Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1325: Angry into anger

On the two wings of the shuttle, golden lights appeared in front of the two armies with fading afterimages like arrows hitting the target.

The golden light surface stream quickly faded, and the 700-meter-long Protoss aircraft carrier formation revealed its true face. Then there is the void glow ship bathed in blue glow, and the storm battleship nurturing surging energy trends...

In the vicinity of the shuttle, a burst of fast shining light bursts from strength to strength, forming a Minotaur-class battle cruise and the Valkyrie frigate appearing. Through the porthole of the shuttle, you can see that the shining shining battleship chassis flies overhead, and the shuttle is a little bit quickly overtaken in front of them.

No one thought that the fleet of Morningstar forged would appear as soon as it appeared, coming so suddenly and so timely.

After the Battle of the Montesque Star System, the Anubis Legion deliberately leaked part of the battle to tell the world about Morning Star casting evil deeds with the Dragon Whisperer. Although there are aircraft carriers and storm warships in the film and television materials, they did not give close-up shots. , The world knows very little about them. Up to this moment, the main battleship of the interstellar system was under pressure, and Hoffman and others truly felt the unstoppable terror pressure.

Their existence is Tang Fang's arrogant trump card...

The number of Protoss and Terran warships combined is naturally not as good as the Silver Eagle Navy, but anyone who is familiar with the international situation and pays attention to collecting external information will not simply think that the Silver Eagle Navy as the superior number of warships will give it in the next battle. A good-looking opponent. Facts have proved countless times that Captain Tang’s combat power, especially the combat power that clearly has an alien technology style, has the ability to be one enemy ten, or even one enemy hundred, compared with the same-standard combat power of a sovereign country.

Thomas was stunned by the scene in front of him. He looked at the gathering of warships that flew past where the shuttle was, like a dark cloud on top of them, and his expression became extremely exciting.

He did not see Tang Fang and others fighting inside the Atlas Space Station with the Red Queen. He woke up from a coma and only saw debris on the ground and gunpowder in the sky. It is hard to imagine that such a scene was caused by three people. . Now that he came outside and was intercepted by the Silver Eagle Navy, the situation had intensified. He finally understood why Tang Fang had shown confidence throughout.

The emotion that Captain Tang showed just now was neither arrogant nor arrogant, but a fusion of self-confidence and mockery.

The divergent light of the Atlas Space Station explosion was sometimes blazing and sometimes weakening. The fragments and wreckage thrown by the shock wave reflected the light of fire from time to time thick and light, and fell into the deep cold void.

For a few breaths, the continuous burst of light that swept away the boundless darkness swept around the battlefield, leaving violent light and dark alternations on the sides of each warship.

The Atlas Space Station was dismembered by the explosion and completely reduced to dense wreckage fragmented in the distance.

"Come on..." Tang Fangwang Meyer said, "I really want to know if the Dragon Whisperer fleet will appear in the Lagras star system this time, defeating my fleet like it defeated the Supreme Council."

Meyer's face was as cold as a layer of frost, and his eyes were gloomy.

I don’t know if someone is making a suggestion behind, or a sudden flash of inspiration, Hoffman intervenes in the conversation between the two: "Tang Fang, don’t get excited, what did you mean by calling Meyer’s middleman?"

Tang Fang was not excited, but Meyer suddenly became calm and excited.

The plasma beam from the Miracle Zanli pierced the dark space, passed through the gap between the Minotaur-class battle cruiser and the Valkyrie frigate, and shot directly at the shuttle where the four of Tang Fang was located.

The sudden attack stunned everyone, but the light did not hit the target. With the green brilliance radiating traces like magnetic field lines, the plasma beam directed at the shuttle turned halfway, and the flight trajectory slightly shifted.

In the vast void of the universe, facing a small target like a shuttle, there is a slight difference, a thousand miles away. The light eventually passed under the shuttle without hitting the target.

For Meyer, the result was obviously disappointing, but this blow kicked off the war.

Hoffman yelled for restraint from all parties on the channel, but the attack from Meyer's **** fleet spread overwhelmingly and attacked the area where the shuttle was located, trying to kill Tang Fang by capturing the thieves first.

The Miracle Praise suddenly lit the beacon of war, pushing the confrontation into a head-on conflict.

