Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1468: signal source

According to the memories of the infected person extracted from the mind of Sandro West Germany, Dewey Hansel came to Brady Star completely when he passed through here, thinking of his youth, and the fleet needed supplies, so he decided to stay here for a while. day.

After arriving at Brady Star, Dewey Hansel once revealed an important piece of information at a banquet held by Hecht Besson-his mission this time was to transfer His Majesty the Emperor to be captured by the Meghal Star System The arrested person had some contact with Captain Tang of the Morningstar Casting.

Now that Alice wants to come here, the information she has comes from that party.

Dewey Hansel did not reveal the specifics of the mission at the banquet, but in his later conversation with Sandro West Germany, it was mentioned that the destination of the transport mission was between the Zurich star system and the Rockland star system. Omega Space Station.

Yes, it is the famous Omega space station known to the soldiers of Monya.

According to the memory of Sandro West Germany, the transport fleet led by Dewey Hansel had left the Cartel Star System recently after carrying out replenishment operations.

"Omega Space Station... For some people, it's heaven."

A man and a woman on the balcony of the opposite building were still arguing, and the woman's curse could be heard clearly within dozens of meters.

He shook his head, left the window and walked outside.


Sandro? West Germany had left the apartment when he recovered and came to the dim streetlight downstairs.

Tang Fang returned the revolver to Pino? Evar's hand: "I have got what I want. As for how to deal with him... it's up to you to decide."

The black man looked at the revolver he placed in his palm, and then looked at the mayor of Bogda City standing in front of him. He raised his right hand very slowly, and the muzzle designated the target forehead.

Sandro West did not speak, but narrowed his eyes and stared at the muzzle of the black hole.

Don't look at Pino Eval when he looked for Royas and Wald in Tang Fang, but now he hesitated when facing Sandro West Germany. After all, that is the mayor of Bogda City, a big man who is often seen on TV.

In addition, he has many concerns. From the conversation between Sandro West Germany and Tang Fang just now, it can be heard that the people in the Governor’s Mansion are killing the poor in Jiangbei District. Even if there is no SR influenza virus outbreak, those people will find opportunities to treat people living here Acting against him, once he shoots and kills the mayor of Bogda, how can a smart person like Deputy Governor Lucena Bruce give up a great opportunity ------ she can completely kill the mayor of Bogda The incident was classified as a terrorist attack, and a military raid was launched in Jiangbei District.

As a poor person living in this land, he has no right to speak, no reputation, no resistance. Isn't it a soft persimmon in the hands of others, who can pinch whatever they want.

He hesitated, the hand holding the gun was trembling, cold sweat on his forehead was dripping out, and it fell ticking in the night wind.

Pino? Ebar didn't know Tang Fang's identity, so it was natural to have such concerns. He is not a tendon like Howson, and he does everything with enthusiasm, as can be seen from his ability to be the leader of a block defender.

At this moment, Kudria flashed out from behind Royas, suddenly grabbed the revolver in the palm of the black man, and squeezed the trigger at Sandro West without hesitation.

Bang! The gun went off. The bullet pierced the mayor's forehead with fire, splashing a large amount of blood, smearing it on the road teeth beside the lamppost, turning it into dazzling red.

The rear apartment and the originally lit room in the adjacent building became dark, and no longer heard the sound of mahjong collision with men and women quarreling with men and women, only the waste paper and plastic bags on the road were swept away by the night wind.

Sandro Sid fell on his back under the street lamp, his pale face and bright red bullets shining with the dim light. There was blood flowing on the ground behind, slowly being dried by the wind.

"You have children, and you want your children to have a comfortable living environment. Those who died from the flu epidemic also have children, and they also hope to create a comfortable living environment for their children. No matter how humble or barbarous they are, There is not much difference from you in treating children."

Kudria threw the revolver back into Pino Ebar's arms, and said with a cold face, "Coward!"

Wald looked at Tang Lin, who was smiling bitterly while touching his nose, whispered: "She is really strong."

