Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1292: Lunar Space Prison

"That person just...very strange."

Tang Fang said, "Don't you hate this kind of hypocritical guy? But the piano skill is good."

Nova shook her head and said, "I mean... he feels strange."

"Feeling?" This is the first time that Nova has used this kind of ambiguous explanation of feeling, but because of this, he became more curious about the man holding Shiqin, wondering how sacred that person is, and it made Miss Nova give birth to something strange. feel.

A woman's intuition is the most unreasonable, and often true and reliable thing in the world, let alone Miss Nova, a woman with an extremely strong fighting will.

"Don't care, maybe it's just my illusion." Nova shook her head and waved away the chaotic thoughts in her mind.

He was wondering whether to allow Emma to invade the security system of the Newland Building. When investigating the identity of the man, the mobile device rang sweetly.

"If I had a fairy stick, it would become bigger, smaller and more beautiful, and I would become a home of comic chocolates and toys..."

Nova looked at him with a weird look, because anyone could hear the ringtone with a strong nursery rhyme attribute. If outsiders know that the dignified Morning Star casts a master, Captain Tang Fang Tang, who can shake the foundation of a country, retreat and dominate the world, is a childish guy, and I am afraid that he will leave a lot of fun and laughter.

"Freya, this little girl..." Of course, he would not explain to Nova. This was because he asked Emma to turn over the barrier-free network jointly formed by the five countries including the Star Alliance and Charles Federation. The nostalgic divine comedy found in the middle of the day, so he had to put the blame on the cute and cute Miss Freya. Anyway, he knew it tightly. Miss Nova’s character would never go to Freya to verify this. The authenticity of the sentence.

Turning on the answering function of the mobile device at random, Lilietta's face appeared on the central screen, telling him that the matter was done, and the two rushed to meet her at the airport in the eastern suburbs of Lastir.

After finishing the call, he didn't continue to waste time on the man playing the piano. After all, compared with Aros's matter, this was just a small episode and a small embellishment in the entire task process, and he didn't need to care too much.

"Let's go, go to the Eastern Suburb Airport." Telling Nova the next destination, the two left the Newland Building and took the express train to the meeting point.

About 15 minutes later, the two met Lilietta in a cafe outside the airport.

She first handed the two identification cards to the two of them, and then elaborated on her arrangements: "This is a special pass obtained from the regional inspection agency. This time I went to the Lunar Space Prison as an inspector. Enter the identity to investigate and investigate the survival and living conditions of the prisoners. Basically, no one will interfere with our behavior too much, but the prison will send one or two guards to follow to ensure that the operation can be completed smoothly and there will be no safety problem."

"Of course, when talking with the prisoners, you can ask the accompanying prison guard to retreat... This is the power of the inspector and the prison must be respected."

Nova said: "It seems that the Yinying Group's social supervision system is very sound, and it has such a humane setting."

Both the prison institutions in the world where she lives and the prison institutions in the Phoenix Empire have no people or humanity at all. Now we see the prison institutions of the Yinying Group face social supervision in a positive and positive manner, instead of using privileges and The use of force to avoid sunlight is naturally very unexpected.

Lilietta said: "In fact, the prison system in every country is a place where shadows breed and people want to flow. It's just that the Silver Eagle Group is relatively fair, because those who stand at the apex of power are very clear about the unique characteristics of the Silver Eagle Group. Under the social climate, what are the consequences of serious injustice."

If the ten countries of the Hilumbel region are divided into one level in terms of their attitudes towards social fairness and justice, the Yinying Group will definitely be among the best, even if it is not the best. This is because other countries have been fairly calm in recent years. Even if there are social turbulences, they are mostly confined to the officialdom, unlike the Silver Eagle Corps... The blue revolution that caused billions of casualties 20 years ago is in the hearts of all Silver Eagle people. Pain is also the most profound and severe lesson for those in power.

Recommended by the predecessors, the teacher of the future... It is precisely because of the **** reality of the Blue Revolution that the Yinying group management after the "Peaceful Bian" changed their previous thoughts and attitudes and strived to create a fair, just and harmonious social environment , In line with the Star Alliance, Charles Federation and other countries.

After so many years of development, in some aspects, it has even surpassed the Star Alliance and other countries. After all, the social culture of the Silver Eagle Group is different from the former, and the value orientation of the Silver Eagle people is also different from the Star Alliance and Charles Federation people, especially in unity. On the two points of honesty and sincerity, I have done particularly well.

Nova nodded, feeling deeply about what Lilietta said. After all, she was still in the Phoenix Empire a few days ago. She knew better than anyone how much injustice and inequality had caused so much damage to society and how much it had accumulated among the people. Resentment. In fact, those officials and nobles knew this very well, so they did everything possible to send their children and mistresses to the United States of Jupiter... the country that can give them a sense of security.

Over time, the Phoenix Empire became their colony, and the United States of Jupiter was their real home.

