Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1466: Unconscious (Medium)

At this moment, the so-called "essential message" on the big screen also began to look different.

"This guy named Madison Ryder is a spy sent by Morningstar Casting to make trouble. You must not let him go."

"What a traitor, what do you stay here if you don't like it? Hurry up to the Star Alliance you are yearning for, hurry up to lick the **** of your great hero, and stop standing in the studio and polluting our eyes and ears. ."

"He actually defended the servants who killed countless Monya people. This **** **** is not enough to kill the civilians, and not to kill is not enough to comfort the people."

"The dog cast by Morningstar...Get out! Get out!"

"Dogs are not too poor at home, and children are not too ugly. Madison Ryder, you are not as good as a dog."

"Bullish old beast, how much did Tangtler give you? It's worth your life for him."

"Old BIAO smashed, Ciao, your mother."


Madison Lebo’s face and voice were submerged in white-robbing and screen-scrolling, and the verbal abuse was fermented like a carnival in the studio and on the Internet. The thin middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses without fashion has become the target of public criticism. Referred by Qianfu.

On the balcony of the apartment building in Jiangbei District immersed in the night, Sander Road West Germany took the cigarette away from his mouth, spit out a churning smoke, looked at the other side of Leidejiang and said: "What do you think of this farce? ?"

Tang Fang thought for a while, and said, "You bought the guests..."

"Power, money, survival, beauty, wives and children... There is always something that can make them good babies." Sandro West said: "We not only bought out guests other than Madison Laber, but also Bought some other people."

Tang Fang knew that he was talking about those who did not hesitate to abuse and curse Madison Lebo with the most vicious language. At least a large part of the messages came from those people.

Sandro? West pointed to the open door on the opposite side and said, "I suggest you go and see what the impoverished young people in this room are doing."

He didn't need to open the door to observe carefully, the detector had already mapped the situation in his mind.

He was a 16 or 17-year-old black boy. He was very thin, weak, and his clothes were shabby. He could see that the family conditions were very bad... In fact, there are a few people who live in this apartment with good family conditions.

He was sitting on a dirty sofa with a badly worn tablet computer in front of him. The screen had some problems, and unstable light radiation would have a negative impact on human eyes.

Whether he has lived a good life, whether his physical fitness is strong or not... These are not the key points, the key point is every character and every word he typed in the information bar.

Some of the comments that attacked Madison Lebo came from him.

He said that Madison Lebault was a **** traitor. On the other hand, he should be a glorious patriot. He shouldn't dislike this dirty, gloomy, foul-smelling home, and he should be loved and grateful for parents like Bossander Road West.

Dogs are not too poor at home, and children are not too ugly, are they?

Sandro Sid said: "0.2 MYD, 0.2 MYD will allow him to sell his conscience and soul, and use the most vicious words he can think of to attack a person who dares to fight for their rights. If you put 5000 MYD Put it in front of him, and the request is to kill the person on the TV. Guess he will do it?"

"This is the person you have worked so hard to save. This is the person you are determined to respect. Are you sad? Are you disappointed? Are you at a loss? I have experienced all your feelings."

Tang Fang looked at Sandro West Germany’s eyes, and suddenly remembered the previous conversation with Virginia Alexander. His Majesty the Holy Emperor looked down on the people at the bottom most, saying that they were humble, barbaric, despicable, powerful, cruel, insatiable, and have no bottom line... animals.

It's an animal, not a human!

"Such people are found all over the streets of Brady Star. Such things happen in every corner of the Monya Empire. You are not a god, and you are not responsible for the absurd ideal of'make the world full of love'."

"People who are dead can't wake up." The people in the apartment are still alive, dead in the heart of Mr. Mayor.

Tang Fang said with a sullen face, "So... is this the reason you want to kill all the residents of Jiangbei District? Because they are not worthy of being redeemed, because they are low-quality people without quality?"

