Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1481: Western style world

While the female staff were not paying attention, Howson ran to knock on the car window and greeted them, but there was no response.

When the nerd turned his head, he found that the woman leading the way was looking at him with a smile, and then said in a very sweet voice: "This guest, the robots on the train are in a dormant state. There is no way to respond to your actions. of."

Hausen said: "No right now, then it will do in a while, right?"

She still smiled and said: "Yes, after the train enters the western world, they will wake up from sleep."

"So... can I really do whatever I want with them?"

The woman giggled and said, "It's their meaning to try their best to please the guests who enter Freedom."

She did not answer Howson's question directly, but anyone with an IQ online can hear the meaning of this sentence.

At this moment, three people walked up on the other upward passage corresponding to the platform. At the front is also a female staff member, and at the back are guests dressed in the same attire as the three Tang Fang.

"Three gentlemen, please remember that in addition to protective clothing to protect you from harm, it can also change into various forms of clothing. You can choose freely in the built-in computer."

The three of them glanced at the small display on the wrist instead of the mobile video camera, and nodded at her to show understanding.

"Okay, the points that should be paid attention to have already been said, then please get in the car, and I wish you a pleasant journey and have fun."

The female staff gave the three of them to the carriage with a smile on their faces, and then turned and left.

The three of Tang Fang entered from the aisle, only to find that there were already a few people sitting in the fifth car. From the constantly changing facial expressions, it was confirmed that they were not robots, but living human beings...just like the three of them, they have to experience the free play method. Tourists.

He found a seat by the window, and Churchill and Howson chose to sit opposite him. At this moment, the two guests I saw outside came along the aisle. Perhaps it was Howson's gaze a bit fierce. The young man walking in front had a spring-like smile. When he passed the seat of the three people, his expression became stiff, and he fled to the rear of the car.

The middle-aged woman behind was not afraid of Howson's face. She looked at the three people back and forth several times with curious eyes before walking quickly to the young man and sitting down. She kissed him on the face very actively. The farm yelled "baby".

Tang Fang had a chill for no reason, but felt uncomfortable. I thought that everyone who came to this place to have fun.

At this moment, the sound of the whistle came from the front, and the train began to move slowly along with the jet of air.

When he asked Emma about the lack of airflow from the chimney in front of him, Churchill had already started to operate the touch screen of the protective suit and chose his favorite clothing.

Hausen retracted his gaze to look at the passengers who boarded the car before, and he could see a little uncomfortable: "I thought there were only three of us, but I never thought there would be others."

Tang Fang said: "If I told you that there are still guests who entered the small world of western style, how would you feel?"

"OH, SHIT!" The rammer yelled, "I don't want to mess with the women they touched."

His voice was a little loud, and it made the other passengers scowl, and seemed to disdain his vulgarity.

Churchill suddenly raised his head and said, "I remember that the advertisements that the McAllen Group and Sandley Group advertised at the entrance of the Omega Space Station described the beauty of the free space system as an'exclusive journey'... Why is it now a multiplayer game? "

Tang Fang looked at the track flying backwards outside the window, and said without looking back: "The exclusive journey belongs to those small worlds, not the big world like the western style world."

This is something that Emma has reminded him a long time ago. Howson and Churchill have been focusing on eating, drinking and having fun. Of course, it is impossible to know the service rules of the free day system.

The Zizaitian system is a multiple structure composed of many different worlds, large and small. After all, different novels, movies, and games correspond to different worldviews, different story lines, and different scene scales. There are obvious differences in the difficulty of construction. .

Like those with short story lines, there are not too many branch lines and miscellaneous, the world with smaller scenes cannot accommodate multiple people at all, and they are generally open to single people or people who are willing to team up. In a big world like the Western Style World with wide-open scenes, rich details, and a relatively complete world view, unless there are special circumstances, the single player mode is generally not activated.

When Tang Fang signed up for the Zizaitian system, he clicked on the option of obeying the system arrangement so that he could enter the small world of Zizaitian quickly, and investigate whether the central computer is located where Dewey Hansel is hiding.

In a big world like the Western Style World, there are many visitors and relatively high mobility. It is naturally reasonable for the three of them to be included in the project.

Hausen swept across the cabin crew with fierce eyes again and snorted heavily, as if he could not accept Tang Fang's explanation, because this was not the service he wanted.

Churchill was able to understand the system settings, nodded to show that he knew, and continued to look at the officially recommended outfits on the computer screen, and chose a outfit that matched his appearance.

When the system is on standby, the outside ambient light changes, and the brilliance of the lighting in the tunnel is replaced by the light from the artificial sun. After the initial glare, you can see the green meadows and urban scenery in the distance.

It turns out that the train has moved up the track all the way from the space below the service hall, into the slender pipelines outside the spherical facility.

Tang Fang always thought that they were the parts used to fix the sphere facilities, but he didn't expect them to be passages for trains.

Although the train looks like an old steam locomotive from the outside, the whole process did not cause any discomfort to the human body from the lower space of the service hall to the upward passage. It seems that the entire facility has a very complete gravity field conversion system. Only then can people not feel the change of driving state.

The speed of the train began to increase, and the light projected by the artificial sun was soon obscured by a tunnel, which meant that the train was about to enter the inner space of the sphere.

Unlike the previous situation, the tunnel was very dark and there were no lighting equipment inside. The entire train crew was plunged into darkness, and people around us could only vaguely hear some rapid breathing.

Fortunately, this journey is not long. It takes up to half a minute. As a light spot in front of you slowly expands from far to near, the train rushes into the light of tomorrow with an unruly wind.