It's like the most greedy, cunning, and vicious capitalist, taking the benefit of sacrificing the environment and enslaving the locals, building polluting factories, and then exiting gorgeously at the right time, grabbing a lot of wealth, leaving a polluted and desolate one The barren land survived for the descendants of the slaves, and eventually degenerated into beasts, or became rotting corpses and bones on the roadside.

If one day, the Phoenix Empire changes, what will those who have experienced sorrow and humiliation come to power? She thought...If it were her, she would probably issue a killing order. Even if these nobles and officials who harmed their homeland fled to the ends of the world, they would kill these beasts to feel God, sacrifice the earth, and comfort the many dead. The spirit of the sky.

This is the power of injustice. It is actually not a power, but a catalyst and a storage tank for hatred...Hate is power, the driving force for change, and the source of killing.

It is precisely because the Yinying people are aware of this truth that the social system will undergo tremendous changes. In the wreckage of this big tree in the Jupiter Empire, flowers of different colors from the Phoenix Empire bloomed.

Tang Fang didn't interrupt to express his thoughts. After the two of them had finished their conversation, he looked at Lilietta with gratitude and said, "This matter took a lot of your energy. Thank you so much."

She smiled and said, "Isn't the bride-to-be doing all my best to please my fiancé? Why should you be so polite if your family doesn't talk about two things."

"..." Anyway, no matter what the occasion, no matter what the words are, the elder sister always has the ability to take the conversation off the track, and it is not right for him to reply, nor is it not to reply, she can only smile awkwardly.

She did not continue to struggle with this issue. She glanced at the opposite electronic timetable, drank the coffee in the cup, scanned the mobile device on the deskside payment system, transferred a sufficient amount of currency, and stood up and said: "Come on, the flight to Lunar Space Prison should arrive."

The two nodded, followed her and left the cafe, entered the airport boarding passage, and took the air bus to the Lunar Space Prison in the space between the Stars of Hilde and Dakales.

Halfway through, I stopped at the Hilde Star High-altitude Orbit Service Space Station, Linsen Plantation, Albert Space Science and Technology Museum and other stations. About an hour later, the shuttle arrived at their destination. The three of them filed out and entered Luna. The login channel of the Seoul Space Prison.

With little effort, a guided robot ushered them into the waiting area of ​​the Lunar Space Prison. After showing the staff identification card, they followed a female prison guard into the office area of ​​the Space Prison.

I first met the official responsible for foreign affairs, and then under the guidance of two prison guards, left the office area and took the internal train of the space station to the prison area.

To Tang Fang's surprise, the two prison guards spoke very politely. They were not as sturdy and arrogant as he thought, and were completely different from the qualities of ordinary silver eagle men. Lilietta joked that the people in charge of receiving them have received good etiquette training. If he does not adapt to this style, he can ask the prison to replace the bad attitude and rude guards leading the way.

Regarding the female pirate’s joke, his answer was: “If the prison guards know that the investigator from a social organization is a legendary pirate, I don’t know if it would be a great honor to ask her to stay here for some time. Have an exchange, discuss about life, gossip about the international situation..."

Liliata gave him a blank look and said, "In terms of rogue skills, few men can compare to you."

He explained that it was you who provoke me first, but in the end I became a rogue, and you are a weak woman.

The orbital train aboard a group of people took Mengmeng Guanghua from the outer area of ​​the space station into the core prison area.

The Lunar Space Prison is actually an independent space station built in the deep space of the universe. From the appearance, it looks like a ball. The outer ring area is generally a place for staff to work, live, and live. It also houses life and energy. , Water circulation system and other auxiliary modules.

As for the facilities for detaining prisoners, they are placed in the center of the sphere. According to the three-dimensional model diagram provided by Emma, ​​the prison areas in different sections are scattered like square grids, connected by a long and narrow transportation channel, and the structure is similar. The combination of tree branches and end green leaves.

According to the information provided by Emma, ​​the Lunar Space Prison is different from the two residential star inland prisons. The detainees here are those who are more sensitive, or have committed serious crimes, or temporarily settled here for various reasons, waiting for suitable The suspects transferred by the department.

Because of the different severity of crimes and differences in personnel status, the level of alertness in prisons is also divided into multiple levels. The core sections are used to detain prisoners sentenced to more than one hundred years of imprisonment, as well as many people with sensitive identities. For example, after the outbreak of the Blue Revolution, they still stick to old knowledge, refuse to accept reality, and try to restore the old military control status. general.

The area slightly outside the core is used for long-term imprisonment of the Lunar Star System, as well as felons handed over from other places who are sentenced to 20-50 years in prison, and the outside is the serving area for some less responsible prisoners. Generally speaking, it is also the prison module with the highest vacancy rate, because the inland prisons of Hilde and Zacales are sufficient to accommodate and manage criminals with lighter criminal laws.

Perhaps due to the social ethos of the Yinying Group, the crime rate in this country has long been at a high level among the countries in the entire Hilumbel region. However, there are more cases of fighting, and vicious incidents are only 20%-30% higher than other countries. %.

