Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1452: Live crystal

Shortly after this, a shocking news broke out-Hassan Ed, the local lord appointed by His Majesty the Holy Emperor to take over as the Phoenix Protectorate, was found dead in his own home. Before that, he was making important arrangements. The tribe left the territory and sought refuge in the United States of Jupiter.

Regarding his death, there are different opinions in civil society. There are rumors that the lord was aware that Kursk Alexander had murdered himself and arranged for the tribe to seek refuge in the United States of Jupiter.

Some people say that this is just a coincidence. Lord Lord is afraid that the insect swarms will harm his territory and hurt his people, so he will arrange the way back in advance.

But obviously, not many people think this is a coincidence. To know that Lord Lord died in his own home, how many people in the empire can do this? Recalling the commission of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, who is the person most motivated to carry out the assassination? The answer is ready.

Although no one publicly accuses Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander as having major suspicions and needs to be investigated by relevant departments...Of course, it can also be said that no one dares to stand up and say this. Even if someone says, the relevant departments dare not investigate.

However, it is this silence that ferments in the officialdom of the Fillmores star system that strikes the radicals the most terrifying.

After Melvin Gago, who dared to speak up, another well-known member of the radical was assassinated by the grumpy Prince Kursk Alexander. This idea became a thorn in the hearts of the radical ministers and continued to torment them. the spirit of.

More and more local lords began to think about the future, and when facing Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander, they became cautious and did not dare to speak more for fear of offending the male and female Shura.

At this time, news came from the front line that the Zerg swarms had captured the mining planet adjacent to the Hamury star system and the resident star. After causing some casualties and property damage, the Fearless Commander-class fortress came late and wiped it out with powerful firepower. The Zerg forces on the surface of the mining planet barely saved the Hamure star system.

Regarding the Zerg’s range of activities that was getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, Tang Fang became more and more tired of dealing with this matter. The Phoenix Empire saw it, and was anxious.

At this time, a piece of news came out from the world, saying that the well-meaning Captain Tang asked the Adam government to restrain the Star Alliance Navy’s military actions in the Phoenix Empire as much as possible, so as to avoid further deepening and even greater losses. The Adam government did not fully comply with his request, because Rene Ismail, Luc Stillberg and others were worried that the withdrawal of the Star Alliance naval fleet from the Phoenix Empire would introduce the swarms into the Star Alliance territory. Those who are threatened are replaced by Star Alliance people.

Considering the previous military strikes of the Phoenix Empire against the Star Covenant, considering that the soldiers of the Star Covenant who died for the country when resisting the Jupiter Expeditionary Force’s invasion of the Sotuk star system went up to the Cabinet Council and down to the market, no one agreed. The Star Alliance Navy withdrew to the country.

Everyone is saying that it is time for the guys in the Phoenix Empire to pay their due price for the war.

Captain Tang did not show dissatisfaction, because he understood the resentment and anger that the Star Alliance people had accumulated in his heart for a long time, and he could only continue to run around where the insect swarm appeared, fighting fire everywhere, and was exhausted.

On the other hand, everyone in the Phoenix Empire is in danger, and civil society is shrouded in great fear. They were grateful to Captain Tang for his dedication, but they knew that the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was already at the end of the battle. Once the Zerg’s range of activities continues to expand, it is likely to be beyond the reach.

Touching his conscience, he said that with the insult and hatred of the Phoenix Empire citizens, what he is doing now is completely repaying grievances with virtue, and benevolent.

At this time, a radical local lord named Bai Ran decided to withdraw from the rebel alliance and lead his troops back to the land.

However, before he left the Fillmores star system, he was affected by a sudden terrorist attack and turned into a ray of unwilling souls in the shuttle, sinking into the turbulent course of the Lyon River.

First Melvin Gago, then Lord Hassan, and then Marquis Bai Ran...the panic continues to heat up in the officialdom of the Fillmores Star System.

Kursk Alexander said many times that he did not do these things, but who would believe it?

