Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1301: Want to catch

57 Novels.com No pop-up advertisements to read all the novels online, the website of this site:, register to get a free bookshelf. This time is different from the past. The opponent is not a BUG-level species such as phagosome polymer. If you don’t control it as usual and give your full power, let alone the Ypsilonians will be reduced to ashes. Each shuttle will be ruined, and in the end a big oolong will be played, which will hurt one's own people. ..

He doesn't want to be the trash drifting away in space, and at the same time cares about the affairs of this Ypsilon, hoping to keep some tissue samples to Abathur for detailed analysis to determine the physical condition of the other party and figure out the name of the black 6 What is the meaning of the description of the Ypsilon as a "new toy for adults"?

The jamming bomb worked and Zeratul burst back, filling the cockpit with light. When the light of the jamming bomb faded and Black 6 left that awkward position, he looked inside, just to see the sight of the new toy of the surrogate being swallowed by thunder.

To be honest, he didn't know much about the Ypsilon, far inferior to Tang Fang. He just knew that the "new toy of the surrogate" was brought back by Black K to deal with Tang Fang.

According to Black K, since Captain Tang has an alien helper in his hand, the Anus Legion can of course also have it.

If there is only one description like "the new toy of the surrogate," it will naturally not be called "toy".

After Black K returned to the Bliss Pure Land, he used to describe them very beautifully. Even if Black 9 is reborn, he is not necessarily a "heretical" opponent.

As Black 5, which has the closest relationship with Black 9, disagrees. Black 6 is also puzzled. In order to witness the combat effectiveness of the "heresy", I deliberately obtained a "heresy" from the black K before performing the mission, intending to observe his combat performance, whether it is really as the black K describes it, with incomparable strong fighting power .

Facts have proved that the combat effectiveness of "heretics" is really strong.

I think that Black Q and Black 10 fought Tang Fang and his escorts in the connecting corridor of the Montesk Star System Medical Space Station for many rounds. That was the situation formed with the help of special models of Grand Priest-class power armor and many variants. . Now this "heresy" did not rely on any external force to force the two generals of Captain Tang with his own ability, but he was defeated and died, which in itself is a powerful expression.

The 6 adults felt that if they were replaced by themselves, without the assistance of the power armor of the great priest, it was absolutely impossible to do this.

The bleeding from the wound stopped, not because the built-in medical items took effect, but because he put the severed finger in his mouth so that the blood would not fall on the floor, but flow into his stomach.

How can such a precious thing be wasted? He did not accept that his blood was mixed with the blood of those stupid soldiers, it would make him feel very sick and think he was desecrated.

The finger that was cut off by the curved blade was also stored by him, and it did not fall on the dirty floor.

Finger-severing is to be put back... If it can't be put back, it will definitely be made into a unique artwork to be preserved, wiped and maintained frequently.

He had his fingers cut off; the body of the "heresy" was annihilated in thunder and fire, and only half of his head remained; the Black 5 sent an emergency contact saying that the action was blocked by Nova and the target was rescued by Tang Fang.

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt...the mission failed.

The 6 adults are very different from the stubborn and brash men like Hei 3. They feel that since the mission has failed and their strongest combat power has also been defeated by their opponents, if they hesitate any more, they will only fall into a more difficult situation. If you are guilty of stubbornness and death, let's run away, and I will get back next time. Isn’t it a failure? It’s no big deal...

At the beginning, an ambush was set up in the Guns star system, but it was calculated by Captain Tang. He 9 and He 7 were killed one after another. Even the Hades-class aircraft carriers fell into the hands of Morningstar Casting. At the last moment, he and He 5 escaped in a carrier aircraft. Got out.

A few days ago in the Montesque star system, Black K engaged in a murder with a borrowed knife. The result was not very ideal. Although the stars finally detonated and killed a large number of Dragon Whisperer fleet battleships, from the perspective of Captain Tang, he is very K Behaviour is no different from fleeing defeat.

Therefore, in the battle against Captain Tang, he has become accustomed to defeat and fleeing for his life. He has no psychological burden for a long time, and it is as simple and natural as a daily meal.

Without any hesitation, he used his other uninjured hand to squeeze the laser gun to force Zeratul to come back, and stimulated a second jammer to win the reaction time, and then calmly sent a voice message to Black 5: "So... …Hurry up and run... I can’t get my fingers back anymore later."

