Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1471: Omega Space Station

Did he do this to avenge the nobles of Brady Star——After all, the tragedy he experienced when he was a child was not simply because of the villains living in Jiangbei District, but also the responsibility of the government and officials. Childhood Memories No one who has a lot of affection will be kind to the Besoni family and their vassals.

Or... he did it from someone else's instruction, such as Halifax, or even Kirklaf I? We must know that the more centralized a country is, the more afraid the people sitting on the throne of power will be, and the more we must firmly control the actions of our subordinates, even life, old age, sickness and death.

No matter what considerations Dewey Hansel acted for, such a setting is a good thing for him.

After the SCV issued an order to repair key facilities, he walked out of the Hermes cockpit and allowed a large tunnel bug to transport it to the ground.

He looked up at the moonlight in Xiyin, and walked south on the wet ground.


For most of the residents living in Bogda City, tonight is the same as usual, with the feasting city life, the changing time of the stars and moon, and the ambiguous atmosphere remaining on the bedside...night comes quietly, quietly Go, calm and serene.

For the patients living in Jiangbei District, tonight is very different from usual. The pain in the body disappeared overnight without a trace. Although it is difficult to recover health quickly after many days of torture, the spirit is obviously better. A lot.

For the few nobles living in the wealthy areas, and even in the Governor's Mansion, when the moonlight was hidden in the western sky, their illness was like a flash flood, which overwhelmed their consciousness and was admitted to the high-end ward with good environment.

In the south of the site full of abandoned containers, the middle-aged woman was drying clothes and pieces of cloth just taken out of the washing machine by the roadside, almost all over the balcony.

In the living room of the small building, Tang Fang sat behind the coffee table and looked at Tang Lin, who was half leaning in the corner in front of him.

Tang Lin corrected: "Brother, you made a mistake. What I want to be a general, Roy dreams of becoming a hero." He felt that there was another person who wanted to be a hero, but he did not dare to say.

Royas, Wald, and Pino? Evar stood by, and his brother's words made him unable to get off the stage.

He missed Bai Hao a little, that kid was more clever than Tang Lin and Roy.

"Cough." He coughed, and said to Kudria: "This is something you caused. You can solve it yourself."

The female general was at a loss, thinking what's going on with this guy, wouldn't he kill Sandro? West Germany, he would choose to let go of Mr. Mayor? How could it be her cause of trouble?

Wald looked at this, looked at that, the expression on his face was even more confused than Kudria.

After all, Tang Lin is not Roy, and he quickly figured out what Captain Tang was thinking: "Brother, don't you want to leave us to chase Dewey? Hansel?"

Tang Fang was dispelled by him, but he was not embarrassed because of it: "No, no, no, I just think the opportunity is rare. You should stay here with Kudria to help the people in Jiangbei District tide over the difficulties. It is also an experience. ."

Tang Lin said, "Why is it me?"

Tang Fang said: "It's very simple...No one can see through your identity as the White Knight. Staying here can confuse the intelligence of the Monya Empire, lest Dewey Hansel is prepared to hear the wind."

Before returning to Jiangbei District, he used the Hermes equipment to activate the nanoviruses in the bodies of Hecht Besson, Lucena Bruce and others. Then Brady star is bound to have a leaderless situation.

In order to conceal the fact that he was intervening in the affairs of this place, the best way is to let the white knight-like Tang Lin make a big move and attract the attention of the imperial intelligence department. Hostage kidnapped by I.

"I will leave some troops for you to dispatch." After speaking, he looked at Tang Lin, Kudria, and Royas and others, and suddenly got up from the sofa: "That's it."

Kudria shook her head and smiled bitterly: "How much do we need to do?"

Tang Fang walked towards the door and waved backwards: "Um, you figure it out."

The sound of leather boots hitting the floor stopped, and then the sound of the door opening, and fresh air slipped into the room along the crack of the door.

Pino Evar walked behind Tang Lin: "Does he often do this?"

