Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1478: Crash

What can he do in the face of such dark forces that a sovereign state cannot afford to provoke? I can only vent a bit of resentment on the Dragon Whisperers, complaining that the so-called order defenders of the Hilumbel region are a group of wine and rice bags. The Supreme Council and the Queen of Blades have blatantly reached this point. Why have they not taken action? Swinger?

He was very angry and sad, but for the lower-level staff, now that they have heard the retreat order, they should go quickly, so as not to be caught up by the flying zergs scattered like a smoke dragon, and those who are disturbed cannot move fast. Leapfrog, the own warship that Leviathan used as a shield, can only pray to heaven, hoping that they have good luck and can save their lives in this life and death confrontation.

Kursk Alexander’s Triumph and the rear warships left the battlefield one after another, leaving hundreds of warships at the front facing the artillery attack of the Insect Swarm and Fortress-class mixed warships.

The more chaotic the scene, the more chaotic the battleship's itinerary, and the easier it is for Leviathan to be used as a clutter to disperse the troops behind.

The scattered transitional brilliance on the periphery, the bursting flames rising in the middle, the various gases reflecting colors, the broken metal, the roar of weapons... all of these constitute the unique war scene of the Kuntasa star system.

Leviathan continuously walked and swayed, creating a large group of battleship garbage behind him. As a waterfall of brilliance passed slowly, nearby flying zergs were able to return to the nest, but could not return. The lair continues to fight with human warships.

A strong light flashed and then collapsed quickly, and Leviathan's figure disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

In the eyes of the soldiers participating in this battle, the rear fortress-class hybrid warship was affected by the trash wave, and it was difficult to construct a reliable curved transition channel, and was unable to track Leviathan away, so it vented its anger to the surrounding area to varying degrees. On the damaged human battleship.

What followed was a massacre, just as humans with knives in their hands broke into a flock of chickens, and the place they passed was a mess.

The warp speed blockade is over; the encirclement and annihilation formation is over; the warships that can escape have already escaped...the warships that can't escape are left with their eyes closed and waiting to die.

Correspondingly, the remnants of the Kuntasa star system garrisoned naval forces withdrew for the first time, trying to hide as far as possible to the edge of the atmosphere of the resident star, so as not to get close to the place where the encounter occurred and be swallowed by the crazy gunfire of the fortress-class hybrid warship.

The steel fortresses on the twenty-kilometer star beast have since become the nightmare of many people.

After Leviathan left for a while, it seemed that the fortress-class hybrid warship had finished venting its anger. As the flowing brilliance formed in the three-eye structure on the forehead, the rotating black hole appeared in front, and it plunged into it and disappeared.

Leviathan was gone, and the fortress-class hybrid warship was gone. The remaining flying zergs gathered and flew into deep space after staying for a while, which meant that the encounter had ended.

The staff on some warships that had not yet been completely destroyed heaved a sigh of relief, feeling the joy of escape. But before the battleship's injuries were dealt with, the space battleships from the resident star made everyone's face black.

The evil wolf is gone, the tiger is gone, and no one knows that a group of vultures that smell the "scent" of carrion are summoned.

That is the Kuntasa Star System garrisoning the naval fleet, and it must hate them more than the Queen of Blades and the Supreme Council.

Kursk? Alexander has left, who else can save them?


Despite some embarrassment, the Queen of Blades escaped, and the Supreme Council failed to keep her. However, the worst and most unlucky thing in this battle was Prince Kursk? Alexander and his entourage... nearly 48% of the battleships of the Phoenix Guardian Army were gone. This is absolutely for the radicals. It belongs to the loss of muscles and bones.

What happened in the Quintasa star system spread throughout the country in a short time, and then the international community.

Most people were stunned when they heard this, thinking Kursk Alexander was too unlucky. The poor guy was forced by the Queen of Blades to pull a wave of heroes. This top-secret operation not only failed to gain a profit, On the contrary, it suffered a big loss, and nearly half of the combat effectiveness of the Phoenix National Guard was lost.