His legs and his mouth are even faster, and his body has already rushed towards the exit without waiting for the black 5 times.

This is the first time that Tang Fang has encountered Black 6. Although he learned a lot about the Abyssal Knight from Black 7, the intelligence is very fragmented. It can be determined that the Six is ​​a bloodthirsty perverted artist, but he does not know this. He didn't have the sense of honor and mission as an abyss knight, and said that he didn't hesitate to run for his life.

Zeratul was stunned for a moment, looking at the back at the end of the aisle that was gradually dimming, he was very speechless. He did not expect that the 6 adults were such a character, which was completely different from the emotional performance of the Black 10 during the Montesk star system battle.

Gestalt ZERO took back the Dragon Blood Dagger, very satisfied with the power of this long sword. People like Zeratul, Mohandar, Serendis, etc., each have their own psionic weapons. Nova also has a customary gun blade. Captain Tang is not accustomed to using long weapons. The dragon is obtained by black 10 hands. Xuetadao undoubtedly became his exclusive equipment.

Tang Fang moved the severely burned head tissue of the Ypsilon to the Zerg base for storage. When he got up and looked at the outside situation, Hei 6 had disappeared at the end of the aisle. He frowned, hesitating whether to chase or not.

At this time, Tassada walked to the console and pointed to Keane Greenspan, who was in a fainting state, and said, "What are you going to do with this person?"

Tang Fang glanced back, thought about it, and said, "It's still useful to keep him."

Tasada nodded, did not say anything, the same Gestalt ZERo disappeared into the system space.

At the same time, the rear cabin of the shuttle. Black 5 wiped off the blood spilled from the face, the 4 silk threads suddenly turned into hard iron brazing, and shot at Nova's trembling left arm.

There is no rapid prototyping of the Nether Energy Blade, because the blood circulation in the left arm is a bit poor. Although she cut through the Black 5 mask just now and hurt her face, she also bluntly resisted the opponent's kick, which had a bad effect on her left arm.

Nova had to retreat backwards and slammed back with the spear blade.

Black 5 doesn't care about everything outside in the Maria state, calmly like red leaves falling on the water, not stained by wind and dust, cold and high. But when she became an Abyssal Knight, she was very aggressive in combat, which was very similar to Nova.

I don’t know if I saw my own shadow in the opponent's body, or in Virginia? Alexander’s problem is a subtle grudge. The battle between the two sides is more like a duel of will between the strong, rather than a simple rivalry between the enemy and ourselves.

This situation is very special and cannot be described in words or words. It is more manifested in every collision of eyes between the two sides, every entanglement between the gun blade and the silk thread.

To a certain extent, it is like two people who have a wonderful relationship in fate meet in the wind.

If no special circumstances occur, the battle between the two will continue until the winner is determined... to be precise, the moment when one party defeats the opponent by its will.

It is a pity that the cockpit battle ended quickly, and the black 6's call ended the rivalry.

Black 5 did not continue to attack, and after pushing Nova back, the taut iron brazing rapidly softened and quickly retracted into the wrist device.

On the next breath, Black 5 disappeared at the corner of the hatch, leaving only a broken mask fragment on the ground.

Nova didn't rush to chase, moved her slightly stiff left hand, walked over to pick up the piece and slowly clenched it, and crushed it little by little.

After all, it was a shuttle, and there was not much room for movement. The Black 6 quickly ran back to repair the Punos cockpit. At this time, Black 5 also entered the interior of the ship.

Although they lost in hand-to-hand combat, it does not mean that all disputes are over.

Tang Fang is now on the shuttle plane, and as long as one shot passes over, he can enjoy the most brilliant fireworks.

This is what Master 6 thinks, and he does it like this. He is not a black 5, and he is determined to compete with the blonde female agent of the enemy camp, as if defeating the opponent can find meaning in life.

He had found his goal in life long ago-blood, death, despair, wailing, fear... these dark art that the world cannot appreciate. He despises the guy like Hei K who only knows to smear his face all day long.

In the eyes of the 6 adults, aside from the insidious thoughts of Black K. In terms of artistic taste, if you are a painter, Black K is a painter, if you are an art director, Black K is a dead end. of.