When the sun shines through the car windows on the internal facilities, Tang Fang and others are surprised to find that the white protective clothing originally worn on the body has changed color. They have become suits, vests, windbreakers, felt hats, riding boots, shirts, and leather shirts. , Jeans, long skirts with lace edges and gorgeous textures, long gloves, top hats...

Churchill's outfit is exactly the template he chose, while Tang Fang and Hausen are the templates assigned by the system.

An exclamation came from the side, and it was those tourists who couldn't help but notice the changes on their bodies. The middle-aged woman who got on the bus later than the three of Tang Fang got up holding the light blue dress, looked at the exquisite lace, and then at the flowing skirt, and proactively kissed the little fresh meat sitting next to him. A bite.

"When I return from here, I will ask the tailor to make exactly the same clothes." She said: "This is a testimony and commemoration of our honeymoon trip."

On the opposite seat, Howson was playing with the revolver that was originally attached to his belt.

At this moment, the melodious siren sound came from the front, and the sound of the steam engine and the wheels was thrilling. Through the window of the car, a puff of black smoke can be seen from the big chimney in front, spreading backward under the wind, and at the same time the train's speed has also slowed down.

Speaking of which, the scene now fits his impression of the steam locomotive.

The change was not over yet. The door to Car No. 4 suddenly opened. Two children wearing suspenders, white shirts and peaked caps chased them all the way and ran across the aisle in the middle of the seats.

Crisp laughter resounded throughout the carriage, followed by the hurried footsteps and shouts of the adults.

More than that, at the moment when the door of the car opened, there was noisy human words in front of you. There were women arguing about the most popular clothing styles of the season, the sweet and crisp laughs of children, and the men who drew their guns quickly. debate.

The scene before them was like opening a random door to the three of Tang Fang and stepping into another world. The originally gloomy scenery suddenly became alive, full of sunshine and vitality.

The child's mother passed by and brought a gust of fragrance, which made the guests who got on the bus blush and their eyes straightened.

Tang Fang didn't pay attention to the situation of the aisle and the other carriage. His eyes fell on the desolate mountain ridge outside the window, watching them meander at the end of his vision.

There are large and small cacti and splendens growing on the barren land on both sides of the train tracks. Occasionally, you will see the shadow of the mole walking between the grass and trees. He was quickly taken away by the sound of the train, and he dared not show up when he went underground.

All of this is very real, so real that people can't bear to destroy its perfection. That kind of feeling is like going back to the past suddenly, here is the most moving poem, the brightest distance.

The young woman didn't catch the two naughty children. One of the little boys with some jam on their lips suddenly got into the sitting room where Tang Fang and Churchill were sitting, holding the middle table with both hands to prop up his body, and looking at the sky, one lingered. The flying eagle showed deep envy and longing in his eyes.

"If I had wings too, that would be great."

Tang Fang looked back at the little boy beside him, smiled and said, "What's your name?"

"Charlie...Charlie Cruise, it's nice to meet you, sir." He introduced himself milkily like a little adult, his eyes pure as a pearl.

Tang Fang said, "It's nice to meet you."

At this time, the young woman who had just passed hand in hand another naughty boy's arm and walked to Tang's side, grabbed Charlie's shoulder, and said in a very gentle voice: "I'm sorry, sir, for causing you trouble."

Tang Fang shook his head, and said kindly: "Remember to watch them well, don't fight on the train, it is easy to hurt yourself."

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention." The young woman bowed slightly and thanked him.

Churchill looked at the little Charlie with a pouting face in front of him, and then at another little boy who was struggling and trying to get out of his mother's bondage. He fixed his eyes on the woman's unique gentle face, his expression seemed calm. , In fact, my heart has already turned over.

He knows very well that whether it is the little boy in front of him or the very polite young woman, they are not real human beings, but robots composed of programs and hardware. However, the scene before him was too real, so real that he felt like he was going back in time.

The scene before him was completely different from what he felt when facing Su Qing, perhaps because the environment of the Omega Space Station had been reminding him that Su Qing was not a human, but a robot. But when he entered the western style world and was among a group of fake robots, he had an unspeakable impact on his senses.

The young woman took the two children and walked to Car No. 4. Among the guests of Tang Fang’s three morning cars, a man in his 30s stood up and looked at the snow-white neck that matched the long skirt from behind, without hiding his heart. The burning desire, without any scruples, is now on the walking train, leaving the seat directly, and walking along the aisle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the moment the train smokes, this western style world exploration game has kicked off. As a guest, he is a well-deserved God in this world. He can do whatever he wants freely and freely to release the pressure accumulated in work and life.

The special service of Zizaitian System can be said to be the most perfect way to reduce stress in the world. There is no need to worry about breaking the law, no need to worry about ethics, whether to be a gentle and upright gentleman, or to release desires and activate the wildness suppressed in the body is up to the guests to choose.

To his surprise, he had not caught up with the gentle and lovely young woman in front of him. A fierce face stood in front of him, and then there was a low and fierce voice: "She is the woman our boss likes... …"

It was not someone else who was talking, but Uncle Hausen, who was sitting opposite and digging his nostrils.

Tang Fang was a little surprised that he was nosy, but for that person, this was obviously a very shameful thing.

"With so many people in front, he can choose other goals."

Howson said, "That's what I want to tell you."

The man said, "What if I say no?"

Without answering, Howson expressed his thoughts with actions. He grabbed the middle-aged man's collar and easily lifted his nearly 200 kilograms with one hand.

"You...what are you doing? Quick...let go of me? Let go of me!" The man kept struggling with his body, and there was unconcealable fear in his voice. Although guests won’t end up in danger in the Free Sky system, they cannot guarantee that they will suffer minor injuries. In many cases, they accidentally hurt themselves. In addition, the objects who are also guests will not be affected by the program, it is difficult to avoid the phenomenon of fighting, and it may also cause some injuries.

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