Very few people have different concerns from ordinary people. They wonder why Virginia? Alexander stayed in the Quintassa star system. According to normal circumstances, after Marlowe Smith led the main force to leave, His Majesty the Holy Emperor should leave there as soon as possible and change to another safe and hidden place.

The follow-up gossip showed that because there were undercover agents inserted by radicals within the conservatives, the holy emperor's practice of "the most dangerous place is also the safest place" was taken advantage of by Kursk Alexander. Fortunately, the great leader Ji Ren has his own vision. Not only did the Phoenix Protectorate not steal the fish in this operation, but it caused a commotion.

It suddenly dawned on people that they learned the details before and after the attack. We must know that during the Battle of the Fillmores Star System, His Majesty the Emperor didn’t miss the capital, so he simply hid. Combining with the situation last time, this time Marlowe Smith led the conservative armed forces to the defense line of the capital, he should leave. The Quintasa star system is right.

No wonder Kursk? Alexander was determined that His Majesty the Holy Emperor was still staying in the Quintasa star system, and planned this raid carefully. It turned out that a conservative traitor revealed the whereabouts of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Virginia Alexander finally escaped the catastrophe without danger.

Soon, Virginia Alexander communicated to the outside world that she was safe and sound through the Kuntasa Star System TV station. At the same time, she deprived Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander of various positions and titles on charges of trying to subvert the empire. He also called on the people of the entire Phoenix Empire to unite and defeat the stubborn forces that hindered the advancement of reform.

For these outsiders, it is natural to calmly deal with the chaos of the Phoenix Empire. But for those combatants who are in the matter, it has a different feeling.

The conservative armed forces led by Marlowe Smith caused great pressure on the unstable capital area defense line, and experienced the fiasco of the Quintasa star system, whether it was for the grassroots combat units or the middle-level commanders and fighters. High-level generals and lords have had a devastating blow.

During the Battle of the Fillmores Star System, Ingrid Alexander’s Jupiter Expeditionary Force was severely injured by Marlow Smith’s Capital Guard, and now the Phoenix Guards suffered unjustified disasters at the Battle of the Quintassa Star System and was crippled. . From the perspective of the size of the forces, the radicals may be a line higher than the conservatives, but the overall morale, popular support, coordination and other detailed factors have already given Marlowe Smith's camp the advantage.

The good news is that the room leaked in the evening rain. The news that Kursk Alexander left the Fillmores star system to raid the Quintasa star system was not fruitful. In the absence of Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander While sitting in town, a riot occurred in the Fillmores star system... It was not an assassination that happened before, but it was taken when the two radical lords and several generals who were afraid to go home were born together. The matter, launched an armed rebellion, killed the two important figures placed in the army, and set off a wave of resistance in the capital star.

Someone took the lead and others followed. Those lords and soldiers who were concerned about the safety of their homeland chose to take this shuttle bus, which caused the Fillmores star system to fall into turbulence. Ingrid Alexander immediately dispatched the reserve fleet loyal to him deployed in the defense line back to the Fillmores star system to suppress the rebel lords to stabilize the military.

How can I think that the new Deep Submersible fleet is like cats smelling fish, carrying out interception operations against the reserve fleet, delaying their footsteps, and fueling the arrogance of the Fillmores star system rebels.

At the same time, the fleets of conservative armed forces that were originally engaged in multi-line operations merged into one, like a sharp knife piercing the capital circle defense line and piercing the heart of the radical armed forces.

If it is normal, this kind of long-sword advance policy can easily be targeted by Ingrid Alexander. While the Jupiter Expeditionary Force delays the pace of conservative armed forwards, pressure is exerted from the left and right sides to form an encirclement situation. Low Smith was in a situation of losing ground, and was tossed out bit by bit.

The situation is different now...or that Marlowe Smith's eyesight is very vicious, and he acted very decisively. When Ingrid Alexander was embarrassed on all sides, he stabbed her in the heart.

In this situation, the armed local lords fleet of radicals had their own minds, and they were deeply worried about Ingrid Alexander's order, choosing to delay or even ignore it. However, the Jupiter Expeditionary Force continued to retreat against the wolf-like Capital Guard under the hurried challenge and low morale.

