Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1407: Tekes

There is no building menu bar, it is not a mass production unit, nor is it a new technological upgrade project, then there is only one possibility left.

The cursor finally froze in the Star Trails Command Center, but the page key was not found in the right menu bar.

This made him very speechless, not clear what Sister Logic was doing. Could it be that it landed on hero units like Zagara and Izsha like the Zerg unlock item that disappeared last time.

Now the only base building he has not chosen is a planetary fortress. As a patient with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, he can click it when he is about to leave. After seeing the contents of the menu bar on the right, he can’t help but be stunned. One more character icon.

"Good fellow... why did you come here?" He was familiar with that character icon, it was Tykes Finley, the bald guy who partnered with Jim Renault in the Battle of Wings of Liberty.

Few people know Tykes Finley's past. There are countless stories about him, but not many have been refined and scrutinized. Some people portray Finley as a heinous **** who can sell his biological mother to the Kemeran pirates; while others say that he is a loyal fighter who risked his life to save his companions during the Battle of Kailian . Even the person who knows him best-Jim Reynolds, cannot be sure of the authenticity of these stories. They met and became friends with the federal army. Except for Renault's own eyes, Finley's story is unreliable.

Jim Reynolds and Tycus Finley met in the boot camp, grew up together, fought together, and gradually became the premier sergeant. Later, he was wanted by the Federation for disobeying the command of his superiors. From then on, he went to space and began his pirate career. Soon after, Tykes Finley was unfortunately captured by the authorities in a criminal activity, and Jim Reynolds escaped with luck.

In the Battle of the Wings of Liberty, Teckis Finley was released from the cage by Mengsk and returned to Jim Renault. He then went through a series of battles as a member of the Renault Rangers and assisted Renault to gather all the Sarnaga keys. Stone fragments and successfully purify the Queen of Blades.

It's just that at the last minute he and Renault disagree on how to treat Kerrigan. Tycus Finley's power armor was moved by Mengsk, and Kerrigan must be killed if he wanted to survive. Of course, Jim Reynolds did not allow others to touch his lover, so he pulled the trigger at the last moment and killed Tycus Finley.

Tang Fang has no interest in Jim Reynolds's preference for color and friends, or Tycus Finley's death. If you break the relationship between the StarCraft characters, discuss who is right and who is wrong, I'm afraid Three days and three nights are also unclear.

Some people like Teckis Finley, some like Jim Reynolds, and some don’t like both of them... it doesn't make any sense to him, he only needs to know Teckis Finley is unlocked, and that is enough.

The cost of Tykes Finlay is 15 crystals, 10 gas, occupies 9, the number is limited to 1, and the hero unit.

In the world of StarCraft, Teckis Finley is portrayed as a somewhat rude tough guy, who likes alcohol, women, and cigars, and always makes troubles and talks.

Except for the cigar, it can be said to be similar to Hausen to a large extent, especially after the Battle of Monteske, when Hanhuo bought a heavy Gatling laser gun from Black Q, the similarity is a bit higher.

Tang Fang never thought that after Aros's death, Howson changed his former appearance and chose to use this method to commemorate his old friend. Now he seems to be the projection of Tycus Finley... Maybe there are some differences in personality, at least There is a large degree of similarity in personal habits and external images. Sister Logic is also a speechless guy, and she unexpectedly liberated Tycus Finley under this condition and gave him a surprise.

Of course, compared to protoss heroes like Tassadar and Zeratul, Tykes Finley's combat effectiveness is much weaker, even Nova is inferior. However, he clearly remembered a situation-Odin's Siege Mech had already been unlocked in his previous experience, but it was impossible to put it into production and construction because Tycus Finley had not unlocked it.

As the strongest ground combat unit of mankind, known as a war machine that can razor a city, Captain Tang has coveted the Odin Siege Mech for a long time.

However, from the perspective of a leader, if the summoning process is carried out immediately, what kind of social crisis will the trio of Tycus Finley, Howson, and Churchill bring to Morningstar Casting, just think about it and feel a headache.

