Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1412: Hidden worries

There is a gossip that Ingrid Alexander cut off her favorite dressing table with a saber. The maid who cleaned the room asked a few more questions and got a slap in the face... You know that is her favorite maid, From this detail, we can see how upset Ingrid Alexander was about being ambushed by Marlow Smith.

Speaking of it, this is a reasonable thing. Ingrid Alexander is the most prestigious general of the empire. Who is Marlow Smith? Although the official rank is not low, he is really a civil official.

As a civilian leading the war for the first time, he kicked an experienced veteran's butt, and it was difficult to accept it on anyone's head. Ingrid Alexander is not so depressed to find her short-sightedness. She has a strong psychological quality. You must know that this failure is destined to become an unerasable stain on her life journey... Once the world sees her name, it will be with each other. One person connects with this battle that wins more with less.

The Civil War in the Phoenix Empire continued, and it did not stop moving forward because of Marlow Smith's surprise attack. Kursk Alexander was instead enraged by this incident, and no longer dangled the capital planetary orbital defense network to embarrass His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and ordered the entire army to attack in the shortest time.

What he didn't expect was that there was obviously only one planet left unbroken, but his fleet encountered extremely tenacious resistance, even if the enemy used a conventional class or even a warship that had been outdated for several years, facing dozens of times more than his own. Invading the fleet did not disperse birds and beasts. They resisted desperately, clenched their teeth, and chose the most tragic suicide attack when necessary, which was completely different from the situation when attacking the first and second defensive lines.

Similar to this scene, Kursk Alexander is no stranger, because he had an encounter during the landing battle of the Durham Star System. This shows that it was Morrisnu who performed the final defensive mission, not an ordinary human.

Orbital offensive and defensive battles were fought so violently, the next landing battle was naturally not easy, just like the case of the Durham Star System-even if the coalition forces have captured the area for many days, part of the guerrilla forces composed of Morrisnus It is also active in areas other than core towns.

Their brains are not turning fast, not as smart as ordinary people. But in terms of loyalty and courage, ordinary people are more difficult to beat than ordinary people. They can give their lives for their ideals and future without hesitation, how about ordinary people? Only hiding in the shadows and trembling, only waiting for others to rise up and resist.

Virginia Alexander mobilized Morris slaves, promising to give them power and dignity, and waiting for a brave beast with infinite power to be released, but for Kursk Alexander, who stands in the opposite position, it is tantamount to falling into a dream of fear that cannot be awakened.靥.

The insult of Marlow Smith, the guerrilla forces blooming on all sides of the capital planet, and the increasing loss of troops over time made Kursk Alexander full of outrage and anger.

In order to kill chickens and show them to monkeys, or to vent his emotions, he launched a large-scale purge of the mediocre officials who belonged to the conservatives in the capital's star system, even a small group of centrist officials who originally believed in conservatives and radicals. Within the processing range.

The officialdom of the entire capital star system is in chaos, the big earthquake has affected social life and production in the area, all walks of life are wailing, and people's livelihood projects have almost stalled.

At this time, a radical minister named Melvin Gago persuaded Kursk Alexander to change his repressive policy and treat middle-level officials with tenderness. Otherwise, the transmission of chaos to the social level would bring very serious negative consequences and aggravate the lower people. Dissatisfaction with radical officials.

Kursk Alexander did not immediately respond to his admonitions and took a cold approach.

However, what is surprising is that the veteran radical minister was found dead on the bedside not long after returning to his residence. According to the official cause of death, it was caused by heart palsy.

Cardioplegia caused death... How many people believe this statement? For the old guys who have been in the political arena for a long time, they are more willing to accept that Melvin Gago was the result of being poisoned by Kursk Alexander. So no one dared to express different opinions on the issue of **** cleansing, and replaced by hymns and applause.

Only Kursk Alexander knew that he did not send anyone to assassinate Melvin Gago. But who would believe it? No one will believe it!