At this time, the radical lord of the Fillmores star system rebellion occupied the national television station and gave a speech, firmly supporting Her Majesty Virginia Alexander and condemning the two conspiracy and rebellion careerists Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander. , Calling on those lords who have been deceived by the two to stop listening to their rhetoric, choose the right path, follow in the footsteps of Earl Marlowe Smith, and bring the two heinous guys to justice.

Such a statement undoubtedly made the unity situation of the radicals worse. Some radical local lords secretly withdrew the fleet deployed on the defensive line of the capital circle and chose to watch from the sidelines. See if it was Marlow Smith or Ingrid Alexander. , And then decide which side to fall to.

From the beginning of the Star Alliance fleet and swarms ravaged the stars of the Phoenix Empire, to the death of Melvin Gago and Lord Hassan in the assassinations, to the successive failures of offensive operations, the radical forces completely embarked on the road of disintegration from the original unity.

When the local lords of the radicals chose to stand on the sidelines, Kursk Alexander’s Jupiter Expeditionary Force was unable to arrive, and the reserve forces stationed in the Fillmores star system split again and fell into a civil war. Ingrid ? The forces that Alexander can use are seriously inferior to those that Marlow Smith can use.

Under these conditions, it is almost impossible for her to turn defeat into victory. Moreover, the grass-roots soldiers of the Phoenix National Guard have long hated her for ignoring the Star Alliance fleet and the invasion of the Swarm, and only fighting for power for herself, and she is only subject to the suppression of the officers. There is no guts to resist.

The good way is that the wall fell and everyone pushed, Ingrid Alexander still wanted to hold on for a while, waiting for Kursk Alexander led the remnant to join her, and then force the conservatives back, the actual situation is that she is too optimistic, even if It was an elite force like the Jupiter Expeditionary Army, and it didn’t last long. The defeat just happened...

At this moment, the new Deep Submersible fleet appeared on the route of the collapse, giving a second blow to the out-of-control situation.

Ingrid Alexander led some of the remnants to flee. What is speechless and funny is that they happened to encounter the world-wide Star Alliance navy fleet chased by Zerg.

Speaking of it, the military observers of the international community have no choice but to retaliate against the Phoenix Empire... how to put it, it is too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~It is clear that the swarm led by the Queen of Blades has been chasing. , Encircled and suppressed the Star Alliance fleet, turning them into wandering arms, scurrying around in the Phoenix Empire, removing the troubles, and bringing misery to the star systems in various places, leaving Captain Tang exhausted with no real results.

In the face of this embarrassing situation, those in the military refused to withdraw their troops, so that Adam Oliver could only use the term "power as a military training" to prevaricate in the face of media questions.

In the eyes of military observers, fortunately, the Phoenix Empire is in a serious civil war. If it is done in peacetime, like the Star Covenant Navy, even if they have new warships from Morningstar, they will face the multiple encirclement and suppression of the insect swarm and the Phoenix Empire fleet. I was beaten so much that my mother could not recognize it.

Even in this situation, you still want to avenge yourself, and want to find face? Fortunately, after experiencing the war in no man’s land, Johnson’s command level has grown rapidly. The overall situation is very good. It has the taste of inheriting Luc Stillberg’s mantle, and the Star Alliance fleet is only fighting the insects. There is a small battle loss, if he wants to make a mistake, then someone in the Star Alliance army will definitely pay for this mistake.

However, what surprised everyone was that they really caught up, and the main force of the Spartacus United team led by Johnson really crashed into Ingrid Alexander's escaped unit. The two sides staged a battle in the starry sky. Needless to say, the defeated female general collided with the Avengers fleet equipped with a large number of battleships produced by Morningstar Casting, and there was no chance of victory.

She had led the remnants of the Jupiter Expeditionary Force to escape. This defeat was lost. Only the flagship Steel Ambition and a few dedicated frigates left safely and fled to the deep starry sky.

The Star Alliance Navy’s persistence was not in vain, and finally had to take revenge, peeling off Ingrid Alexander's bottoms.

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