A group of golden interceptors shot out from the gap between the two wings of the Protoss aircraft carrier's wings, which turned into golden clouds and flocked to the front of the Silver Eagle Navy.

At the same time, the silver-white energy group from the Battleship Storm hit the Hercules-class battleship near the Miracle Zanli with its dazzling brilliance, blooming into groups of dazzling brilliance, and the bounced arc spread out like the tide of the beach.

With the armor of battleship-class aircraft, even in the face of the bombardment of warships of the same specification, it cannot be sunk without a period of blow. However, in the face of the turbulence of energy released by the storm battleship, the thick armor is like a crisp wall. Annihilated in the shock wave created by the runaway.

Looking from a distance, the 560-meter-long hull of the Hercules-class battleship was suddenly dug out by something. The explosion quickly penetrated the hull, and endless flames swept all the lives on the ship.

There is no serious injury, no damage, and it is better than a battleship-class aircraft. It can't hold a single attack under the long-range shooting of the Storm Battleship.

The blue ray, which is different from the energy ball, fell on the hulls of some cruisers and destroyers against the bombardment of the silver eagle group battleship, burning large holes after another, sending death and flames into the battleship.

The conflict began with the Silver Eagle Wings Capital Guard, which was controlled by Meyal, and the Protoss was targeted by them.

We must know that the fighting power of the Silver Eagle Wings Capital Guard is even higher than that of the New Sea Spirit Fleet and the Fengshen Fleet. It can be comparable to Henrietta’s Skywalker Guard, even if it is against the strongest Celtic Guard of the Upper Monya Empire. The enemy also has the power to fight. As the top combat force of a sovereign country in the Helumbir region, facing the alien technology-style battleship that only appeared under Captain Tang, it has no ability to resist one or two, facing those energy groups, those blue rays , And the subsequent interceptors that arrived in the war zone, like paper-made clay sculptures, weak and vulnerable.

Han Zhao and Sindika didn't expect Meyer to fight as soon as they said they would fight, and they didn't expect Tang Fang's combat power to be so powerful that they saw the sinking of the battleships under the Silver Eagle Wings. They were really heartbroken and speechless.

In addition to the Silver Eagle Wings Capital Guard, the Navy also dispatched the 0025th Fleet, the 0079th Fleet, and the security fleet originally under the jurisdiction of the Red Queen. The Silver Eagle Wings Capital Guard took the lead in launching an attack. They were originally going to follow, but Hoffman and Meyer quarreled in the communication frequency band, and Han Zhao and Sindika witnessed their warships facing the Protoss. The fragile appearance of the time, I don't know what to do, which leads to the chaos of the command system that shouldn't be there.

On the shuttle, Thomas looked away from the pda screen, looked at Tang Fang's profile and said, "Is this true? Is this...really?"

"Do I have to lie to you..."

"Meyer is the middleman, and Meyer is the middleman..." Thomas whispered softly: "It turns out that the Red Queen is not only used to assess the consul's artificial intelligence, but also has such a function. This... is really unacceptable. ."

After reading the information provided by Tang Fang, the old man swept away the guilt of the Red Queen's demise.

"The middleman lied to us, the Dragon Whisperer lied to us... lied to all of us." He muttered dullly. He seemed to be greatly stimulated, unable to control his thinking, and unable to conceal the disappointment and anger in his heart. The wisdom and stability of the first meeting with Tang Fang and others are gone.

I don't know when the smoke was ignited, and my fingers were shaking, and the ashes fell on the surface of some messy suits, a little dirty, which was very eye-catching.

After all, Thomas is the governor of the Silver Eagle Group. He has seen many storms and quickly adjusted his mentality under the stimulation of the smoke. Knowing that it is not a time of upset and complaints, how to solve the immediate crisis is the key.

"Since you have all the evidence in your hands, why don't you tell Hoffman and Syndica, but instead follow Meal's plan and meet with the Silverhawk Navy?"

While Tang Fang threw the PDA to Nova, he explained patiently: "If I were to reason with Han Zhao and others like this, would they calm down and listen to the bad words? Sometimes, they must give the other party a reason to value themselves. Communicate and negotiate from a peer-to-peer perspective."

