Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1268: Crisis

57 Novels.com No pop-up advertisements to read all the novels online, the website of this site:, register to get a free bookshelf. Chapter 1268 Crisis

The Anus Legion sent troops to the Durham Star System, only to cover people's ears. The real one was Black 5. The reason why the Hades-class destroyers launched such a battle in the planet's atmosphere is that they also have the meaning of responding to Black 5.

With the departure of Black 5, more than 30 ghostbat-class destroyers also left the Durham star system one after another and escaped into the boundless void. Only the dark cities in the distance and the burning vehicles on the ground are still telling the tragedy of the first battle.

"Nova, Nova... did you receive it?" The communicator heard Marlow Smith's voice, the Pluto-class destroyer group moved away, and the impact of the simplified Pandora system on ground communications was also coming to an end.

"I can hear you."

"How is His Majesty the Holy Emperor?"

"he died."

There was silence on the communicator, and it was conceivable how shocking Marlow Smith would be to see such news.

For Nova, Virginia Alexander is an old man with a political background, and she dislikes him very much. But for Marlowe Smith, for the people of the Phoenix Empire, Virginia Alexander is the emperor of this country... He is dead and there will be trouble.

After waiting for a long time, it may be that I have digested the information and sorted out my emotions. It may also be a relatively confidential environment, Marlow Smith’s voice reverberated: "What should I do now?"

His tone is very low, and he can hear his emotions not high.

Nova said: "Contact Tang Fang and listen to his opinion... As for Virginia Alexander's body, I will find a way to deal with it."

"That's the only way." Marlowe Smith sighed, hung up the phone, and continued to deal with the aftermath. Nova left the ruins of the building and walked to a building on the right.


Tang Fang did not return directly to the Dillard star system. The Dreadnought Commander-class fortress received a call from Alice after leaving the Montesque star system, and learned that the Queen of Blades led the Swarm to attack the territory of Lorenz Alexander. Taken away from home. At this time, the Dragon Whisperer fleet appeared, and then fought fiercely with the insect swarm.

For some reason, the Queen of Blades ordered Zagara and Izsha to lead the Behemoth Swarm to attack the Dragon Whisperer fleet, while she led the Leviathan Worm's Nest out of the battlefield and disappeared.

Alice did not know where the Queen of Blades had gone, Captain Tang knew very well.

He briefly recounted what happened to the Montesque star system, then disconnected the communication connection with Alice, instructed Yufi and others to control the battleship to continue flying, and he piloted the flying eagle to leave the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress and rushed to Los Angeles. The territory of Lens Alexander.

Although he has always been unwilling to do this kind of thing, considering the great cause of the construction of the Dilar star system, he had to rush to the battlefield where the swarms and government forces exchanged fire, collect crystal resources, and make a fortune.

Think about it before, always worrying about gas resources. Fortunately now, gas resources are no longer a problem that bothers him in a short time, but crystal resources are not enough.

When the Montesque Star System fought against Black Q, he wondered why only the Leviathan's Nest of the Queen of Blades came. Where did Zagara and Izsha's Behemoth's Nest go? It turned out that she was not deliberately avoiding herself, but was treated as a queen force by the Queen of Blades, used to resist the Dragon Whisperer fleet and win her a chance to escape.

What happened later was naturally that the Dragon Whisperer fleet of Niederhogg and the Kukulkan faction followed in the footsteps of the Queen of Blades and intervened in the war of the Montesk star system, which eventually evolved into the current situation.

He always wondered why the Queen of Blades knew that there was another murderer behind the Zelda incident. At first she thought she was following in her own footsteps, but now it doesn’t seem to be the case. I don’t know where she got the clues, and then launched an attack on the territory of Lorenz Alexander, and then learned from the target person about the Anus Legion’s Old nest location.

But it was a coincidence... it happened to collide with his attacking Anus Legion, and it even involved the Dragon Whisperer fleet. This kind of development gave him a very bad feeling. It seemed... an invisible hand was leading these things behind.

