Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1559: The killing under the imperial city

Behemoth is like a huge whale, floating in the sea of ​​clouds, surrounded by flying snakes, guardians, swarm guards, flying dragons, explosive mosquitoes and other zerg air units attached to him.

The generals in charge of the defense mission of the city of Portka on the army's side were cold when they saw the sky. I thought that after Behemoth invested a large number of Zerg units to attack Caesar 2, there were not many Zerg combat units he wanted to use.

However, this is not the case. Their ideas are really optimistic...no, it should be said that they are naive.

Behemoth released many Zerg units, and there was a zoo in his belly. This... this is simply unimaginable. In the past, Tang Fang launched wars in the United Kingdom of Turanx, launched wars on Crottan, and launched wars on Recto...Neither of these Zerg units has been used.

Even when the Queen of Blades launched a landing battle on the planet Krengel, the capital of the Republic of Date, it was not as powerful as it is today...why...why? The combat power that kid can use is really getting stronger and more abundant day by day.

How do they know that the Zerg power can be equally divided with the Protoss and Terran forces... No, it should be said that it is a bit higher, not only because the number of Zerg units that the interstellar system can carry has been greatly increased, the main reason is that Kleiya brought a large part of the Zerg army of Akron and Paradise.

In fact, when Tang Fang faced the Caesar 1, Caesar 2, and Avalon fortresses, not only the El Shield and the Dreadnought Commander-class fortresses did not do their best, but also Cleia did not release all the Zerg units.

She has been waiting, waiting for Behemoth to enter the Celtic star, waiting for the moment when the swarms of insects flood the Krem.

Now, the long-awaited scene is in front of her. The servant who killed her parents, grandparents, and countless residents of Sothia is about to pay the price for his previous crimes.

With this hatred, she left Behemoth, stood on the back of a giant Uktra Hill, and flew to the landing battlefield. Dehaka stood a little behind on her left, docile like a pug, and would not be disrespectful because the woman in front was shorter and thinner.

There is a terrible existence in that graceful body, and it has a deep understanding of this.

Behind her was a swarm guard, Zulwin crawled on its back, looking at the war-torn plain below and the bustling city in the distance with a lazy look.

On each side of the Swarm Guardian, there is a Uktrashir beast. If you stand on the back of the Uktrashir beast on the right at this time, you will hear Lord Jagclaw's roar full of anger: " I'm out... Claire, don't you know that this lord is claustrophobic?"

The guy who gets in and out of the crypt every day is claustrophobic? Lord Jagerclaw really lied and didn't write drafts.


When Cleia left Behemoth and led the leader of the original Zerg race to the ground battlefield, the battle line had already advanced to the outskirts of Portka. It was not that the army responsible for guarding work had been defeated on all fronts, because after Behemoth. , Leviathan's figure also appeared in the corresponding airspace of the Celtic continent, and dropped a large number of landing troops.

Leviathan’s presence here can only explain one problem--not only the Celtic Star Orbital Defense Line constructed by the Celtic Guards was breached by Captain Tang’s troops, the Peripheral Velocity Intercepting Net and the Prince of Colorado Regiment belonged to The line of defense built by the battleship was also disintegrated by the combat units of Morningstar Casting.

The Minotaur-class battlecruisers have freed their hands to deal with the Monya fighters moving in the atmosphere. With the help of Euglena and detectors, the Thunder Wings series fighters simply cannot withstand the laser beam strikes, plus Vikings. With the squeeze of fighter planes, Griffin fighter planes, and flying Zergs, the Celtic Star Sky Battlefield has been completely controlled by the combat units of Morningstar Casting.

In short, Tang's armed forces have obtained air supremacy, and only the army is still relying on the fortifications built for many years to resist.

When the Apocalypse nuclear bombs from the Minotaur-class battle cruiser were in full bloom on the coastal alluvial plains of the Celtic continent, even if the army commander issued the most severe order, it was unable to prevent the collapse.