Considering that the veteran had just passed away, and everyone wanted to stop for a few days to live a quiet life, he suppressed the urge to caress Odin's cockpit and decided to postpone calling Tykes Finley.

Consciousness returned to the real world, and he found that Hausen had remained in his state without any change.

The smoke of the cigar is still rising, and it can't go around in the room. The moonlight butterfly in the corner swims happily in the water. It seems that they have long been used to this kind of cloud and misty days, and they are not uncomfortable.

He glanced at the iron box on the ground, and there were only two cigars left.

"Let's go, go outside for a drink, no limit this time." He got up from the sofa and patted the boxer on the shoulder.

Hausen raised his head to look at him, expelled a puff of smoke very rudely, and said, "Okay," he got up from the ground with his hand, put the cigar box into his arms, and walked outside. While shouting in a rough voice: "Next time you connect with Marion, remember to ask for a lighter for me."

Tang Fang remembered that the pure gold lighter used by Aros was a gift from Marion.

He didn't say anything, and followed Hausen to leave the veteran's room.

As she walked to the rest area, Nova passed by the two with a sullen face, without even saying hello, she walked to her room.

Howson looked at her back and said, "I'm curious who caused this stinky lady again?"

Tang Fang had heard of Huang Lian Po, old woman, and it was the first time he heard the term "Smelly Face Po", but it was appropriate to think about it. Nova treats others indifferently, holding a face all day long, as if someone owes her 20 million stars. It is naturally reasonable to be called by the people below.

"I think... because of Jaeger's attitude."

Before the funeral, Nova was ordered by him to contact people in the Silver Eagle Group. She seemed to contact Jaeger who had returned to work in the Lunar Space Prison through Hoffman's channel.

Not only did the young people not come here to attend the funeral of their father, but they also retaliated to Nova's kind words with words like "What do you do with me? Nosy."

Even if she didn't consider her relationship with her veteran comrades in arms, she would never feel comfortable hearing those aggressive rhetoric.

The funeral was over, and Jaeger did not show up after all, and it was only strange that Miss Nova's mood improved.

After hearing his explanation, Howson said with a sullen face: "Don't let me see that little bastard, or I have to reward him with two mouths."

Tang Fang sighed, without expressing his thoughts on Jaeger's attitude, and patted Howson on the shoulder and moved on.


The battle on the border between the Star Alliance and the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire was peaceful. Everyone knew that the Star Alliance was just accumulating strength and waiting for more advanced battleships from Morningstar to enter the navy.

On the other hand, the civil war of the Phoenix Empire and the separatism of the warlords of the Republic of Date are also of concern.

From the perspective of ordinary people, you can only see the involvement of the Monya Empire in the disputes of the Phoenix Empire, the game between the Sauron Empire and the Turanx United Kingdom on the military map of the Republic of Date, and the political crisis of the Silver Eagle Group... I feel almost hopeless. The Lembel region is in turmoil, and there seems to be a trend hitting the inherent pattern.

Correspondingly, the Dilar star system at the center of the storm is extremely calm, and there has been no breaking news in the near future, which is very different from Captain Tang’s previous performance.

Some interested people are curious about what he is up to lately, trying to collect relevant information from social channels in order to find out the movement of Morning Star Casting. Whether Captain Tang plans to intervene in the Phoenix Empire's civil war, you must know his mortal enemy Monya Empire But it has already started.

At this point in time, a rumor came out of the Durham Star System in the Phoenix Empire. Prince Kursk Alexander had led the Phoenix Defenders, Conquer Fleet and other radical forces to leave the garrison military port and head to the Fillmores Star System. .

Earlier, Kursk Alexander took control of the Durham star system and then carried out a purge at the official level. Conservative officials were either assassinated or dismissed. It can be said that the entire Durham star system fell into the control of radical officials. .

Under such conditions, the news that Kursk Alexander has sent the Fillmores star system can only show that the radical coalition forces have left the Durham star system a few days ago, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be tight. This sensitive information was leaked under the military control of the People’s Republic of China.

