Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1420: Horn of War

The light from "Akubaduo" shining on the surface of the Angel in the constellation became even rarer, which meant that Paradise Star was approaching Akron Star very quickly.

Of course, the so-called "extreme speed" here is relative to the level of movement of large-volume celestial bodies, and can be said to be very slow compared to the flying speed of Zerg units such as flying dragons, devourers, and explosive mosquitoes.

"Captain, please give instructions for the battle." Not only the ship officer looked at Nehemiah with expectant eyes, but the communications team, weapons team, and pilot team also looked at him.

Although the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was cast into the Morningstar, the Zarzig has restored its role as a scientific research aircraft. However, the outer ring pier still has ammonite-class battleships and Perseus-class destroyers moored, which can perform a certain degree of combat missions.

Nehmeya remained silent and stared at the swarm of worms approaching the Angel in space with solemn eyes.

He was hesitant about the next battle deployment and didn't know how to choose.

At the same time, on Behemoth in the deep space outside of Elna, the debate has shifted from whether to immediately replace the genetic material of the new poisonous and explosive insects to whether to contact the insect swarms and become the enemy of the Queen of Blades. on.

Abathur knows nothing about command work. Valentine is worried that if Behemoth is driven to block the way, the Queen of Blades will take the opportunity to land and take control of the star behemoth. You must know that Tang Fang already had two Behemoths and a Leviathan in the hands of this woman. If the only remaining Behemoths cast by Morningstar were captured by the Queen of Blades, it would be really shameful to go to grandma's house.

Bulwell Arnold advocated going to the battlefield, of course, not to resist the Paradise Star head-on, but to try to restrain him from the side. Although Tang Fang has gone to the Phoenix Empire and is unable to take care of matters here, the garrison of the Delar star system is still there, and the Star Covenant is also useful to defend the Duma star system at a distance from the Akubado star system. Cruising in deep space not far away, they can try to use Behemoth to delay the attacking rhythm of the Queen of Blades and win precious time for the arrival of allies.

The Swarm resisting the Queen of Blades is still abandoning the Akubado star system. This multiple-choice question is a big problem for Abathur, Valentine, and Burwell, as is Nehemiah on the Angel.

Judging from the video image transmitted by the Mondi, Walton has left the atmosphere of Elna and entered the high-altitude orbital environment, retreating under the pressure of epic creatures.

Compared with the Mothership Angel, the Mondi is an aircraft specially used for exploration and exploration. Both the strength of the hull material and the level of resistance per unit area of ​​the shield are much higher, so even if its combat targets are rare Even the epic creatures were able to break their shields in a short time and suffered substantial damage.

The images on the No. 1 big screen are constantly changing. The Paradise Star is like a nest of Warcraft, and flying worms gush out like a swarm of bees.

This scene is naturally very visually impactful for the crew of the Zarzig bridge.

What they didn't know was that the Zerg unit on Paradise Star was far from the scale of the insect swarm that the Dominator opened the Wormhole and launched the Battle of El.

Although they are all Zerg combat units, although they all have the same face, the insect swarm led by the Queen of Blades is different from the insect swarm led by Captain Tang, which has a ferocious and fierce arrogance.

There is a Protoss satellite in the interior of Akron, and fixed-point and synchronous satellites are also placed in high-altitude orbits to collect data on planetary operations and atmospheric environment. As the insect swarms crossed the border, explosions and flames continued to expand on the big screen, illuminating the faces and eyes of the staff below.

Nehemiah took a deep breath, and the staff of the Wang equipment pool said: "Immediately notify Walton and Abathur to abandon the Akubado star system, and at the same time activate the speed engine of the Zodiac Angel to execute the evacuation process."

The naval officer looked at him with incomprehensible eyes: "Captain..."

"Follow my orders immediately." Nehemiah emphasized loudly.

The ship officer had no choice but to follow the order. On the one hand, he would distribute the retreat instructions to Behemoth and the Mondre. On the other hand, he told the pilot team to start the speed engine immediately and evacuate according to the planned route.