Whether he wants it or not, after this incident, he will inevitably be labeled as self-contained and tyrannical in his heart by the people around him. There is no doubt that someone is framing him. But where did the murderer come from? Is there a ghost in the radicals? Or is it disrupted by external forces?

His Royal Highness felt a lot of brain pain. Think of the Morris slave guerrillas who are not afraid of death, and then look at the only subordinates around them. Is this really what a victor of a war should have?

During the time when Virginia Alexander was overhead and in a coma, the radicals controlled more than 60% of the country’s troops. Even the Jupiter Expeditionary Army and Phoenix Guard two elite troops fell into the hands of him and Ingrid Alexander. As long as you don't make low-level mistakes in this civil war, it is a sure thing to get Virginia Alexander down.

Unfortunately, it seems that the situation has deviated too much from expectations. Marlowe Smith used facts to prove that he was not made of clay pottery. The Star Alliance navy over there took advantage of the situation to invade and train with the scattered border fleets of the Phoenix Empire in order to become familiar with the new styles provided by Morningstar Casting. Battleship...

He is really crazy right now and doesn't know what to do next.


Tang Fang did not stay in the Dilar star system and waited for Nova’s return. He first reached the Turanx United Kingdom’s capital star system as quickly as possible, took out the zero-isotopic crystals in the black sphere of the West Tower quadrant, and told Cui Enhao to wait for the fearless commander. After the arrival of the class fortress, it was transferred to the ship's warehouse, and then left and returned to the territory of the Star Alliance.

After some time, the flying eagle arrived at the Aqubado star system and entered the Hangar of the Zodiac Angel.

He went to the bridge first, talked with Nehemiah for a while, and learned that everything on Akron's planet was normal, but there were some problems with the gaseous planet Elna ------ around Akubado star A large-volume comet in the operation of the system “passed by” with the gaseous planet Erna during its operation, and part of the comet shattered under the action of tidal forces, forming a meteorite shower that fell into the inland environment of Erna. It caused moderate damage to the Ypsilon drilling platform that had just been put into operation, so that it was impossible to conduct mining operations against zero plains. Walton is using the Mondre to actively repair platform damage and replace key equipment that cannot be used, but progress is slow, and it is expected that it will take a long time to fully resume operation.

He is not very interested in the mining operations of Erna Zero Sutian, because Morningstar Casting can completely supplement the raw materials needed for production through transactions with the outside world, and can easily cope with this period of time. He came to the Aqubado star system this time with other important things.

Next, connect the Mondre through the bridge equipment and encourage Walton to bid farewell to Nehemiah and rush to the medical laboratory on the belly of the Angel.

After Valentin got the t-energy stone, he came here one step in advance to continue the resonance therapy for Yingluo's condition. He was very concerned about it and wanted to know if there was any progress.

After arriving at the medical laboratory, he immediately saw Roy standing outside the ward waiting anxiously through the glass window. Valentin was in the data processing center on the left side of the hall, busy sorting out and calculating the collected data, neither of them noticed his arrival.

He walked towards Roy's location, and in the process saw the scene from the glass window.

Yingluo was lying in the fully opened medical cabin. Right above it was a pulse energy generator. Connected to it was three freely movable mechanical wrist tentacles. In front of the wrist contact was a calla lily-like device. The core of the device is embedded with a t-energy stone, overflowing with a faint breath of light.

As he stepped forward and approached the medical room, he noticed that under the bare skin of Yingluo's wrist should be surrounded by three t-energy stones, and a indifferent brilliance appeared faintly.

He clearly remembered that he didn't notice this situation when he came last time. It seems that the t-energy stone that Zeratul snatched from the black hand has worked, no matter what the result, at least the t-energy stone has a resonance reaction.

Since Valentine did not discontinue the therapy, but has been analyzing the data in the data processing center, we can conclude that the resonance therapy is currently progressing well.

He didn't deliberately put his footsteps down, perhaps he was too focused. There was only his lover in his eyes. It was a while before Tang Fang walked to his side that his half-year-old realized: "Tang... Brother Tang, you... When did you come here?"

