Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1262: Offensive

The next breath, the console shows that the zero isotopic stock of the energy warehouse of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress is cleared, and the energy supply scale projected by the Hestia system into the nearby airspace rapidly rises from 20% to 80%, corresponding to the three-dimensional shape of the battleship. The projected core area is filled with blue flames, the edge grid of the parallel gun tip structure is all opened, and the fluid-like brilliance overflows.

This is a scene seen on the bridge of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. If you stand outside, if you can see through the violent star wind, you will see a vortex that is brighter than the galaxy bred in the core of the battleship, and the surrounding energy The grid forms a continuous track leading to the bow area.

The violent star wind "blows" the energy shield of the Fearless Commander-class fortress ship, stirring up blue flowers, and polishing the target's defense power like a gale erodes the rock.

Under the turbulent "surface", there is also a turbulent world. The galaxy vortex turned faster and faster, turning faster and faster, and the energy concentrated rapidly, turning into a black sphere with golden thunder on the surface. No, that is not a real object, it is more like an alien space.

Another breath, the black sphere at the core of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was torn apart by a force, and turned into finely divided fluid materials along the launch track, gushing out from the bow opening, directly breaking through the energy shield, moving up against the wind, hitting A little bit between the "Montesque" and the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress.

An invisible wave swept across the entire airspace, and the sensor system of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress detected a strong pulse of energy. Howson and Churchill, as well as the operators below, felt a kind of palpitations even if they separated the energy shield from the hull structure.

The flame current that had hit the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress quickly stagnated, and the flame energy near the point where the fluid matter hits was subjected to a tearing force, turning into a small vortex and converging toward the central black spot.

In the blink of an eye, the black dot rapidly expanded into a black horizon, and the huge gravitational force stirred the surrounding flame energy, like a long whale sucking water, bringing the red current outside into the horizon.

As time went by, the horizon was still expanding, and the violent star wind slightly touched the edge area, and was pulled away from the orbit, turned into a vortex, and plunged into the center of the horizon.

Nothing can escape from that horizon, all the light, all the energy, all the heat is sucked out, and gradually form a huge gravitational vortex.

The flame shell thrown by "Montesque" traveled to the extent of its horizon and was completely absorbed. The original star wind that hit the energy shield of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress weakened greatly, and even the ash particles released by the Bliss Pure Land were swept away by the small black hole. , Becomes the purest energy bound in the singularity space.

The surrounding star wind is still fierce, and the area where the Fearless Commander-class fortress is like a safe haven.

It just looks like a safe haven. In fact, for everyone inside the warship, this is uncomfortable. The reverse injector on the surface of the ship's hull was already fully fired, desperately resisting the suction of the black hole.

Whether it was Yuffi, Churchill and Howson, and even the operators below, they all criticized Captain Tang's reckless actions. Although everyone on the ship wants to see the power of annihilation artillery, if you go around and make a big oolong, even if you are affected by gravity, this is obviously not a thing to be happy about.

Tang Fang noticed the changes in their expressions, did not say anything, and concentrated on operating the Fearless Commander-class fortress.

He had long known that because of the distance, the black hole created by the Annihilation Cannon would have a great negative impact on the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, but he did not dare to drop the black hole directly into the airspace where the white dwarf is forming, because Emma said it would Bringing unpredictable catastrophic consequences, so you can only choose the center of the two.

Fortunately, with the help of the Hestia system, what will happen after the Annihilation Cannon is launched, and what fluctuations will be caused to the curvature of time and space, the computer system has given a corresponding evaluation report, so that he can know it, unlike Yufei and others. I was very surprised and speechless at the scene before me.

He didn't expect that the first time the annihilation cannon was activated, it didn't work on the enemy, but it was used to create a black hole barrier to save the lives of everyone on his side, so the weapon became a protective gear.

The Protoss aircraft carrier and the Storm battleship were taken back into the system space by him a long time ago. The Bliss Pure Land and Leviathan left this airspace through special transitions. The remaining Hades-class destroyers and Zerg units were successively projected by the flame shells of "Montesque" Swallowed, turned into an inconspicuous small explosion in the big bang, gradually returning to silence.