Although the staff of the equipment pool did not speak, their expressions were not very good. Because withdrawing means giving up, meaning failure. Since setting up its foothold in the Hilumbel region, has Morningstar Casting experienced such a fiasco, when the Security Forces of the Republic of Date and the Night Wind Assault Fleet attacked the Delar star system, causing the deaths of Sheridan and Pierre, Morningstar Casting It can be said that the loss was heavy, but the other party also paid a high price. There were as many as thousands of warships of the Republic of Date in the hands of the wandering planet.

Today, facing the swarm of the Queen of Blades, Nehemiah chose not to fire a single shot and handed over the Akubado star system to the woman. Although there will be no human occupants casualties, as members of the Angels, what attitude do they face against Byron and Chen Jian? There is no doubt that it will be a very embarrassing thing.

Compared with the young and energetic staff, Nehemiah is much more mature and stable. The Akubado star system is not as important as the Dilar star system. At best, this is just a colony, not the Morningstar founding base camp.

He was also very clear about Captain Tang's thoughts, and understood that for young people, temporary advances and retreats do not make much sense. As long as the people around him can be safe, lost territory can be regained, and destroyed facilities can be rebuilt.

It is under this consideration that Nehemiah decided to abandon the Akubado star system.

Those confused thoughts, those with different ideas, disappeared in the high-altitude orbit of Akron Star with the brilliance of the thruster system of the Angel.

At the same time, the Mengdi rotates the hull to make the light beam coming from behind and the rear thruster shine brightly. It instantly accelerates for a long distance, out of the range of influence of the Elna star’s gravity field, and turns into an instant light burst. A trace.

Relatively speaking, Behemoth’s state has been very stable. He was neither targeted by the Zerg army, nor was he surrounded by epic creatures. On the next breath after receiving the news from the Angel, Abathur did not hesitate. Upload the instructions to the Behemoth Nerve Center. This ten-kilometer-long starry sky behemoth slowly swings its body, and the surface of its appendages flows like water, and the body turns into a light wave and slowly disappears.

The Zodiac, the Nightmare, and Behemoth have left their original positions one after another, but it does not mean that they have already rushed out of the Akubado star system. In fact, it did not go far, and the end point of the transition set by Nehemiah is located in a safe zone on the edge of the star system. There is no Zerg here, and you can monitor the movements of Paradise Star and Queen of Blades.

Nehemiah chose to abandon the Akubado star system, but it was necessary to collect information about the Queen of Blades. He needs to know what means the woman wants to use against Akron Star, or what purpose it has, so that Tang Fang can know himself and the enemy in the future.

This is the biggest difference between a veteran general and a new recruit-he does not stick to the short-term gains and losses, he will not be blinded by emotions and audiovisual, he can look at problems very calmly and rationally.

Nehemiah’s Angels can withdraw from the high-altitude orbit of Akron, and the Zergs living in the land below the blanket cannot leave this land, although the officer of the Angels has synchronized the news of the attack of the Queen of Blades to the Protoss Satellites, but in the face of the millions of Zerg units scattered across various horns and corners on the mainland, how could it be possible to notify them all.

It’s better for some of the Zerg units under Dags’s command to be transmitted through the king’s worms, such as the chiefs of the three protozoan tribe leaders of Jagerclaw, Slivan, and Dehaka. For those protozoan units sent out to hunt local creatures There is no way to communicate in real time.

In fact, what if you can deliver messages in real time? Can they escape as far as the Angel?

For guys like Jagerclaw, Slivan, and Zulwin, perhaps Zerus is their birthplace, but for the Zerg units that spread out on four continents, Akron is Their home.

Before this zerg world was ravaged by the Queen of Blades, the first thing that appeared was a faint moon shadow in the sky.

Yes, Moon Shadow. The light from Akubado illuminates the side face of Paradise Star, and the eyes of the Zerg unit below can be said to be a strange scene.

The Zerg units living in the Fungus Carpet Continent are quite unfamiliar with things like the "moon".

Including native creatures, all objects with intelligence are looking at the sky getting bigger and bigger, and the clearer and clearer light and shadow are puzzled and don't understand what it is.

Yageclaw's sleepiness disappeared, standing on the highest point of Yageclaw continent, raising his head to the sky, spouting a thick flame.

"The Queen of Blades... is the Queen of Blades. You must unscrew your head this time and make a nice necklace. Only in this way can the anger of Master Jager Claw be calmed."

