Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1339: Being in Cao Ying and heart in Han

The glass curtain walls of some living halls have been broken, and a lot of wind and sand poured into the inner space, buried the underground part, but has not filled the above-ground part. If you get closer, you can hear the mute wind echoing on the inner wall.

According to the inland coordinates provided by the Dragon Whisperer, the Griffin flew to a gentle terrain near the ruins of the living hall, folded its wings and started the landing process.

The stream of fire that started from the propeller blew hot waves on the ground, and the gravel was surging around, bewildering the sight and space.

Five minutes later, the Griffin stopped, and Tang Fang walked out of the hangar and walked towards the ruins of the living hall facing the undissipated wind and sand.

A layer of fine sand soon fell on the surface of the protective clothing for harsh environments, which looked a little dusty.

As a shadow approached, the dust rose again, but he jumped up and climbed up the shadow.

With a flash of the car lights, the transporter rushed out of the sandstorm and galloped forward with dust like wind and fire.

Miro Kaczynski unlocked a series of civilian or industrial transportation vehicles, including radar motorcycles, tank trucks, and bulldozers when unlocked. It is naturally not difficult to find a truck suitable for the terrain of Tanda Star.

Driving less than 2 kilometers forward, the truck arrived at the densely distributed area of ​​the living hall. Through the window of the car, two aircraft resembling the Demon Hunter were parked on the living hall on the roof similar to the apron.

Those two aircraft are naturally relic fighters, with different styles of human creations. This shows how deep the Dragon Whisperers organization has. At least judging from the strength of these contacts, Noah's God Arms are unworthy for Dragon Whisperers to carry shoes.

This is not to say how powerful the two relic fighters are. In fact, judging from the battle of the Montesque Star System, the Supreme Council and the Third Committee’s joint attack on the Dillard star system, the Dragon Whisperer seems to have been very much It has inherited and mastered the Ypsilon aerospace technology. The different forms and characteristics of warships in each branch are not weaker than the conventional Ypsilon warships produced by the Ypsilon Industrial World Ship.

In other words, the Dragon Whisperer has the qualification to become an opponent with the Protoss fleet. But they have a big shortcoming compared to themselves-their number of warships is relatively small.

Although he has not many Protoss battleships at his disposal, they are definitely not the enemy of the entire Dragon Whisperer organization, but if they are used to deal with a branch, he is confident to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop. After all, the Dragon Whisperer cannot be compared with the interstellar system in terms of force supplementation. As long as the resources are sufficient, he can continuously invest in new forces.

Dragon Whisperers...I don't know where their base is, whether there are a large number of Ypsilon relics, is it possible that there are hidden data that can be used to unlock new units.

The aircraft carrier, storm battleship, and mothership are all unlocked, but it does not mean that the Protoss' strongest combat power has appeared. The Spear of Arden is still out of reach, the Sybros hasn't been unlocked, the Tadalin Mothership hasn't appeared yet... Of course, even if it's unlocked now, he can't build either one.

It's a pity that there is no location coordinate of the Kukulkan branch base in the basement of Hilde Star Lake Island Villa. Thinking about it now, it should be just a place for vacation, not an important facility.

Thinking about the Dragon Whisperer's question, Aros swung the steering wheel, and the car went around an abandoned living hall into a relatively flat area in the middle of the town.

The strange color coming into his sight awakened Tang Fang, and when he looked forward, his brows could not help but raised.

Consistent with the message sent by the Quantum, the Dragon Whisperer’s people are ready and are waiting for him to exchange hostages on the ground.

Three people came from his side, and three from the Dragon Whisperer side. However, one conclusion can be drawn from the scene in front of him. The three people dispatched by the Dragon Whisperer are completely different from what he imagined.

There is not a single soldier, and if the guess is correct, the three on the opposite side are important figures in the Dragon Whisperer branch.

To determine this is actually very simple, just look at the armor they wear.

Nova's breathing became a little fast, her back straightened... She had witnessed Kukulkan's battle with the phagosome polymer, and she believed that the man was very capable.

However, compared with the three people in front of him, at least in terms of the level of the battle armor, Kukulkan is a bit short.

