Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1278: Lilietta's condition

The groom was a little at a loss, until Tang Fang's voice came upstairs: "Since it is Miss Lohanna's kindness, you can accept it."

As soon as his words were spoken, the two newcomers suddenly realized that the surrounding guests and friends also understood, their faces bloomed with charming smiles, wondering that they did not know each other, and the feelings of these two women and one man were in the face of Captain Tang. Will come here to attend the wedding of Syke and Louise.

The groom looked up at Tang Fang, took the gift box and put it away, and said, "Thank you."

Lilietta didn't waste too much time downstairs, nodded to the two newcomers, turned upstairs with her female companion and Arthur, and came to the place where Tang Fang and Henrietta sat.

"His Royal Highness, can you give us some space and time?" She looked at Gilcott and Henrietta and said.

Looking up at Tang Fang, the two old men said nothing and got up and moved downstairs.

Elena hesitated, got up with vivi, nodded to several people, followed Henrietta and Gilcott and walked down the hall. On the way, Vivi didn't forget to sarcastically said: "Elena, I see that, that guy is completely a bad man who is used to getting in touch with flowers and being merciful... I'm thinking, he is not hiding a bastard. , Now he is approached by someone to hold him responsible for what he did."

"Boom!" There was another muffled sound, this time Elena made a bit of a heavy hand.

The people downstairs watched Lilietta walk to Tang Fang and take a seat, until Henrietta and Gilcott entered the hall, then they turned their attention away from the three of them, continuing the conversation or eating.

Freya had originally planned to follow, lest Tang Fang suffer, and she didn't want to be stopped by Tang Yun midway.

Seeing that the people below stopped paying attention to the three of her own, Lilietta smiled and said, "When did I become Lohana?"

Tang Fang said, "Not just now?"

She giggled and said, "Is that someone important to you?"

What can Tang Fang say? I can't tell her that it is the highest saver of the Protoss, an old stubborn who has lived for thousands of years.

"That's right." He didn't want to be entangled in this issue, and brought the conversation back to formality: "Why didn't I think you would come to Sek? Bakar's wedding, what is the reason for attracting you here? "

Lilietta shrugged and said in a very casual tone: "Come if you want... Pirate's life is actually very hard. You have to find something that can make you happy, relax, and relax, so that it is easier to use. A positive and optimistic attitude continues the rest of life and battle."

Tang Fang said, "This is the first time I have heard you complain that the life of a pirate is not easy."

"Is it easy for people living in this world?" She took the Martini that Arthur had handed him, took a big sip on her mouth, squinted at the man opposite and said: "You are not curious about me How did you get in?"

He smiled and shook his head: "That guy Kylenia... How long has it been since the attack on the Delar star system, now he is so nice to you that he can wear a pair of pants."

He didn't need to think too much about the channel through which Lilietta came here. Dillard's star system was busy with official duties, and Kylenia couldn't get out of her body, but asked them to bring gifts and congratulations.

Never thought that she hadn't come, but Lilietta, who had nothing to do with Sek Bakar, came.

"Let's talk about it, why did you come here?"

Lilietta squeezed the glass and looked at the beautiful bubbles in the rose red liquor made by the bartender carefully, and changed into a lazy and ambiguous tone: "If I said to come here to find the wishful man, you believe it. Do not believe?"

After she said this, before Tang Fang could respond, the female companion on the left covered her mouth and laughed. Arthur still has a serious expression, but it is a pity that Radu Khan and others are not here. If they see a scene in front of them, they will definitely be surprised and wonder if the bar owner has changed his **** and exaggerated from the original street. The wind turned into a stereotyped face.

He looked at the gentlemen and ladies downstairs, looked at the beauty face half-hidden by lemon slices, and said with a smile: "If someone who doesn't know your origins hears you, I think there is a married woman who hates me sitting opposite me. ."

"Ah, ah... they are willing to think like that, if they are willing to say that and just say that, am I a woman who hates to marry." When she said this, she was tired of the **** negative life. attitude.