In the marshland in the middle of the continent on the opposite side, Slifan shook his body in the pool of green bubbles, dropping transparent beads.

It did not speak big words as before, it was just ready to fight, ready to avenge the previous self.

Dehaka's sentiment towards the Queen of Blades is more complicated than that of Jager Claw and Slivan. After all, that was its former refuge, and the two sides have worked together for a long time.

Of course, it is very clear that the Queen of Blades here is not the original Queen of Blades it knows at all, but the inhumane, cunning and vicious Queen of Blades during the Brood War.

Unlike Yageclaw and Slivan, it has its own problems and worries. If the Queen of Blades captures Akron's Star and creates a **** massacre on the ground, and Jager Claw, Slivan, and Zulwin are not her opponents, then what choice it has to make is to die generously for Tang Fang , Or again to flatter and surrender to seek a chance to survive?

This is obviously a difficult problem to make a choice.

Dehaka thinks he has a choice, and Zulwin knows that as a pupa guardian he has no choice at all. If the Queen of Blades attacked Akron to obtain the ancient incubation pool, it must be resolved first. You must know that it is the extinct version of the blade queen cultivated by the ruler, not Kerrigan who was later purified by the keystone. Now she has only a heart eager for power. Once she succeeds in becoming the original queen of blades, including it, Yage Claw , Slifan, and Dehaka will all become the essence of her creatures to deepen her own strength.

Compared with Jager Claw, Dehaka, Slivan, and Zulwyn with different ideas, Dags did not hesitate to convey the instructions to the king worm who used to transmit the signal to prepare for battle. It will not have sibling feelings for the Queen of Blades, even if they are all dominating creation. Its idea is very simple ------ defend Akron Star, because in its eyes, Don is the master.

The distance between Paradise Star and Akron's Star is getting closer, and the two gravitational fields slightly interfere, and the sea surface on the edge of the fungus blanket continent begins to become turbulent, and big waves slap on the fungus blanket cliffs and beaches.

The wind howled between the mainland and the ocean, blowing the crowns of native plants and snow-colored branches and leaves, bringing up layers of white forest waves.

The mutant jellyfish body that can quickly slide on the surface of the fungus blanket retracts into the deep forest; the small crab monster that can walk through the fungus blanket tissue penetrates the ground at the fastest speed; if there are any gray objects on the ocean surface, sneak into the deep water; The drifting flying creatures that Tang Fang met before when he came here seemed to be out of control balloons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were flying around in the wind...

The entire Akron Star was caught in a tense atmosphere where the rain was about to come and the wind was all over the building, and the dangerous atmosphere was rippling in the sky, filling every corner of the planet.

Gradually, the sunlight shining on the high ground where Yage's claws were located became thicker, and the fire from its six-petal mouth became more vivid.

It was not at the moment of sunset, but the dense spots that suddenly appeared in the sky obscured the light from "Akubados", making half of the continent dark and gloomy.

What came after that was a continuous neigh of zerg worms, suppressing the sound of squally wind, sea waves and Lin Tao.

Jager's claws raised his head, and there was sparkling fire in his eyes. It is always full of self-confidence, with a positive...no, it should be said that it has a hot mentality to deal with all changes in the outside world. In its view, this is the temperament that the emperor has. What is it called in Tang Fang's words...a kingly temper? No, Wang Feng is domineering.

The clusters of Allosaurus and Devourers from Paradise Star first arrived in the interior of Akron Star, and the local plankton began to rout on a large scale. The blade worm galloping in the wind splits the transparent outer skin, and the water vapor inside gushes out. The original bloated body is like a deflated skin ball, turning into a wrinkled skin and falling from the sky.

The Devourer’s attack was even more swift. The masses of purple acid directly enveloped the target, melting the plankton into a viscous translucent liquid, which fell from the sky to the sea.

Standing on the ground and looking at it, it can be described as "black clouds cover the top".

Yagerclaw did not see the trail of the Queen of Blades, but it does not mean that it would be depressed. Faced with the swarming Zerg Air Force, it brandished its two sword and axe arms and roared like thunder: "Little ones, destroy these Intruder."

Thanks to FJN233, Menel Shah, for the glass smashing reward.

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