The Swarm led by the Queen of Blades first defeated Lorenz Alexander’s naval fleet, and then disintegrated the resistance on the ground. The Dragon Whisperer fleet came on the scene, so there were a large number of dead soldiers, driven by Tang Fang. The flying eagle circled the battlefield, and the crystal resource was almost 1,700w. This indicated that the number of Phoenix Empire soldiers and civilians killed by the swarm was at least more than 3 million.

At this time, he received a message transmitted by the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress—from the Durham Star System, the sender was Nova, and the content was that Virginia Alexander was dead...disguised as Maria Black 5 was assassinated to death.

After reading this briefing, his face became ugly. Deeply understand what is called Fu Wushuang Zhi, misfortune never comes singly.

Morningstar casting provokes the Dragon Whisperer, and now even Virginia Alexander is dead, which further makes him feel like being calculated.

"Anus Legion... Black K..." In short, something has happened, and now it will not bring any benefit to pursue the black hand behind the scenes. He forces himself not to think about this issue. After collecting the crystal resources, he drives the flying eagle to leave and fly to the stars. League area.


In about a day, the Minotaur-class battle cruiser that Tang Fang took arrived at the Dillard star system.

The two space stations visualized by the Void Pump have been officially in operation. When they walked out of the battleship wharf and entered the space station through the connecting passage, Kylienia, Grant and others were standing at the door waiting. The facial expressions showed how many people were. In a very bad mood, I want to come to know what happened to the Montesk star system from Yuffi.

Tang Fang glanced around, did not speak to them, just winked slightly, meaning don't say here, go to a safe and reliable place.

Kylinia nodded slightly, tried to calm her expression, led the way, and walked to the nearest meeting room with her.

"You... provoke the Dragon Whisperer?"

Tang Fang nodded.

"Virginia? Alexander... was assassinated by Black 5?"

Tang Fang nodded again.

Kylinia was silent for a while, and Byron and Grant's expressions were a bit ugly, not because they heard Tang Fang confirm the authenticity of these two things, but because they saw his gloomy face...that means the situation is very different. Wonderful, they imagine the situation is even more severe.

"What are you going to do?" Perhaps it was to perceive that this kind of rhetoric would increase Tang Fang's psychological burden, and Kylenia added: "Speak up your concerns, and everyone will work together to find a way...If it is not possible, give up here. "

Still the same sentence, the person who has the deepest and heaviest feelings for the Dilar star system here is Kylenia. She is almost the one who supported the promise of the family. She can say the words to give up the Dilar star system. What kind of struggles and pains have been experienced.

Byron also persuaded: "There are wandering planets in hand, are you afraid that you will not have a foothold?"

Glenn nodded and didn't say much. Although as the Garcia rebels, their goal is to overthrow the Stuart family's brutal rule over the Monya Empire, if Tang needs it, he will stand firmly behind Tang, because he is a family.

Tang Fang looked at them and smiled happily and warmly: "When I learned that the Dragon Whisperer fleet was facing the Protoss in a hostile posture, I also thought about giving up the Delar star system... But now, no need. In the not-too-distant future, the Delar star system will become a steel fortress. If the Dragon Whisperers dare to attack, then what awaits them will be a fiasco... Man can resist the erosion of void energy."

"What!?" Everyone looked at him with shocked expressions. The Dilar star system will become a steel fortress... a steel fortress that even Dragon Whisperers cannot destroy? They couldn't understand what had given Tang Fang such confidence.

He didn't explain much, telling them not to worry, just continue to perform their duties, and when he settled down, he would introduce his strategic plan in detail.

Hearing what he said, everyone felt relieved and left one after another.

When Walton walked to the door, Tang Fang called him to a halt. The two left the meeting room together and walked to the space station hangar.

About half an hour later, the hangar door opened and the two aircraft left the berth and flew to different areas.

Tang Fang took the Flying Eagle, and Walton took the Moonlight. The destination of the Flying Eagle is the edge of the Delar star system, and the destination of the Mondre is the Phoenix Empire.

