Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1390: The most familiar stranger (part 1)

She was shocked by the strength that Mei 12 showed. You must know that the other party has not taken out the golden battle axe behind her back, and that is the indicator weapon that can show offensive capabilities.

The Hunyuan Destroyer uses the gravitational cage to offset the gravitational field of Zeratul. Unfortunately, this is a process, and the process takes time, and the thing that Zeratul lacks most is time... It can also be said that the particles of Mei 6 The blade came too fast.

Although the restraint of the gravitational field on the body was lifted, the flashing skills could not be used, and the crude leather armor obviously had no way to resist May 6's attack.

Just as Zeratul was preparing to use a relatively thin plasma shield to resist the enemy’s attack, the air in front of him suddenly tightened, and the condensed state shield shaped like a force field barrier inspired by a mechanical sentry appeared continuously, superimposing together to form multiple protections, easily. The ground blocked the multi-particle blade shot by Mei 6.

At the same time, a seemingly dim light and shadow passed through the area between Zeratul and May 6, and an energy shield was added to the body of the lady agent on the other side of the battlefield.

The dim light and shadow stopped in front of Mei 12, and with a burst of blue blooming, the light and shadow turned into a Protoss warrior in golden armor.

Of course it is not a regular combat unit like the Apostle, but the Protoss Hero Tassadar.

A highly cohesive psychic storm blooms in his palm, pressing on the energy shield of Mei 12's body surface, forming a rapidly rotating electric ball of destruction, continuously cutting obstacles below, creating a thrilling jet of energy.

Mei 12 did not expect such a change to happen. The horn structure originally used to shoot the Hunyuan Destroyer and Protoss Apostle turned around and faced enemies who dared to challenge him.

When the red ray shoots out from the end of the spirally narrowed claw structure and passes over the energy shield and the electric ball scorching area to point to the enemy’s vitals, unexpectedly, the armor in front is relatively weak compared to the close combat individual of the same race. A very powerful hedging energy expands in the opponent's body, which expands outside of the body, seeming to be guided by a certain binding force field and unable to disperse, condensing into a kind of almost fluid hybrid energy substance.

This substance seems to become an extension of the enemy's body cells, blocking the laser beam from the attachment of the horn.

Mei 6 and Mei 12 are actually very aware of how Black K’s arm disappeared, knowing that two high-ranking templars can become consuls, creating a storm of energy collapse and destroying the material in the area of ​​influence.

Now there are no high-ranking Templars on the battlefield. However, what caught Mei 12 off guard was that Tasada suddenly appeared on the battlefield, incarnate as a consul in an individual mode, and launched a crazy attack on him, which made him feel great pressure. The hands originally used to construct the gravitational field were retracted, and the half-human golden battle axe was taken out from behind.

The conflict between the destruction of the electric ball and the energy shield is still intensifying. Nova gave up attacking May 12 and joined the battle group of Zeratul and May 6 for external containment.

At this moment, a "new man" flashed out of the fork on the left, accompanied by an unclear sound of iron and rock impact.

He didn't come over from the ground, he climbed over the wall, like a large spider that can fly over the wall.

The first action Phoenix did after arriving on the scene was to spray a ball of energy at May 12, which broke on the surface of the shield, and a black awn in the core adhered to it, tearing the energy forming the shield.

This is a unique skill of a heroic dragon knight, and its power has been dazzlingly displayed in the Ark World campaign.

Mei 12 glanced sideways across the left side of the road, watching Phoenix's posture and frowned slightly, thinking that with his combat power with Mei 6, he could easily kill the enemy units on the promenade battlefield. However, there was a big deviation between reality and ideas. They came here, and the enemy's reinforcements also came here.

He decided not to keep his hand any more, and while holding the golden battle axe in his left hand, he grabbed his right hand toward Phoenix.

An invisible wave spreads out, and time and space are stretched within a certain range. The most intuitive manifestation is that Phoenix's actions fall into the eyes of Nova and others and become very slow, like a movie of pressing a slow button.

When Mei 12 took the battle axe in his left hand to the top of his head, the right hand that was originally used to distort the space-time structure of the target area retracted, holding the handle of the battle axe, and swiping it down.