Of course, he never looked down on Black 5, because she is the only woman of the Abyss Knights, and because it is a very interesting thing to quarrel with her. He likes Black 5 to make him feel perverted, because it can prove that he is different. , Let the eyes of Black 5 be filled with color, not like Black 3, Black 2, and Black 1, without the slightest sense of existence.

He has forgotten what they look like now. He has also forgotten about Black 5. Perhaps only the stamp collector Black Q can recall their looks.

Black 6’s cranky thoughts suddenly broke, not because Sopnos successfully disconnected from the shuttle, but because a Minotaur-class battlecruiser suddenly appeared in the void at the rear, the main gun hole of the T-shaped bow opened, glowing electricity The slurry jets on the surface of the Crystal Shield of the Ghost Bat destroyer.

It was as if the glass container was shattered, and it was like foam bursting, and the fire spread over the 200-meter-long hull. The explosion quickly dismembered the armor and slowly turned into a big fireball.

I don’t know if I am worried about accidentally hurting the shuttle. There are no large ships like the Minotaur-class battle cruiser in the airspace around the Sopnos, but a few Phoenix fighters appear, cutting into the Sopnos and the shuttle very quickly. Room area.

Black 6 doesn't know why they came so fast, in short, they face a big problem. If the shuttle is forced to be destroyed, the Supnos is likely to fall into the siege of Tang Fang's fleet. You must know that Supnos is not the Pure Land of Bliss. It does not have the BUG-level jump ability of the cloud map system. In case of losing the opportunity to escape the battlefield, waiting for him and Black 5... it is likely to be death.

When he was hesitating about the situation in front of him, a green glow suddenly appeared in the vicinity of the Shupnos. The prophet ship appeared in the field of vision, and the core energy torrent disturbed the surrounding space-time structure, releasing very special curvature fluctuations.

The gravimeter of Sopnos sounded a sharp alarm. When Black 5 reached the bridge, red light was shining on Black 6's mask, as bright as blood.

Regardless of the performance of the prophet ship in the naval battle of the Khanos star system, it can be seen from the data displayed by the gravimeter alone that this very strangely small aircraft has the ability to intercept warp speed.

Normal people know that the ruined warship is an existence that can only be looked up to the warships of the sovereign nations of mankind. But it was almost on the same level as the warships under Tang Fang, which were completely different from the human style.

The gravimeter also detected abnormal fluctuations at several points in the nearby airspace~www.wuxiaspot.com~Green light formed in the horizon...

Black 6 has a very clear cognition-if you don't leave again, the fate of the two people is really to be explained here.

He hurriedly issued instructions to leave, the navigation system began to set the course, the speed engine turned on at the fastest speed, and the tail thruster of the Shupnos burst into a striking blue light.

At this moment, the prophet ship closest to the Hypnos burst into a dazzling light.

The Sensing System of Sopnos detected a bright energy impact, and Black 5 and Black 6 were prepared to use energy shields to resist, but until the warp engine opened the channel to the virtual space, the warship disappeared. The real universe did not feel the energy impact from the prophet ship.

Is it possible...that is just a sign before some kind of powerful weapon operates? Sopnos escaped the battlefield before the attack of the prophet ship?

In any case, it is safe to enter the virtual channel.

Black 6 and Black 5 don’t know. The Prophet doesn’t have any powerful naval guns. The energy shock wave just now is actually a kind of void energy with a special mission.

Yes, it is the "Light of Apocalypse". Since the two were trying to flee for their lives in one mind, and the Shupnos moved extremely fast and could not perform all-round interception, there was a backup plan, which was also a plan that Tang Fang was happy to see.

In order to get the next t-energy stone, the quickest way is to find the Bliss Pure Land. I believe that as the flagship of the Anus legion, there must be a t-energy stone on the surface.

After the battle for the Montesque star system, the Bliss Pure Land was lost, and the clues were broken. The good way is "Tread through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. It takes no effort to get it." Now that the black 6 comes to the door by himself, why doesn't he come with a trick, willing to put a long line and put a heavy bait to catch a big fish, right?

Like the Wings of Twilight that Athena was treated at the time, Hypnos will show him the way forward.

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