He couldn't laugh or cry about it, thinking that Miss Lilietta was really a... how to say, frank person? Calm person? Indifferent person?

He turned his head and scanned the hall scene and found that Choi Eun-ho, who had been paying attention to the situation here, turned his head to another place-Louise was walking over with Joanna's hand. From the second floor, you can clearly see the tightly pressed lips, wandering eyes, and sweat-soaked temples.

Weddings, lovers, dance parties, rhapsody... It's no wonder that Miss Lilietta has such a performance.

"Knowing that we are spreading dog food here, as a hateful married woman, you still come here... I really have no way to understand your thoughts." He has never had any talent for comforting people.

Arthur coughed, that face looked like constipation, and it was very hard to smile.

Lilietta took off the lemon slice hanging on the rim of the cup and threw it into her mouth, just bite it down, not caring about the sorrow and pain, as if she was unlovable.

He is very speechless about the scene before him. The impression of outsiders of the Bahamut Pirates is a powerful, mysterious, and fearful pirate organization. Some boring people substitute the image of "Bahamut" into the pirates. The leader of the regiment depicted her as a black man with a black dragon tattooed on his shoulders. He was rumored to have a thick beard, strong muscles, and a three-headed dog revolver around his waist. He was always holding a thick and thick mouth. The black cigar and the ash-spitting scenery are sturdy and unassuming.

Actually? He doesn't have a dragon tattoo, he doesn't have a bushy beard, and he has no muscles. The same does not smoke, and there is no three-headed dog revolver on his belt. Naturally, his aura is not sturdy, and he is barely ostentatious...or heroic.

More importantly, he is not a black man, he is a nice-looking woman...or a woman who hates marriage.

He suddenly admired Kudria, because Kudria would never worry about marriage, and would never be sad because other people sprinkled dog food intentionally or unintentionally. Lily Aita is obviously one or two years younger than Kudria, but she is more anxious about getting married than the former.

"Why is she so anxious to marry herself out?" He endured this question for a long time, always wanting to ask but didn't dare to ask, because the eldest sister always shifted the target to him, saying that it is good to be molested or a joke, anyway, he is very uncomfortable. .

Kleiya, Zhou Ai, Freya, Elena... these four women are already a bit too much to deal with, so where is the time and energy to provoke more women.

When thinking about it, I don't know if it is because Martini's alcohol content is not low, or the eldest sister's alcohol volume is far less than her temperament, her cheeks are already two red, and even her eyes have become blurred and uncertain.

She put down the empty wine glass and squinted at Captain Tang on the opposite side for a while. Without knowing what she thought, the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked, revealing a somewhat enchanting smile.

If it is placed in the past, if it is a pirate costume, this kind of performance will naturally look nondescript.

Now it’s different. She is wearing an evening dress, split-length gloves, and light makeup on her face. If you ignore the impression of a pirate, if you change to someone you haven’t seen before, she might really be hooked by this smile. Soul, fell in love with her.

There is a saying, "If life is just like first sight", it is about this beauty.

It's a pity that Captain Tang is accustomed to the look of Sister Lilietta, and she doesn't catch a cold at all, on the contrary, she is somewhat repulsive, because such a change is a bit helpless.

He can talk poorly with Claire, laugh with Freya, and speak softly with Elena, but it doesn't mean that he is a veteran in love and knows how to make girls. In fact, he is content with a life in which everything is under his control. Regarding emergencies, especially emotional emergencies, whether it is about friendship or love, he will behave very layman, and he may not be able to cope with it.

Arthur and the girl thief named Beyota looked at him with a very strange expression, more or less gloating.

"Cough, cough..." He coughed, and cleared up the panic in his heart, and Wang Lilietta said sternly, "Say, why are you here to find me? I don't think you just want to attend someone else's wedding. Happy."

