Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1410: May there be another life

"After the Blue Revolution deteriorated, Aros and others escaped from the Lagras star system and did not know what happened later. Valeria Apollo's father Leon Apollo died under the blow of the Supreme Council’s mixed battleship. , And the entire family fell apart in the war."

"Valeria's luck is good. Through Leon Apollo's pre-arranged evacuation channel, he and the family members escaped to the Lunar Star System. They were not affected by subsequent wars and were able to save their lives."

"Later, the Dragon Whisperers intervened in the Battle of the Grasse Star System, armed forces ended the Blue Revolution, and implemented ZHI reforms across the country. The old political forces were viewed as enemies by the Dragon Whisperers and the Rebels because they hindered the advancement of reforms. The crusade includes the Duncan family, the Sunderland family, and the Cook family."

"The Apollo family also received special attention, but because of Leon Apollo's death in the early stages of the Blue Revolution, the influence of the Apollo family was not as good as before. The Dragon Whisperers and the Rebels did not bet too much on them. Energy, this gives them the opportunity to escape from the Asgot region."

"After all, it is the former noble family of the Silver Eagle. It has long been prepared and designed a retreat. But in the process, the tribe found that Valeria is pregnant. Needless to say, the child's father is Roland Laksimone, the deputy captain of the Dragoon team. ."

"From the position of a member of the Apollo family, if there is no dragoon squad to ignite the fuse of the blue revolution, if Valeria is not dazzled by love, and stands on the enemy's side at the critical moment, Leon? Apollo will also They won’t die in that war, and the Apollo family won’t fall to this bleak condition..."

"This discovery made those members of the Apollo family excited. If it weren't for Valeria's mother to protect her, they would have punished her. Now that she is pregnant with the enemy's child, they would never sit back and watch. ignore."

"Everyone wants her to give up this child, including her mother. But Valeria didn't do that. Under pressure and curse from the family, she stubbornly wanted to keep the child, so she gave up Apollo. As a member of the family, giving up the opportunity to escape to the Asgot region..."

"I don't know how she felt about this child and her encounter at that time. In short, she didn't leave with the people in the end, and chose to leave Roland Laksimeon's flesh and blood, because in her opinion Roland has passed away and she can do The only thing that is to give birth to this child is to allow his blood to continue. This is her love for him and her love for her unborn child."

"Without the asylum of the Apollo family, in the face of the chaotic country and social situation, how can a woman like her who has not been exposed to the bottom life experience adapt to the life of loneliness, not to mention that there is still an unborn woman in her belly? Child. She suffered a lot and suffered a lot. She came to the north of the mainland and found the old nun who baptized her when she was a child. With the help of her, she lived near the monastery and waited for delivery in peace."

"Finally, she doesn't have to worry about fear, she doesn't have to wander around, she doesn't have to work hard to avoid the rebels and mobs chasing and persecuting the descendants of the military government's rich and powerful, she can sleep peacefully, take a hot bath. It is a pity that this peaceful and tranquil time did not last too long. Time, because the time is up, the child is about to be born."

"It is said that the child’s birth day is the mother’s Good Friday. For Valeria, it is still her last time in this world. Because of the hardship and physical and mental exhaustion during the escape, her body became very weak. In the later period, no matter how to nourish it, she was already unable to recover. She just stubbornly held up and told herself that at least the child should be born..."

Nova paused here, and said in a satirical and emotional tone: "At least in terms of stubbornness, you are very similar to Valeria..."

Jaeger did not respond to her sarcasm. Nova also didn’t care, and continued on: “The aftermath of the blue revolution has not yet dissipated, and the social situation is still turbulent. She dare not go to a hospital in the city, because she will be recognized by others and may be persecuted. It even brought disaster to the child. She did not follow the nuns' opinions and insisted on giving birth to the child."

"According to the nuns, she died with a smile..."

Nova retracted her gaze on the tombstone, looked up at the sky and white clouds like cotton wool, and said: "The nuns buried her not far from the monastery, and sent the child to the orphanage with business dealings. The old nuns will. Visit the little guy named Jaeger from time to time until he grows up and can live independently."

"According to Valeria's last wish, they never told the child who his father was, who his mother was, where they came from, and what they did. She thought he would live so simply, without having to bear those things. A suffocating baggage."

Nova's sight fell from the sky to the ground, through the gap between the trees, and saw the old buildings in the distance.

The dilapidated cross stood peacefully in the rising sun, like a loyal watchman, sheltering this pure land for a long time.

"The monastery has moved to another place, and there are not many old nuns who know about it. Maybe after a while, Valeria's story will completely disappear and be forgotten by the times."

"What Valeria didn't expect was that her lover did not die in that war, and returned to the Silver Eagle Regiment after 20 years and met their flesh and blood..."

She stopped here, her eyes falling on Jaeger's face.

"What did your mother do to give you so much suffering and torture? Did you treat your father like an enemy? Did you make you an unfilial son? If she can predict what will happen in the future, I don’t know. Would you regret giving birth to you so hard?"

"Her love for Aros eventually became Aros's regret and regret... Are you fair to her if you do this?! Have you ever thought about how sad, regretful and troubled she would be if she knew it?"

Nova is a person who doesn't talk much, and is very similar to a veteran in this regard. However, standing in front of Valeria Apollo's tombstone, she said a lot in one breath.

As early as when she was telling Valeria's experience, Jaeger had tears in his eyes, and finally couldn't bear to fall to the ground, looking at the tombstone in front of him and shed two lines of tears.

He has not experienced the turbulence of the Blue Revolution, but it is not difficult to imagine a woman who used to live a superior life to live in a dangerous situation and mob hunting after leaving the family asylum, let alone being pregnant.

