Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1435: Praise for you, proud of you

As long as Claire can be rescued, no matter who offends, he will not hesitate.

The biological pipes entwining the wrists and ankles of Queen Blade are swaying, and the staggered figures are swaying on the fluorescent outer wall.

The texture of the chrysalis became crystal clear and transparent, and people and beasts outside could vaguely see what was happening inside, watching him take revenge with quite vicious means.

Samir Duran was hiding in the energy cloud, unable to see the change in expression.

As a long-lived Sal Naga, he naturally does not have a gossip mentality about the scene below, but concentrates on manipulating the instrument to perform the scanning work, which is worthy of the advantage that Tang Fang has obtained with all his efforts.

Freya had already finished the act of staring at Dehaka with small eyes, and at this moment she was covering her face with one hand, looking ashamed to look there. However, if you stand in front of her, you will definitely be able to find a narrow slit between the five delicate fingers, and the slit is shining brighter than the stars.

There was no sense of shyness in those eyes, and there was no sour and vinegar smell. Instead, they were full of curiosity and inexplicable excitement.

She is not Claire, not Zhou Ai, or the sharp-toothed VIVI beside Elena. She just feels a little unsightly about what Tang Fang did on Queen of Blades.

Tang Fang Mingming told her that this is a shy thing that must happen between two people who like each other, and must be presented in a space that belongs to only two people. Why did he choose to do the same thing to Queen of Blades? Didn't he hate her very much, didn't he like her at all?

She then thought of Claire and realized the fact that the Queen of Blades occupies Claire's body.

"Oh... I know he misses her, I also miss Sister Kleiya, but he is too anxious." Freya sighed heavily: "He should go back to the captain's room of the Angel. So...and why is the Queen of Blades so angry? Isn't she unhappy? Well, maybe it's because she doesn't like Tang Fang."

She thought so in her heart, but stared at the outer wall of the hatching sac like a gauze tent without blinking.

Although it is very vague and unreal, anyone who has experienced personnel knows what is happening inside.

At any rate, Freya knew some common sense of ethics and morality under Tang Fang's training, and understood that it was a shameful thing, and Tang Fang shouldn't do this kind of behavior in public.

How did she know that the public here is not a general public.

Captain Tang has a thick-skinned face. It can be said that today, when the Queen of Blades has forced him to go to Liangshan, he has to use extraordinary means in an extraordinary period. But even if the times are changing, he is also a person who cherishes his feathers.

Are there any normal people besides Freya on this battlefield?

No, only Zerg and Protoss. The former obviously doesn't laugh at Tang Fang's behavior, and the latter also doesn't care how humans communicate. Human units on the ground are true, but they are all ordinary combat units, and no hero units are present.

So seriously, it is not too much to say that this area is his territory.

Who has the right to make irresponsible remarks with girlfriends on their own territory? Who dares to make irresponsible remarks?

Freya is a little confused about the situation, and Dehaka is also confused about the situation. Freya was surprised, and Dehaka was equally surprised.

Just being confused by one person and one beast is not the same thing as surprise.

Dehaka first saw the shadows reflected on the outer wall of the chrysalis, and it took him a while to understand what Tang Fang's movements meant according to the human body structure. He first uttered in a harsh voice: "This guy... actually turned in PEI on the battlefield."

The face of the next breath changed, and he really realized what had happened, Tang Fang...that guy in Tang Fang, he...he was actually fighting the BAO Queen of Blades!

Madman, what a madman, this world is simply crazy. It was speechless about this, thinking that the craziness of the human world was even higher than that of the Zerg world. That was the Queen of Blades, the mighty will to command the insect swarm, now actually crawling under the body of a human, being humiliated and manipulated casually.

Dehaka worked with the Queen of Blades for a long time. Although the Queen of Blades during the Battle of the Heart of the Swarm was the original Queen of Blades, she was impressed by her tough style. He wanted to come to the blade that was completely contaminated by Zerg consciousness during the Brood War. The queen has never missed it.

That's how she is today, Captain Tang's face slap this time is not vicious, not heavy.

Dehaka's round eyes widened, and then quickly retracted, because it thought that he had betrayed before...even though the Queen of Blades did not give him a chance to surrender.

Tang Fang could use such a vicious method to torture Queen Blade, what about it? What kind of punishment will you face after the war?

The cold sweat involuntarily overflowed from the tip of the tongue, and it ran out of joy.

Tassadar used psychic energy to tear up a flower bud on the back of a turtle monster, watching it fall into the center of the battlefield in a free fall motion, and then be swallowed by the fire from the explosion.