Far away from the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, the Dragon Whisperer fleet headed by the Stargazer is struggling to support it. After all, there is no black hole to disperse the energy of the stellar wind, and it can only rely on the shield system to resist. If the line of sight can penetrate the layers of fire clouds, you will see countless ripples in the center of the shield under the stellar wind, and the impacted plates will show varying degrees of color changes over time.

At the edge of the protective cover, the situation is even more critical. Firstly, the energy supply is limited. Secondly, the star wind has many adverse effects on the shield system. The part near the edge is like a paper blown by the wind, cracks and apertures appear, and the overflowing flame energy is all the way forward and poured in the back. The hull of the Banisher class destroyer leaves varying degrees of damage.

Warships with relatively complete energy shields can still survive this storm. Warships whose energy shields are damaged in the confrontation with the interceptor fleet are like old women who are dying, step by step toward death.

No one thought that the Anubis Legion, Morning Star Casting, the Swarm of the Queen of Blades, the Dragon Whisperer fleet... the four starry sky wars surrounding "Montesque" would evolve into the current situation.

The Black Q and Black 10 under the Anubis Army were killed in battle, the Bliss Pure Land was wounded, and the ship-based fleet was almost wiped out.

The Zerg units that the Queen of Blades dropped on the battlefield were completely wiped out, and Leviathan followed the black knight, wondering if he would fall into the enemy's trap.

The Dragon Whisperer fleet encountered a head-on attack from the Protoss aircraft carrier and the Storm Warship, and another star wind disaster, and the fleet situation was precarious.

Although Tang Fang's units did not lose too much, but the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was also trapped, but because of the special weapon system, it was in a slightly better position than the Dragon Whisperer fleet.

This battle... was really tragic, no less than what he encountered in the Ark World.

Youfei and others don’t know how long the star wind lasted, in short...

When the energy level that holds the black hole decays to a certain level, the black horizon is like a broken bubble, collapsed into an original point and shattered, revealing some cold spots.

The star wind continues to blow, but it’s no longer the old days, the remaining plasma stream with dim fire rushes through the energy shield of the Fearless Commander-class fortress, but it doesn’t bring much danger to the people on the bridge, Hestia’s The early warning system has been reduced from the danger scale to the general scale.

After the helium cloud leaves the "Montesque", there is not enough energy to produce a fusion reaction, so the heat quickly radiates during the flight, turning into a gradual color silk yarn, flying from the inside to the outside. From a distance, it seems that many slowly rising red vapors leave their homes and volatilize to the outer space.

The current "Montesque" has become very small, like a brilliant pearl hidden among the red clouds that slowly release outward, with a special beauty and tranquility.

Of course, the explosion and collapse have not stopped, but it has slowed down a lot, and the energy surge is not as intense as before. At least it is difficult to pose a real threat to a warship of the level of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress.

Tang Fang looked at the pearl in the distance, took a long breath, and then felt the greasy feeling coming from his back. It turned out that the shirt on the inside and the military uniform on the outside had been dampened with sweat and clung to the back.

"Guru..." Howson's stomach wailed in despair.

Yuffi sat down on the suspended chair behind him, and stretched out the back of his hand to dip in the fine sweat from his forehead.

Everyone on the bridge breathed a sigh of relief, rejoicing that they had escaped, and lamenting the insignificance of human beings in the face of natural disasters.

During the earth civilization period, those invincible natural disasters were earthquakes, mountain torrents, mudslides, and volcanic eruptions. In the era of interstellar civilization, they became supernovae, dimensional storms, black holes...

Tang Fang didn't waste too much energy on the "Montesque" transforming to a white dwarf, and turned his attention to the other side of the battlefield.

The protective shield no longer exists. The Dragon Whisperer fleet has nine out of ten combat units. There is only one Exile class destroyer. The bow turntable becomes horrible under the blow of the star wind. There are three defender class tactical armored ships. One of the right-wing components was broken as a whole, the head of an umbrella was mottled, and the other was struggling on the death line. Explosions appeared everywhere on the hull from time to time.

Only the Stargazer is still intact, and, like the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, survived this storm that affected the entire star system.

