Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1417: Enemy shadows

The last time he was on the Fearless Commander-class fortress, he focused all his attention on how to disguise his emotions, how to accomplish sabotage and assassination missions, and he had no extra energy to distinguish who Tang Fang was and what kind of temperament he had until today. Only then did he have a clearer understanding of the famous Captain Tang.

Speaking of which, Tang Fang is only a few years older than him...

"Thank you." Jaeger hesitated for a while, thinking of a lot of words, unable to express his inner emotions, and in the end he only said very simple two words.

Tang Fang smiled and said, "What do you plan to do next? Go back to the Yinying Group...or say..."

Jaeger glanced at Nova's expressionless face: "I plan to stay and see what I can do so that I can get closer to them."

"They" naturally refer to Aros and Valeria. Their family was fragmented due to the war. Now Aros and Valeria are finally reunited. Jaeger also recognizes his mistake and wants to stay. It's natural to stay by your parents' side to calm down the guilt in your heart.

Tang Fang was not surprised that he made such a decision. He nodded and said: "First take a good rest for a few days, adjust your emotions, and then take a walk around the nearby star system and take a look at the local and cultural aspects of the Star Alliance. This will affect you. Helped."

He understands Jaeger’s mood very well, and feels that young people now need a relatively relaxed and comfortable recovery environment to adjust the emotions and thoughts that have only experienced ups and downs, take a walk around the Star League, and broaden their horizons. It is a good choice.

When Yeager was about to say something, the door of the lounge opened from the outside, and with the dull sound of leather boots stepping on the ground, a burly figure entered the field of vision of the three.

The flames of the cigar are breathing, the cigarettes are curling up... Uncle Howson is here to come.

With half of a cigar in his mouth, a pure gold lighter in the palm of his right hand, and hyperactivity of his thumbs, he kept flipping the lid of the lighter... the smell of cigar and the peculiar banditness came to his face.

Tang Fang’s expression was slightly stunned. He didn’t know why this guy came here suddenly. It stands to reason that he should be sleeping in his room now, or playing cards and bragging with the group of inmates brought out from Turanx United Kingdom. , Basically wouldn't come to himself when there was no war...According to Uncle Howson, Captain Tang is busy now, busy dealing with those politicians, and one of his most disgusting things is seeing the faces of the politicians.

Tang Fang quickly figured out the purpose of Howson's coming here—Han Huo didn't know where he got the news. He came here to meet the veteran's son Jaeger.

"You are Jaeger... the son of Aros?" Howson walked to the young man and looked carefully at it with a gaze.

Although I heard from Byron that Aros went to the Silver Eagle to find his long-lost son, and I also knew that the young man was called Jaeger, but I never met, only saw the photos in Kylinia.

"I am." Jaeger had heard the story of Morningstar casting the Iron Triangle from Nova, but he had never seen Howson before, and didn't know that the guy in front of him was another reliable comrade of his father.

Howson said: "I heard that you almost exploded the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress when you were in the Silver Eagle..."

Yeager thought he was going to introduce himself, and then said something that made people feel relaxed and happy like Tang Fang did. He didn't think that this pot would not be opened and which pot would be lifted. When he opened his mouth, it was the wrong thing he had done. , Can't help but show a face, don't know how to respond to what the other party said.

I don't know how Uncle Howson's next action was to pat his shoulder with his hand, and he said, "Good job, at least half as good as your father when he was young in terms of impulse."

When Aros was young, he dared to rebel against the Silver Eagle regiment for his ideals. Now Jaeger can assassinate Captain Tang who stomped the Helenbel region for the benefit of the country. To some extent, it is indeed very similar. Father and son.

Tang Fang raised his eyebrows, looking a little unhappy.

Jaeger looked at Hausen blankly, wondering what this guy is all about, does he speak like this...

At this moment, Howson took out an exquisite iron box from his arms, took out a cigar from it and handed it to the young man: "Well, forgot to say, I am Howson, Aros' most solid and reliable comrade-in-arms and Brother, you can call me... well, uncle."

Tang Fang's unhappiness has escalated to the level of a grassy mud horse.

