Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1422: Conflict on the ground

In the face of that yIn Weihuohuo cosmic hegemony character, being able to unite against foreign aggression without Tang Fang or Tang Fang's reliance on members is a great improvement to some extent.

This is the performance of several Zerg group leaders that Tang Fang stocked on Akron. For those unorganized native creatures or small-scale native creatures whose living space is compressed, they face the blood that suddenly unfolds in the sky. After the initial bewilderment of the killing, they fled into suitable hiding places, waiting for the result of this battle. Only those powerful lone rangers, such as the large marine creatures that appeared in the two Great Six Straits, would happily swallow the debris of zergs falling from the sky and have a good meal.

From the Queen of Blades using Paradise Star to influence the trajectory of the comet, under the ears and eyes of the Elna star, to instructing Izsha and Zagara to lead the Leviathan swarm to attack the Covenant fleet, attracting Tang Fang to drive the Intrepid Commander-class fortress. When she went to the Phoenix Empire, she revealed her sharp minions. Looking at the attack on Akron, she made full preparations in advance.

Regrettably, she anticipated Tang Fang’s reaction and calculated what Nehemiah would choose. However, she did not expect that the Zerg population that lived on the Akron's bacteria blanket was 6 times larger than the original Zerg population of Zerus. The combat effectiveness and survivability have been greatly improved. This improvement made the Zerg units invested in the battlefield of Akron Star a bit at a loss. This is reflected in the fact that as time goes by, the Zerg units from the size 6 of the bacteria blanket have become more and more powerful, and the Zerg units from Paradise Star seem to be tired. Cope with all kinds of new skills from the enemy.

The opponent who was already aware of the palm suddenly seemed to be hanging up, and anyone would feel uncomfortable... The same goes for the Queen of Blades.

In response to the current situation, the Zerg army from Paradise Star subconsciously speeded up the airdrop process in order to extend the battlefield to the four truffle blankets and the central island. Because in this way, an all-round offensive can be formed, which will weaken the support of Akron's Ground Zerg to the Sky Zerg to the greatest extent.

It should be known that the atmosphere of Akron's planet battlefield environment can be said to be the home ground of Tang Fang's Zerg swarms. In the face of the flying Zergs that are constantly rising into the jungle, the longer the time delays, the more disadvantaged it is for the attacker.

Numerous Corruptors and Devourers rushed into the front line, fighting off a large number of enemy blasting mosquitoes at the expense of their own lives, creating a short-term safe corridor between the battlefield and the ground. The air-dropped capsules took this opportunity to land on each bacterial blanket and forcefully launched a ground offensive.

With the burst of the airdrop bag, a large number of Zerglings rushed towards the densely populated Hydralisks with their ear-piercing neighs, followed by a line of cockroaches squirming forward.

In deeper places, the king worm stopped at the height of the crown of the snowy tree, carrying the attack of nearby native creatures, and unloading the polluters and the swarm host to the ground.

There was a thunderous roar from afar. It was a thunder beast from Paradise Star brandishing a huge bone blade and colliding with Dehaka's ravenous dragon. The blanket of dry fungus raised by the fighting action of the two sides flew into the sky, one by one white. The forest was broken by brute force, and a group of local hang gliding creatures were taken away.

Some silkworm chrysalis creatures, like monkeys, that can hold snow branches with their tail tentacles and slide flexibly, seem to be angered by the actions of thunder beasts, and begin to use their most lethal things to attack the large creatures that come under the tree.

The snow-white pupae contracted inward along the texture of the epidermis, and then expanded outward. Under the sudden release of the pressure difference, waves of green water arrows hit Leiju’s eyes very accurately, followed by a deeper depression. The muffled roar.

The behemoth under the tree seemed to lose its sense of direction and could not find the location of the enemy. It began to bump into the nearby area, smashing many rigid bacteria blanket tumors, and smashing several tall white shirts.

If you observe it from a close distance, you will find that the fierce eye with infinite killing intent loses its former brightness, like butter melted at high temperature, leaving two rows of light green liquid. There is no doubt that this is a painful encounter, which almost made the Zerg race's highest-level combat power out of control and turned into a crazy walking dead.

It was not the command from the king insect that prevented the Thunder Beast from continuing to go crazy, but the attack from the Rampaging Dragon.