Tang Fang was a little puzzled. He wondered if the fearless commander-class fortress survived safely because of the black hole triggered by the annihilation artillery. What about the Stargazer? Can it survive only with the protective shield of the Defender-class tactical armored ship and its own energy shield?

Emma provided him with an analysis report. Although the sensor system of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was unable to determine what happened on the opposite side due to the star wind barrier, the various data collected after the engagement were compared with the launch of the Stargazer In the case of barrier-free attacks, it can be determined that it uses a method similar to the Mirror Light Galaxy Shield, by constructing a wormhole force field on the surface of the battleship to offset its own damage.

Mirror light’s galaxy shield can use the method of opening up a wormhole tunnel to bounce off attacks from the outside, and there are conditions for its use. Because it consumes a lot of energy, only a few rebounds are allowed in a certain period of time. It is naturally no problem to use against sovereign state warships, but if you encounter a fire-intensive combat unit like the Minotaur-class battle cruiser, you will be stretched. , Struggling to cope, let alone the flame storm created by the "Montesque" eruption.

The diameter of the Stargazer is 10 times that of the mirror light, and you can imagine how big the difference between the two sides is. With such a body, the wide-area wormhole tunnel shunting ship shield that is similar to the mirror light galaxy shield is impacted by the stellar wind, and it consumes a huge amount of energy. Just thinking about it makes people feel terrified.

Worthy of being a fortress-class combat unit!

He has now seen the Odyssey armed with God, the Bliss Pure Land of the Anubis Legion, the Hyperion of the Third Committee, the Stargazer of the Dragon Whisperer Kukulkan branch... now only left The Olympus of the Supreme Council has not yet appeared.

Except for the Odyssey, it was an assembled fortress ship, and fell on the Paradise Star without fighting against the siege of Zergs and poetic creatures. The remaining bastion ships of hidden forces are extremely tenacious and extremely powerful super weapons.

Tang Fang didn't know if he looked at the opposite side, did the Dragon Whisperer commander on the Stargazer look at the Fearless Commander-class fortress, what he was thinking...hate himself? Anger loss? Or is there a lingering fear in my heart, glad that I can survive this level of disaster?

Three Defender-class tactical armored ships and one Banisher-class destroyer turned slowly, and the Stargazer suddenly exploded with a shock of energy, and the surrounding high-temperature plasma swept away~www.wuxiaspot.com~The warships turned into one after another. The streamer disappeared.

The Stargazer did not leave immediately. After confronting the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship for a while, it turned the outer three rings, with a colorful halo, and brought wandering waves, leaving the Montesk star system.

Tang Fang knew what it meant for the Stargazer to pause for a while before leaving here, and the other party was telling him--this matter wouldn't just leave it alone.

There is no doubt that this is the hostility and threat from Dragon Whisperers.

He knew very well why the Dragon Whisperer fleet came here-to clear the swarm of Queen Blade. It happened that he and the Anubis Legion began a decisive battle here. In order to protect Cleia, he had to stand up and resist the burden, volunteered to become the guardian of the Queen of Blades, and fought against the Dragon Whisperer fleet, causing the opponent to fight. More than a hundred warships were calculated by black knights, experienced the disaster of star wind, and finally only 4 warships were saved.

This is shame and hatred. Although it was not the direct defeat by Tang Fang's fleet, he played a very important role in it. I was obviously innocent. Why did I find my mocking face character.

From the point of view of harvest and record, Captain Tang can be regarded as the victor of this war. After all, he killed Black Q and Black 10, obtained T Energy Stone, Dragon Blood Tai Sword... and Howson and Churchill held a victor. The Trin laser cannon unlocks the ghost of the defender and the corruption of the void at the same time, obtaining a strategic defense device.

But the actual situation is that he is very upset, really upset... the fellow of the Queen of Blades is so sinister that makes people angry.

She took advantage of his feelings, used his love for Claire, and forced him to make a choice. This is the case when facing black q and black 10 in the connecting passage, when facing the Bliss Pure Land and its carrier-based battle group in the external battle scene, and when facing the Dragon Whisperer fleet in the side battle scene...

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