The dazedness on Yeager's face also became dumbfounded. He was dizzy by Howson's bluffing, but it didn't mean he was confused. Tang Fang asked him to call Tang Big Brother, and Howson asked him to call him Uncle.

If he really called Uncle Howson, wouldn't it mean that Captain Tang was lowered by a generation.

Jaeger didn't know how to answer, nor did he pick up the cigar that Hausen handed over, because he had no habit of smoking, not to mention the heavier cigar.

"This is your father's favorite brand during his lifetime." Howson said to himself, unaware that the atmosphere on the scene became a little weird and dull.

Jaeger was startled when he heard the words, gritted his teeth at the cigar in front of him.

Just when he was about to take it over, which could be regarded as satisfying some kind of unspeakable father-son complex, Nova split his hand and grabbed the cigar in Hausen's hand, and said with a cold voice: "This thing is not for him."

Howson's gaze fell on Nova's face, and he paused for a moment and suddenly disappeared: "I almost forgot the smell of cigarettes you hate the most, so...women, what a troublesome creature."

Nova's eyes grew colder. Of course she would not have the same knowledge as Howson, but it does not mean that she would not even bother to give warnings.

"Okay, Jaeger, you saw it, and the introduction is over, you should go to Rory Swann." Tang Fang interrupted the confrontation between the two people, and Wanghausen said.

"Why should I go to find that dwarf, the **** almost won all of my base library last time." Speaking of Rory Swann, Howson had an aggrieved look, not because of the presence of a lady. All that was converged, he was still speechless, and his face was so thick that he could just say something that ordinary people are ashamed to say when they lose to the bottom bank.

Yeager was crying and laughing. On the way to the Dillard star system on the Griffin, Nova once told him that Morningstar Casting is a big family with many important members. He has been worried that he will not be able to remember their names in a short time. Judging from the current situation, at least for Howson... he will never forget.

Tang Fang said: "Remember the two Gatling laser beam guns you picked up from the scene during the Montesque Stellar System battle against Black Q last time? Rory Swan's modification work on them has been completed. If you If I don’t go there now, I can give them to Stephen Sue and Yasen Nicholas."

Before "Montesque" was hit by the silver beam of the Bliss Land and exploded, Howson and Churchill carried a Gatling laser beam cannon back to the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. The two coveted the power of beam cannons, but they were hindered by the lack of a supporting energy supply device and could not be used... You should know that the two Gatling laser beam cannons are accessory weapons of the special type of Grand Priest-class power armor. The "ammunition" is made of T energy The stone system is supplied, and it does not have the corresponding modules, so after holding them back, Howson and Churchill can only open their eyes and watch them, there is no way to use them in actual combat.

In this case, Tang Fang handed over two Gatling laser beam cannons to Rory Swann for modification, and added corresponding equipment to the weapon through technical means so that it could activate the main battery by equipping it with energy batteries. The system becomes a powerful weapon that can be combated.

Howson was still upset that Rory Swann won the fact that he only had the base library, and then heard that the refitting of the Gatling laser beam gun was completed, and the face covered with meat immediately smiled like a horseshoe. Lian, Lori Swann is no longer an annoying fellow, but has become a pleasant sweet and pastry.

"No, you can't do this...that's the trophy for me and Churchill." He patted Jaeger on the shoulder and said, "If someone bullies you in Morningstar Casting, remember to come to me and see if Uncle Howson doesn't hold you back. Burst their eggs D."

Abandoning this filthy sentence, Howson turned to leave the room and strode towards the nearest hangar.

Yeager had a helpless smile on his face. He didn't know what to say to his father, a solid and reliable comrade-in-arms. It was strange how such a calm person could become a good partner with the heartless guy in front of him.

Until the sound of the leather boots hitting the ground was inaudible, Tang Fang sighed and said, "Hausen is just a little unreliable, but he is actually a very simple guy."

Yeager nodded to show understanding.

Tang Fang glanced at Nova and said, "You haven't walked around the Dillard star system yet. Let Nova show you around, familiarize yourself with your surroundings, and meet Byron, Grant and others by the way."