The impact of this military news on the international community has not faded, and there is another breaking news from the Sokanada line of defense that borders the Star Alliance and the Phoenix Empire ------ Ingrid Alexander led Jupiter The expeditionary force suddenly withdrew from the Sotuk star system, which was of extremely strategic importance, and returned to the Phoenix Empire.

The above development is unexpected and reasonable. It was unexpected because Ingrid Alexander had the courage to break his arm and abandoned the strategically valuable Sotuk star system. It makes sense because the power struggle of the Phoenix Empire has reached a critical moment. The victory of the coalition led by Kursk Alexander is okay. Once defeated, it will trigger a chain reaction. To ensure that the radicals can control the political power, the best choice is The two-pronged approach defeated the conservative will to resist in one fell swoop.

If only the combined fleet led by Kursk Alexander, with the military strength of the new Deep Submersible fleet, the Capital Guard, and other conservative lords, Virginia Alexander could rely on the geographic situation of the Fillmores star system to fight a defense. war. After all, the Fillmores star system, as the capital star system of the Phoenix Empire, has been carefully managed by the royal family for many years and has an extremely powerful space-based weapon defense network.

Now with the addition of Ingrid Alexander's Jupiter Expeditionary Force, facing the two ace fleets of the Empire, the defense system of the Fillmores star system will never be able to compete with it no matter how perfect it is. What's more, the Capital Guard has just gone through a large-scale personnel adjustment, the army is impetuous, and the will is depressed. Morris slave can not be familiar with those special types of weapons and command positions in a short time, and it is impossible for the King Qin fleet of the conservative lord to rush to Kursk? The combined fleet led by Alexander arrived at the Fillmores Star System.

No one is optimistic about Virginia? Alexander, even if His Majesty the Holy Emperor gets the support of Kirklaf I. Because the new Deep Submersible fleet faces the upcoming Legion-class battleship battle basically not much effect.

When people from all over the world focused on the Fillmores star system, the Star Alliance navy that originally stationed the Sokanada line claimed that Ingrid Alexander had attacked the special response force of the 15th Fleet during the retreat. The fallen soldiers avenged their national sovereignty and countered the aggression of the Phoenix Imperial Navy occupying the Sotuk star system~www.wuxiaspot.com~Spartacus United, 15th Fleet, 4th Fleet, 21st Fleet, No. The 16th Fleet, the 18th Fleet...A total of more than 14,000 warships sent to the Phoenix Empire to launch a full counterattack.

The Star Alliance Navy, which maintained a defensive posture from beginning to end, changed its appearance and chose to conduct military strikes on the Knicks Empire during this critical period. Given the current situation of conservatives and radicals in the Phoenix Empire, the frontier defense line was in vain, and the Star Alliance Navy broke through and tore through the Phoenix Empire.

You must know that the current Star Alliance navy is not the previous Star Alliance navy. Firstly, it has been able to recharge for many days, secondly, Morningstar Casting provides new-style warships, and thirdly, commanders at all levels have accumulated actual combat experience in previous wars. The border defense fleet of the Phoenix Empire is certainly not their opponent.

In the past, facing the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire navy, the Star Alliance Navy retreated steadily, relying on Tang's elite force to stabilize the situation in the two no man's land. In the face of the Phoenix Imperial Navy, even with the silver eagle group's containment, the Sotuk star system was dominated by Ingrid Alexander. To put it bluntly, every member of the Star Alliance was unwilling to be ashamed of this defeat, let alone the anger of the soldiers in advance.

Now Adam Oliver has sounded the horn of counterattack. Facing the enemy who slaughtered his compatriots to seize the country's territory, it is conceivable what kind of power they will erupt.

The Star Alliance navy that entered the country was like a violent wind, sweeping through the Phoenix Empire near the Sokanada line of defense.

In the face of this situation, if Ingrid Alexander is truly a person with the supremacy of national interests, he will inevitably turn back to defense. However, from her withdrawal from the Sotuk star system and the deployment of the Fillmos star system, it can be seen that she is not a person whose national interests are paramount.

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