Taking advantage of the Lei Beast’s blindness, the Rampraking Dragon approached its prey in a relatively slow motion, completing the switch from static to moving in a very short time. Like a tiger sneaking on a passing bison, it pounced on the Lei Beast’s back, twisting its head with its two claws. The sharp horns with the edges bent backwards, the head bone spurs deep into the back of Thunder Beast's neck.

The blood rushed out like a whale spring, and the wound cut along the sharp corner was smeared on the face of the ravenous dragon.

This attack directly cut through the nervous system of Thunder Beast, causing the giant beast with a body length of nearly 3o to lose control, and fell to the ground with a loud crash, crushing a small snow-colored plant nearby.

The violent raven dragon pulled out the unicorn inserted into the thunder beast's body, bringing up a stream of blood like a waterfall, adding a touch of color to the monotonous snow-white bush next to it.

Dehaka's ethnic group only took root in this area, and has not yet evolved its unique skills. Even so, the Thunder Beast under the Blade Queen's command is not the opponent of the Tyrannosaurus.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the two sides have to fight fiercely for a period of time before the victory can be determined. Moreover, the Tyrannosaurus cannot kill the Thunder Beast without any damage to itself. However, the existence of native creatures makes the incident come true. The precision of the pupa The jet became the finishing touch that the raptors could win.

This is just a microcosm of countless regional battlefields. The native creatures that were originally opposed to the Zerg units led by the Dags, Yageclaws and other ethnic leaders, after the Queen of Blade’s swarms arrived at the fungus, they turned their muzzles and chose to fight with their natural enemies. Something unexpected.

In anticipation of similar situations, the Zerg under the command of the Queen of Blades began to gather from a dispersed state, forming a ground propelling force, fighting in groups. As a result, native creatures that lack organization can no longer form effective resistance and delay their offensive rhythm.

When a large number of cockroaches and zebras approached Dags’s location, the edge of the mutant tree monster’s corpse showed violent ups and downs. With the sudden explosion of fragments of the fungus blanket, a figure larger than the Thunder Beast appeared on the Queen Blade’s Zerg. The front line.

The black shadow fell from the sky, swept across the place very close to the ground, and the white silk flakes of the snow tree falling on the ground were blown up into the sky... There were dozens of zebras flying up together.

With a single blow, rows of zebra worms turned into the remains of crumbled creatures. At this time, the giant beast turned its body and faced the foreign worms that were constantly impacting the line of defense set by the hunter-killer.

In the absence of light, the snow tree released a faint fluorescence, shining on the numerous bone spurs of the giant beast.

It was not the thunder beasts under Dags that hit the Zergling Vanguard, but the reckless beasts made by Abathur. It is like a general defending the city. While sweeping away dozens of zerglings, it pierced two cockroaches and threw them high into the sky.

This is its announcement to those weak creatures in front of it, and it is also a proof of its own strength.

Zergs are not afraid of emotions. In the face of a behemoth like a mang beast, the cockroach and zebra clusters only paused slightly and then continued to act, forming two circles inside and outside, launching a group attack on the giant in front.

The innermost is the zombie who is not afraid of death, stepping on the corpse of the front companion, pounced on the body of the mang beast, constantly chiseling the thick carapace, constantly gnawing on the mottled outer skin, the cockroach behind it constantly spitting green acid, in the mang beast A green pond accumulates under him.

As time went on, the surface of Mang Beast's body began to appear large and small corrosion damage, but this did not have much impact on its combat effectiveness, but instead contributed to that bloodthirsty and rage. The giant beast stirred up a ground storm under the painful stimulation, and the corpses of spring worms and cockroaches gathered more and more around, almost forming a semicircle. The Hydralisk that followed could not even find a better shooting angle.

Only attacks from the sky can bring some substantial damage to the beast, such as the sporangia shot by the guardian. However, those guardians only occasionally avoided the chase of the original Zerg unit, and found a gap to interfere with the action of the beast, which could not really threaten the life of the target.

As for the faster Allosaurus and Devourer...Limited to the short range of attack, it is impossible to attack from the hunter-killer range. Some blasting mosquitoes attempted to use high-altitude bombing to accurately strike the beasts, but before they approached the target area, they were shot and exploded by the spine needles from the hunter-killers, turning them into clusters of blooming biological fireworks.

On Slivan 6, not far from Dags 6, the core swamp of the plate also ushered in a group of invaders.