Royas sighed as he looked at the corpse of Sandro West Germany, which was rapidly chilling in the wind, and felt very mixed with the mayor of Bogda, who was born in poverty.

Pino? Ebar squatted down holding the pistol that killed Mr. Mayor, with a dull expression on his face, and didn't take Kudria's mean irony to his heart.

Sandro? West Germany is dead... There is no doubt that this is very relieved and delightful. But what will happen next, and what kind of bad luck will people living in Jiangbei District usher in?

He couldn't blame Kudria, he could only blame himself... it was useless to blame himself.

At this moment, Royas lowered his body under Tang Fang's nod, patted Pino Eval's shoulder with his hand, and said softly: "I tell you a secret, remember not to tell anyone. They don't have the last name. 'Dong', the last name is'Tang'."

The black man remained sluggish for a while before returning to his senses. He looked at Tang Lin first, and recalled what he said when he first introduced him. I remember he said that his name was Dong Lin, and the person who entered the room was his eldest brother, Dong Fang.

If you change the surname Dong to Tang, it will be Tang Lin, Tang Fang.

"Tang Lin... Tang Fang..." He muttered softly, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, and he couldn't even hide the light from the street lamp. He knows what these two names represent... Although the appearance of the two people in front is completely different from the photos circulating on the Internet, how difficult is it to disguise their appearance for such a big person?

"Tang Fang..." The black man was also real. He sat on the ground and swallowed his saliva, looking at Royas' face and said: "Yes... Is it the Captain Tang that Chenxing cast?"

Royas shrugged: "Who else could he have?"

The black man struggled to get up from the ground, and it took a while to calm the emotions in his heart, muttering to himself: "The people in Jiangbei District are saved...we are saved..."

No matter what vicious propaganda the Brady Star government uses to portray the man who is upset in the Star League, after learning what Sandro? West Germany has done to the people under the rule, he knows who is the good one. , Which is the evil side.

Tang Fang walked up to Pino Evar and held out his hand very formally to hold him together: "I thought you would point to my nose and yell at me, accusing me of my behavior will bring you a disaster."

Because of Tang Fang's relationship, Sandro West Germany is dead, and Lusanna Bruce will never let it go, and Jiangbei District will face a disaster next. If you change to a cowardly person, you will most likely put the blame on Tang Fang. He thinks that the situation may be better without him. For example, the spread of the virus is a slow development process, and you can think of a solution during this time. Cross the police cordon and escape to a relatively safe place.

Pino Evar shook his head and said, "If I think so, how is it different from the people whom Sandro West Germany spurned?"

It can be seen that Sandro Westd’s remarks shocked him a lot.

Tang Fang turned his head and looked at Royas and Wald: "Well, I just wanted to help you. I don't know how things have evolved to the present, I should look at the almanac when I go out."

For his joke, Royas shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is your life, you can't escape."

"What a boring guy." Tang Fang looked at the misty night view of the prosperous world in the south, and said to the people around him: "Go to the abandoned warehouse in the north and wait for me."

After he finished tightening the zipper of the windbreaker, he walked quickly away from the streetlight and plunged into the deep night.

Royas sighed slightly as he watched the figure disappearing into the darkness, turned around to follow Tang Lin's footsteps, and walked north in the cold wind.


Wow, wow...

Under the night wind blowing from the north, the Ryder River set off waves, precipitating the sky full of stars and the neon night scene of the south, like a colorful urban scroll.

The bridge connecting the Jiangnan area and the Jiangbei area is a bit deserted, and there are not many vehicles passing by. Even if the lights go away by accident, it will soon sink into the depression and darkness unique to the north.

Temporary checkpoints are set up on both sides of the bridge to check passing vehicles, which undoubtedly increased the tension in the surrounding area.

The people know that something may happen in the north, but they don't know what kind of accident happened. They can only reduce the frequency of activities in Jiangbei District to avoid unnecessary trouble.