Compared with an elite navy like the Celtic Guard, the quality of the Celtic Army is significantly worse. After all, it’s the stage of cosmic civilization. All governments value naval construction. The status of the planetary army is not as good as that of the planetary air force. Even if it is a capital planet such as Celtic, the army sequence is mostly based on nepotism. Descendants or distant relatives of personnel within the system with qualifications. Can such a person form combat effectiveness when facing Tang Fang's combat units? It's impossible to think about it with the ass.

The apocalypse nuclear bomb plowing is just the prelude to the collapse of the inland defense line. The army of the Monya Empire, which had lost air supremacy, had to face the Zerg sacs and king worm transport teams that landed from all directions. The Zerg combat units distributed in the east and west teams divided the entire battlefield into large and small blocks. , From a law-abiding offensive and defensive warfare into a chaos.

This situation not only occurs in the suburbs of Portka, but also inevitably welcomes insect swarms within the city.

It was not the sporangia that fell from the sky that first entered the Zerg combat unit into the urban area. They came from an underground route...a transport tunnel dug by Lord Yageclaw himself.

If it hadn’t been for the area under the Klimt Palace to be completely sealed by super alloys, it would take a lot of time to break it. It would have entered the palace hall and sprayed the old man into fly ash in one breath to help the respected Krem. Miss Léa took revenge.

To be honest, compared to the Queen of Blades, it likes Claire very much, because she is so easy to talk, and easier to get along with than Tang Fang.

Hot lava spewed from Jager's claws, and when war was lit in the city near the Krem Palace, Zulwin slapped the huge sword that was more than 100 meters high in the center of Celtic Square.

It did not do this because of the arrangement of the Tang party or the instruction of Kleiya, but simply felt that the giant sword sculpture, which symbolized the power of the empire, was an eyesore.

There is no doubt that Zulwin’s actions angered those young people who joined the army because of their patriotic sentiments. Some did not even have the courage to sacrifice for their parents, but at this time they carried rifles that had no effect on the ancestors. , To save the face of the empire, use the blood of the big bug to wash away the shame of the collapse of the holy sword.

However, what responded to their glass heart and patriotism was a sudden lightning storm.

The lightning bolts that reached the high altitude were connected to each other, agitated, making a crackling, sharp sound, spreading to the surroundings extremely quickly, those young people who were willing to dedicate their lives to the Celtic holy sword and are willing to kiss the toes of His Majesty the Holy Emperor realized them. The ideal of sacrifice for His Majesty the Holy Emperor and sacrifice for the Empire.

In their view, this is a national crisis. Everyone is responsible for the so-called national crisis.

No one taught them what a country is, what is the true meaning of a country... The home country and the world advocated during the Star Alliance period became a world country.

In the past, home was placed in front of the country. Many families form the country, and many countries form the world. After the disintegration of the Star Alliance... at least within the scope of the exclusive ZHI forces such as the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, the country is in front of the home, and the philosophy of belonging and unity has also been replaced by "the individual obeys the greater self".

But who is the self? Who can represent the self? At least these young people who are willing to die for the royal family have never thought about it.

Just like Chen Jian's satire on this phenomenon, personal consciousness obeys collective consciousness? If the word "collective" is kidnapped by someone or a certain family... it's not enlightenment. After being IAN, you should happily help the other person to lick and dry, and then show a very sweet and well-behaved With a smile, he said softly "You have worked hard."

There is only one word that can describe it, and that is "cheap".

The best skill of the Stewart family is to package this inherently "cheap" thing into an extremely exquisite, honorable medal, and give it to those stupid young people.

If Claire was here, she might be kind and soft to see this scene.

It's a pity that she was not here. Zulwin didn't even have any interest in taking a look at the soldiers who were blown to death by the electric current. After smashing the huge sword into large and small pieces, he followed the example of Lord Jager Claw. , To figure out how to destroy the energy shield outside the Krem Palace.

The Kostia military base is guarded by an energy shield, and of course the Krem has it!