No matter how hard and hard it is, she has never regretted it, and has never given up on him.

It is really not easy for him to come into this world.

Facing such a good mother, how could he not be moved, how could he not be grateful?

He resented her when he was a child, and after knowing his father's identity, the resentment turned into indifference. However, it turns out that she is not what she imagined in his heart. No one in this world loves him more than Valeria. Those resentments accumulated for a long time, those self-righteous hypocrisy, all disappeared at this moment.

He was wrong, he was wrong, and he was naive. Miss Agent, don't say beating him, even if you beat him ten times, it can't offset the guilt in his heart.

Just like Nova said, if Valeria knew that the two men she loved all her life, father and son, would be sad and sad, and regret and troubled if I knew Izumi.

She did not give birth to him to allow him to choose the former between the country and his father. She did not give birth to him so that he could live in the shadow of the hatred of the country... She gave birth to him because he was the crystallization of their love. .

Nova walked in front of him and threw a PDA in his arms: "In the patriotic education and propaganda you received, Roland Laksimone was defined as a national criminal who colluded with the Supreme Council and messed up the silver eagle group. I don’t know if you have considered yourself seriously. Are the words of politicians credible? Is the content in the history books credible? If you still think he is a heinous terrorist after reading these things, I will leave immediately, and then Regardless of your business."

Jaeger lowered his head, looked at the PDA screen, and found that a video was playing on it. It was Tang Fang and Thomas Angkluo having a conversation. The content was what the Dragoon squad did in the Blue Revolution and some details at the time. background.

After this video was over, the second video was played, which was derived from useful intelligence extracted by Tang Fang from the Atlas Red Queen database, revealing the identity of Meyer’s middleman, as well as the middleman and dragon whisperer Various measures taken to suppress the old political forces and change the ZHI of the Silver Eagle regiment military government body include discrediting the Dragoon squad and guiding civilian hatred and public opinion operations.

After the editing of the relevant intelligence obtained by the Atlas space station is another video image, it is the scene of the confrontation between Tang Fang and the fourth councilor Thomas Angkluo on the bridge of Bliss Pure Land. The two mentioned the Supreme Council and the dragon. Conspiracy game played by the speaker in the Yinying Group.

The fourth and final video, the content is naturally Aros’ conversation with Lev Milonovich Bukharin, who is the second councilor of the Supreme Council, in the wandering planetary core space.

Through these video clips, Jaeger finally understands what Aros has done and what he has done now. Under what background did he do those things, and why did he do those things.

He has always thought that his father was a running dog of the Supreme Council... But this so-called “running dog” in his heart chose to die with the second director of the Supreme Council at a critical moment.

He has always thought that his father was an accomplice in harming the Silver Eagles... But compared to figures like Meyer and Thomas, his father was just a tiny piece of dust in the trend of the times.

He has always believed that his actions are just and patriotic... But facts have proved that his patriotism is nothing but a mental opium used by rulers to brainwash.

He always thought that Tang Fang was the biggest shit-chucking stick in the world, and it would bring chaos and destruction wherever he went... But the facts proved that the man just exposed the perpetual darkness, tore away the sinful disguise, and used him to Seeing the injustice, draw a knife and help each other's waywardness, heartily pierce through the hidden rules that are not visible.

For such a father, he refused to recognize each other. He is deeply attached to the so-called "motherland". To that Captain Tang, whom the world talked about, he regarded it as arsenic poison.

Is he doing the right thing? Now it seems... he was wrong from the beginning, wrong.

In any case, tears that couldn't stop falling on the PDA screen, wet the vicissitudes of face on it, Jaeger raised his head, looked at Nova's face and said, "Why... why didn't anyone tell me this?"

The information received today has fundamentally subverted the long-standing cognition in my heart. Now he is like a child who has been told that 1+1 is not equal to 2. His eyes are full of blankness, grief and guilt.

Lost comes from the subversion of the cognition of the parents, the grief is the miserable experience of the mother, and the guilt... comes from the misunderstanding and hurt of the father.

Just like Nova said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Aros passed away with regret... This regret is not because of Tang Fang, not because of self, but because of him ------ Roland Laksim The only bone and blood.

"Just like when you assassinated Tang Fang on the Fearless Commander-class fortress ship, if someone told you everything, would you believe it? Would you care?" Nova looked at him condescendingly and said in a questioning tone.

Yeager lowered his head. Yes, as Nova said, in a state of anger and hatred, would he listen carefully to what others said? At that time, he didn't want his life, he planned to go to **** with Captain Latang.

Had it not been for the news of his father's death a few days ago, the grievances accumulated over the years would have diminished a lot, and a kind of vacant emotion had arisen in his heart, would he calm down and listen to Nova's narration?

If there were no such video materials to portray Roland Laksimeon's manly profile with irrefutable facts, would he believe that his father was not a national thief, but a hero who could be proud of?

No... before, he would never accept these contents sincerely.

Now he can accept it and realize his mistake, but the price is his father's life.

He bit his lower lip hard, trying to suppress the emotion that hit his heart like a mountain torrent, to prevent it from exploding.

The blood flowed along the teeth marks on the tips of his lips, and he couldn't help but beat his heart hard.

Nova sighed heavily. For Aros, she had a very mixed emotion. Respect, speechlessness, closeness, trust... these emotions are not heavy, just a little bit. But it was just so many little things that made her unable to sit back and watch the unfulfilled wish of the veteran. She chose to come here with Tang Fang behind her back. She did not hesitate to disclose the shocking and unacceptable information, but also to put Yeager’s stubborn **** Pull it back.

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