"I... have been standing here for an hour," Tang Fang said with a smile, looking at the thin face.

Roy blinked, scratched his scalp with his hand, and said embarrassedly: "Ah, you have been here for so long..."

A knowing smile appeared at the corner of Tang Fang's mouth, thinking that only the upright boy Roy could not hear that he was lying casually. If it was Bai Hao's clever ghost, I am afraid that he would have realized his pranks long ago.

Thinking of Bai Hao, he sighed in his heart. He didn't know where the boy and Linglong were now. The last time they contacted, they were on the side far from the sea of ​​silence in the Asgot region.

According to Linglong, she suddenly lost her telepathy to Zhou Ai, and now she only determines the target's itinerary by tracking the overflowing breath of the t-energy stone along the way. However, as time went by, the t-energy remnants on the path quickly dissipated. They no longer knew whether they could find Zhou Ai, but... always try their best.

Tang Fang knew that it must be Linglong's idea, and only the stubborn girl would be so persistent.

"Brother Tang... Brother Tang, are you blaming me for not paying attention to you?"

Roy's question awakened him, rubbing his half-sized boy's head with his hands as before, and said with a smile: "What a simple and honest boy, what I said just now is false, in fact, I just came to the biological laboratory."

Not seen during this time, Roy has grown a bit taller, almost at the same level as him. Looking from a distance, his gesture of rubbing the head of a half-size child with his hand looks funny, but for the two protagonists, such a scene is normal.

No matter how tall Roy is, he is a little brother in his eyes.

For Roy, whether Tang Fang is taller or shorter than him, he is the irreplaceable eldest brother Tang in his mind.

"Oh, that's it." The half-year-old obviously didn't care about being deceived.

"Why don't you go to the room and stand here stupidly?" Tang Fang noticed that the door leading to the ward was not locked. It was obviously allowed to enter and visit. He was suspicious, wondering why Roy was standing outside the window to observe. Instead of waiting in the room.

Roy smiled, raised his right arm and gestured in front of him: "I also want to go inside and wait, but it doesn't want to."

Tang Fang just woke up and thought that the right arm of the copycat lxrr is made of phagosome polymer, and the energy radiated by the t-energy stone will suppress it. It is obviously not a good idea to wait in the room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he Suddenly remembered that the last time he was attacked by native creatures on Akron, Roy evolved an evil eye in the palm of his right hand that could excite a laser beam, and said concerned: "How about the incomplete evolution of the right arm in the last battle? "

"Nothing has changed, it's still the same."

Tang Fang nodded, pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Ying Luo on the transparent glass side, and said, "I think of a bad situation..."

Roy waited for him to say everything, but he hadn't waited for the following content in the past half a minute. A puzzled expression appeared on his face: "Big Brother Tang, what are you referring to... Yingluo?"

Tang Fang shook his head: "It's okay, maybe I'm too worried." After saying this, he waved to the half-size boy and walked to the data processing center where Valentine was.

He didn't tell Roy what he was worried about. In fact, he didn't worry that Valentine's resonance therapy would not be effective on Yingluo. He was worried about the future fate of Yingluo and Roy.

Judging from the current situation, the stronger Roy's right arm, the stronger the repelling effect on the t-energy stone. Yingluo was on the contrary, the t-energy stone whose forehead was shattered by Yemeng had become many fragments scattered throughout the body along the internal circulation. Whether resonance therapy can promote the reunion of the fragments or directly awaken Yingluo's consciousness, the t-energy stone will surely become an irreplaceable key element in her life.

Considering the antagonistic relationship between the t-energy stone and the phagosome polymer, if the two are really together in the future, will this contradiction and opposition of body components bring about a negative impact that cannot be ignored?

He therefore thinks of the plot of "Journey to the West" in the 70th episode of "Monster Treasure", where Wukong is trying to steal Zijin Ling. Sai Tai Sui robbed Zhu Zi's wife Jinsheng Palace, but because of the colorful Xia Shang guard given by the real Ziyang, it was difficult for Sai Tai Sui to get close. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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