Tang Lin asked: "Are you saying that he is the shopkeeper, or does he always like to make big news?"

The black man scratched his scalp and didn't know how to answer the conversation.


Tang Fang left a team of ghost agents on Brady, several dark templars, 3 annihilators, 2 immortals, multiple ghost fighters and flying eagle fighters, and 5 Minotaur-class fighters in space. Battlecruisers and a Protoss aircraft carrier to prevent accidents.

After deployment, he returned to the Minotaur-class battle cruiser he was on when he came, and told the pilot team to activate the fold drive and head towards the location of the Omega space station.

As the Omega space station with a high reputation in the military, its temptations are largely from women, alcohol, food, and gambling. To put it bluntly, this is a paradise for the rich...No, it should be said that it is a paradise with levels. People of different classes, different values, and different professions can enjoy wonderful services here.

The Omega Space Station is located in the deep space between the Zurich Star System and the Rockland Star System. The former is located in the Monya Empire and the latter is located in the Sulu Empire.

The Hector Trade Corridor originated in this airspace and extended to the interior of the empire. This is also one of the reasons why Dewey Joseph's fleet is staying in the Cartel Star System near the Hector's Trade Corridor for supplies.

Although the Omega Space Station is located in the territory of the Mongolian Empire, it is jointly managed by the Mongolian Empire and the Sulu Empire. This setting is one of the subsidiary agreements that the two sides negotiated to build a trade channel.

After the alliance between the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, the Emile Marquis of the Zurich Star System was quite business savvy. Combining the economic environment of the two countries and the unique geographical location of the Zurich Star System and the Lockland Star System, he decided to be in the two countries. A space station was built on the border to serve passing passengers and soldiers who have evacuated from the Gampna theater.

Later, the Hector’s Trade Corridor was opened. The prince’s eldest son bought the Omega space station from the Marquis of Emir, and cooperated with the Frey consortium controlled by the eldest son of the Sulu Empire to expand and develop the Omega space station to make it as large as The snowball grew bigger and bigger, becoming a giant on the border between the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire.

Although the outside world still refers to it as it used to be-Omega Space Station. In fact, it is no longer a single space station, but a consortium composed of many large and small space stations. Of course, there are still some gaps in the "Sky Garden" of the Star Alliance Babylon star system. After all, this is a paradise for pleasure, and the "Sky Garden" is the commercial center of the Tianchao Star District and even the Hilumbel region.

Tang Fang has all the memories of Tang Yan's service, and he has heard about the Omega space station more than once. When he was on planet 5, Wei Haitao used to throw Tang Yun to the Omega space station to stimulate him.

Hausen said that he had been here and had a fight with others, which caused a lot of riots, so he was caught in prison by soldiers of the Sulu Empire for more than two months.

Churchill asked him how he felt about returning to the old place, and the nerd reported two words-"chicken moves", not "excited".

Alina squirted out all the coffee she had just drunk in her mouth, and then looked at the guy who was full of meat with a look that wanted to kill. How did you know that Mr. Howson was not afraid of that compelling sight... Not only was she fearless, she also greeted the lady with a more fierce look, giving people a feeling of "what are you looking at, then look at you".

Searching for the entire battleship, only Uncle Howson was able to attack her unconsciously.

Tang Fang was about to reprimand him for a few words and relieved Miss Alina. The person in the front driving team got up and told him that he was approaching the airspace where the Omega Space Station was located. A patrol fleet with the flag of the Monya Empire appeared in front.

He thought for a while, ordered to stop, handed over the command to Alena, and walked to the hangar with Hausen and Churchill.

15 minutes later, a Horizon-class shuttle manufactured by the Monya Empire exited from the Minotaur-class battle cruiser hangar and dropped toward the Omega space station.

After more than an hour of warp speed sailing, the horizon-class shuttle left the virtual space and appeared in deep space near the Omega space station with a light burst that was not very dazzling.

In the space ahead, there are floating speed interception facilities with large-screen billboards. Nearby, there are small-scale patrol fleets composed of frigates and assault ships.

