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Chapter 1321: Blue Revolution (Part 1)

After this man-made disaster occurred, the federal government under the leadership of the military government deliberately concealed the true nature of the incident and characterized it as an unpredictable geological disaster.

Although experts in related fields and public opinion in the international community have criticized this issue, they have no channels and capabilities to expose the lies of the federal government, and the disaster has already occurred. The next thing to do is to actively treat the affected people and do a good job in the aftermath.

Disaster relief materials delivered from all over the country are continuously imported into the disaster-stricken continent of The Hague.

Under the government's overwhelming publicity, all sectors of society have set off a frenzy of donations, and even the Star Alliance, Charles Federation and other countries have also generously donated and extended a helping hand.

This disaster gradually changed from a funeral to a grand event to demonstrate the solidarity and friendship of the Yinying people.

In the field of civil society, a large-scale moral trial has emerged. Under the slogans and propaganda of patriotism and unity, everyone must contribute to the victims of The Hague. Community leaders will collect donations from door to door, and many units will withhold part of their employees’ salaries to the federal government.

Under moral and patriotic pressure, people dare not get angry, dare not complain, lest they be put on a cold-blooded, selfish, traitorous top hat, and be insulted and attacked by those patriotic teenagers. They can only help the people in need today and themselves tomorrow. The idea of ​​getting help from others comforts me when I am in trouble.

In fact, only less than 20% of the total donation of the government's investment in Hague Star relief and post-disaster reconstruction funds, the remaining 80% went to the army pockets and a small part went to the federal government pockets.

Later, I didn’t know who had acted secretly and the donation was leaked out by government officials. This caused a big storm in the international community and affected the public opinion of the Yinying Group.

Seeing that the incident could not be concealed, the military government shifted all the responsibility to the civilian politicians of the federal government, and killed a group of people on the basis of crimes... No, it should be said that they were potential political enemies. This not only calms the people's anger, but also dispels one's own ties, but also removes the thorns in the flesh, and achieves the purpose of killing the chicken and the monkey.

From the small to the big, the complicated relationship between the silver eagle regiment and the pseudo-federal government can be seen through the geological disaster event and subsequent development of The Hague Star. The two sides stand in a united front on the issue of common people, but when a tricky incident occurs and someone needs to be held responsible for it, the federal government becomes the military's scapegoat.

This situation lasted for a long time, resulting in a very delicate relationship between military soldiers and civilian politicians of the pseudo-federal government. Although those civilian politicians did not dare to excessively stimulate military personnel for personal benefit and safety of life, they inevitably gave birth to some careful thoughts. In some areas, they deliberately stumbled, manipulated, and aroused people's hatred of the army.

Those military leaders are not fuel-efficient lamps. In order to strengthen control of the pseudo-federal government and maintain social stability, they frequently split up the bloated functional departments of the pseudo-federal government, establish new functional departments, and mix them with civilian politicians. sand.

The Supreme Council was established in this context.

Yes, the Supreme Council is a special department organized under the supervision of the Al-Aha military government. Its responsibility is to mediate and arbitrate conflicts between civil organizations and the pseudo-federal government.

The military's intention to form the Supreme Council is of course not pure. To some extent, it is another decentralization of the power of the pseudo-federal government, and it can also have a monitoring effect.

What Al-Aha's military government did not expect was that over time, the Supreme Council began to "rot and deteriorate."

Such adjectives look at issues from the standpoint of the military, but for the people at the bottom, the Supreme Council represents progress and enlightenment, a clear stream in a corrupt political environment.

Most of the military's eyeliners and chess pieces placed in the Supreme Council come from the families of officers with status and status. They believe that the future generations of these army generals will do their best to safeguard the interests of the military.

It's a pity that those dudes who were born with a golden spoon are accustomed to indulging in sensuality and beauty, and lacking in business.

On the other hand, the invisible dark power takes root within the Supreme Council, and slowly develops its backbone and branches.

At this time, the Supreme Council still holds the title of arbitration institution, but the actual situation has been taken over by the magpie's nest and has become the devil's painted skin.

The devil is always good at bewitching people, and Mr. Chairman is no exception.