A large number of Hydralisks are advancing fast with the help of polluters. The native allosaurus in the sky and nearby native creatures face the fast-expanding black bee cloud and the strong penetrating spines, unable to rush into the black mist. Meet the enemy from within.

What's interesting is that as time goes on, the movement of the black bee cloud becomes slower and slower, and it seems to be stuck in a quagmire.

In the sky, there are only spore clusters blindly shot by the native guardian, and logically speaking, they cannot hold the Zerg combat units hidden in the black bee cloud cluster.

There are dense and prosperous snow trees growing near the swamp, blinding the movement of the black bee cloud on the ground.

If there is no block from the lush plants, a large number of diggers and flying locusts will spread from the edge of the swamp, forming a three-dimensional worm tide, almost flooding the entire area.

The black bee cloud created by the polluter is nothing compared to the dense ground digger. Just like the original allosaurus and the original guardian cannot catch the invading allosaurus in the black bee cloud group, the spring worms and hydrangeas cannot pose too much of a threat to the influx of insects under their feet.

Those earth-diggers are not big, just equivalent to the soles of human feet, facing them in the shape of spring worms and hydrangeas. Whether it is claws, teeth or spines, it feels like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

But these diggers are different from the diggers bred by the host of the swarm in the battle mode. They are a reduced version of the diggers bred by Slivan in the Battle of the Heart of the Swarm. They can also be regarded as mInI poisonous bastards. They will be on the target. The feet exploded, throwing dense acid liquid to burn the enemy's body.

For light-armored units such as Zerglings and Hydralisks, the damage of venom rain cannot be ignored. For heavy-armored units such as cockroaches, one digger is not enough. How about two, three, one group?

Slivan and his cherished children are in the middle of the swamp, constantly releasing flying locusts capable of fighting air targets into the sky. However, the Zerg army of Queen Blade was stuck tightly on the edge of the swamp, and there was no way to move forward, and could only sigh.

Even if the king insects are transported to Leiju in the later stage, they still can’t break the current embarrassing situation. Those earth-diggers have good jumping ability and can be attached to the surface of Leiju’s body. Then, like firecrackers with lead wires, they explode one after another. , Blasting the thick bone plates one after another deep pits.

A full-scale blast cannot kill the target, so two or three times, and so on, even if it is a Zerg unit with thick skin and strong vitality like Thunder Beast, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

At Yage Claws 6, the sporangia falling from the sky burst on the ground, and a large number of infected insects, prancing insects, piercers and lurkers appeared.

These big spider-like wiggly feet crawled on the ground, alternately entering a latent state, expanding the combat range outward. Infected insects and prancing insects followed closely, advancing as fast as possible ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When they moved safely for a period of time, and they were not far from the high ground where Jager's claws were located, they finally ushered in the protozoan Sniper. Native springtails and native cockroaches burrow from nearby places and attack the enemy.

To deal with the lonely native Zerg, the prancing worm is a very good maneuvering force, and the piercer can bring heavy damage to the 6 army units under Yageclaw. To deal with clusters of protozoan, the infected person will spit out a large number of molds to contaminate the target area. At the same time, a wave of ground spikes from the lurkers will follow, dismembering the protozoa that fell into the mold’s area into large and small biological debris. , Nourishes the blanket and plants.

Through the cooperation between the arms, the Zerg Deng 6 unit under the command of the Queen of Blades finally occupied a dominant position in a core theater, and was able to steadily advance to the nest of Yageclaw.

It's a pity that this advantageous situation didn't last long, and the step by step Zerg troops soon suffered a tragic blow... It didn't come from the personal expedition of Yager's claw, but the intervention from underground forces.

The lurker and the piercer are the core forces of this Zerg unit. They will alternately use the forward-dive combat method to advance forward. Any enemy force from the ground will suffer severe damage. There are also occasional flying units. Sporadic Hydralisk is resolved with the infected. Unlike Slivan 6 and Dags 6, Jager Claw has a group of special armed forces. Under normal circumstances, they do not participate in the hunting of native creatures under the command of the group leader. They will wander deep in the fungus blanket. , Looking for prey on their own... Yes, they are ashes.

The ashes that were originally hunted deep in the ground to endanger the stable native creatures of the fungus blanket received the call of Jager Claws and entered the ground battlefield. What will happen to the lurkers and piercers of the Queen of Blades facing the attack from below? The results can be imagined.

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