He knew what Tang Fang had done to the Queen of Blades in the pupa space, and he also knew the dangerous situation Cleia faced.

After the Brood War, Elstar was inspired by his dedication and treated him as a saint. However, in the final analysis, at such a critical moment, he had to choose to die with the ruler to save his people. Whenever there are other ways to solve the problem, he would not choose this path of sacrifice.

After being reborn in this world, he learned what happened afterwards and also grasped what role the Queen of Blades played in that battle. Although Zeratul has always played the role of a prophet and he played the role of a saint, he actually felt resentful and hated for the Queen of Blades.

Now that the Queen of Blades has pushed Captain Tang to a dead end, thus incurring this humiliation and revenge, he only feels very relieved and very comfortable.

In front of Phoenix and his people, he needs to maintain his demeanor and image, but he has said many times in his heart that "deserved, deserved, deserved...Tang Xiaozi did a good job, did a great job, and the queen of blades croaked."

Phoenix stood by the ancient hatching pool and stopped attacking to commit Zergs. He used all his strength for one thing-suppressing emotions.

Unlike Tassadar and Zeratul, he has a relatively calm and peaceful heart. He is a very prestigious warrior among the Alstars, resolute, steadfast, fearless, and unyielding... People with this personality are often very honest and are not good at hiding their emotions.

He wanted to yell at Tang Fang: "Come on, kill this stinky BIAO son." But as a noble star spirit, a great warrior admired for the younger generation, there is no way to abandon that restraint, and wantonly shouting unpretentious words.

Moreover, what Tang Fang is doing now is a bit ashamed to watch, ashamed to say, he wants to shout out in such a voice, what if the Captain is embarrassed?

He could only hold it in his heart, suffering from deep internal injuries, feeling a brazier under his butt. After the battle curtain was opened, the external injuries caused by the zergs to him were not as serious as the internal injuries caused by not being able to speak.

Cathy lay steadily in the storage space of the mecha, without any intention of waking up, and could not express any thoughts about Captain Tang's crazy behavior.

The chrysalis prevented the spread of Queen Blade’s will, but her angry roar still aroused the ferocity of the Zerg’s landing troops. They moved from the waters around the central island and even other continents to the battlefield where the ancient hatching pond was located, desperately attacking Tang Fang’s combat units. Constructed a line of defense and tried to rescue their queen.

The sky became gloomy and began to rain lightly. It was because of the heat radiation produced by the flying combat units with powerful attack methods such as the Void Glow Ship, Battle Cruiser, Valkyrie Frigate, etc., which evaporated a large amount of water vapor and formed dense rain clouds. Blinded the figure of "Akubaduo".

Suddenly, the rain line dripping from the surface of the ancient hatching pond stopped.

It's not that the rain stopped, but the gale blowing away the water lines and turning them into wet mist.

There was also a dark figure who arrived with the gale. At this time, the clouds passed by a thunder fire, accompanied by the explosion of the torn cloth, the blue light swept away the darkness between the sky and the earth, and the artillery fire that permeated the war zone complemented each other.

Sudden white light illuminates the outline of the black shadow ------ it is an epic eagle and falcon that came to support from the continent of Slivan.

Zeratul and Mohandar and their battle team left behind the most dynamic Siamese Evil Eye, but still let go of an epic eagle and falcon.

Compared to when it left the core battlefield of Slivan continent, a large piece of feathers on its back fell off. That's because the Viking fighter and the Griffin fighter were chased midway, and they could only sacrifice their own health in exchange for the possibility of going forward.

It finally arrived safely in the southern part of the central island and became a relatively powerful air force for the landing force.

Its target is the chrysalis in the middle of the suspended plate, where there is the owner of Paradise Star.

It is not an auxiliary combat character like the tortoise monster, it is an offensive combat character...

The falcon rushed down with strong winds and screams, and the thunder was winding through the clouds. This scene has great visual impact and shock.

It's just... it's just a visual impact and shock. The thunder and lightning bouquet that suddenly appeared on the ground turned into a rising power grid, holding the fast-diving falcon from below.

That power grid came from the ground, of course it was not the thunder passing by the clouds, but in terms of power, they were not inferior to the thunder of the world, and directly gave the majestic falcon an electric bath.