During the operation of the organization, the Supreme Council is biased towards the former in dealing with the conflicts between civil organizations and the functional departments of the pseudo-federal government. On the one hand, it satisfies the Al-Aha military government’s purpose of suppressing the pseudo-federal government. People trust.

A year or two before the official outbreak of the Blue Revolution, Ah Duncan keenly noticed that the situation in the country was something wrong, and the wings of the Supreme Council were getting harder. After discussing with Leon Apollo and other military officials, he decided to change the policy. Prepare to join the pseudo-federal government to suppress the Supreme Council.

Mixing sand, digging walls, throwing rocks, instigating divisions, pulling one faction and fighting one faction... These are the most common and classic methods of controlling political struggles.

How did Ah Duncan and others think that the dark forces that have completely corrupted the Supreme Council are not comparable to ordinary civil society or government organizations. It is the complex environment inside the Yinying Group that provides the soil for growth and growth.

The Al-Aha military government’s actions are obviously too late. The Supreme Council not only has a good reputation among the people, but to a certain extent, it is already a semi-independent group that exists in accordance with public opinion, and it is also infiltrating the military field.

Although the Silver Eagle regiment is a pseudo-federal government and the real military governs the country, many grassroots soldiers come from civilian families and are dissatisfied with the deformed system.

The members of the Supreme Council used amplifying dissatisfaction and brainwashing methods to win over many people in various military camps, even the famous special force "Silver Eagle Wings" of the Lagras star system.

The Al-Aha military government began to collect black materials from several members of the Supreme Council and hand it over to the pseudo-federal government, ready to use the subject at the right time to isolate and review the target person, and then rectify the power structure of the Supreme Council, decompose its functions, and weaken its existence. The purpose of suppression.

However, before they broke out, the Supreme Council took the lead and launched a vigorous uprising against the brutal rule of the military government, known as the Blue Revolution in history.

In fact, the uprising was not initiated by the Supreme Council, but was initiated by civilians and soldiers codenamed "revolutionaries."

When reading this, Emma made a note about Aros and Bukharin.

As he had previously guessed, both the veterans and gang leaders were members of the Dragoon squad of "Silver Eagle Wings".

When riots broke out in various places in Lagosius, the Dragoon team suddenly turned back and killed the security personnel who were carrying out the **** mission, and removed Valeria, the youngest daughter of Leon Apollo, the second figure of the Aha military government. Apollo took control and created the illusion of being attacked by rioting civilians, making the situation more chaotic.

When the living facilities on the planets of the Lagosius star system were in varying degrees of chaos, and the military and the pseudo-federal government were arguing with each other, the Supreme Council did not know what means was used to control the propaganda network and cause a riot on Lagosius. The news of the uprising was sent everywhere.

The larger chaos is like a fire on a prairie prairie fire. It spread rapidly within the silver eagle group. Under the leadership of the revolutionaries, civilians took to the streets and demanded that Ah Duncan, Leon Apollo and others step down to realize the nationalization of the military dUI. The promise is not just shouting slogans and acting.

When the national situation was in chaos, the Supreme Council issued solidarity to the revolutionaries and announced through secret channels the evidence of the evil deeds committed by the Al-Aha military government and the pseudo-federal government over the years.

Around the same time, Aros and Bukharin’s dragoon team received a communication from the Supreme Council, instructing them to pretend to be rescued from the hands of the rioters Valeria Apollo, to Leon Apollo Sudden attack on the residence of… As long as the target person can be captured alive, the Supreme Council will have enough ability to gain control of the Langkinus system. In this way, if the army government of Aha is held seven inches, Lagras star The system has become a revolutionary base, taking a solid step towards achieving the ultimate goal.

Things did not follow the script designed by the Supreme Council.

The Dragon Knight squad that Aros belonged to did indeed go to Leon Apollo's official residence, but refused to follow the instructions of the Supreme Council to launch a surprise attack and capture key figures. Instead, he chose a relatively mild way to let Valeria Apollo convince his father to recognize the situation, follow the trend of the times, and stand on the side of the revolutionaries.