The train moved along the track and finally parked at the core node. A group of three got off the train and arrived at the Internal Affairs Office under the leadership of prison guards to observe the daily management and operation mechanism of the prison. Then, according to the itinerary, it was led by two prison guards Go down to the r zone with the highest alert level.

Because they were on behalf of relevant supervisory agencies to learn about the life situation and current status of prisoners in Lunar Space Prison, they did not have the opportunity to contact the files and files of the prisoners here, so they were not sure where Aros was detained. Considering one When you walk down the circle, you will always meet a veteran, and he didn't bother to hack into the prison central computer database.

The facility for detaining important prisoners is a double prison room. The wall facing the aisle is made of special glass alloy. When the three people arrive at the target area, the prison guard presses the controller switch in his hand, and the wall becomes one-way glass. You can clearly see the situation inside.

It has to be said that the Lunar Space Prison, as a key prison of the Yinying Group, has a complete infrastructure for subsistence. Personal terminals are even equipped for criminals to download e-books, e-newspapers, etc. from the prison’s internal network. Enrich the boring life of prisoners.

What puzzled Tang Fang was that he did not see Aros from the beginning of the r area to the end of the r area.

Lilietta only got the information from the informant that Aros arrived at the Lunar Star System and was lost in the Lunar Space Prison. It is not clear how the prison administrators settled the veterans. The only certainty is that they have been here recently. It was very calm. Only the inmates were transferred in, but not transferred out, so she had the confidence to assure Tang that the veteran was not in danger for the time being.

Because they had to make themselves look competent during the inspection, Lilietta pretended to interview some prisoners, which caused a lot of time delay. When the inspection was over, it was close to dinner time.

The three declined the warden’s invitation to have dinner, and on the pretext of completing the work as soon as possible, they asked to go to the secondary prison canteen to have a meal with the prisoners. Such a request was quickly approved, and still accompanied by two prison guards, the three left the r area and went to the canteen where the prisoners had a group meal.

Of course, the food is not delicious, at least in terms of Tang Fang's taste, but it is still better than the war rations.

Perhaps it is because of the different regions. In short, in his opinion, the tasteless meals are very happy and delicious for the prisoners, and even because of the choice of dishes, some guys almost fight.

Even if the Yinying Group is very humane in the management of prisoners and protects their rights to the maximum, it still cannot eliminate gangs and mountainism. Different regions and different types of criminals have a table of three, five people in groups, or each bows their heads to eat. Either look around or look at the members of the hostile hill making various provocative expressions.

The dining table where the three of Tang Fang attracted the attention of many people, but no one had the guts to come and look for trouble, because the two prison guards were sitting beside them eating. This is a protective behavior, and it also carries a strong warning.

When Yaoxiang was still in the Monya Empire, the prisoners were much more honest. Compared with the Silverhawks, the Monya were domesticated into a group of weak lambs who only knew how to bleat.

Of course, having a meal with the prisoners and experiencing their lives is just a blindfold. The real purpose of the three is to find Aros's traces, but the result is disappointing, and the long-lost face of the veteran is not seen in the crowd.

This made him a little worried, a little anxious, and wondered whether to take advantage of the night's rest and use his residence personal system to hack into the prison's central computer to find out where the veteran was being held.

If you think about it carefully, the Silver Eagle regiment’s wanted order for veterans is very high, which seems to indicate that the veteran is a key person. If the prison can see through the veteran’s identity, it is likely to treat them differently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It may be transferred to other places through channels unknown to outsiders.

The intelligence network of the Bahamut Pirates is very powerful, but it does not mean that there is nothing in the world that Lilietta does not know.

Reluctant to fill in their stomachs, the two prison guards proposed to add a spot to visit the less important prison area in the outer ring area, so that they can apply for a half-day vacation so that they can go back to Star Hilde to spend time with their family.

Thinking that the two prison guards cooperated with the three of them during the day, he suppressed his restlessness and patiently followed the prison guards to section W of the prison area.

Compared with the r-section for important criminals, the b and c for common criminals, and the w-segment appear to be very deserted. 70% of the cells are vacant, and only a few of them are activated. Some of them are locked or with a sad face. Or a person with a blank face.

According to the two prison guards, the people detained here are all temporary caregivers. A large part of it is because of fighting inside the space facilities, which has a relatively bad impact. Also, because of the limited resources of the police station, they have to be put into the prison's custody facility nearby and wait for justice. The follow-up processing opinions of the system.

Of course, there are also criminals who have been transferred from other places and are waiting for the court to open the court.

Tang Fang looked left and right absent-mindedly, but he was filled with other things. After all, the plan of the prison area was similar to the room layout, except that the people inside were different, and there was nothing worthy of attention and appreciation.

Lilietta knew what he was struggling with, and didn't know how to persuade him, wondering whether the informant had missed something and did not discover the fact that the prison had transferred Aros to other facilities?

"It seems...After going out, we must re-collect global information."

When she was upset in her heart, she suddenly discovered that Tang Fang stopped near the transitional passage between section W and Y, and looked at the prisoner in the cell on the left hand side with a strange look.

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