It wasn't until Tang Fang's questioning was heard that Luo Yas, Tang Lin, and Kudliya really reacted, each with a complicated expression on their faces. They thought that Tang Fang kidnapped Sander Road West Germany to Jiangbei District because he wanted the mayor to open his eyes and take a good look at the hard life of the citizens here, so that he could drink water and think of his source, and remember his young aspirations. , To be a good official for the welfare of the people.

How do you know that things are not what they thought, the raging flu epidemic in Jiangbei District... actually... it was actually Sand Road? West Germany did it.

It's not that Royas, Tang Lin and others are naive and underestimated the sinister heart. It is indeed Sandro? West Germany's identity is very special. Other nobles and officials can do this, but he alone cannot, because to some extent, this is his hometown, and the people living here are his neighbors. Whether it is from the standpoint of personal feelings or background, he has no reason to attack the people in Jiangbei District. Of course...The premise is that he is still a person.

Royas and Tanglin are still like this, but if they are replaced by Pino? Evar, one can imagine what kind of emotional changes he will have.

"You...you...you...you mean that the epidemic in Jiangbei District is all...he did it?" It took a while for the black man to regain his power to speak, and he didn't know when the whites of his eyes gave birth to dense bloodshot eyes. , Looks particularly hideous against the dark skin.

This is a question and a reminder to myself. Without waiting for Tang Fang to answer, Pino Evar rushed out like a strong calf, clutching Sandro West's collar with both hands, almost pushing him from the ground, looking with extremely angry eyes. Yelling at the face in front: "You bastard, how can you do this!"

Sander Road West Germany tried to improve the living environment in Jiangbei District two years before entering the city hall. Although there was no significant effect, it left a good impression on the people. Who would have thought that today, eight years later, he betrayed them... betrayed so thoroughly and cruelly. From a representative of the resistance movement for the benefit of the people, to a vicious dog raised by the nobility.

"I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you, **** thing."

Under the control of his anger, he pulled out the revolver that was pinned to his waist and pressed it towards Sandro West's forehead. However, his palm entered the field of vision, only to find that the gun had fallen into Tang Fang's hands at some point.

At this moment, Tang Lin grabbed his body from behind and pulled it away: "You calm down, the most important thing now is how to cure the patient's illness, not the time to hold him accountable."

"Let go of me... Let me go... I..." Pino? Evar struggled endlessly in Tang Lin's arms, but with the passage of time he shouted less and less, and he seemed to gradually understand and no longer be emotional.

Sandro Westde ignored Pino Evar's extremely distorted face, looked at Tang Fang and said, "If I don't do this, others will do it... and their fate will be even worse."

"Oh?" Tang Fang said, "I thought you were extremely disappointed with these people, so that you hated them, and felt that they lived in this world as just a group of low-level animals wasting food, so you would do this kind of thing. "

Sandro West Germany said: "I think so, but this is only one of the reasons."

He didn’t immediately say the second reason, his gaze crossed the corridor, and once again fell on the vacant door on the opposite side. He didn’t wonder why Pino? Ebar’s angry roar didn’t wake up the people living in the nearby room. For him, it doesn't matter what kind of emotional changes Pino? Evar has, and what kind of eyes people around him will look at him.

"I also thought that I could change the officialdom of Bogda City bit by bit. Unfortunately, I failed. It was not the political environment that was changed bit by bit. It was me who was changed bit by bit. Just like the previous file. The show, I happen to know some inside stories."

"Can sensitive issues like that appear in the mainstream media, is it political progress? Not... To describe it in a more vivid way, public grievances and public anger are like the accumulation of water in a mountain pool, accumulating more and more with time. If they can't be dredged to a certain degree, so that they have a way to release, once geological movement occurs, it will turn into a torrent of torrents and wash away everything that is trying to block along the way."

