Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 344: 5-party coalition

After a few days of hesitation, Zhou Ai saw that time was becoming more and more pressing, and she couldn't bear it and made a very crazy decision. She wanted to visit Meijiaer in person to inform Tang Fang of the news. Anyway, her current identity is a murderer, and she has nothing to do with the Zhou family. Moreover, she has a good relationship with Tang Fang, which many crew members on the "Archimedes" know. It was up to her to inform the news, even if it was learned by the empire, the Zhou family would not be affected.

Ever since, Zhou Ai secretly left the Zirog star system with his parents, Zhou Hanlin and others on his back, and took the space shuttle to the Megall star system.

If it were to be kept in the past, it would not be a difficult task for people like her to enter the inland of Recto without hiding from the Silbes Starport security checkpoint. However, it was a coincidence that Tang Fang threw 3 nuclear bombs on Quentin Island in the early hours of the morning, killing countless big cats and kittens. Lord Lancelot was furious and ordered the border checkpoints to closely check the passing passengers to avoid these. The field mouse slipped away.

Zhou Ai was also unlucky. He happened to hit the gun and was spotted by the Xinggang Security Department. Then he was escorted to the Silbero military port where Lancelot was located, where he was severely tortured by the young duke to extract a confession.

A good way is the road to heaven. Zhou Ai couldn't bear the torture of electric shock and fainted. When he woke up, the military port had changed hands. Even Lancelot became Tang Fang's prisoner.

"..." After hearing what Zhou Ai said, Tang Fang was silent for a while and said, "Thank you."

Zhou Ai moved his sore hands and feet, with a helpless expression: "I wanted to pay you back for your life-saving grace, but I saved you again. It's really an enemy. It seems that I will never end this kindness for a lifetime. "

"Hahahaha..." Howson patted her shoulder as he walked: "This is called a thousand miles to meet by fate."

Zhou Ai turned his head and took a look at him: "Howson, you really haven't changed, you haven't changed at all. It's still so 2, so great, even if you have to find a word to describe it. I should also be'send warmth from thousands of miles', no If you understand Chinese, don’t talk nonsense. “We have a chance to meet a thousand miles” is used in coincidence."

"Really?" Howson scratched his scalp with an ignorant look.

"By the way, what are your plans next?" Tang Fang interrupted the conversation between the two and asked.

"Planning?" Zhou Ai frowned. What I was thinking before was how to pass the news to him. I didn't really think about whether to go home or go somewhere else.

"Right. If you don't have any plans, how about going with us?" Howson put aside and laughed, "Anyway, you are a wanted criminal in the eyes of the empire, so how about getting another traitor Dangdang?"

The face of this guy is a wretched look, and from the side it looks like an illegal broker who abducts a big girl and a little wife to do a skin business.

"Don't listen to this stuff." Tang Fang glared at him vigorously: "Zhou Ai's identity is not like you and me, she..."

"I'll go with you." Before Tang Fang finished speaking, Zhou Ai smiled and said, "Howson was right, not to mention I owe you a life."

"Uh..." Tang Fang was taken aback: "Zhou Ai, can you imagine that we are enemies and not friends with the empire, will you harm the family if you do this?"

"Oh." Zhou Ai sighed: "Tang Fang. Why do you think Grandpa doesn't pay close attention to me? It's you, knowing that your granddaughter has a good personal relationship with the leader of the rebels, will you not pay close attention to her at such a critical moment? "

"You mean..." Tang Fang didn't say the following words.

"Grandpa this old fox. It's too cunning, even her granddaughter can count it." Zhou Ai said with gritted teeth, but in his eyes, there was clearly a dumbfounding meaning.

The corner of Tang Fang's mouth curled up and smiled, "When you say this, I suddenly became interested in your grandfather. What should I do?"

"Cold." Zhou Ai glanced at him: "You said you, when is this, you still have the mind to lose your mind. The Longxiang fleet has grandpa's instructions and will not do anything to you. Southern Cross, You Ying, The three fleets of Kaleidoscope are eager to smash you into pieces."