According to his instructions, Jaeger left the room behind Nova and walked towards the space station command center.

Tang Fang stayed in the lounge for a while, drank the tea in the cup before leaving the room, and took the flying eagle to the deep space of the Dillard star system. Before accompany Lilietta to the Silver Eagles, Rory Swan and Miro Kaczynski embarked on the docking project between StarCraft human architecture and local resources. I wonder if StarCraft, heavy factory, barracks and other production buildings It has been officially put into production.

Previously, the hero unit Mira Han was unlocked in the Silver Eagle Regiment, and the space station of Mira Han, which appeared in the Battle of the Swarm Heart, was also unlocked. As a mercenary space station, it at least has the ability to mass-produce Valkyrie bombers and Griffin fighters.

Of course, the more rigid space-based facilities like the space station are better...

In addition, a large number of zero-isotope crystals transported from the theta quadrant of the Khanos star system is also time to perform batch refining work, which is used to convert into system space gas resources to summon the Protoss Mothership.

He doesn't know what changes will happen in the future, but from the fact that May 12 of the Krum Sword intervenes in the affairs of the Helenbel region, it should be sooner rather than later that the zero isotope is converted into gas. Anyway, Cathy's physical function The transformation will take some time to complete, so you might as well return to the Akubado star system at a later date.


In the next time, he devoted all his energy to matters related to the Morningstar casting battleship production line, which made Kylenia very gratified. He felt that Captain Tang finally had the appearance of a corporate leader, instead of the three days before. Fishing for two days and drying the net, running around here and there all day in the Hilumbel region.

Howson and Churchill got their new toy, and these days they ran to the open surface environment of Laxis to conduct shooting experiments whenever they were free.

Jaeger spent about a week in the Delar star system, and after contacting Byron, Grant, Kudria and others for a while, he left the Morningstar Foundry Base Camp as suggested by Tang Fang and went to some tourist stars in the Star Alliance. . It is worth mentioning that he did not leave alone, but left with Zhao Jiali.

Her purpose is to go outside to gather the wind... For Jaeger, it is also considered a good guide.

Soon after Jaeger left the Dillard star system, Nova also left. According to Tang Fang’s instructions, go to the Salas star system of the Monya Empire to investigate Athena’s appearance in the star system, and at the same time check the situation of Penn Cattro, one of the leaders of Garcia’s Resistance Army-just like Tang Fang As expected~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Monya Empire did not execute it quickly after capturing Penn Cartero. Instead, it was imprisoned in the Salas Star System Space Prison to contain Marion and create Garcia resistance. Conflict between military leaders.

With the smooth unfolding of various affairs and arrangements, the internal and external situation of the Dilar star system has entered a calm state.

However, this calm did not last long before it was disrupted by a sudden change. It was not that the enemy invaded the Dillard star system, nor was it the rebirth of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire on the battlefield in the no man’s land. It was Phoenix. There was bad news from the empire.

When Tang Fang rushed back to the space station from the area where the Void Pump was located, he was always worried that Marlow Smith or Gabriel Tosh had an unmanageable situation. Until he entered the command center, Kylienia explained the details. , I realized that it wasn't Marlow Smith or Gabriel Tosh that had a problem, but that the Star Alliance naval fleet entering the Phoenix Empire encountered a big problem.

If the Star Alliance Navy lost the battle with the radical lords armed by the Phoenix Empire after acquiring the battleship produced by Morningstar Casting, then it can only be said that they are a group of wine bags and rice bags, and they can't afford to support them.

It’s a pity that things are not so simple. The armed forces that defeated the 15th and 4th Fleet of the Star Alliance Navy were not the naval fleet of the radicals of the Phoenix Empire, nor the Krum Sword and the Supreme Council that he was worried about. It was led by the Queen of Blades. Leviathan swarm.

In all fairness, even the Spartacus united with a large number of new-style warships forged by Morningstar, it is definitely not an opponent in the face of the Zerg group that is swarming, let alone the 15th and 4th fleets. .

Special thanks to the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by Emperor Anzhiyang.

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