Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1288: Time flies, time flies

Before Lilietta could reply, Royas, who was standing in front of him, took a deep breath and gave him a standard military salute.

Although Tang did not directly help the Silver Eagles, his military operations on the Sokanada line indirectly contributed to the withdrawal of the Phoenix Empire’s surprise fleet, because Prince Kursk feared that his precious Shadow Rangers would end up with the Deep Submersible fleet. .

There is no doubt that this helped the Yinying Group a lot.

A month ago, the new detection device developed by the Star Alliance through research on the warships of the Deep Submersible Fleet has also arrived at the Yinying Group and began deployment operations.

As we all know, the Star Alliance is able to develop this new type of detector, and Iger Stetman is indispensable, and Aiger Stetman is one of the core members of Morningstar Casting.

Just like Ralph said, Royas is a devout Catholic, and his views on everything in the world are different from ordinary people's utilitarian heart. He can think of things that Delmar can't think of, things that Wald can't think of. He wanted it.

Looking at the opposite man who was slightly shorter than him, he understood his thoughts from those black eyes. Tang Fang gave in, not because he was afraid of revealing his identity, but because he didn't want to hurt his feelings, desecrate those beautiful things, and didn't want to shake his will.

The soul of the man in front of him was as dazzling as the sun's rays and as holy as an angel.

"Meeting you here... is the most glorious moment in my life."

Royas believes that the best moment in his life is the moment when everyone is waiting for the rescue team with the wounded. Now... is the most glorious moment in his life.

He thought that when he accepted the first consul's honor and received the Silver Eagle Medal, it should be the most glorious moment in his life. Facts have proved that this idea was wrong, and it was very wrong. In the Clavian star system, in a room in Demel City, seeing this man with an extraordinary soul was his most glorious moment.

The expression on Ralph's face can no longer be described as "wonderful", it should be described as "complex".

It turned out... that the person who defeated his students in turn was Captain Tang Fangtang of the Star Alliance... No wonder Juventus lost so quickly and so miserably, no wonder Delma lost so thoroughly and without suspense.

And Royas, and Wald...and himself...

Lost, completely lost... However, the strange thing is that at this moment, there is not much anger and frustration in his heart, he is calm, but also very excited. These are two contradictory words, but they appear to him in opposition.

Calm is about losing the game, and excited...because of something else.

"I lost." He looked at Lilietta and said, "I will keep my promise and stop intervening here."

Then she looked at Dai Lisi: "For so many years...I was wrong...I'm sorry."

Dai Lisi said: "You should say that she is sorry, and her mother, not me."

Ralph sighed, looked at Lilietta again, looked at the familiar outline of the face, eyes that can evoke distant memories, wanted to reach out to touch the face, but stopped in the middle and chose to give up.

"I am no longer serving in the military. I am now just a theory instructor at the Demel Military Academy... I'm sorry, it took so many years to fulfill my original promise."

Lilietta tried to keep her voice calm: "You should go to Lena's grave to say this."

"I'm sorry... I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities as a father for so many years."

When Ralph said the first sentence of sorry, Tang Jilin felt that something was wrong, as if... it deviated from his expectation, not a little bit, but a very far away.

When I heard the second sentence, my eyes suddenly turned into two copper bells, thinking "Hey, hello, hello...what's the joke, Ralph...is... Liliata... Liliata's father?" "

Opposite, Lily Aita was silent, did not say to accept his apology, and did not say not to forgive his actions. It seems that there is an insurmountable barrier and distance for this distinguished father.

"You have really grown up, and you are no longer the little girl who used to treat each other with cold eyes. I am really relieved to see that you take good care of yourself. Even when it comes to choosing a fiance, I will be my father. Yes, I can't give you better advice and choices. My daughter...I am proud of you."

After saying this, he turned his head and scanned Tang Fang's face, and continued: "If possible, I hope to be able to attend your wedding as the wife's father... This is the only thing I can do for you."

She looked at him and listened to him. This was the first time she saw Ralph's lack of energy, lack of seriousness, and no longer cold face. It was very different from the face that was cold and hard like Xuanbing when she left the Silver Eagle 10 years ago. He was completely different from the past, which made her doubt many scenes in her memory.

Is the Ralph in front of him the same person as Ralph in the past?

For his military career, for his career, for his motherland, he abandoned his wife and daughters, and failed to fulfill the responsibilities of a husband and father.

In her impression, he was a stubborn, ruthless, cold, iron-blooded, and reticent man. But today and today, the person who can call the father by blood, like many old people in their twilight years, will worry about the marriage of their children, be picky about the character of the son-in-law, and will sigh in front of others. Shuttle, age and old age...

He wants to be a soldier who puts national interests first, and she wants to be a self-indulgent pirate. He wanted her to be a female general, but she wanted to be a big sister. He wanted her to always think that she was a silver eagle, and that she wanted to marry Chongyang and be the wife of a foreigner.

She has been working against him all her life. This is her struggle and her revenge against her mother.

However, to this day, looking at his increasingly aging face and listening to his no longer determined voice, suddenly a sour mood develops. There is no joy and excitement as imagined, no excitement and relief as expected, only a touch of melancholy, deep sadness, and continuous pain in the heart.

It seems... as if her resistance and resentment, and the resulting past life, have become meaningless.

He changed, not the same Ralph before. How should she face him? Facing the most resentful and angry man in his heart, but also the most important man in his life?

This small living room seems to be a wide and deserted crossroad, with no pedestrians in sight and no traffic lights. She stood in the middle of the crossroad, not knowing where to go.

Daris sighed. She was the one who knew everything and the one who understood Lilietta's feelings best. Because the girl has been living with her mother since her death.

