Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1441: Pain structure

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The void energy burst here is not like the void energy shock wave led by Samir Duran, which directly affects the nature of the space collapse in the affected area.

The destructive force field that comes from the crystal brilliance naturally cannot resist the collapse of space, and it is impossible to cause substantial damage to Samir Duran who is hiding behind.

In response to the attack on the crystal, the Void Corruption moved forward quickly. The leaked energy became more aggressive under the guidance and strengthening of Samir Duran, constantly impacting the energy shield on the surface of the crystal, splashing a round of comparisons. The light emitted by the artificial sun is also a brilliant energy flame.

The air seemed to be ignited by this cold energy, and the light was distorted.

Samir Duran used the power of Void Corruption to fight against the crystal and fell into anxiety.

The death fight in the lake became more and more fierce, and the vision of the modulation facility area was finally discovered by flying zergs traveling far away. However, it seemed that out of fear, they did not dare to approach the center of the lake and join the confrontation.

After all, Samir Duran is a clone of Narud, unable to control the void energy perfectly like his body, and a certain degree of escape will inevitably occur in the conflict with the crystal.

These overflowing void energies have a corrosive effect on the surrounding space. Distorted spaces begin to appear in the air, which is not serious for the time being. If it continues, once they are connected into pieces, it will be no fun.

Of course, Tang Fang knew that long-term consumption was not good, and when Samir Duran desperately pressed forward, the energy system formed by the same three voids and corruptions was almost comparable to crystals, an Euglena suddenly appeared in the surging sea, and then it rose rapidly. Splash.

On the back of the Euglena is a siege tank...The brilliance of the gunshot blooms on the surface of the crystal.

Two green rays shot out, accurately hitting the siege tank and the Euglena, creating a scene of destruction that had just appeared.

On the other side, a flying snake appeared in the sky close to the crystal. While opening a mouth of black bee cloud, the purple intestine was quickly retracted on the water surface.

Only then did the crystals use the extra energy they could draw on the siege tank and the Euglena, and could not immediately attack the flying snake. At this moment, the black bee cloud spreading by the wind was pierced by a figure, and the electric light pulled out a blue mark in the air, piercing the top of the crystal at a lightning speed.

Facts have proved that Samir Duran has been in a stalemate with the crystal for a long time without breaking the shield, facing the blue thunder, like a concrete wall under an electric drill, spattering countless light spots, and finally being torn a big hole.

The strong light brought black space-time cracks on the surface of the black mechanical device at the top of the crystal. Those patterns of flowing purple brilliance began to crack from the hit point after flashing several times, and with a bang, they turned into countless fragments and fell into the lake below.

Samir Duran stopped the attack and looked at the figure standing on the top of the crystal with surprised eyes.

This was the first time he saw Tang Fang destroy a target with a superluminal electron flow. If you use a more vivid metaphor to describe it, the combination of the young man and the goddess of the storm is like an extremely sharp knife, which is extremely harmful to points.

Of course, Captain Tang was able to tear open the crystal shield and destroy the black mechanical device with one blow, and he had an irreplaceable effect. Under the weakening of the void energy, the captain can quickly break through the defense of the crystal. Without him, once the super-luminous electron and the shield stalemate, facing the green light shooting, it is really unknown whether the young man can survive.

Tang Fang didn't think so much like Samir Duran, although he was very willing to sigh that the strength of the crystal shield is more difficult than any enemy that has been defeated by superluminal electrons in the past...

Now his attention is focused on the changes in his mind,

In the base selection interface, the emblem of the four races has been extinguished, the window has changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashes several times, and a line of characters flashes with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzz, the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is brightly shiny.

Emma's voice sounded in her mind: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Hunyuan base, the number is 1."

Hunyuan body base? He thought that this variant t-energy stone with powerful attack power could activate the system upgrade process. It seems that the only thing that can increase the capacity of epic units and hero units is the pure t-energy stone that emits neon light.