The first person from the left, the armor is also fiber texture in details, but overall, the chest, hips, wrists, shoulder blades... and other parts have a very obvious modular style. The head visor is completely different from Kukulkan, it looks like a snake's belly, covered with pieces of scaly material. His shoulder armor is two dragon heads, but they are not symmetrical, the left dragon head is black and strong, and the right dragon head is white bones. There are no spikes on his knees, but his boots and gloves are in the form of dragon claws.

For the second person from the left, the fiber texture is not visible on the surface of the battle armor. Perhaps it is hidden by the bright gold painting. In short, from the chest to the arm armor and leg armor, it looks like a whole. There is no flowing cloud pattern on his shoulders, and there is no dragon head totem. It is very smooth, but there is a tail swinging gently behind his head on his back, and the end is a snake head structure with a distinctive mechanical style. In addition, there is a pair of upwardly growing black corners on the top of the helmet.

If it was not certain that Zhou Ai had left the Hilumbel area and saw the second person's costume, he might doubt whether the person in front of him was a golden fighter who was an enemy of Zhou Ai.

In addition to the above characteristics, the second person's diamond-shaped helmet has snow-colored fibers hanging down from the back, which looks like a beautiful silver hair from a distance. Not only that, the fine seams of the battle armor extending from the neck to the wrist are dotted with a silver crystal, adding a touch of silvery elegance to the nobility of bright gold.

The state of the third person is very strange, different from the previous two people standing in the desert, but suspended in the air. The fiber texture of the armor is different from the thick and thick of the Kukulkan armor. The color is soft and shiny, moist, and does not have a strong sense of strength. Rather, it is a special silk fabric.

He was suspended in the air, but he couldn't see his feet, because a kind of white particles gathered around, forming a cloud-like substance. If combined with the height of a human, it can be roughly inferred that he is sitting cross-legged or crooked.

His visor is very chic, it looks like angel wings close together, blocking the face behind. However, just above the wings, that is, the forehead, is inlaid with a huge red gem, radiating soft light outward.

In fact, not only was his body suspended in the air, there was also a structure similar to a psionic power amplifier behind his helmet stagnating behind his head. In terms of shape, it consists of a white ring on the outside and a golden crescent on the inside. Between the golden crescent and the white circle are six orbs that constantly change colors. As the golden crescent slowly rotates on the outer white circle, it sows a rainbow-like brilliance in the nearby airspace.

The armor chest presents a very strong pleated style, and the arm armor looks like a crossed silk covering the skin. There are many entangled filaments below, swinging up and down with the body up and down, looking from a distance like another pair of arms.

The three men, the three sets of Dragon Whisperer battle armor, judging from the aura that they revealed, they could not be the grassroots combatants in the Dragon Whisperer organization anyway.

He looked at the three people on the opposite side, and then at his own three in the truck, his expression a little ugly. It's not that I'm worried that I won't be able to beat the opponent, but I feel that the three of them are a bit dirty.

The smoky broken truck, the horse Runjia full of bullet marks, and the harsh environment protective clothing with a layer of gravel...It feels like walking into the King’s Buckingham Palace wearing big pants and sandals. Of course, Nova's situation is better.

"I think you should call Tasada and Serendis." Nova said with a weird expression facing Captain Tang, who was standing on the pedals outside the cockpit, while finishing her equipment.

He understands the deep meaning of Miss Nova’s words, and she thinks about it the same way. He always feels that the three of himself are a little bit infatuated with the three Dragon Whisperers, and only Tasada, Cerlandis or Atanis and Luo A protoss hero like Hana can contend against the other's momentum.

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles... This sentence is always out of date.

This reminded him of the feminized battle armor of Ypsilon that he got inside the industrial ship. I don’t know how Iger? Stetman is doing research. If that guy has the ability to repair it, Freya can equip it. , But it is also a choice to use to fill the appearance.

With a squeaking sound, the truck stopped, and the dust rolled on the rear of the truck and spread out to the rear.

Tang Fang jumped off the front door pedal, slapped the dust on his body, and walked towards the three Dragon Whisperers opposite.

Only then did he notice a container-shaped sealing device standing behind the three Dragon Whispers, which looked extremely heavy.

There was the sound of the car door opening behind them, and Nova and Aros jumped off the cab, used automatic loading and unloading equipment to unload the medical compartment and coffin of the trunk, and pushed forward.

