Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1282: Battle of Anjili

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Tang Fang thought that he was a mysticist in front of Kylinia and the others, but he didn't expect Miss Lilietta to be better than him on this point.

Nova didn't care about the conversation between the two. When the Griffin approached the Talman star, a grid-like light flooded over the surface of the ship's hull and disappeared after an order was issued.

From the high-altitude orbiting civil aviation station, adjacent observation stations, sentinel robots, to the reconnaissance aircraft soaring in the atmosphere, no warship was found carrying three aliens into the inland environment of the inhabited star and landed at a distance from Dimel. Mountain forest not far from the city.

Nova parked the Griffin in a relatively flat woodland, shut down the main system, leaving only the invisible server module, and maintained the camouflage of the ship to avoid scanning by space-based satellites and reconnaissance aircraft.

Lilietta stretched long, got up and left the seat, looking at Tang Fang and said, "Let's go, go to the city."

Seeing that she was still tight-lipped, he shook his head helplessly, telling Nova to wait here, leaving the cockpit with Lilietta, driving the vulture chariot stocked in the stock, and drove north to Demel City.

The city of Demel is the second largest city in Talman Star, located on the north bank of the Demel River, with a permanent population of 17 million.

According to the location coordinates provided by Lilietta, the connection point with the target person is located on the outskirts of Demer City.

As usual, he deliberately used felt cloth to cover the key parts of the vulture chariot, disguised as a civilian vehicle driving on the road leading to the city of Demel.

He thought that he would win a high rate of return by doing so, just like what happened to the Celos in the Khanos star system. Facts have proved that he has been worrying too much. His disguise for the Vulture Chariot is nothing compared to the modification of the vehicle by the locals of the Silver Eagle Group.

Phenomena such as the addition of rear wings, extreme graffiti, modified engines, and the addition of flamethrowers can be seen everywhere on the road. He even saw some maglev vehicles equipped with rocket boosters. You must know that this type of modification is very dangerous. Whether it is a monarchy country like the Monya Empire or a civilian country like the Star Alliance, there are a set of strict laws and regulations to restrict it, but here, people seem to be accustomed to modifying vehicles. , It is a totally indifferent attitude.

Not only is the variety of civilian vehicles modified, but the police vehicles used for traffic law enforcement ignore the castrated weapon system, they are all military armored vehicles.

Lilietta noticed his surprised expression and smiled and said, "It seems that this is the first time you have visited the silver eagle group."

Tang Fang nodded.

"Different from countries like the Star League and the Phoenix Empire, the Silver Eagle regiment is full of martial arts, and the atmosphere is very tough. To put it bluntly, all the people in this country are soldiers, and almost every young man who reaches the age of military service will enter the army for two years. Polish your will and physique. This is also the key reason why the Silver Eagle Group has the smallest territory among the ten countries in the Hilumbel region, but its military strength is not weak at all."

Listening to Lilietta's explanation, he remembered the floating billboards he saw along the way.

Star Alliance’s electronic billboards generally broadcast commercial advertisements for the latest electronic products, daily necessities, and special services. Countries like the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire were mostly used for brainwashing noble speeches and policy propaganda. The billboards of the Yinying Group...at least the billboards on the road leading to the southern suburbs of Demer City are all mobilization orders and recruitment advertisements. Through fit body, heroic temperament, beauty of beauty, responsibility, honor, merit, fame and other seemingly tall things, they continue to tempt young and passionate young people and nurture the social people who come out of the barracks.

This reminded him of Toratire, who had been to the Babylonian star system to track down the Reach trade organization before. In the bullfighting competition at that time, he clearly felt the sturdiness and bravery of the Silver Eagles.

Of course, the era of space civilization is different from the era of cold weapons. Simple sturdiness and bravery are no longer the key factors that determine the strength of a country's military. Military technology and combat skills are.

"I believe you should have heard about it. Before the Blue Revolution, the Silver Eagle regiment was under the rule of the military government." Liliata interrupted his cranky thinking: "Although today is different from the past, both the system and the culture are very different. Changes, but the military merits, the glorious tradition of Wu Yong still survived tenaciously, incorporating the bones, blood, and soul of every Silver Eagle person."