The dragoon squad chose this path against the wishes of the Supreme Council.

One is because the Dragoon squad found some doubts in the course of its operations. For example, the Supreme Council seems to be conducting some kind of biological experiment. It is not a purely functional department. Another example is that the directors did not lead the revolution in deep riots, but just kept going. To create chaos and conflicts on the social level, trying to make the water more muddy, is not like the contact person advertised to them. Mr. Chairman is an upright person who is determined to bring salvation to the Yinying Group.

The second is because of the persistence of Aros and Captain Heilman (in the photo Bukharin once showed to Tang Fang, the man with red lips and flames tattooed on the shoulder in the middle of the seven people in the front row)-Tongwa During the time when Lelia Apollo got along, they saw a girl who was optimistic, cheerful, positive, and kind. She did not have the arrogance, nobleness, and willfulness of a wealthy lady, nor could she see the snobbery of the so-called ladies and ladies. , Scheming and jealous. After understanding the pursuit of the Dragoon squad and the desire of the revolutionaries, she became their comrade.

Valeria hopes that they can give her a chance to persuade Leon Apollo instead of using violence to complete the revolution. As the second person in the Aha military government, if Leon Apollo fell to their side, the next road will be smoother and smoother.

From the standpoint of Heilman, Aros and others, on the one hand, they have mistrusted the Supreme Council, on the other hand, they must promote the development of the revolution. They are more willing to see Valeria change Leon’s mind and let Langkinu The Sri Lankan system has become a weapon of revolutionaries, not a tool in the hands of the directors.

Under Aros' persuasion, Heilman finally agreed to Valeria's proposal.

Of course, they have also made second-hand preparations-they used force to force the target person to submit when Valeria could not tell Leon Apollo.

As planned by the Supreme Council, they took Valeria to Leon Apollo's residence to let father and daughter meet.

They didn't know what Valeria had said to his father. In short, Leon? Apollo agreed to meet with Hellman and negotiate the issue of returning politics to the people and nationalizing the army.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. A soldier named Aleyev in the Dragoon team suddenly changed from a human into a biological weapon and launched an attack on Leon Apollo.

The negotiations were terminated, and the guards desperately resisted the attack of biological weapons in order to buy time for Leon Apollo to evacuate safely. As for the dragoon squad, they are naturally classified as terrorists and are under the care of the garrison troops.

It was during that conflict that Aros and others recognized the true face of the Supreme Council and realized that they were being used by others. It was also in that conflict that Heilmann died to save the veteran.

Seeing this, Tang Fang remembered the conversation between Li Ran and Aros in the Lunar Space Prison. The closest comrade-in-arms and life-saver among the veterans should be Hellman.

He settled down and continued to look down.

The combat effectiveness of Leon Apollo’s escorts is naturally not an opponent of the phagosome polymer specially prepared by the Supreme Council. They have successively become food for monsters~www.wuxiaspot.com~Aros, Bukharin and others retreated in the chaos. , Breaking out, many team members were sacrificed in this process, and only 4 people managed to escape.

On the other hand, the Supreme Council has calculated that Leon Apollo’s **** is not enough to overly hinder the actions of the phagosome polymer, but it has not calculated the assassin of the second figure in the Aha military government, which can also be said to be a collection--- ---Relic battleship Miracle Praise, now known as the car of the first consul of the Silver Eagle regiment.

To be precise, the Miracle Praise is not a warship in the strict sense, just like the Angel of Quan, there is no powerful weapon system. Its positioning in the Ypsilon fleet tends to be transport ships, and is generally supplied to Ypsilons with special status.

Tang Fang once used teleportation beacons to return to the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress in the Battle of Montesk. In the Ypsilon ship system, generally speaking, only large aircraft carriers, flagships, and fortress-class aircraft will be equipped with quantum teleport hubs for rapid call. Return crew members or key figures.

The Miracle Zanli, as a frigate-class relic battleship less than 200 meters away, is equipped with the most advanced quantum transmission equipment. The crew can return to the battleship platform by wearing special equipment that is faster than the response speed of the fortress-class teleport hub.

pS: This can't fool you, it really is true love...

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