The end of the axe blade winds into a white texture, and a cloud-like particle band is boiled out of the inside. As the battle axe falls, including the energy shield constructed by the golden battle armor, the destructive electric ball compressed by Tassadar is like a The watermelon that was split with a sharp kitchen knife was cut in half from the middle, and the energy that was out of control began to leak.

Mei 12 didn’t wield his battle axe fast, but Tassadar was shocked that despite the awe-inspiring breath, a strong gravitational force spread from the position of the axe blade, pulling his body forward, so powerful that even He couldn't forcefully break away either, and was pulled over little by little.

From the scene where it easily cut the energy shield of the T energy stone structure and destroy the electric ball, it can be seen that it is not difficult to cut through the mixed nether energy gathered on his body surface.

In the war zone near the fork on the right, May 6 did not pursue Zeratul, but instead attacked Nova. The flexible and sharp double swords brought great pressure to the agent.

He is not a modest gentleman, an elegant gentleman, he knows that when a few fights the majority, the soft pinch of the persimmon may bring more results with less effort.

From the appearance of the two members of the Krum Sword to the start of a new round of battle, Tassadar and Phoenix came to support from other areas on the promenade. Cathy remained unresponsive, with a painful expression on her face, and there were wispy electric arcs. The end of the facial whiskers burst, and there was a soft croak, feeling that he could not control his own power.


At the same time, the wandering planetary core space.

Compared with the situation where the fish monsters swarmed to attack the Bliss Pure Land, the overall environment became very quiet. No new fish monsters turned into a tide to flock to the outer tunnel. Only the dead fish monster bodies scattered in the marginal space floated up and down, in that large-scale fog. It appears and disappears in time, just like floating ping.

Passing through the lingering cloud and fog gathering area, it is a huge monster with a body length of more than 500 kilometers, which looks like a combination of countless intestines twisted together.

It is the incubator, the body of the two sisters Cathy and Soya. Whether it is a sharp-toothed fish monster, a long-snout fish monster, or a horizontal bone fish monster, it is bred in its body. Not only that, as long as it is there, the two sisters Cathy and Soya can be reborn infinitely.

Under normal circumstances, the incubator will constantly squirm and puff out smoke. But today it is different from the past. Although the body is moving, it is more of a kind of twitching, rather than the kind of peristalsis like human gastrointestinal work. There is no fish monster breeding, and there is no color mist rising.

At the part of the incubator near the entrance of the tunnel, two floating vehicles landed on the undulating flesh.

A huge intestinal orifice was violently twitching 5 kilometers in front of the floating vehicle's parking place. Unlike the previous open state, the terminal sphincter contracts and closes inwardly.

Below the intestinal opening, there is a structure similar to the biological cabin inside the nerve tree of the hybrid battleship. If Tang Fang were here, he would have come to the conclusion that he had been here before-after conquering the Alien Sisters' flowers, he was here to perform the proliferation operation on Soya's right hand to regenerate her body.

There are also people here today, so naturally it is not Captain Tang... it is Aros.

He came here when Tang Fang, Zeratul and others were fighting the soldiers of the Anubis Legion on the Bliss Pure Land.

Before, he was going to use alcohol to relieve his sorrows, but now he won’t, because he is no longer in the mood to drink, and those sorrows are also shocked by the scene.

Less than 20 meters from his squatting position, the six fire dragons that had been evacuated from the frontline battlefield showed half of their bodies, and a well-shaped dragon head froze in the air, as if suddenly froze.

In front of the dragon's head stood a person...yes, a person.

Compared with the huge dragon head, it is a small thing, but it is such a small thing, just stick out a finger and bounce off the thick lip in front of the dragon head, the whole dragon head is like a sudden inflated balloon, all parts of it bulge The round pouches were picked up one after another, growing at different speeds, and some were still moving under the skin, which looked terrifying.

This situation did not last long. As Aros held his breath, the watermelon exploded when the huge dragon head fell on the ground, suddenly bursting, blood and flesh flying out, dyeing the nearby area red.

That was not the first bursting dragon head, it was the last one.

