Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1432: Zagara’s wit, Dehaka’s cleverness

It can be seen from the previous situation of Paradise Star entering the Akubado star system that the Queen of Blades does not know how to turn it into a wandering planet-like weapon, and can freely perform curved jumps in the space environment.

Faced with this situation, even if Zagara had the opportunity to send the location information of the Paradise Star to Morning Star, when Tang Fang arrived at the target location, God knew whether the Queen of Blades had left. To take a step back, even if she did not leave and had something like that in her hand, once she was determined to escape, can Captain Tang stop it... You must know that when Zagara and Izsha leave, the wandering planets are not at the same level. high.

What can I do to kill the Queen of Blades and welcome back to Claire?

Zagara and Izsha cannot be the opponent of the Queen of Blades, nor can they rely on the Zerg unit... If the goal cannot be achieved by normal means, then how about another way?

I don’t know if it’s Zagara’s or Izsha’s. In short, they are very clever in this matter. If Tang Fang can’t get to the location of Paradise Star, then let Paradise Star send him the door. occupied.

How to do it? Very simple, fool!

Grasping the Queen of Blades who eagerly wants to get rid of Kleiya's consciousness, in many ways promoted how powerful Kerrigan has become after rebirth with the essence of the original Zerg, and guided the Queen of Blades to act on Akron.

As long as Tang Fang can prepare in advance and know the time of the Queen Blade, as the master here, he has the absolute advantage of the right time and place, and it is natural for the intruder to drink a pot.

It happened that during this time the Dragon Whisperer had a fight with the Queen of Blade's Swarm, and Zagara was captured by a miss, and then exchanged hostages on Tanda, and was able to inform him of the design of Izsha , Let Tang Fang have enough time to prepare for the trap.

Now that you know the little abacus in Queen Blade's heart, it is equivalent to pinching her tail. It can be said that Tang Fang is in full control of the situation. When he thinks it is OK, as long as the ancient incubation pool environment is established on Akron Star, Queen Blade will be like Like a cat smelling a fishy smell, obediently come over and get into his pocket.

Now that we have such critical news, how can a smart person like Captain Tang not know that the Leviathan swarm appeared in the Phoenix Empire and attacked the Star Alliance fleet? It was the Queen of Blades playing with him. Of conspiracy.

Just as the ancient incubator environment was needed to change Cathy's body structure, the functional defects of the incubator must be relied on before changes. On the one hand, it is indeed necessary, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to perform this play sufficiently, the necessary operation for perfect performance, the copy machine just unlocked has a place to use it.

Not to mention that the parasitic spores placed by the Queen of Blades on the employees of Morningstar Casting cannot be seen from the true and false. Even Yuffi, Kylenia and others did not realize that the man standing on the bridge of the Fearless Commander-class fortress was a fake.

In order not to leak the news, he fought a beautiful ambush, he almost deceived everyone around him, including Valentine, Tang Yun, Kylenia, Byron, etc., as well as the leader of the Zerg race of Akron, like Slivan, Jager Claw, Dehaka...

Only Zulwin, the guardian of the ancient incubation pool, knew of Tang Fang's underground arrangement.

To speak unceremoniously, he was able to do everything in this battle and occupy an absolute advantage. The biggest heroes were Zagara and Izsha.

Zagara calculated the Queen of Blades...No, to be precise, the Queen of Blades of the pit was miserable.

If the original Queen of Blades saw this scene, she didn't know whether she should be happy or cry.

"Zagara and Izsha really make me admire." Tang Fang said: "It seems that my female avenger and the lovely Morris philosopher are really loyal, which makes me very pleased."

His words are tantamount to sprinkling a handful of salt on the wound of the Queen of Blades. I think she was smart, played Domination, shamed Rasagar, calculated Tassadar, but in the end she was miserable by two of her men. How could she not be angry, how could she not resent.

"Zagara...Izsha...I must make you pay." Her voice pierced through the smog covering the island, echoing thousands of miles in the sky.