Compared with the Hanging Garden where Tang Fang had stayed before, there were slightly fewer aircraft coming to the Omega Space Station, but it was also called a busy and endless stream. From the perspective of the types of aircraft, large, medium and small shuttles specializing in transporting passengers are in an absolute position, and there are very few cargo ships, which are mainly used to transport daily necessities and take away household garbage.

The Horizon-class shuttle traveled along the channel indicated by the beacon, and the computer sent an identification code to the inspection facility. After receiving an affirmative reply, it passed by the port and officially entered the area where the Omega space station is located.

Churchill was very upset with the camouflage mud on his face, and it felt weird to stick to his face. However, in order to be able to enter the Omega space station smoothly, it must be so. In desperation, he had no choice but to endure his depression and wait for the shuttle to enter the target location.

When the shuttle, which was only a dozen meters long, passed the longitudinally extending shelter of the harbor, revealing the scene ahead, his pupils shot a bright light.

He was an old crew member of the Morningstar, and he had been with Tang Fang from the Monya Empire to the Tianchao star area, and he had naturally seen the grandeur of the Hanging Garden. There is no way to compare the Omega Space Station with the Sky Garden, but it has its own characteristics, unlike the space station group of the Sky Garden. After all, the Omega Space Station is a large-scale service facility with certain landscape requirements, while the Sky Garden is a commercial center with very different positioning.

Howson looked at the Omega Space Station as if a rascal saw a flowery little lady with a flame of color.

"It's more beautiful than when I came before."

It's hard to imagine that a nerd could say such a relatively elegant sentence, which also reflects the extraordinaryness of the Omega space station from the side.

Tang Fang didn't speak, but quietly looked at the space facilities with the front window getting bigger and bigger.

Compared with general residential satellite space stations or military harbors, the newly expanded units of Omega Space Station have very smooth curves and milky white alloy materials similar to the glass curtain walls of ground buildings. The floating searchlights illuminate the surface of the new unit to diffuse a clean light, and it is very charming with the brightly shaped portholes.

In the inner circle of the newly expanded building units, there are older spatial buildings. The most attractive is a unit with a torch-like appearance and colorfully painted units, surrounded by a ring, wrapping the most core old buildings.

The innermost part is described as "old" only because they were built quite a long time ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ many years have passed. In fact, the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire underwent a large-scale renovation and reconstruction of the core parts five years ago. Compared with the previous chaos of different styles of space stations linked together, it has been greatly changed.

The current core area is covered by an oval-shaped transparent material, which reflects a light blue light under the searchlight from the patrol fleet, which looks like a sapphire from a distance.

The sapphire core in the middle, the colored torch ring on the periphery, and the milky white sail structure on the edge... It is this combination that made the Omega space station famous.

In fact, it is not only in the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire. The Omega Space Station is known as a paradise for pleasure. The Sauron Empire, the Date Republic, and even the Phoenix Empire and the Silver Eagle Group in the Tianchao region also know its existence, and even some Aristocrats and wealthy merchants who are eager to enjoy will come here to take a walk if conditions permit.

Different from the usual visit to an unfamiliar place, he first consulted Miss Emma to obtain detailed information. This time he chose to find out on his own. After all, it is a service-oriented space station that is biased towards sightseeing. It is always more exciting and more exciting to experience on the ground than listening to others. readily.

To some extent, it can be regarded as satisfying the curiosity of the previous owner of this body. After all, Tang Yan had served as a soldier, and he always heard people who had been to the Omega Space Station in the barracks talk about how interesting it was. After listening for a long time and listening a lot, a longing emotion naturally grew in his heart.

In this delicate atmosphere, Howson suddenly asked a shocking question: "Tang Fang, are you sure that you put my cannon out so that you can take it out anytime and anywhere? In case the chain is dropped at a critical moment, then Isn't it shameful?"

Tang Fang glared at him fiercely, without speaking.

Thank you for your reward.

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