"Shanren has a clever plan. Hahaha." Abandoning these words, he turned his head and walked forward.

Zhou Ai shrugged. Quickly followed, and casually said to Howson: "By the way, what about Aros, why not see him?"

"Give Park Min Ho a bath."

"Who is Park Min Ho? A... Aros bathes him?"

"Hey, do you want me to show you?"

"Howson, you go to contact Nehemiah and let him drive the Morningstar." Tang Fang said with a cold face. This Howson is a master who hasn't hit the house for three days.

"Hehe, hehe..." Hausen laughed dryly and turned away. Tang Fang led Zhou Ai to the command center.

Next, he first introduced Zhou Ai to Claire, Grant and others, and then, with the help of Emma, ​​contacted Dunbar Taylor of the Particle Cannon Control Center of the Rector Capital Military Region.

However, what he didn't expect was that the only survivor of the Taylor family, Anne Shukalet's true father, only said one sentence after seeing him, "Thank you, live well..." and then cut off. Online.

Tang Fang couldn't help feeling a little sad, and ordered Claire and others to prepare to evacuate from the military port, and then walked towards the energy storage warehouse with a lonely look.

I wondered about the situation when I met Anne Shukalet, and felt a lot of embarrassment. Nine out of ten people whose life is unsatisfactory, maybe one day a "goodbye" will really never be seen again.

One's life is long and long, short and short. One hundred years is too long, just vying for the day.


As a munitions energy warehouse for the entire Rector Navy, its zero reserves are only a lot more than "Sigma". A rough estimate is more than 200 tons.

We must know that the Rector Navy is just an inland garrison. If it is an expeditionary base such as the Golden Ring Fleet and the Shenwu Fleet, how many zero resources will there be.

I have to say that Tang Fang took it for granted. How many military installations like "Sigma" and "Silbero" are in the empire? No more than ten thousand at most.

An empire with a territorial area of ​​hundreds of star systems, even with the addition of national energy reserves, reserve resource banks, and unexploited or under-exploited resource planets, the total stock is only tens of millions of tons. We must know that in the age of earth civilization, the oil reserves of a mere Saudi Arabia are calculated at tens of billions of tons.

It can be seen how scarce the zero-element resources are. Of course, the early mining of the Ypsilon is also an important reason for the current predicament.

Inland from Recto. To "Sigma" and then to "Silbero", he got a total of nearly 400 tons of zero elements. When converted to myd, the conservative valuation is in the tens of billions. The money can build a small aircraft carrier.

Because of time constraints, he hatched all the Zerg units lost in the battle into worker bees at one time, and nearly 80 extraction fields were activated at the same time, and within a short while, he wiped out the zero elements in the energy warehouse.

After the "Sigma" breakout battle, the "Silbero" battle, and the "Silver Wheel" battle, a total of more than 100 units were lost, plus newly produced high-consumption units such as the Corruptor and the Iron Raven. The resource value also dropped from 12862905 and 158565 to 12788856 and 91234.

However, after the war, the resource value soared to 13369846 and 295434 after absorbing the zero elements of the energy warehouse.

Nearly 30w gas! This is definitely a large resource, so big that Tang Fang can't keep his mouth shut, and he even walks briskly.

Come out of the energy warehouse. Claire reported a news that the Morningstar had arrived near the military port, and it would take a few minutes. Nehemiah, Churchill and others can board the port.

Tang Fang thought for a while, temporarily changed his mind, and ordered the Morningstar to approach the anchored "Silver Wheel" and dock the ship, waiting for him to activate the hyper-curve transition function after boarding the ship and transfer the "Silver Wheel" to Ypsilon Dragon relay station.

"Aurora" is a good thing, of course Tang Fang would not leave it to Wei Hongguang and Kane Rudolph.

Everything was arranged properly, and when they were about to gather everyone to leave the military port, they suddenly found that Grant was gone. Asked about his whereabouts, Bai Hao said with a weird expression that he had returned to Silbeth Star Harbor. Go and come.