So, what will this crystal with a more terrifying energy level than pyroxene unlock? He was very dissatisfied with the Kaidarin boulder unlocked by the Demon Hunter Pyroxene, because it was not like a freely movable phased turret. Now that the Protoss building cannot be visualized, it has no way to leave the system environment and enter. The real world is fighting for him.

Shaking his head away from those complicated thoughts, and thanking Emma, ​​he put his consciousness into the system space Hunyuan body base.

What made him strange was that he had obviously summoned Samir Duran, but the fictional figure that played the role of scv, probe and worker bee in the base of the Hunyuan body still stood firmly in the center of the base.

"Perhaps because of the different names." He remembered that when he summoned Samir Duran, there was a bracket mark-(human body), and the name of the phantom in front of him was the projection of Narud. According to Emma, ​​the former is a clone living in the Copru District, and the latter may be Narud's gap between the void and reality...that is, a collection of powers existing in the dimension of the system space.

In short, no matter what connection Samir Duran has with Narud's projection, it is not something he must consider now. What he has to do now is to find out the new elements in Miss Emma's mouth.

Simply select the Narud projection in front of you, and press the corresponding construction hotkey...Void Crystal, Hunyuan Body Test Tube, Hunyuan Body Obelisk Relay Station... I saw the back in turn, and suddenly found a new icon in the corner , Looks a lot like the scene when the void energy bursts.

The comment text that pops up when the cursor moves over shows that the item name is the source of corruption.

Corruption source... Corruption source... He whispered for a while, and suddenly remembered the void energy clouds that eroded reality in the void level at the end of the Battle of the Void Legacy. He did not expect that they would appear in the system space Hunyuan body base in the form of architecture.

The comment shows that 10,000 crystals and 10,000 gas are required to build the source of corruption. Comparing human, god, and insect tribe buildings can be said to be very expensive, but for him now, it is just a drop in the bucket.

What puzzled him most was that the comment stopped here. There was no such thing as a new building unlocked in the past, or a detailed or brief introduction to the role of the project, or its origin and source.

Of course, no amount of questions are as useful as practical operations.

He pressed the corresponding hot key and spent 10,000 crystals and 10,000 gas to drop the source of corruption in the relatively empty environment of the mixed element base. Narud's projection moved to the target location, and as a burst of green energy exploded, blood-red brilliance appeared on the originally dull ground, and the circulating void vortex began to form.

Until the change stopped, he looked at the dark red cloud and moved the cursor to select it.

The comment column does not indicate the structural strength value, and there is no extra text such as attack, armor, introduction, etc., only three item icons appear in the right menu bar. The middle item has been activated, and the next two are still locked.

He is not unfamiliar with those three projects, and he is very familiar with them-when playing the Battle of the Void, those three things made his troops suffer.

It was the three major void structures-the annihilation structure wrapped in orange crystals, the pain structure wrapped in purple crystals, and the violent structure wrapped in blue crystals.

This time it is the pain structure, the purple pain structure. He vaguely remembered that the unit used beams of energy to output damage to the target. The shooting speed is very fast, the attack power is very high, even the rough-skinned guy like Thunder Beast can't hold on for long.

System notes show that the pain structure has two major components.

1. Suffering Spiral: Inside the pain structure is an evil crystal injected with energy from Emment. It has a very large energy reserve. It can gather and accelerate the energy from the core through the special molecular structure of the crystal, and the operation of the spiral shape The trajectory can help them increase their own kinetic energy level, turning into a destructive beam to shoot out, bringing strong damage to the single target.

Second, the source of pain: The crystal inside the pain structure not only stores Eamon's phantom energy, but also his share of evil that can destroy the world. Just as the phantom energy has different types of phantom energies in the form of worm nest phantom energy, purification phantom energies, mixed phantom energies, etc., the void energy controlled by Aamon can also change certain characteristics. In addition to being able to emit powerful rays to the target, the pain structure can also emit a special energy that can cause mental interference to biological units in the range, just like humans are mainly manifested at the pain level, thereby weakening the combat effectiveness of biological units.

