Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1443: See also structure

After this situation continued for a while, a dark shadow pierced the energy vortex and hit two dark Templar warriors who could not move. The huge force drove their bodies to fly out and fell heavily on the floor at the edge of the passage.

The two Dark Templar warriors were repeatedly attacked, and even unable to maintain their invisibility. They emerged from the void, and the energy blade of the curved light warblade became violently fluctuating.

The energy vortex on the surface of the boulder guard began to dissipate, and part of the energy was collected in the body. The psionic flame of the stone armor became sluggish compared to before, and it seemed that the attack just overdrew too much energy.

At this time, the whirlwind fanatic in the middle battlefield launched a charge and appeared between the two giant stone guards. The psionic battle axe pulled up a circle of light and swept across the two targets.

Just listening to the sound of the clang, the strange alloy that made up the body of the boulder guard was shattered by the battle axe, turning into pieces of rubble and flying into the sky.

Tang Fang felt that the enemy was like this. Although it seemed to be more sophisticated and advanced than the giant stone guards of Akron Star and Mang Beast, in fact, there was nothing remarkable. The Protoss Army could crush them. The two dark templars were hit hard only because the energy accumulated in their bodies exploded, and they won some victory by killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred. Now they are facing the upper whirlwind fanatics. Decline.

Facts proved that his idea was wrong. The energy accumulated in the Boulder Guard was indeed weakened. However, the special material that made up the body seemed to be attracted by a force field after it was broken, and it retracted back to its original position as if the picture was upside down and restructured. Out the corresponding body module.

Tang Fang's expression became a little ugly, because to a certain extent, it was tantamount to the boulder guard's mockery of him... even though he knew it was just a coincidence.

In fact, if he observes more carefully, he should be able to see that the place where the Boulder Guard was smashed by the cyclone fanatic just now is not completely restored, and some traces of integration can be seen.

The Last Leaf System is in front, and he has no spare time here to spend time with the boulder guards. Watching them burst again and again, they must be smashed in one go.

Thinking of this, he communicated with Samir Duran, and while sending a message, he suddenly pulled the painful structure outside into the battlefield.

When this long narrow prism appeared in front of the two boulder guards, a dazzling beam shot out quickly, hitting the body of the boulder guard on the left, blooming into a big red bouquet, and then quickly evolving into a red energy vortex.

It was the boulder guard who used the energy vortex to hurt the dark templar, and now the pain structure used the energy vortex to cut the boulder guard, and the situation was completely reversed.

From the perspective of attack intensity alone, the energy vortex created by the Boulder Guard can be described as gentle. The energy vortex created by the pain structure is completely another concept, very intense and very violent.

The blood red energy is much stronger than the psychic axe of the whirlwind fanatic, and a large hole is directly corroded in the breastplate of the boulder guard, which looks like a delicious cake has been bitten off.

The materials that make up the boulder guard are directly crushed by the violent energy and turned into countless small particles. There is no time to recombine. The evil force originating from Eamon is poured into the target body, as if a scoop of cold water was poured, and the burning flame was doused. .

After the flame is extinguished, black smoke will appear, and here is the residual energy flow, overflowing from the joints that constitute the body shell.

The giant boulder guard on the left was like fleshy sludge without bone support, collapsed to the ground with a rush of joints and lost movement.

The boulder guard on the right is obviously a bit unsuitable for the big guy of the pain structure, simple... it can also be said that the stupid brain can't react at all, and out of instinct stretched out his fist and slammed on the big guy who revealed the red light.

There was a muffled sound, and the force was stronger than just shooting the Dark Templar, but it did not cause any damage to the pain structure, and did not even leave a trace of impact.

As a counterattack to the giant stone guard, another beam of evil power was shot out, and another blood-red brilliance bloomed.

Just as the boulder guard on the left came off the field, the boulder guard on the right also collapsed into a pile of fragments.

The battle is over, it's incredible fast, and it's astounding.

This was the first time he had used the pain structure. Although he was prepared to "this thing is very powerful", he was shocked in a cold sweat after seeing its power. After all, it was something that originated from the fallen Sarnak Amon, it was so powerful that it was terrifying.

After the energy core was destroyed, the two boulder guards turned into a pile of tatters, and it was naturally impossible to regroup as before.

He took a deep breath, took the injured Dark Templar and the pain structure back into the system space, and walked to the paralyzed pile of tatters. Looking at the energy remaining in the joints, he hesitated and slowly extended his palm. .

When Ruyan energy touches his palm, his consciousness tightens, no longer under his control, and is elevated to the system space.

He was not surprised by this. Watching the background lights diminish, the four ethnic emblems went off in turn, the window turned from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzz, the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is brightly shiny.

Emma's voice sounded in her mind: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Hunyuan base, the number is 1."

"Hunyuan body base...It is the Hunyuan body base again, what happened today." He thought it would be the Protoss base, but it was not. The new element is located in the Hunyuan body base.

Of course, compared to Protoss units, things in the Hunyuan base generally have more powerful combat capabilities or value.

He is no longer in a hurry to enter the hall where the Last Leaf System is located, telling the cyclone fanatics to be vigilant, sinking consciousness into the mixed element base, selecting Narud’s projection, pressing the construction hotkey, and no new elements are found. Checking the mixed body test tube, also did not find the new element that Emma said.

"Could it be..." After a while, he pressed the construction hotkey of the source of corruption that he had just unlocked, and put it down near the relay station of the Obelisk of Hunyuan Temple, watching the void energy overflow from the surface and become a continuous rotation Corrupting cyclone.

It selects the target object and looks to the menu bar on the right. It is still activated with two locks and one, which is not what he thought. The new element is an annihilation structure or a violent structure.