Slifan is a dull gourd character, likes to be quiet and has a lazy personality. It swung its body to the front schoolyard of the garrison camp, and stopped moving. It allowed the eggs on its back to mature quickly and fall on the ground to become fierce little insects. The locusts hatched by its children are like tides. Flocking to the left-behind soldiers in the barracks.

These terrifying little bugs can penetrate even the armor of the chariot, so dealing with soldiers wearing power armor is naturally not difficult.

Unlike the outer team, the young soldiers who stayed at the base camp of the guards and built the last line of defense at the Krem are all children of poor families. They were selected by Kirklaf I from various places to Celtic stars, and they have been commended by His Majesty for many times. They are a window for the Monya Empire to show their love for the people.

These soldiers have not received a good education, nor have they had the opportunity to be exposed to diverse ideas. They are proud, grateful, proud, and happy. Come to His Majesty the emperor because they can be lucky, and because they can be a just and noble warrior... at least they think so.

They won't think about the sordidness hidden under the glamorous coat, and they won't think about the indifference behind His Majesty's smile. In short, they now have white cloth wrapped around their foreheads, their eyes are determined and cold, and they look like death.

The thought that fills my heart now is that no matter whether the person is a human or a bug, if you want to set foot in the Krem, you must first step over their bodies. They are born to be the emperor’s people, and die are the emperor’s ghost.

However, just now, General Fastford Stewart was still threatening Captain Tang with the lives of people like them.

In fact, the devil is not a fictitious thing, it's just... the person who can see it, the person who can't see it can't see it, nothing more.

With a passion of blood, these people used guns and cannons to fight against the endless army of locusts, leaving mutilated corpses and the dead bodies of their companions on the ground. The blood infested the white ribbon on their foreheads and took away their vitality and will.

For the survivors of the Sothya massacre, people like them are wicked people who stand in their favor, but from their perspective, they are undoubtedly loyal and fearless warriors, heroes of this country.

Talking about the evil and vicious ways of phagocytic viruses can make people frightened and chilling. However, not many people really care about that kind of brainwashing and enlightening that poisons thoughts and hearts, and realizes that something uglier and perverted than the visible demon.

Roy removed the guns from one young soldier after another and pushed them to the ground.

"Stop resisting, it doesn't make any sense."

His roar pierced the dark curtain radiated by the magic arm, and fell into the ears of the young soldiers who were constantly struggling to get up from the ground, but... this had no effect at all. The assault rifles in the soldiers' hands were cut off by the magic arms. , And emergency pistols. If even the pistol was taken away, UU reading www.ukanshu.com, there are guns stained with blood in the arms of the companion's corpse.

As long as they have a breath, they will not stop fighting.

"Don't resist anymore... You have already failed... This will only increase casualties... Think about your parents, think about your relatives." The shady suddenly collapsed, revealing the teenager behind.

At this moment, the tentacles of his magic arms were tightly wrapped around a soldier, making him unable to move.

"Devil, you won't succeed..." This is the response of the people he sympathizes with what he did, said and said.

Say Roy is a demon... Roy is a demon...

"Big Brother Tang...he...he really came to rescue you..." Roy defended loudly, his voice a little hoarse and trembling because of his excitement.

"Who needs his rescue, that collaborator, traitor, criminal... The evil he committed to this country must be paid for with his life." A voice of endless anger and hatred came from behind the armor. It sounded like Tang Fang killed his parents and ruined his home.

It is a feeling of hating not to be able to eat the flesh of the enemy and to drink the blood of the enemy.

Yingluo has been standing behind Roy. Since the Eagle fighter landed, she has been under the protection of a young man. She has not acted on any Monya soldiers. At most, she will use mental power to attack the people in the fortifications, so that Roy can better Easily break through the army line of defense and unarm the enemy.

Yes, just disarm the enemy. In Roy's words, such killings and confrontations are meaningless. Those young soldiers like him should not sacrifice their lives for the benefit of the Stewart family.

Being deceived, brainwashed, fooled, and then treating the real devil as a saint and sage who swears to the death to defend, such a life is really sad and pathetic.

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