"Emma, ​​how is the plan design?" As early as the return from the Montesque star system, he asked Emma to design a plan according to the space structure of the Dillard star system to rationally configure the void corruption array. Build a protection without dead ends.

"Commander, the plan has been drawn, I'll send it to you." As the voice fell, the virtual sand table system of the Flying Eagle console received the latest data from the Star Orbit Command Center and projected the Delar star system in the air. In the space model, the best position for placing the corruption of the void is marked with a bright spot, and detailed coordinates are recorded.

After viewing the demonstration of the erosion of the void energy on the surrounding airspace, he entered the nearest space coordinates into the navigation system and drove the boat to the target location.

In a fierce battle in the Montesque star system, the black 10 big sword pierced the chest, and then went to the territory of Lorenz Alexander to collect life energy, and then received emergency contact from Nova and learned the news of Virginia Alexander's assassination. . I've been thinking about the way down all the way, and didn't take the opportunity to rest. Now I return to the Delar star system and devote my full attention to the operation of building a void and corruption interception. This makes his state look very bad and his face is very bad. poor.

"Commander, I suggest you take a break. This is helpful for your body." Emma is always monitoring his physiological index and is very clear about his health. Although the injury caused by the Black 10 has healed, she lost a lot of blood after all. , Plus too much work, it is absolutely impossible to recover in a short time.

"I'm fine." Tang Fang said forcefully, "Do your job with peace of mind."

He is not sure when and where the Dragon Whisperer fleet will land on the Delar star system, so the sooner the Void Corruption is arranged, the less dangerous it will be. For the foundation of Morningstar casting, for the sacrifice and life safety of Kylinia and others, he must go all out to make the Dillard star system as solid as possible. This is his responsibility.

The flames fired by the flying eagle's tail thruster changed from strong to weak, and finally stood still in the void.

Tang Fang walked out of the decompression chamber, communicated with the Hunyuan body base, and issued an order to summon the Void Corruption.

In the next moment, a brown lightning flashed in the silent void, like a water surface wrinkled by wind, black diamond crystals appeared in the airspace ahead, illusory and real, releasing a breath of vicissitudes and mystery.

The core part of the black rhombohedral structure is a purple-brown energy cluster ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which emits wisps of clouds, and the empty energy that makes the scalp numb can erode the surrounding environment like a turf.

The sensor system of the harsh environment protective clothing issued a screaming alarm sound, and the harmful energy response from the outside had exceeded the warning line. He had to return to the flying eagle cockpit and activate the system to quickly back off.

The erosion rate of Void Corruption into normal space exceeds Emma's estimation, which will have a more positive impact on the as soon as possible to improve the defense network surrounding the Delar star system.

Judging from the information collected by the detector, the Void Corruption has begun to twist the space-time structure of the target area, creating a series of void faults. Any aircraft that attempts to force through the affected area will be destroyed by the void energy or be swallowed by the void fault. Become a drifting bottle of dimensional space.

Why do humans, the Protoss, and the Zerg united forces clean up the void corruption near the base as soon as possible in the legacy of the void expansion expansion plot, because this kind of thing will quickly expand the erosion range, after all, it can extract energy from the void and corrupt the surrounding normal space .

The actual game’s performance on the corruption of the void has been weakened a lot. This thing that is enough to suppress the void is a hundred meters long, like a mountain of purgatory, towering downwards, bulging out the void and nether energy all the time, and transforming the universe. The cold breath of space will be released into the current universe.

Of course, unlike in the game, the Void Corruption is controllable in Tang Fang's hands. Once he reaches the set goal, he will immediately stop the Void Corruption's release of void energy, and restrain the space storm within a certain range.

Obviously, this will take some time. At least the influence radius of the void energy must be expanded beyond the combat distance of the Dragon Whisperer fleet, so as to protect the safety of the Delar star system.

Very simple reason... The wall must be high enough to effectively defend against thieves, right?

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