The cost of the pain structure is 10,000 crystals and 10,000 gas, occupying a population of 7, which is the same as the cost of Corruption Source and Void Corruption.

After browsing the annotation data provided by the system, he looked helpless. Recalling the attack method of the huge crystal, there is indeed a certain similarity with the pain structure. It is thought that Sister Logic opened the pain structure to him based on this common point.

He knew that the pain structure was a weapon of war, but he didn't know whether this kind of thing could summon the real universe like the corruption of the void. If it were a tasteless building like the Katherine Boulder, he would be crazy.

The reason that made him worry about the above was that the pain structure could not be moved during the battle, and the character attributes tended to be the defensive buildings set up by Eamon on the battlefield, which could inspire attacks of different nature.

"Can you summon the pain structure to the real space? It takes a trial to know." With this idea, he pressed the corresponding hotkey.

To his surprise, the birth of the painful structure was completely different from the production of Viking fighters in Xinggang and the immortal production of mechanical platforms. The source of corruption is steady and restless, and the originally slowly rotating void energy drains like a wave, forming a line of turbid waves.

A pitch-black crack with sparks of lightning appeared in the air of the Hunyuan body base, and the pain structure inserted into the ground like flying rocks outside the sky, forming a texture of stratum fragmentation.

The source of corruption has actually disappeared, replaced by the pain structure!

He thought that the pain structure was something that was born from the source of corruption. He didn't expect the scene that resembled the void fragments to become void corruption, which was a change in the sense of escalation.

After a brief astonishment, he did not stay in the Hunyuan body base, and his consciousness moved back to the real space.

The fierce fighting on the lake surface had stopped, and Samir Duran returned to his human form, standing on the wreckage of the Euglena watching the flying zerg that dared not come in the distance.

Three voids corrupted and flew around his head, exuding shocking energy fluctuations.

The void energy that corroded the space before has returned to the dimensional channel through the void corruption... This is the exclusive ability of Samir Duran. Of course, he can guide a small amount of void energy, and there is no way to calm the void energy storm that Tanda Star once appeared. Once it reaches that level, he can only quell the destruction and disaster by smashing the void and releasing the tower of heaven.

Units such as Alien Dragons, Corruptors, and Mosquitoes that lack the command of the Queen of Blades saw the battle here, but never dared to cross the thunder pond. It seemed that they had suffered a great loss before and did not dare to enter the crystal fire range.

There is no doubt that this gave Tang Fang a certain advantage, at least not having to start a large-scale war.

He jumped from the top of the lens to the back of the Euglena flying next to him, looking at Samir Duran and said: "This time you are very well-behaved and didn't use your brain."

Samir Dulan endured the urge to vomit blood and nodded slightly, expressing his surrender. Whether it is from the perspective of Sarnaga or from the perspective of an old human, hearing a young man use the word "behaved" to describe him, there will be no joy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tang Just now he would not consider what kind of emotional fluctuations his own statement would bring to the other party. After speaking, he cast his eyes directly to the sky on the left, where a stream of light appeared, and finally a sharp black prism was outlined.

Sister Logic didn't let him down. The pain structure could appear in this space, and under the control of his consciousness, it could inspire a beam of destruction and damage the enemy like a normal combat unit.

The pain structure, this is the pain structure, even if its explosive power is not as powerful as Void Corruption and other special use forms, it is much stronger than the Hunyuan Destroyer, Hunyuan Heaven Punisher and other Hunyuan Units.

Just one thing is very uncomfortable-the population of the pain structure is very high, reaching a terrible 7. Even if the unit limit of the Hunyuan base has been raised to 300, including Samir Duran and Hunyuan units, it is basically impossible to mass produce.

Imagine that this thing is positioned as a giant, hero, and phantom unit in the battle. It is reasonable to have this setting.

He complained here that Sister Logic had restricted his large-scale use of Hunyuan base combat units. Samir Duran's expression also changed, and he looked at the painful structure with a depressed mood.

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