At this time, Tang Fang had already walked up to the three Dragon Whisperers in charge.

A strand of yellow sand swept across the ground beneath one's feet, dispersed in the wind, turned into fine particles, and swayed away.

He looked at the three Dragon Whisperer leaders who were one head higher than himself, and said calmly: "How do you call it?"

The first person from the left did not move. The snake scale-shaped visor showed no change in expression, and no sound came out.

The man in the middle announced his name in a hoarse voice: "Dragon Whisperer-Tiamat."

Then there is the person in charge of the Dragon Whisperer who is very feminine on the far right: "I am Po Su Ji, this is the first time I met, please take care of me."

The voice was melodious and melodious, as if it was floating from afar, but it was gentle and polite, just like in the previous talks, it gave him a good impression and was very close.

He nodded in response, turned his gaze back to the first person, stared at the faceless visor, and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be Niederhogg."

"Humph!" The man just snorted and stopped talking. This indifferent statement confirmed Tang Fang's guess that this person was the head of the Dragon Whisperer Nidhog branch who had a head-on conflict between the Montesk star system and the Protoss fleet, and naturally would not give him a good face.

He moved his gaze back and forth several times on the three of them, hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he stopped talking nonsense, and said bluntly: "According to the agreement, I have brought Kukulkan here. So...what about Zagara?"

Tiama nodded and moved his palm slightly. I saw four air columns gushing out, and in the constant babble, the walls of the sealed box opened outward, revealing the internal scene.

At a glance, he saw Zagara's awkward body and that unscathed **** face.

Although the box is open, it does not mean that Zagara will be free, because there is a plasma fence between the solid box wall and Zagara. If Zagara escapes with strong means, he will inevitably be burned by the high-temperature plasma stream.

Unlike Kukulkan, Zagara’s situation is much better. Although he was trapped in a plasma cage and lost his freedom, his body is intact, and his mental head is very strong. It seems that the Dragon Whisperer treats the prisoners very humanely. At least there is no physical abuse, or treated like cats and dogs.

Obviously, there is no way to know the external environment from the inside of the sealed box. When the walls of the box are opened on all sides, the sunlight refracts in, and the wind rolls the gravel through the plasma fence and hits the chitinous zombie carapace. Zagara is very human. After a moment of "stunned", he saw the three Dragon Whisperer leaders standing in front of him.

When he was considering whether to shoot a spinal needle and explode the three guys who believed to be enchanting back, he suddenly saw the ghost agent standing in front ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a long-lost voice came in his mind.

"Female... Female... Tang... Fang..."

When the Zarzi was still in the hands of Terrow, Baiyue was severely wounded and was dying. The fragmented memory during the process of fusion with Zagara suffered from reorganization obstacles, which in turn affected consciousness and thinking, and developed cognitive diseases similar to schizophrenia. As a result, when he became the state of Zagara, he would always call Tang Fang the "Queen", which made Captain Tang speechless and a headache. After working hard for a while, he found that Zagara could not be changed, so he went with him. A title.

Unexpectedly, after the two Zerg heroes disappeared in the airspace of the Turanx United Kingdom, when he saw Zagara again, he recovered from his cognitive impairment and called himself "Tang Fang" again, thinking that the existence of the Queen of Blades reversed His ideology.

At least at this point, Tang Fang believed that the cruel woman had done a good thing.

"I'm attacking from the back, you attack from the front, how about sending the hateful fellows of the Dragon Whisperer to **** together?" This is a suggestion from Zagara.

"Don't cause trouble to me." Tang Fang said, "Do you know how much I paid to replace you? If this deal is ruined, I will definitely kick your ass."

Zagara said: "It's very impolite for you to speak like this."

"Polite." He gritted his teeth and said: "Wait until this transaction is completed to see how I can clean you up."

In all fairness, he is not thin to these two guys, but the result... As soon as the Queen of Blades appeared, the two of them patted their butts and ran to each other’s camp. They didn’t even let go. He had already suffocated the evil fire. When you find Zagara and Izsha, you must make them look good.

"You blamed us." Zagara said aggrieved: "We are here in Cao Ying, and we have never been..."

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