If he didn't do it, why can't the military find out the real culprit? With the current science and technology, how can terrorists be the enemy of elite forces such as the Jupiter Expeditionary Force and the Phoenix Protectorate?

The news media dominated by conservatives began to make articles about a series of assassinations, and by guiding public opinion, Kursk Alexander and Ingrid Alexander became targets of public criticism.

If it was only Virginia Alexander’s condemnation, people would think it involved a court power struggle. But now the problem has become different. In order to maintain the integrity of the rebellious coalition forces, Kursk Alexander and Ingrid Alexander did not hesitate to use radical means to assassinate the radical lords who wanted to leave, so that the army of the local lords would fall into their hands. Doubt is a very good development for the two, but for the residents of Bairan territory, it is bad news.

If the worms arrive and Captain Tang’s Dreadnought Commander-class fortress can’t arrive in time, what will they do to resist the Zerg’s landing troops?

This incident caused a lot of noise among the people. Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander can control the mouths of the media within their sphere of influence, but they cannot control the mouths of every citizen.

Not only did the people hate the two, but there were also many discordant voices within the Jupiter Expeditionary Army and the Phoenix Protectorate. Because the soldiers who make up the army come from the local star system, where there are their parents. The cruelty of the two people exposed their relatives to the threat of the worm. Of course they will complain.

This is what happened for many days, and this is why Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander are so exhausted and struggling to cope. On the face of it, they are taking the initiative in the military, but the pressure from other aspects is getting heavier.

"To get more help but not to help", they understand this truth, but they are unable to change the current situation. Whether it was the Zerg cluster from the Queen of Blades or the black hand hidden in the shadows, they could do nothing.

Kursk Alexander knew that there was not much time left for them, as if an invisible hand was manipulating the situation in the Phoenix Empire.

He decided to immediately launch an attack on the Quintassa star system where Virginia Alexander was located. Even if he was in a hurry, the military was unstable and morale was low, he could not take care of so much. The rebellious coalition forces will fall apart.

Ironically, before he and Ingrid Alexander issued a war order, Marlowe Smith stood up on behalf of His Majesty the Holy Emperor and gave a speech on the mobilization of the conservative armed fleet and the public, vowing to put those two nations on the ground. Sinners who have entered the quagmire of war are brought to justice and retake the Fillmores star system.

It was under such circumstances that the military forces assembled by the conservatives took the lead in launching the war process, from the Quintasa star system to the Fillmores star system.

The international community was in an uproar. I did not expect Marlowe Smith to make such a bold move. The public of the Phoenix Empire waited and waited. Many people looked forward to the Capital Guard's elimination of the two brutalities of Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander. The unkind guy, try to heal the growing scars on this land as much as possible.

Some international observers and military experts secretly sighed in their hearts, who said that Earl Marlowe was just a civilian politician, and the timing of sending troops to the Fillmores star system was just right. With this military vision and political quality, It can be said to be a rare talent in the world.

Of course, this matter does not rule out the help of Virginia Alexander.

When Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander were dizzy by a series of situations, Tang Fang had already spent some leisure time safely.

The world thought that he was running around in the Phoenix Empire, busy dredging floods and fighting fires, and was exhausted. Even some kind-hearted Catholics and Jews do not forget his name when praying before meals, hoping that the true God will bless him safe and sound, and be able to contribute to world peace for a longer time.

Don't you know that Captain Tang on the Fearless Commander-class fortress is just a phantom of himself, a puppet, just acting according to the established policy. And the master of the current situation has been living with Akron Star for a peaceful time with his girlfriends, big and small.

This reminded him of his childhood illusions-it would be great if he could have a clone. The clone could take his place in school, attend classes, and do homework, and he could play carefree all the time without having to be young. Just bear so much pressure on study and life.

To this day, my childhood vision has been realized to a certain extent.