Tang Fang said, "It seems that you know the social background of the Yinying Group very well."

Lilietta smiled and said nothing.

He didn't have the energy to continue questioning, because a hand with his **** stuck out in the modified car ahead. Of course, it was not for him, the object was an armored police vehicle behind.

He felt that being a policeman in such a country must be very hard. Unlike countries like the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, the police...especially the traffic police, it is a mess.

Seeing him slowing down, Lilietta teased: "Even Captain Tang, who dared to be the enemy of the Dragon Whisperer, was so shy when facing the police. I seem to understand why the Silver Eagles look down on Monya and Sulu. People."

He is very clear about the meaning of this sentence. In countries like the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Phoenix Empire, the government pursues enslavement education from the baby. The vast majority of the people have become insensitive, like a soulless walking dead. The same alive.

The Star Alliance people do not understand the life state of the Monya people, and think that the people in that country are distorted, pitiful, and hateful. The relatively radical Yinying people call the Mongolian "Two-legged Sheep" who lacks sense of justice and struggle.

Regarding Lilietta's teasing, she was not angry and very sad, but still replied in a serious manner: "I just don't want to cause trouble... Don't forget our mission."

"Really a reliable man." When saying this, Lilietta deliberately hugged his body from behind.

Tang Fang smiled and said, "Are you taking advantage of me?"

Lilietta said: "The tofu delivered to the door is not eaten. Are you so incomprehensible in front of Claire?"

Only then did he feel the gentle touch coming from behind. Miss Pirate wears thin clothes, so if you lean forward, it will inevitably squeeze the mountains in front of your chest, creating a special and exquisite experience of both sides.

"A woman... really is a very wonderful animal." He was very speechless about this. The female pirate in her heart is really nervous, and she never forgets to seduce herself during the mission, but her seduce is different from that of Alice. , Seems very layman, a bit clumsy and naive.

He slammed down the accelerator, the vulture chariot brought up a cloud of dust, and swished past the modified maglev vehicle that was forced to stop by the armored vehicle, which caused the occupants of the vehicle and several traffic police officers armed with weapons to look at him.

The cold wind poured into the sleeves and into the trousers, freezing the embarrassment on his face and messing up Miss Pirate's hair.

"Tang Fang, you guy must be deliberate."


The vulture chariot drove away from the main road where the Demer River could be seen, and proceeded slowly along the road next to a tributary of the Demer River, and finally entered a villa area, stopping in front of a two-story building on the easternmost side.

It is early in the morning, and the light of "Clavier" shines on the white walls and green trees, driving away the coldness bred by the dark night and bringing the unique brightness and warmth of summer.

The flowers were swaying in the wind, the barking of dogs, the whistling of cats, and the crisp singing of wind chimes came from the courtyard.

A peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Lilietta got out of the car, looked left and right, and walked to the nearest courtyard to press the doorbell.

Tang Fang found an inconspicuous place and parked the vulture chariot. As he walked to the villa, he saw the door open and a woman with half-white hair came out of it and gave Lilietta a warm hug.

When he came to the entrance of the courtyard, the two of them might talk about themselves and look at him at the same place.

"Hi." He smiled and greeted the woman.

There are many flower pots piled on the terrace near the eaves, there are budding pansies, blooming periwinkles, unopened tea, blooming lavender...

The morning breeze delivers coolness, as well as incense.

Lilietta said to the old woman, "This is the person I mentioned to you on the phone, Tang Tian."

Then he said to Tang Fang, "Dailys Bryant."

"I'm Tang Fang, hello." While speaking, he looked closely at the woman standing under the eaves of the gallery.

The other party also looked at his appearance with scrutiny eyes. After hearing his greeting, he smiled and nodded.

Her attitude is not enthusiastic, it can be said that she is a little cold. This is not surprising, because there must be some difficulties, otherwise how could I find the Bahamut Pirates to help.