Including the dragon head that was severely damaged in the battle, all six dragon heads, including the central head and face with two rows of eyeballs in the middle, were bounced with one finger and turned into a broken mountain on the "ground", towering at the end of the horizon.

The six fire dragons became a fire dragon without a head...

The veteran looked at the frightening scene ahead, and witnessed the blood overflowing from the headless dragon corpse flowing through the gully beside it like a river. His breathing became more rapid, but his eyes were extremely calm, looking at the figure floating in the sky. .

The heads of the six fire dragons burst and shot out many pieces of blood and meat, but none of them fell on the body.

"Who are you?" The low voice echoed around, breaking the weird and quiet atmosphere.

"You know who I am better than anyone else." The man with his back to Aros turned around, revealing his true face. It was the old friend of the veteran who was going to find a drink with him, Mr. Lev, the leader of the Red Martyrs Party. ?Milonovic? Mr. Bukharin.

"No, I don't know who you are at all." Aros said: "The Lev Milonovich Bukharin I know is an orphan without parents, a prodigal son who talks a little unreliable. A man who can stab himself twice for a friend...not the one I am looking at now."

The veteran's speech is not fast, there is no pause in the middle, it sounds very smooth, and he appears very calm. But only he knows that he is not calm at all now, and even feels broken by what he sees today.

He was just used to keeping calm and pretending to be calm.

He used the energy residual path scanned by the Ma Runjia sensor system to track the suspended vehicle so far, and then saw an unthinkable scene-the big pets raised by the alien sisters, large enough to tear apart the existence of the Battleship class beasts he was very familiar with. One finger exploded his head and turned into a mountain-like corpse ahead.

At this moment, the person who was very familiar in his memory became the most impressive stranger.

"Twenty-four years ago, I was transferred from the Delta team to the Dragoons. That year you got promoted and became the deputy captain of the Dragoons. It was the same year when you quit smoking but smoked cigars. "

"Twenty-three years ago, the Dragoon squad was sent to the Takiri planet, where the Silver Eagle regiment had a sovereignty dispute with the Phoenix Empire, on a rescue mission. During the battle, nearly half of the team members were lost. Fortunately, the task was completed with difficulty. In Hellman's strong Upon request, you were unwilling to face the camera with us. That was the first time you took pictures after entering the army. I still remember that you said that the reason why you didn’t want to take pictures was because you didn’t want to be a burden in your companion’s memories. You said that if you die in a battle, it’s best to dissipate like a cloud of smoke. If you’re alive, you don’t need a photo to remember. If you miss it, you can sit down and drink until you get drunk."

"Twenty-two years ago, Heilmann started contacting the Supreme Council and agreed with their reform ideas. You were not what you are now~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although you always pretend to be deep, you are a stranger. Do not enter, but there is a young man’s unique impulse and drive in his bones, wanting to change something to make the Yinying group more beautiful. I said that you are a seemingly mature, but in fact, you are very naive and stunned. , You said that I am a cartilage who has no pursuit but only knows how to eat and wait to die. We almost fought for this."

"Twenty-one years ago, the Blue Revolution broke out. Hellman and you think the Silver Eagle Group is about to usher in a new life. Of course, this is not the point for me, the point is that you guy actually won Valeria's favor, you know... ...I've been jealous of you in this matter for a long time."

"The Dragoon squad dispersed in the next battle. Some people died, some survived, or lived incognito, or moved to other countries... When I heard your name again, it was already 21. Today, one year later, accompanied by a young man named'Tang Fang', your figure reappeared in front of the world. There is no doubt that I was happy at that time and drank a lot of alcohol. I was almost caught by the Red Martyrs Party. Some opponents were assassinated."

"I don't need to repeat what happened afterwards, I believe you know better than me. So you see, I have always been Lev Milonovich Bukharin, not the'someone' in your mouth. "

The party leader said a lot, and these narrations with the colors of the past can't help but evoke Aros' memories of the past.

There is nothing wrong, it is all things that the two have experienced together.

However, this does not change Aros’ attitude and thoughts towards him, and said with a cold face: “Whether it is Tang Fang or God-armed Noah, they have the ability to take what others have in mind for themselves. If you insist on keeping yourself As for Lev Milonovich Bukharin, then I can only think he is dead."

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