cracking, cracking... crisp and refreshing, like something breaking through the void fragments. A large amount of red light emerged, and through the cracks that became larger and larger, the void energy gathered in a cluster could be seen floating slowly inside, radiating black faint flowers outward.

As the void energy continued to gush out, the void fragments that were originally inserted into the ground began to slowly rise, shaking gently like floating rocks, driving silky energy, as if covering the field of vision with a layer of black yarn.

Those void energies seem soft, but in fact they are extremely violent. Even in the abstract environment of the system space, the virtual world, you can feel their power, which shows how terrifying Amon's fighting power is.

When the Void Shard stopped changing, it moved the cursor over, and it turned into Void Corruption. However, what made him speechless was that the right menu bar did not change much, but the pattern in the lower left corner was upgraded from Void Shard status to Void "Corruption" becomes "Upgrade to Void Rift".

"Shit!" He couldn't help but burst into a rough sentence. He originally thought that this thing would bring surprises to himself after it was upgraded to the void and corruption, but... it only surprised him, not joy.

Who would have thought that Void Corruption was only the second stage, and there was a third stage of void rift.

"I should have thought of... I should have thought of... Sister Logic, you are such a bastard..."

The next moment, a certain voice rang in his mind, bluffing him, thinking that it was Sister Logic who heard the curse from above, and became so angry that she came to him to settle the account.

The actual situation is of course not the case. Sister Logic naturally does not make a sound, but Emma said: "Commander, according to the unblocking document of the Star Trails Command Center, the Void Corruption belongs to a floating unit, which means you can transmit it from the system space. In the real universe, this is similar to a phase turret."

Floating unit? Similar to phase turrets? Tang Fang was stunned for a moment before reacting, carefully scanning the status bar of the void and corruption, there was no record of weapons-related materials.

"Emma, ​​you tell me, this thing does not have a weapon module, even if it can be teleported to real space, what's the use?"

"Commander, the void energy leaked by the Void Corruption will cause corrosive damage to surrounding targets, and any object that approaches it will be affected to varying degrees."

"Then tell me, what are its advantages compared to the Battleship Storm and the Protoss?"

"Its shell is very hard and can withstand powerful external attacks."

"That's it?" If Emma is not an ai collection, if Emma c3po is next to him, he will definitely raise his fist and slam it **** the mechanical bald head, thinking that he can always listen to the color without seeing the color. sound.

"Commander, this is only the most direct external manifestation of Void Corruption. Although it cannot be used as a weapon to attack the enemy like the Protoss aircraft carrier and the Storm Warship, it can affect an area through the slow release effect. For example... Void energy will affect the current time and space. The structure and high-dimensional space cause negative effects. Although limited by the current universe far away from the sub-universe where the interstellar system is located, there is no way to release a large amount of void energy and corrode the surrounding environment like in the game, but these effects are enough to disturb the curved transition environment, even through Void energy shocks in high-dimensional space spread to the current three-dimensional space of the universe, forming some instability intervals, causing varying degrees of damage to various equipment and instruments."

After listening to Emma's in-depth explanation, Tang Fang remembered the situation when he was playing Legacy of the Void expansion. In the game, Void Corruption will continue to release void energy, turning the surrounding airspace into Amon's territory. Unexpectedly, it is equally effective in the current universe, although the effect will be weakened... No matter how good it is, it can also be used for warp speed interception?

According to Emma, ​​the influence of the corruption of the void on the structure of time and space needs to be released slowly, which will have great limitations in the actual combat process. There is no doubt that this is a defect, but for Captain Tang, such a defect is not a problem.

His attention was focused on one thing-the protective measures of the Dillard star system.

Because of the lack of a complete defense system for the star system of the sovereign state’s capital, the Supreme Council and the Third Committee can only rely on the help of the Dragon Whisperer fleet when they attack the Dillard star system. Later, the Night Wind Assault Fleet of the Republic of Date and the Republic’s security forces quietly crossed the Star Covenant’s defenses and launched a surprise attack on the Delar star system. Pierre, Sheridan, Father James Brand, and many Morningstar foundry employees Lost precious lives in that battle.

He didn't want to see a similar plot repeat itself, but today and today, for the sake of Cleia, he and the Dragon Whisperer are completely torn apart, and they are in the same situation. It can be imagined what kind of threat the Dilar star system will face in the future.

Unless he abandons the base area and becomes a dark force like the Supreme Council and the Third Committee, no one can guarantee that past tragedies will not repeat itself.

Facing such a situation, he was very anxious and irritable. He just endured it in his heart and endured it... he didn't hesitate to use all his strength to give the Dragon Whisperer's power.

But in the final analysis, it is an emergency measure that treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Kylienia and others have devoted a lot of effort to the Delar star system, and she doesn't want to give it up. He is also unwilling to give up the Dilar star system, because he is a nostalgic person, not a person who pursues new and exciting.

But... after provoking a powerful enemy like Dragon Whisperer, can he keep the Delar star system?

Morningstar Casting looks very powerful, but its industrial foundation is very shallow. There is no way to turn those advanced technologies into real combat forces in a short time. Therefore, the Delar star system is very fragile in the face of enemies at the level of Dragon Whisperers.

It is unrealistic to keep him in Kristel at all times to protect the base of Morningstar casting...

After listening to Emma's explanation of the corruption of the void, the anxiety and irritability in my heart were wiped out and suddenly became clear.

Isn't he worrying that the Delar star system does not have the same defensive power as the star system of the sovereign nation's capital? Sister Logic turned her head and sent him the defensive artifact "Void Corruption". It can be more powerful than the warp speed interception net of a sovereign country. As long as you are willing to spend money and swing around the Delar star system, any foreign ships don’t even want to get in...Neither does the Dragon Whisperer fleet, you know it is. Sarnaga creation is a creator technology that is stronger than Protoss technology.