10 minutes later, when a small cargo ship over 80 meters long appeared at the military port terminal. Tang Fang almost made him mad.

He...he actually got a bunch of groceries back from Silbes Starport. You said that if it was nuclear energy batteries, ammunition, enriched uranium, medical patches, antibiotics and other military supplies and medical supplies, that’s fine, but... Kenny What do you mean by discount shirts, instant coffee, three/boxer briefs, and even y toy dolls?

A cargo ship is full of TM daily necessities, but almost got some meat Ganoderma lucidum, bouncing balls, and love action videos have cultivated sentiment and improved the spiritual life of the crew.

This guy has used the attributes of the super dad to the grandmother's house. What do you mean by a captain? Even the job of the internal affairs officer and the logistics department was robbed.

Seeing a green flower on the faces of the Tang Fang people, Grant had to explain to them. It turned out that these items were not sold in Xinggang Commercial Street, but were the daily necessities that Tang Lin took the opportunity to purchase in Wendenbat during his illness, and then consigned to Xinggang to take away when he was leaving.

We must know that nearly 200 people on the Morningstar, eat, drink, and sleep on the ship. A few of them are good. They stayed in Recto for more than a month, making the Morningstar crew similar to confinement. If there is no material replenishment before leaving, the inventory on the ship may not last long.

No wonder he always saw him running outside when he was in the Glovia Hospital, and he always loved to return some discounted goods. The feelings were all small items. I thought he was going shopping for a long time and was a purchaser of daily supplies.

Seriously speaking, Tang Fang was somewhat embarrassed. As a genuine captain, not only did he not have the slightest sense of leadership, he also acted as a shopkeeper. Fortunately, Grant is here, otherwise, God knows what will happen after returning to the Morningstar.

The old saying goes well, a penny stumps a hero. In the vast starry sky, once the stock of daily necessities such as food and drinking water is insufficient, you will know what situation you will face next when you think about it.

Francis didn't kill him, Aldridge didn't kill him, even Lancelot didn't kill him. If there was a problem with the supply and he died of thirst in the universe, the fun would be great.

Like him, Kleiya, Bai Hao, Aros and others were all full of scorn, looking at Grant with some guilt.

"I don't know if you are not in charge!" When the deputy captain said these words, his face was counterattack, the standing serf's silly fart expression was so hateful that Tang Fang's teeth were itchy. Who did he learn this from? The skill of the face is good. Think of him before, there is love and righteousness. Loyal and courageous, what a man, I only spent a few days with myself. For tm festival, all went to Jawa country.

Needless to say the next thing. Tang Fang, Zhou Ai, Kleiya and others boarded the medical transport plane and left the military port one after another, heading for the Morningstar. Grant drove his cargo ship openly, hurrying up behind the **** of a few people.

It is worth mentioning that after all, Tang Fang released Lancelot and didn't kill him a million times. After doing a careful calculation, he changed the method and killed him more than 200 times. It is not his "conscience discovery". Just because the combined fleet is about to come, I have to.

He didn't want to take the Young Duke on the Morningstar, it would dirty his love ship.

Not to mention, Park Min Ho was a seed of infatuation. After learning the news of Lancelot's death, he hit his head on the bedside. This couldn't help making Tang Fang a little more respectful.

Disdainful, disgusting, disgusting, but his courage is really admirable. The so-called vows are easy to live together and die together. There are countless idiots and women in the world. How many people can do Park Min Ho?

When the tail flames of the medical transport plane and the cargo ship disappeared into the dark void in the distance, with a series of violent flashes, the already empty Silbero military port was torn apart by continuous explosions. Turned into countless building fragments of different sizes, the tide generally rushes to the distance.

Dense metal fragments fell towards the inland of Rector, like a meteor fire.

With Emma’s participation, the detonation plan did not cause any damage to the inland of Recto. All the large pieces of debris fell into the Sea of ​​Stingfas. As for the small pieces of metal fragments, they did not pass through the atmosphere. Burned out.

The symbolic building of Recto, the famous Twin Star Harbor, now only Silbes is still standing outside the high-altitude orbit.