She watched her grow up in rebellion day by day, and she watched her leave here resolutely and embark on a deformed road of resistance, but there is nothing she can do about it, nothing, nothing.

From this point of view, Lilietta is really similar to Ralph.

Wald, Delmar and others knew about the relationship between Ralph and Dairis and Lilietta early in the morning, and they did not reveal too complicated personal emotions. Tang Fang is completely different. Although he had doubts about the relationship between Ralph, Dairis, and Lilietta early on, he was puzzled by the four games that the other party had only conducted, but he never had time to calm down and think carefully. Now that I heard about the father-daughter relationship between Ralph and Lilietta, thinking about their story, the whole person became very confused.

Also, what's the matter with what Ralph calls "fiance"? Is he... talking about himself?

The sudden coming of Ming Wu made him feel after all at once.

Walder’s physical test, Juventus’ command test, Delmar’s wealth test, Roas’ character test... Isn’t this the test used by mother-in-law to pick up son-in-law?

It's shameful that he claims to be smart, but he hasn't noticed it.

He tried to endure it, but couldn't bear it anyway, walked out from behind the coffee table and came to Ralph, interrupting the depressive atmosphere that continued to ferment between the courts: "Excuse me, the fiance you mentioned is...me? "

If it is placed on a general occasion, it is obviously impolite to ask questions like this, but at this moment, he has no thoughts about whether he should talk at this time or ask such things.

As soon as Ralph changed his expression, he looked at him with a smile: "The young people in this room are only you and the four of them. Now you defeat them one by one, and you have proved with your strength that you are qualified to marry a woman from the Bryant family. "After speaking, he patted him on the shoulder: "Good job, young man... I am proud to have a son-in-law like you."

"Hehe...hehe..." He laughed dryly, but that smile was uglier than crying.

"Tang Fang, you idiot, see what you have done." Only he knows the suffering in his heart.

He walked towards Lilietta and asked in a low voice: "You lied to me? What the **** is going on! Not that..." He pointed to the painting on the wall of the living room and said, "I don't mean that... everything is to keep that. A picture?"

Dai Lisi looked at him and looked at the painting again, wondering what happened to "Battle of Anjili"... Wait, could this guy recognize the true origin of the painting?

She stared at the young man in front of her with horror, and the sea in her heart set off turbulent waves. In any case, he did not expect that Captain Tang, as an Asian, could actually see through "The Battle of Anjili." How could she not be shocked by such eyesight, how could she not be surprised.

Tang Fang didn't know that his words made Dai Lisi's thoughts drift thousands of miles away. He was waiting for Lilietta's reply.

The eldest sister was awakened by his questioning, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said in a very serious tone: "I never said that this matter was related to the drawing in the living room... I just said that in order to keep Dai Lisi the most precious The thing... is me, you idiot." She said, she also pinched his cheek with her hand.

"According to the Bryant family tradition, now... you are my fiance."

He looked up at the "Battle of Anjili" hanging on the wall in the living room, and then at Lilietta's face, suddenly remembering what happened just now. Although the eldest sister faces "Battle of Anjili" when she speaks, her words are indeed "to protect Dairis' most precious property".

For Ms. Dairis who has been single, what is the most valuable asset? Not a painting, but a person------Miss Lilietta.

At that time, Dai Lisi went to the kitchen to make tea. She was not in the living room and did not hear their conversation, so she didn't know the matter. The painting on the wall is an authentic Leonardo da Vinci. It is very valuable. It happened that Miss Emma was there, and he could recognize the origin of this painting, so he took it for granted that the "Battle of Anjili" was Miss Dairis. The most precious asset.

Of course, he didn't even recognize the origin of "Battle of Anjili". Lilietta is also capable enough to take him into the ditch. Just say, "Look... how good this "Battle of Anjili" is. Mr. Leonardo da Vinci is really a genius painter." He will naturally. He continued to question, and also determined that Ralph came here to buy "Battle of Anjili".

As for why Ralph didn't show his horse's feet, let him notice the strangeness in advance, I am afraid Lilietta had already talked with his father before coming here, and agreed on some things. "

It seems...only oneself is kept in the dark~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the eldest sister has a shame.

"You...you...you..." The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became.

There is no one in this world who is forcing someone to be a bridegroom, and she hasn't made her belly bigger and needs to be responsible for the unborn child.

At this moment, Lilietta stepped forward and whispered in his ear: "Don't have an episode, think about the whereabouts of Aros."

This sentence fell into his ears, like someone strangling his throat with his hand. Those anger and unwillingness were forcibly suppressed.

Can't use force on her, and the elder sister is holding information about Aros in her head. What else can he do besides closing his mouth and admitting it?

"According to the tradition of the Bryant family, the father has the right to marry his daughter, unless there is someone who is better than his partner and is willing to marry the wife. Although my relationship with my father is very stiff, anyway... I am Brian. A member of the special family." Lilietta continued: "Don't show such a terrible expression, you have not suffered. Don't worry, I will not force you, but I don't want him to use the marriage incident as an excuse to get involved in my life. , Change my life, just treat this as a drama."

He thought about it seriously. Indeed, according to the living habits and social culture of China Civilization, it was Miss Lilietta who suffered in this matter, not him.

Of course, maybe those who don't like him will make a fuss about this matter, such as slandering him as a romantic, troubled **** everywhere. But as long as the people he likes don't think so, those babblings are not as harmful to him as a badass.

If cursing and cursing could kill him, he would have died thousands of times.

At this moment, Ralph noticed the small movement between the two and frowned and asked, "Why...is there a problem?"

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