"Do you think you still have a chance to leave here?" Tang Fang looked into her eyes and said, there was no pity in his eyes, only hostility and calmness. In any case, he will do his best to prevent the Queen of Blades from having a chance to disrupt his military operations... More importantly, he will recall Cleja’s consciousness here and let the Queen of Blades do what she did in the past. To pay a due price.

The Queen of Blades struggled to move her body, but those chrysalis tissues entangled her hands and feet, but the energy in the body was suppressed by the purification beam of Sarnaga Keystone. Her struggle seemed futile and powerless, at least for the character of Queen of Blades. Visually, it is really ugly.

She almost shouted in a roaring way: "Do you think that with the purifying beam of Sarnaga Keystone, the zerg substance in my body can be cleared? Recall that cowardly and fragile Kerrigan? This is completely wishful thinking, t Energy has already penetrated into every corner of this body, even the power of Sarnaga cannot save your little cutie. She will be imprisoned by me in the dark abyss until everything dies and the universe ends... "

"Feel my anger and resentment, the poor worm who is indulging in feelings." She looked at Tang Fang with a vicious look: "If you have the ability, you will kill me... But... I know you dare not... you dare not ..."

Although she hated the woman named Kleia in her body, it was precisely because of the woman's existence that she could use and threaten Tang Fang very willfully, just like in the Montesk star system.

Tang Fang's face became a little gloomy, but he did not show any violent emotional changes. He just stared at that impressive face coldly, and said with a cold voice: "You are wrong. The Sarnaga keystone is not for purification. You exist, it is just an item used to suppress the power in your body."

The bitterness and hatred on Queen Blade's face were replaced by surprise, and some of them couldn't understand the meaning of the words above.

Zagara and Izsha told her about the events after the Brood War. In the Wings of Freedom battle, the Sarnaga keystone existed to purify the zerg material in her body and reclaim Kerrigan. So it was taken for granted that Tang Fang's series of actions were to emulate Jim Reynolds...As long as she loses her power as the Queen of Blades, Kleiya will lose her **** and regain control of this body.

In response, Tang Fang raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

With the next breath, the originally opened pupa contracted inward, and the translucent bony hose that pierced the Queen Blade’s back flowed through a channel of dark red liquid. The inner wall of the pupa overlapped with the ridge structure of the barb. A crystalline extension, slowly advancing forward.

She was first affected by Samir Duranji's void energy shock wave, and then suppressed by the purification beam of Sar Naga Keystone, making her body very weak. As the dark red liquid flowing from the translucent bone tube was injected, the skin around the spine spasm slightly, and the struggle became weak.

"You... what are you going to do?" Her voice became weak.

"What are you doing?" Tang Fang looked at it coldly: "Do you think I've been blaming myself and wasting my time since the battle of the Montesk star system? No, that's not the case. I did a lot of things during this period."

"In this world, you are not the only one who is smart and hardworking. There are many smart people and many hardworking people. There are also many who are lucky..."

Speaking of the back, Tang Fang's voice fell into Queen Blade's ears, with distortion and reverberation.

In fact, it is not his voice that has changed, but her five senses are stuck in a state of stagnation, not only her hearing is affected, but her vision is also blurred. The battle in the distance seemed to be covered with mist, and the outline of the person in front of him also appeared.

Now she has completely lost the possibility of fighting, and even the ability to speak and see things is almost lost.

What has also changed is the fighting situation in the valley area.

Although the swarms of the Queen of Blades continue to attack the Protoss and Terran coalition defense line, it looks arrogant and invincible, but in fact there has been a rout in the rear, which is not only manifested in the rigid-back beast, the ravening dragon, the phoenix and the local evil In each of the beast's breaking actions against small strands of zerg.

In the higher terrain on both banks of the river valley, as the bacteria blanket tissues continue to loosen and fall off, a piece of machinery and equipment protrudes out of the ground and is exposed on both wings of the war zone.

They are not conventional defense facilities such as Terran Bunkers, anti-aircraft missile towers, and doomsday turrets, but main nest mental simulators and psionic jammers designed to deal with Zerg units.