"Just like you said, the Yinying people are more than brave, but they are not flexible enough. What I did was to teach Han Zhao and Sindika some lessons, so that they can truly understand your thoughts and realize that the social atmosphere of the Yinying group must be changed. fact."

Thomas sighed and stopped talking. He strived to resolve the matter peacefully, but in the end it was the result of a confrontation. Whether it was from the perspective of personal feelings or from the righteousness of his country, it was a heavy blow to him.

Nova looked back at him, her eyes dimmed, and she pressed a button in the corner of the console.

Thomas looked up at the world outside the window, with hesitation, sadness, loss, loss, and not strong indignation on his face.

He has enough reasons to be indignant, not just him, but all the citizens of the Silver Eagle Group have enough reasons to be indignant, because things are not as propagated by the previous government. After the Blue Revolution, the Silver Eagle Group ushered in the light of redemption, at least in a key issue. On the previous page, the Dragon Whisperer and the middleman lied to them, it can also be said that they fooled them.

When Hoffman struggled with his life to warn the Silver Eagle regiment naval battleships other than the Silver Eagle Wing Capital Guard to exercise restraint, the intelligence officers bite the bullet to interrupt his actions and handed over a pda.

Being disturbed at this critical moment will naturally not produce a sense of pleasure, but before it happens, seeing the content recorded on the pda, the face of the seventh archon resembles a suddenly dried face, and the angry evil fire is suppressed. .

"This...this is..." He stared at the girl in front of him with eyes the size of a copper bell.

"This is the data file sent by the third consul's shuttle in the form of global broadcast. Not only the Ebony received them, but the other warships also received this data file. Uh..." The girl paused and continued. Said: "It also includes the Internet."

"Also including the Internet?" Hoffman's face turned pale for a moment.

The content recorded in this document is the bit by bit about the Red Queen, including how it was built by the Dragon Whisperers after the Blue Revolution, how to disguise the Atlas space station, and what role it played in the Archon era. What kind of technology is used to test the loyalty and ability of the probationary governor.

The document suddenly exposed the existence of the Red Queen and the relationship between the Dragon Whisperers and the new government. But this is not the most critical place. The most critical place is another function of the Red Queen... Copy the spiritual world of a specific character with a dark matter field, and then form a kind of information mapping in the brain of the target character to achieve the continuation of the life of the specific character purpose.

Although the body is no longer the original body, the mind is still the original mind. In a sense, it is tantamount to a road to eternal life.

Since the completion of the Red Queen, the spiritual world projection operation has only occurred once, that is, projecting the spiritual world of the middleman into Meyer's mind. Of course, Meyer at that time was not called Meyer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Meyer at that time was not the first consul of the Silver Eagle.

I don’t know if the Dragon Whisperer specifically asked the Red Queen to record the various details of the operation. The information from the operation time, the operation process, the physical data of the subject, the physiological state and so on was not deleted, but kept as a database. The most confidential files are archived.

No one thought that what happened today would happen, including Meyer himself did not expect that a supercomputer like the Red Queen would be hacked by Tang Fang, and it was in the absence of time to destroy those key files. There is no doubt that the spread of this data file to the social level is bound to cause an uproar and bring it to the Yinying regiment government based on the seven consuls.

Hoffman finally understood the reason why Tang Fang called Meyer's middleman. The data was meticulous to every minute and every second of the mental world projection surgery process, as well as Meyer's dna information, personal physical signs, and skin appearance.

Although the Red Queen had been damaged, anyone with IQ Online would not think of this document as fictitious information. It was a perjury used by Tang Fang to frame Meal.

How did the first generation of consuls announce them when they were alive?

The intermediary is only a bridge between the Dragon Whisperers and the ruling ones, and will not point fingers at the political affairs of the Yinying Group. Once the Yinying Group smoothly transitions to a normal country, the Dragon Whisperers will no longer intervene in the Yinying Group's affairs, and the middleman will retreat at the right time and completely return government to the people, allowing the Yinying people to determine the destiny and future of their country.

Such a decision has won the understanding of the people. Those who have suffered from the oppression of the Al-Aha military government and the Blue Revolution regard the Dragon Whisperer as the savior, and the middleman as the holy spirit like angels. They still remember their help and respect for this country, spontaneously. Pray for the middleman sexually and cheer for the Dragon Whisperer.

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