What he cares more about is Dai Lisi's eyes, which are as deep as the sky, as if they can see through people at a glance. They are the light accumulated over the years and are also the portrayal of life experience.

Just like the special feeling given to him by the social culture of the Yinying Group, in this country, even some older women exude a shrewd and powerful taste, just like Lilietta...

He suddenly thought of the Bahamut Pirates. Although the relationship between the two parties is already very close, there is still no complete concept of the origin, nest, personnel composition of this mysterious pirate group. Until I came to the realm of the Yinying Group and saw everything on the road, I suddenly felt a trace of enlightenment in my heart.

I'm afraid Lilietta's origin is not the Star Alliance he guessed, but the Silver Eagle Group! Think about it carefully, the Bahamut Pirates' range of activities has always been the area around the Sokanada line of defense. It was not until Morningstar forged to occupy the Dilar star system that the Bahamut Pirates expanded their range of activities to the Star Covenant. Frontier no man's land.

"Come in and sit." When his thoughts were blowing like the wind, Dai Lisi opened the door and turned and walked into the living room.

Lilietta shrugged and looked at him apologetically and said: "She has always been so cold to others, never expressing her personal emotions easily. Alas...this may be an occupational disease, I hope you don't take it to your heart."

Occupational disease? Suddenly, Tang Fang's mind came to the scene where the policewoman looked like a criminal. He did not bother with Ms. Dairis' indifferent attitude, and took the opportunity to ask the question in his mind: "This is the person you are talking about? What is the relationship between you and her...?"

He is not a person who is good at observing words, but it does not mean that he is a piece of elm bumps. From Lilietta's personal emotions and Dairis' performance, it can be seen that there is a very subtle connection between the two... This connection far exceeds the relationship between the connector and the task performer.

She sighed heavily: "She is my aunt."

"No wonder..." He showed a dazed expression and walked into the living room behind the eldest sister's head.

From inside came Dai Lisi's question: "Coffee or tea?"



Two people said different answers.

Lilietta quickly added: "Tea...the tea is ready."

Dailisi didn't say much, but told them to sit down and walk into the kitchen.

The floor was very clean, and the air was faintly scented with lavender. The black cat lying in the corridor on the second floor glanced at the two people, arched his body and stretched his limbs, walked in at a leisurely pace, and disappeared. In view.

"Now can you tell me what the task is..."

Standing in the middle of the living room, Lilietta looked at a monotonous abstract painting on the eastern wall and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that someone wants to take away Deris's most precious thing."

Tang Fang followed her gaze and saw the painting on the wall.

He is not a person who loves elegant art. To be precise, even if he is interested, he has no time to settle down to listen to a symphony, watch a wonderful literary film, and read an inspiring book. He has been with gunfire all day long, struggling between life and death, witnessing the coldness of blood, the cruelty of war...These pressures smoothed his edges and corners ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also eliminated the aspirations to enjoy life and art.

However, at the first sight of the painting, he was attracted by the majesty and beauty. The whole person was attracted to the world in the painting, or the author's Gensokyo.

The picture is very cold and very hot. Its coldness comes from the monotonous colors and the tragic background of the times. Its heat comes from the sound of steel knives, the roar of soldiers, and the roar of war horses.

It was a painting with war as the subject. The delicate brushstrokes and flying lines, the bleak and heavy paint, the interlaced light and shadow, the clear three-dimensional feeling and the strong emotional expression, fully expressed the human * side of the war. I can see the grief, pain, and struggle of the author.

At this moment, Emma's voice suddenly came in his mind: "Commander... If my measurement is correct, this painting should be the original Leonardo Da Vinci-Battle of Angeli."

"The Battle of Anjili?" His cognition of Chinese ancient paintings only stays at the level of history lessons such as "Shanghe on the Qingming Festival", "Fujian Spring Residence", and "Eight Horses". As for famous European paintings, I just remember "Mona Lisa", "Genesis", "Our Lady of the Sistine" and other works that are familiar to the poor, not to mention the impression of the Battle of Anjili, and I have never even heard of them.

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