The role of the former is to control the king insects that transport troops when the consciousness of the Queen of Blades is suppressed, and large combat units such as Thunder Beasts and Brood Lords. The latter is used to disrupt the command network of the Zergden 6 units, resulting in the deployment of troops, The confusion and errors in the deployment and other aspects affect the overall situation in the theater of the central island.

When Tang Fang stared coldly at the Queen of Blades, Freya was also staring at Dehaka.

Dehaka felt that the look she looked at her was weird. It wasn't the kind of scrutiny gaze, nor the hostility to hide the guard, nor the high contempt, it was a gaze with very special emotions.

Hmm...how do you say it, that kind of look is like a pet store customer looking at the cage with drooping tongues, coquettish and stupid Erha.

It thought to himself that this girl film is not planning to take it home as a pet dog, how can this be! Know that it is the Lord of Primordial Zergs, the great Lord Dehaka.

Of course, it doesn't dare to tell her her inner thoughts in an extremely arrogant and public voice, which will obviously deepen Captain Tang's hatred of it. You must know that it is now the body to be sinned, let alone Freya looking at it with the eyes of pets, just using the eyes of Captain Tang to benefit Captain Tang’s qi and kidney, not to mention that Freya looks at it with the eyes of pets, it can’t have any conflict. which performed.

After 30 seconds of looking at each other, it bent slightly with its small right arm curled up in front of it, facing Freya with its head and face, and a small spark came out of its mouth.

In the end it was softened and used practical actions to sell cute... even though it looks more like selling stupid.

In the case of doing something wrong, in many cases it is far more useful to please the spouse of the owner than to please the owner... It feels that it is really too smart.

Freya looked at Dehaka, who was a betrayer, with a curious look. She felt that the dachshund was more cuter. The big dog in front of her... It's good to look at the nursing home, but it's a bit inappropriate for pets.

She looked at it and said seriously: "You are not cute at all."

There is no doubt that this is a kind of rejection, but when I heard Dehaka's ears, there was not much frustration and anxiety, and I was very dumbfounded. It's not cute at all...I've searched for the alien worms native to Akron, is there anything that can be described as "cute"?

In front of a person and a beast, Samir Duran’s golem on top of his head has disappeared, and he fell into the air on the back of a mixed-element body, staring at the worm pupae unblinkingly. I didn't even look at the interest at a glance.

The light overflowing from the cracks of the chrysalis was reflected on the two pupils, painted with a bright color.

The crystal structure formed on the inner wall radiated a wave of energy that was indistinguishable to the naked eye after approaching the body of Queen Blade, and then a soft brilliance like silk floss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and soon filled the entire pupa space.

At this time, the Queen of Blades has lost the perception of the outside world. To be precise, as energy substances continue to affect the body, sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste are all deprived.

It felt like being thrown into a cold abyss, except for the darkness, there was nothing around.

If you are an ordinary girl, you will definitely lose an inch in the face of the current environment, fear the darkness, and be at a loss for yourself.

The Queen of Blades is different. She looked at the sky without any color and anger, and calmly opened her bone wings, stretched her hands, and a faint brilliance wandered through the texture of the chitin carapace on her body. The suppressing force seems to be returning to the body.

"The power of Sarnaga Keystone cannot last forever. You will eventually pay for what you do." The voice echoed in the vast void, which was a cry from the depths of the soul.

She knew that Tang Fang could hear it, and she also understood that what was said was the truth. The power of Sarnaga's keystone will inevitably be exhausted. Then how will he face the Queen of Blades who is holding his body again?

For the Queen of Blades, Kleiya is a curse, as well as a talisman, as long as she exists in the body, Tang Fang dare not hurt her. Not only that, when facing the Supreme Council and Dragon Whisperers, she must also protect her life.

"Yes, the power of Sarnaga keystone can't be maintained for long, but before that, I will get the result I want." Sure enough, Tang Fang didn't know what method was used to send the voice to her. Mind.

"What do you want to do?" This is the second time she asked.

Unlike the first time, Tang Fang replied very directly this time: "What am I going to do? You should be very clear in your heart—it's very simple, destroy your consciousness and bring back the spirit of Kleiya."

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