Velocity interception ability is only one of them. Although Emma is a little vague and doesn't bluntly explain the power of Void Corruption, it is not difficult to infer from that sentence that the Void Energy Vortex stimulated by the slow release effect, It can be used to weaken the combat performance of enemy warships and create considerable advantages for one's own combat power.

Even though the power of Void Corruption has been weakened due to the influence of the cosmic barrier, it is a product of creator-level technology after all. Even the civilizations of the Ypsilon and Ailantes are hard to come by.

The cost of 7000 crystals and 7000 gas can have such a road blocking artifact, and there is nothing to say about the high cost performance.

"Sister Logic... Sister Logic... I really love you."

It's a pity that Emma is an incomprehensible robot. If she were replaced by a normal human, she would have slandered this guy in her heart for a long time, and she would curse **** at the first moment, and then she would love others to death.

1 t energy stone, 2 hero unit quotas, Void Corruption unlocked——Dillard's star system will become a Void Fortress...... How can he not please him with such a harvest?

He chuckled twice, then was replaced by a violent cough, then turned into a moan of pain.

He was too smug, so happy and sorrowful, the wound that began to heal leaked some blood.

Howson glanced at his profile, wondering what Captain Tang was going crazy, he was worried a moment ago, and he was happy the next moment. It's too bad!

At least at this moment, Uncle Howson is unwilling to treat him as a friend, which is really shameful.

"Look at it." Suddenly, Churchill's voice broke the silence of the field, and the dramatic emotional fluctuations could be clearly perceived.

Tang Fang endured the pain in his chest, turned his body, and looked at where Churchill was looking.

The focus of everyone in the connecting passage was on the confrontation between the Intrepid Commander-class fortress and the Stargazer, ignoring the war between Leviathan and the Bliss Pure Land.

I don't know when it will start. The gray shield that covers the Bliss Pure Land is like a raging sand blown by the wind, sweeping towards the surrounding airspace-it is said to be "sweeping", the actual speed is extremely fast. When Tang Fang turned his head, those gray particles had already crossed the battlefield, arrived in the airspace where the connecting passage was located, and continued to spread out, wrapping the side battlefield where the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress and the Stargazer were also wrapped, forming a "fog" Area".

The “fog” here refers to the “fog” in the energy category, not the fog in the true sense. Looking from the connecting passage, one can still see the battle in the distance, and see the fierce waves of flames tumbling on the surface of "Montesk".

However, in the detector's field of vision, the nearby airspace was shrouded in a gray-white energy stream, forming a huge encirclement, submerging the connecting passage and the two major war zones.

"Emma, ​​what's the role of those gray particles?" He didn't believe that Bliss Pure Land was doing meaningless behavior, because doing so was tantamount to abandoning the energy shield, and Leviathan would make Heik and others unable to eat.

"Commander, please wait a moment, the system is analyzing the energy structure of this force field."

However, before Emma could find out what impact the force field formed by the gray particles would have on the target area, the Bliss Pure Land carried Leviathan's fierce attack on 4 spine needles, and the bow armor opened outwards, revealing a triangular track inside. Array.

When the orange light advances from the back to the front, it lights up the triangles on the path in turn. A thin beam of light bursts from the depths of the orbital array, passes through the triangles, and plunges into the external void.

Howson was taken aback. He mistakenly thought that Heik and others jumped over the wall in a hurry. Seeing that they couldn't beat their opponents, they simply killed everyone in the connecting channel... and the lives of their companions could be sacrificed.

This kind of thinking is reasonable...Because the Dragon Whisperer fleet is one step late, they don't know that Tang Fang and others are inside the space station. Only the Anubis Legion people understand the truth.

This idea appeared quickly, and the beam was faster. However, unexpectedly, it did not hit the space station, but went all the way, passing through the airspace below the connecting channel, and directly hit the burning "Montesque" in the distance.

Tasada and Zeratul frowned. Churchill looked at the white light beam that started on the Bliss Land and ended in "Montesque" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ swallowed hard and said, "They... want What are you doing?"

Tang Fang's face had become very ugly at this time, because Emma had just provided him with a detailed data report about the gray particles that enveloped this area, and... the white light beam emitted by the Bliss Pure Land.

"Tang Fang, what is going on?" Howson asked from behind.

He did not ask Howson's question, but opened the communication facilities, contacted the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, and gave Yuphy a new instruction—abandon suppressing the Stargazer, immediately leave the battlefield and open the transmission channel.

Now is the critical moment. Abandoning the battle means that the enemy may seize the opportunity to counterattack with all strength and cause significant damage to the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. Although there were many puzzles in his mind, Yu Fei did not hesitate. He immediately ordered the combatants to abandon their scheduled missions, immediately perform retreat operations, and retreat to safe airspace.

The intertwined light of the condensing rays dissipated, and the reverse injector configured by the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress operated at maximum power. The warship left the combat airspace and moved quickly to the rear.

What puzzles Yufi is that the Stargazer did not take advantage of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship to withdraw its artillery suppression and immediately counterattack, but imitated the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress to move quickly backwards, and at the same time the originally separated Defender-class tactics The armored ship closed its two wings towards the middle, and re-expanded the shield against the attack of the interceptor to construct a protective cover.

On the bridge of Bliss Pure Land, the vibration from the floor made Hei 6 stagger. He quickly held the flight seat with his hands, and stabilized his body. He looked up at the No. 2 large screen and frantically attacked the ship's hull, creating a mass A group of explosive Leviathans turned to look at the black k who is holding the virtual sand table holographic projection table, and asked loudly: "Thirteen, what have you done?!"

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