Megall star system. The eighth planet ends in the outer space, and the three shuttles are flying towards the edge of the star system at extremely fast speeds. On the outer transition interception line between the eighth planet and the ninth planet, a dozen or so Viking fighters flew back and forth in the flames of the blaster. Throwing one after another flying thunders on the huge interception equipment.

The collapse of the Rector Navy does not mean that the defensive forces of the Megall star system have all collapsed. The warp interception equipment arranged on the periphery of the star system was fully activated after Quentin Island was leveled by a nuclear bomb, locking the entire Megall star system. Dead, any warp traveling aircraft cannot leave.

When the Viking fighters attacked the blockade, the news of Lancelot's death had not yet spread. The border commander only said that there was an accident with Rector, and he did not know the specific situation. More than 70 medium and small ships cooperated with a large number of floating rapid guns to attack more than 10 Viking fighters. No matter how you look at it, this is an act of death.

In the view of the border commander, the rebels jumped the wall in a hurry. They planned to use their mobile fighters to tear a gap in the interception line, and then seize the opportunity to start the warp engine of the shuttle to escape.

With a few Viking fighters in a mere ten, you want to break through the border blockade? It's idiotic to say a dream. Was that Tang Fang confused and confused by lard?

It is true that this is a death mission, but only he knows whether Tang Fang is really confused or fake.

The space battle around the blockade line e505's warp interception equipment is in full swing. On the orbit of Planet Nine along the edge of the Meghal star system, faint blue flashes one after another, and a large number of ships are like swarms of fish in the shallow sea. Appears outside the warp speed blockade.

Southern Cross fleet, shadow fleet, dragon Xiang fleet, golden ring fleet, kaleidoscope fleet one.

In the conical area radiated from the orbit of the ninth planet in the air combat area, more than 5,000 warships approached the blockade silently.

The two-string signal lights of the battleship and the searchlights of the observation deck complement each other. The Whale Shark-class battleship responsible for clearing the way is like a giant underwater beast that walks with breathlessly, quietly approaching the frontline battlefield.

A large number of white shark cruisers and tiger shark destroyers marched side by side, in the dark void, giving people a great sense of oppression.

The Megall star system is the territory of the Ferguson family. Even if Rector hides the enemy of the empire, the leader of the rebels, Wei Hongde and others dare not open the fleet into Megall.

Wei Hongde didn't know if Lancelot did not kill Tang Fang. Prince Walker, who suffered a big loss in the First Battle of Nami Star, had almost lost hundreds of warships, but he didn't want to wait for the two to separate and send Mikael. Yadan Ferguson was forced to be helpless, so he had to order his brother Belek Ferguson to lead the Golden Ring fleet to the Megal Star System. First, to support Lancelot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Secondly, it also means to monitor Wei Hongde and others.

As the combined fleet approached the blockade, the battle around the e505 curved speed interceptor was also coming to an end. More than 5,000 warships were detected to be under pressure, and more than 10 Viking fighters were like a pack of fearless wolves. The attack formation collapsed and fled in embarrassment. End Yanxing direction.

Because of the arrival of the Golden Circle fleet, the border commander could not contact Lancelot, so he could only rely on Belek Ferguson as the backbone, open the blockade, and welcome the combined fleet into Megall.

The 5 fleets entered the hinterland of Megal, like a slowly opening folding fan, and stopped in the outer space between the ninth planet Dianyi and the eighth planet of Meghal, and the 20 suspended outside the orbit of Megal. Viking fighters, 8 Corruptors, 12 flying dragons, and 3 space shuttles are facing each other.

5000 is compared to 40, the number is a hundred times different, and the size is even different from ant elephants. There is no doubt that the combined fleet only needs one charge, and the 40 units of this man arm will be crushed and crushed. However, the huge fleet did not act rashly. As a landlord, Belek Ferguson sent a piece of information to the commanders of the other four fleets.

An important piece of information that had just been sent from the inland area of ​​Rector to the border cordon and was forwarded to him by the border commander. (To be continued)

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