Those feathers with metallic colors stood up suddenly, and there was a small arc rushing at the tip of the feather. The howling that couldn't even be suppressed by thunder came to an abrupt end, just like the sound of a male duck being choked from its throat. The eagle falcon changed its momentum and fell from the air in a very embarrassing manner, rubbing the suspended plate. , Fell into a puddle on the edge of the ancient hatching pond with a bang, splashing countless green beads.

The eagle falcon's face rang out a long distance on the ground, the mud painted smooth feathers, and also soiled the fierce eagle face, turning into a sad chicken.

It was not Freya who shot down the Falcon. The grid came from a distance from the ancient incubator.

Zulwin didn't know when he woke up from a coma, and the first attack after opening his eyes caused the falcon to fall into a shit.

Its size is much larger than the average Zerg unit, and it was severely injured just now. It took a lot of work for the Queen of the Insect Group to wake up this big man and restore 70 to 80% of its previous combat effectiveness.

As the guardian of the ancient incubation pool, Zulwin knew very well about the floating plates, but he didn't know about Captain Tang's follow-up plan. After shooting down the eagle falcon, he slowly turned his body, and was stunned when he scanned the core area of ​​the ancient incubation pool.

It was not surprised by the existence of tree structures, or by the existence of large primitive worms. It was surprised by the figure shaking on the outer wall of the pupa... "What is he doing?"

No one responded to its doubts, and it did not struggle with this issue, because an unexpected situation happened at this moment.

Before the Protoss unit could separate the combat power to deal with the paralyzed Falcon, the ground in the falling area shook for a moment, and a brown head no smaller than the tunnel bug crushed the sticky fungus blanket, and a heat wave appeared in the sky. battlefield.

"All the guys who dare to be enemies with Tang Fang will eventually die under the fire of Uncle Yageclaw." After this iconic opening statement, two beams of flaming red slashed across the falcon, like a flame knife that cuts through an iron plate. , Leaving breath-like flowing brilliance on the edge of the wound. From this, we can see the semi-metallic properties of the steel skin of the falcon monster's body, and from this we can also see how powerful the Yager Claw Lord is, who has greatly improved.

The falcon’s wings were cut off by it, and the brown-red body fluid turned into a **** arrow ejected from the vessel, splashed on the face of Jager’s claws, and then dried by the heat.

After cutting off the wingspan of the falcon, what came next was a billowing flame capable of melting the iron stone in a short time.

The outer brilliance was still rich red, and the flame near the core turned into a blue-white color.

The falcon screamed sternly and lost his voice in a short period of time, leaving only the crackling sound of flames burning bones and flesh, and the special fragrance that filled the battlefield... if that could be called a fragrance.

The dignified rare epic creature was just burned to death by it...Although the eagle falcon was completely inferior to the octopus from the analysis of the ability level, it was also not the opponent of the conjoined evil eye, and it was roughly equivalent to the sword kissed shark.

Slow to say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually, the whole process from the appearance of the Jager claws to the killing of the falcons takes less than a minute.

It is very satisfied with its own swordsmanship, firemanship, extraordinary bearing opening remarks, and the performance of the strong.

From the moment it saw the Void Glowship and the aircraft carrier appeared in the sky, it knew that the situation would be reversed, and the poor Queen of Blade was caught by Captain Tang's trap.

In this context, unlike Tang Fang's two previous visits to Akron's Star, the first line of its appearance on the battlefield of the ancient hatching pool was to flatter and show loyalty.

It was really convinced this time...

Jager's claws faced the light rain falling from the sky and looked at the chrysalis. The big teeth in the middle of the mouth on the far right side were crushed by something, leaving only the rugged gums, which looked a bit funny.

However, the expression on its face was even more funny than the breathy mouth.

The six-petal lips opened 45 degrees, and flames flowed between the lips. The original fierce and intimidating eyes looked like grilled dead fish eyes, staring blankly at the swaying and impacting figure of the chrysalis in the middle of the suspended plate.

"Ah, you are like a wild horse galloping on her black soil. Ah, you are like a general, planting a red flag on her city. Ah, you are my idol, you are mine. Shine, you are my master..." After a brief silence, Jager Claw did not hesitate to compliment it. Those gorgeous rhetoric beyond the general Zerg's ability to understand it rolled out of its mouth, even if the right flap of the mouth was leaking, it did not affect the coherence and circumstance of the words.

Thanks to book friends 20170102181600483, hehe heh heh, JayDream, glass smashed, wswandzsr, red lamp, Garfield fan, handsome Dailer, Han Xiaoye, Northern Wolf 2018, Causs, book friends 20170321122536831 for their rewards .

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