There was a deep puzzled expression on his face, and he thought what was going on, so he switched the cursor between those non-production facilities.

When the focus fell on the Hunyuan obelisk relay station in the middle, a new icon was found behind Narud’s projection icon--it was a very sharp face with a thick stone texture. With a sense of heaviness.

"This is..." He didn't know what it was, and basically didn't have a deep impression.

I frowned and thought for a while, suddenly a flash of light flashed in my mind, remembering where I saw this face, and what it is...

Move the cursor to the item icon, and the displayed comment really confirmed his conjecture.

Structure, still structure! But it is not a structure under the control of Amon, but a guard deployed by Sarnagar inside Urna. The archbishop encountered a hostile target after entering Urna in the Battle of the Void. The strength is not strong, to a certain extent. The above is just an appetizer for players to warm up.

The system notes show that the Sarnagar structures are not actually used to perform vigilance missions in Urna. They are just a tool used by Sarnagar to detect the strength of the creatures created, and are not essentially combat units. Of course there will not be too strong combat effectiveness.

The sample analysis report shows that the Sarnaga structure has three major components.

1. Psionic energy carrier: The Sarnaga structure is composed of special crystals that construct Ulna. It has very strong phantom energy conductivity. They can conduct the powerful psychic energy derived from the core crystal without damage, and convert it into Possess a destructive psionic beam to evaporate any hostile target.

2. Density adjustment: By transforming psychic energy and injecting it into every “cell” that constitutes the body, the Sarnaga structure can freely control the weight of the body, help them to levitate in the air, or make various flexible movements. Of course, you can also use a trick to suppress the top of Mount Tai, and crush the enemies who dare to challenge them into meat sauce.

Third, "cell" division: By consuming the energy of the crystal, the Sarnagar structure can split the material that makes up the body like a regenerative biosteel. This kind of non-biological "cell" division is not simply a copy of the target object, it can carry out a series of complex inorganic reorganization and transformation. In many cases, the Sarnagar structure can cultivate small and simple substructures in the body, which can be released to perform combat missions like a drone, or help the body complete its set goals.

The cost of the Sarnagar structure is 7000 crystals and 7000 gas, and it occupies a population of 6.

After browsing the unit notes, he scanned the population information in the upper right corner of the interface, and pressed the production hotkey of the Sarnagar structure.

After a few breaths, looking at the big stone that appeared beside the relay station of the obelisk of Hunyuan Temple, he felt very speechless, because this thing looked like a statue that has withstood the erosion of years, with a kind of vicissitudes and chaos. breath.

Use the cursor to select the target and move it. At this time, the dormant rock begins to wake up, and the surface of the body overflows with green psychic energy, turning into a striking "gargoyle".

The pain structure feels very sharp, and the Sarnaga structure feels very dull.

"It's really two things with completely different styles..." He shook his head, transferred his consciousness from the system space to the real world, raised his head and swept across the front door, walked over, and put his palms on the heavy door panels that flowed through the light from time to time. on.

Accompanied by a low buzzing sound, the towering gate slowly opened to the sides, revealing the situation behind.

A cool wind blew by, and the hall was very empty. No other megalithic statues were seen.

He felt a little relieved, without the mind to pay attention to the furnishings inside, and walked straight to the golden-lighted leaf in the center of the hall, calling the dark matter core of the system with the rune of the Ypsilon on his forehead to perform the activation operation.

The last time he entered the hall to turn on the Last Leaf System, he was almost killed by the huge data stream stored inside, but this time it was very smooth, without feeling dizzy.

With the assistance of Emma, ​​we began to screen the various models stored in the Last Leaf system, excluding the epic biological models jointly developed by the Ypsilon and the Ailan, and specifically selected several new models developed by the Queen of Blades, such as Three-eyed Yemengada, such as birdmen, turtle monsters, evolved pangolin monsters... and what she did with Tang Lin.

Without any accident, the consciousness suddenly shifted into the system space, the background light was weakened, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the window changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzz ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem glows brightly.

Emma's voice sounded in her mind: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Zerg base, the number is 3."

Has he changed to Zerg this time... He smiled bitterly and shook his head. While Emma was copying, he transferred his consciousness to the Zerg base to retrieve new unlock items.

Without boxing the worker bees, his first target was the larva. After pressing the mutation hotkey, he turned the page in turn, and finally 3 new options were added behind the StarCraft 1 Elite Scorpion Unclean.

From the appearance, they are Zergling, Queen, Flying Dragon, but the names displayed when the cursor moves over are Beast Eater, Kukuzal, and Old Woman... In other words, the three elements unlocked this time are all StarCraft 1 era. The Zerg elite unit.

The new creatures created by the Queen of Blades of the StarCraft generation unlocked the elite units of the StarCraft generation.

Ha ha, ha ha... He laughed inwardly, already unable to spit out.

The sample analysis report of Beast Eater shows that it has added an upgrade component to the common Zergling.

1. Super Adrenaline: Common Zergomorphs have a relatively large adrenal system, and the adrenal system of Beast Beasts is larger than that of normal Zergozas. Some data point out that they have a larger body than normal Zerglings, and almost all of them are increased. The adrenal system and its accessory tissues, which can help them maintain a higher level of rage.

The cost of Beast Eater is 100 crystals and it takes up 0.5 population. Unit occupancy has not changed, resource consumption has relatively doubled, and as an elite unit, it shares the total population of /4 of the elite population quota.

Then there is the old woman corresponding to the queen.

The sample analysis report of the old woman shows that it has added two upgrade components on the basis of the ordinary queen.

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