"So you see, in order to prevent the people living at the bottom of the world from despair, extreme measures must be taken. We must give them a little bit of light, whether from politics or people's livelihood. I think... you must be familiar with the idiom Wangmei Zhike Put it on the poor and give them hope for the future, so that they can work hard and continue to serve the nobles and capitalists."

"You see, how hard the nobles are. They have to care about the work of cattle and sheep, but also take care of their mental state. They... actually work very hard."

Tang Fang didn't speak, because Sandro Sid was very correct, and he was unable to refute it. From the dark side, society has a deep malice towards everyone living in it.

Just like the famous article he had learned before-Chen She Family. Just like the famous saying that has been remembered by many people-the prince and general Xiangning is kind.

When people are desperate, they lose their minds and burst into fighting spirit. After so many years of development in human history, those in power must be very aware of the dangers of despair. Yu Min...This evil art used to play with the hearts and souls of people will definitely develop with the development of civilization and progress with the progress of the times.

Sandro West continued: "Like those intellectuals who were bought by money, power, threats, and beauty, as well as audiences and spectators who attacked and abused Madison Laber, it will isolate people who want to resist. Feeling, let them think that a society and government like this, there are many fools desperately defending... well, in the name of patriotism."

"Rebels will be discouraged, fearful, disappointed, angry... will pick up their passions and continue to wait, and at the same time treat the'patriots' with hatred, which will cause public opinion at the social level to be torn apart, causing people to fight in their dens and dogs to bite their dogs. The nobles and officials watched from the sidelines and did something at the right time. For example, to exacerbate the tearing of public opinion, for example, to eradicate dissidents through conflicts or public opinion..."

"Pulling one faction and fighting another faction in power is just the primary application of differentiation strategy, and the social differentiation strategy is the advanced technique. The story of fox splitting meat...I think you should have heard of it."

"Madison Laber hopes that there will be such a platform to awaken those who are insensitive and realize their value in life. The nobles and officials hope to use his existence to diverge public grievances, tear public opinion, stir up patriotic waves, and take the opportunity to confuse the government and the government. The difference between the state is to kidnap the will of the state with the will of the power."

"Look...is this a win-win result?"

"Does your Huaxia nation have such a saying,'Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food'? I think this sentence is really vivid."

Kudria looked at Sandro West Germany's gaze from hostility and anger, and from anger to shock. She was not shocked by the mayor's learning and wealth, she was shocked by the various efforts made by the nobles and officials to maintain the rule.

The word "devil" can feel very far away from the subconscious mind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In fact, they are all around them, greedily, despicably, and cruelly enslaving the human body and playing with the human soul.

The situation of the former Turanx United Kingdom was better than that of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire...and only better. She has never realized these problems. No one has stated the sins and evils of the powerful like Sandro West Germany. No wonder Henrietta gave her the opportunity to follow Captain Tang’s footsteps to the Monya Empire. , Get a good understanding of the cruelty of this world, the darkness of this society.

Only by recognizing that evil can it be possible to take up weapons and declare war on it... isn't it?

Like the people living in this apartment, they didn’t realize that evil forces were corroding their souls and enslaving their bodies... She remembered what Tang Lin said about certain people living in Jiangbei District, that poor people must be hateful. Place.

If there are no accidents, she will return to Turanx in the United Kingdom to become an important figure in the military. According to Choi Eun-ho, why did Henrietta let her go to the Monya Empire to learn about the living conditions of the people under the power? That was to let her know what is good and what is evil, in case something bad happens in the Turanx United Kingdom in the future For example, if someone tries to change the constitutional ZHENG system and restore the dictatorship, she must adhere to the sacred mission of the army to be responsible for the country and the people, and not succumb to interests and threats.

Pino? Ebar is not a person like Tang Fang, nor is he a person like Kudria. He does not understand politics, nor does he know much about society. He simply thinks that officialdom is a black vortex that will be swallowed. The souls of those who approach it become demons like Sandro Sid.

Thanks to the book friends 20171211024543696 for their tips.

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