The time he spent in Akron’s star was not completely devoted to his children’s love. Apart from the beautiful time of kissing Freya and Claire, he also devoted a lot of energy to other things, such as adjustments. The structure of the Akron Stellar blanket continent further releases the development potential of the protozoan; for example, helping Valentine and Abathur to adjust and improve the Zerg unit at the genetic level, and cultivate a new strain of zero isotopes related Worm; another example is to help Dags completely suppress the Zerg group belonging to the Queen of Blades in Paradise World, and make this planet completely labeled with the word "Tang".

In addition, during this period, Tang Yun and Kudria came here. The former was to visit her sister Kleia, and the latter was because Kleia and Yingluo came, but as far as Captain Tang knew, Turan The female generals of the United Kingdom spent much more time on Tanglin than on Clareya and Yingluo (just after the outbreak of the Phoenix Empire, the Turanx United Kingdom military officially awarded The rank of Brigadier General Kudria).

Chen Jian did not stay in the Aqubado star system for too long. To Tang Fang's surprise, Miss Cathy changed her indifferent image and got on the shuttle of Deputy Chief Chen.

He really didn't know what kind of sweet words the guy with his mouthful of the train used to abduct his renewed Valkyrie. But no matter what you want, it helps Cathy forget those unpleasant experiences, adjust her mentality, and embrace her new life with a positive side.

Regarding Captain Tang’s so-called “aftermath” in the Akubado star system-such as repairing the Elna star's zero element collection system. Miss Kylinia tends to describe it with the four words "taking the opportunity to be lazy".

He also needs female executives to help contact Lilietta’s Bahamut Pirates to cooperate with Marlow Smith’s military operations. So I can only pinch his nose and listen to her run on herself. Anyway, the woman was just spitting out because of her unhappiness, and she was more responsible than anyone else in business... This is why he was relieved to give Morningstar Casting this behemoth to her for management. .

Nehemiah just sent a message saying that Star Alliance President Adam Oliver hopes to have an interview with him to discuss the follow-up military operations and strategic deployment.

He refused Adam Oliver's request. It's not because the Adam's government did not agree to withdraw troops from the Phoenix Empire... That was a play by both sides. It's because he is busy doing one thing now-repairing the energy core of Paradise Star, which is the mysterious crystal.

Akron Star’s aftermath work has ended, and Valentine’s scientific research has come to an end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s time to turn our attention to Paradise Star...

It is necessary to know that Paradise Star can make a rapid transition, all of which depends on the huge crystal in the center of the lake to provide energy for the artificial solar system. In the previous battle, he destroyed the ring-shaped mechanical equipment used to gather the energy inside the crystal. The direct result was that the curved transition module of the artificial sun lost its energy supply and fell into a shutdown state.

He didn't want Paradise Star to stay here and become the third planet in the Akubado star system. Although it does not have the attack power of the wandering planet, it is a good choice to be used as a large-scale mobile base with strategic significance. In this way, restoring the energy supply of the artificial sun is a big problem to be solved urgently.

Fortunately, according to the information stored in the Last Leaf System, several sets of T energy stone rectifiers developed by Noah based on the equipment left by the Destroyer were found in a warehouse in the central fortress. Among them are the same kind used by the Queen of Blades on crystals. Specification rectifier.

"Samir Duran... you really can't determine the material composition of this crystal?" Alexei Stukov stood on the back of an Euglena, looking at the figure floating in the sky with suspicious eyes. .

He didn't think that Dangdang Sarnaga could not penetrate the secrets of crystals. He suspected that Samir Duran was slowing down his work to fight Tang Fang's slavery.

"If my body is here, maybe I have the ability to see through the essence of the crystal. It's a pity..." Mr. Doctor shook his head and said, "Although there is no way to know more about it, it is certain that this crystal has a higher energy level than pyroxene. It's better..."

When he said this, he stopped suddenly, his eyes swept across Tang Fang, and said in an uncertain tone: "Besides...I suspect this is a living crystal."

Thanks for the reward of the glass smash.

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