There is a military carriageway built in Huanjiangbei District on the north bank of the Ryder River. Under normal circumstances, it will not be provided to ordinary people. Social vehicles will be released only when people need to be evacuated in an emergency.

Tang Fang did not use the vulture chariot to rush to the target location. Instead, he chose the more concealed Banshee fighter to pass through the Brady Star radar monitoring network in a stealth manner and slowly approached the military carriageway on the north bank of the Ryder River.

Emma roughly determined the active area of ​​the signal source by tracking the response beam backwards. From the change in azimuth coordinates, it can be seen that the launch tower should be installed on the moving vehicle.

When the sensing system carried by the Banshee fighter captured the **** drone not far ahead, he saw a train slowly advancing on the military lane.

It was not an ordinary truck, nor was it a military armored vehicle, but a maglev train consisting of multiple carriages, consisting of a tractor in the front and three carriages in the rear.

In addition, there is a police armored car at the front and rear of the train. If you add the **** drones in the sky, it can be regarded as tightly guarded.

Waiting for the train to enter the sparse area of ​​the sentry, the pilot of the Banshee fighter began to accelerate and approached the drone **** formation ahead.

After a few breaths, continuous gunfire bloomed in the sky, and the police drones used for reconnaissance and **** missions suddenly lost control and plunged into the nearby woodland with a jumping arc.

At the same time, a large-scale collapse occurred on the ground in the direction of the train, the road plate subsided, and dust was flying.

The police armored vehicle that opened in front slammed its brakes, and the tires pulled out a long drag mark on the ground, and finally stopped less than three meters from the landslide site, and almost rushed into the deep pit with a span of nearly ten meters.

As early as when the front police armored vehicle braked, the rear train started the braking process and finally stopped within a suitable range.

The commander of this operation will not feel fortunate and joyful because the train crew stopped safely, because the subordinates reported two bad news in a row-one, the convoy lost its police role in escorting the sky. The specific reason for the contact of the drone is unknown; 2. The vehicle-mounted communication equipment is subject to severe electromagnetic interference and cannot be contacted with the dispatch center.

The road ahead suddenly collapsed; the police drone lost contact; the communication equipment was interfered...These three emergencies caused the commander's mood to fall to the bottom.

He didn't know what was happening outside, but he knew the situation was very bad. He immediately asked the staff to activate the emergency plan, switch the train to a defensive posture, and try to contact the dispatch center by other means to request support.

The order has just been issued, and the screen that appeared on the No. 1 monitor in the car stunned everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They thought that the collapse of the road ahead had stopped, and there would be no more unexpected development, even if the team was affected. The enemy conspired that the next attack should also come from the abandoned site of mining equipment on the side...The enemy is likely to come from the gangs and criminal gangs raging in Jiangbei District.

The facts were completely beyond their expectation, and the landslide used to stop the convoy was only the beginning. After the convoy stopped advancing, the slumped plate in the landslide area showed more violent ups and downs, accompanied by dust and cracking noises, a black shadow rushed out from under the suddenly cracked road plate, and rushed to the police armored vehicle ahead with a heavy force. .

The light of the searchlight only caught a fierce animal face, which was crushed by the huge palm that fell from the sky.

You must know that it was an armored police car that was squashed by one of the hands of Sombra, and you can imagine how powerful and terrifying the thing is.

Some people saw a police officer sitting in the rear of the armored car being smashed flat by the black shadows, and he escaped before the severely deformed steel structure crushed him into a puddle of meat.

I could see that the man was very scared, but he still raised his gun and tried to fire a deadly projectile at the beast rushing out of the ground.

The crew members of the train crew were all sweating for him when they saw this scene, because facing a huge monster several stories high in front, can weapons like assault rifles work?

Their worries became facts. The police officer had not fired the gun. The giant beast turned sideways. A black shadow slashed across the ground. The concrete floor was cut open. The rubble shot outwards. Throw it out.

No one heard the scream, maybe he was already dead when he was hit by the shadow.

Thank you for the lonely star soul, the idiot, wenyan5188 for your reward.

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