Seriously speaking, this is the first time the two parties have met in a real environment, rather than using quantum communication facilities for video interaction. This inevitably makes him a little uncomfortable-unsuitable for Lilietta's scrutiny and passionate eyes.

The waiter walked over, took the empty glass on the table very politely, and replaced it with a glass of soda at the sign of Tang.

The eldest sister was obviously a little unhappy about his little movements, and she gave him a vigorous look before winking at Beyota.

The girl smiled, took out a chip from her pocket and placed it on the table, slowly pushing it to Tang Fang.

He knew that things were not as simple as Lilietta said. Although this woman looked like an idiot hating married women, she was actually very shrewd and mysterious.

After scanning the three of them, he picked up the chip on the table and inserted it into the slot of the mobile device, and pressed the browse hotkey.

The cyan rays are released by the projection device and interwoven into a miniature three-dimensional figure in the air. Although the resolution is not very high, when the protagonist's face is seen, his pupils shoot out a sharp light.

The protagonist in the picture is not someone else, but Aros.

After the end of World War I in Ark World, when he was drifting in the time tunnel, the veteran once again left without saying goodbye, again just leaving a note-I'm leaving, don't look for me.

No one knows where he went, let alone what he did, nor did he specify the date of return and contact information.

Aros is not the reckless Hausen, nor the Tang Lin who lacks experience, nor the benevolent Madonna Roy. He is mature, steady, thoughtful, and decisive. It stands to reason that Tang Fang should be very relieved that he was going out alone, but after experiencing the last prisoner exchange incident, he was very worried about the situation of the veterans... No, it should be said that he was very concerned about the mentality of the veterans.

"You... have news of Aros in your hand?" The data chip recorded a picture, of course, it cannot be the previous picture. From the time point of view, it was taken more than half a month ago, and it is about one of the Montesk star system. Things before and after the war broke out.

The blur in Lilietta's eyes receded like a tide, and she looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"Where is he now?" He glanced at his surroundings, turned off the projector's projection function, and asked in a low voice.

The eldest sister squinted her eyes and smiled, put her finger on her lips, and whispered, "Secret."

"Secret?!" Tang Fang couldn't help but give her a blank look, thinking that this guy is really speechless.

"Let's talk, what the **** do you want me to do so that you will tell me where Aros is?"

What happened before him strengthened his thoughts ------ Lilietta came here to attend the wedding of Seike Bakar and Louise Hilda. It is a drunkard who does not want to drink, relax, and eat dogs. Food or something is just her half-truth and half-fake jokes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She picked up the cup, drank the soda in it, and restored the blurry eyes: "Let me think about... such valuable information What is required of you to be a fair deal..."

He showed a wry smile: "If I didn't guess wrong, you thought of the requirements, or conditions, when you set off for the Kehanos star system, but now you put on such an embarrassed expression. It's naive."

"Is it childish?" She touched her face: "I thought I was old to the point where no one wanted me. I didn't expect to still retain a childlike innocence. I can hear this from your mouth. happy."

"Ok, ok..." Tang Fang raised his hands and made a surrender: "Big sister, I lost. I won't make fun of you anymore. Can you talk about your conditions now?"

Lilietta puffed up her chest like a winner: "It's very simple. I will walk with the Silver Eagle in a week, and I will tell you where Aros is, how about it?"

After listening to Tang Fang, he didn't rush to speak, he couldn't help frowning. What if the veterans are in danger during this period? Who is to blame? Of course, he also knew that Aros had left the Dilar star system for several months, and a week was nothing compared to a few months, but he was always a little unacceptable emotionally, hoping to quickly determine the whereabouts and situation of the veteran.

Lilietta knew exactly what he was worried about, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I promise him that he will not encounter any danger during this week."

Now that the other party has done this, what can he say?

He thought for a while and said, "If there are no special circumstances, such as the Dragon Whisperer fleet running to the Delar star system to make trouble or something... It is okay to accompany you to the Silver Eagle, but you always have to tell me what to do? "Rw

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