Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 637: Bai Hao's fist

The reason "Alice" can grow rapidly and become a large-scale transnational criminal group is because the nobles of various countries need its existence, just as the Star Alliance government needs the Pirate Group to counter the stronghold forces placed by the countries.

As a nobleman, if you want to play with the women of your country, you will inevitably cause some scandals. The people are afraid of power, but they will keep the accounts in their hearts and minds. They will step on them at the right time and take a knife... For example, in political struggles, they are wrongly formed, and they are used by the power groups to use the scandal to start. Then there was a situation where everyone pushed the wall down.

In this context, some people have put their thoughts on the women and children that "Alice" has taken in various countries. As a foreign population, they have no social relationship in a foreign country. Few people care about their lives and lives. They are inherently disadvantaged. The cost of playing with these people is very small, and even killing some, and no one will force them out, at most it will lose some money.

As the so-called demand promotes development, the selfish desires of the nobles and the rich have contributed to the rapid expansion of "Alice", making this criminal group of human traffickers a malignant tumor in the Sirenbel region.

Ironically, Alice Carlos, the founder of this human trafficker group, was a woman who was trafficked. Later, during the disintegration of the Star Alliance, he formed the criminal gang with deserters from the army and named it "Alice". And has been in use today.

When Guan Jiaping learned that the trafficker group who had taken Linglong and Yingluo was "Alice", he knew that unless a miracle happened, he would never see his daughter again in his lifetime.

A civilian like him, facing a large and evil criminal group like "Alice", is like the difference between an ant and an elephant. And... this elephant is still a pet kept by the royal family.

Tripatti is a romantic man. He liked women more than any great nobleman in Turanx United Kingdom, and vowed to make his romantic history into an **** encyclopedia to be passed down, so as to be worthy of his identity and talent.

Would people like him reject "Alice" like the Duke of Congreve? The answer is obvious.

Not only does he not reject, but he also provides a breeding ground for his growth so that he can meet his own needs. Some people even doubt it. I am afraid that more than half of the young women among the missing persons of "Lyersi" have been in the bed of Duke Tripatti.

As a lord, he secretly supports "Alice"'s criminal activities in the territory, and the local government below naturally knows what to do.

During this year and more, Guan Jiaping experienced from hope to disappointment, from disappointment to hopelessness, and finally to despair.

Those resistances stand in front of you like insurmountable endless mountains, as if the whole world has become a rock hell. There was no light, no vitality and color, only gray and bald, hard rocks without a trace of temperature.

He is just a skilled worker with heavy debts, and the bank's dunning form has made him breathless. He smiled every day and worked hard to live, because he has his own family, and his two children and his wife are all the driving forces that support him to live.

But... just like she said, this is fate, people can't fight the sky, they can only choose to accept fate.

But those two children are the pillars of his life.

When he chooses to accept his fate, the latest chapter of Ancestral Snake. The spirit that belongs to people will also collapse completely. This is the pain that only parents can experience.

Guan Jiaping spent a period of peaceful time at home-seemingly peaceful time.

His heart was gradually filled with hostility.

Then one day, he put on a copycat power armor modified from engineered armor. Embrace the self-bomb and rush to a baron's car.

Regrettably, such behavior did not cause any harm to the Baron. The adult who hid in the special car was shocked, and the explosion spread to the onlookers, causing many casualties.

The incident was officially classified as a terrorist attack, and Guan Jiaping became a fanatic of "Lyersi" major media shelling, and even Lu Xialan, who was his wife, was also implicated. After bearing the pain of losing a son and a husband, he has to face government scrutiny. Questions from the media, criticism from the public.

The only comfort is that. With George's help, the mall leader who worked earlier learned of her misfortune and did not give her dismissal, so she barely kept her job.

Next, at the bottom of her life, she slowly regained courage in life with George's counsel and help, and the two of them came together in this way and decided to accompany them forever.

But just as he took care of everything and waited for the wedding day to come, the two sisters came back and broke into her life again.

Destiny is really beyond words.

Claire looked at the coffee that was no longer hot in the cup, her expression turned sad and helpless. She thought that she was already a victim of a powerful rule, but she didn't expect the fate of these two children to be even more cruel.

Being taken abducted by "Alice" and sold to the "Blood Faith" of Rector, this kind of experience is sighing, but who would have thought that such misfortune is just the beginning of a greater misfortune.

A family is ruined like this, and a happy family is ruined like this...

She finally understood why some people would rather choose to "death" to protect their families, in such a society where morality is lacking and human relationships are indifferent. Family, this home that can bring warmth and happiness to people, it... is really fragile.

Bai Hao and Roy lowered their heads, thinking about their own thoughts.

Bai Yue looked at the sunlight covering the lawn outside the window, feeling that it would never shine into people's hearts.

At some point, the bedroom door opened, and Lu Xialan leaned against the frame, staring blankly at the two girls who had been trembling on the sofa.

Just as they were most afraid of, Guan Jiaping died...The father who loved them the most died, and chose to use such an extreme way, at the expense of his own life, to say "no" to the power.

Yingluo's face was pale, and her tears fell into the cup in front of her, blending with the red-brown coffee. She couldn't cry loudly because something was stuck in her heart, so heavy that she almost didn't have the strength to breathe.

Linglong straightened up and looked at her grieving mother at the bedroom door, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Where were you when Dad needed you? Where were you when he needed someone to help you most? When he did stupid things, you Where is it?"

The sunlight passed through the window and spread out behind her. Not dazzling, so cold.

Lu Xialan said softly: "I...I'm working."

There was blood dripping on the table, smashing into small blood puddles, and the small blood beads scattered like splashes looked like broken rubies under the sunlight.

Her hands are too tight, and her nails are deeply embedded in the flesh. Bright blood gathered into strands, flowing along the texture of the palm.

Bai Hao tried to stand up and hold her trembling hand several times to prevent her from hurting herself, but... he didn't have the courage to do so.

I obviously like her so much, but I don't have the courage...

"Working City Supreme System! Work! Work!"

Yingluo, who has always been gentle, stood up and said in a nearly roaring tone for the first time: "Work is more important than anything in your eyes!"

"Dad has passed away less than half a year. You are going to be someone else's wife. He is really so unbearable? Is there so no place in your heart?"

No one thought that after listening to George's narrative, Yingluo and Linglong would be so touched by the two, who just hugged the crying mother and daughter. Nowadays, there are conflicts in emotional cognition.

This shows how deeply the two girls love their father.

Lu Xialan cried again, she didn't know how to answer the questions of the two daughters, she didn't know...

She couldn't tell them that she wanted to find short-sightedness a few times, stood in a daze on the Wuer River Bridge looking at the surging river, called their names in dreams, and cried bitterly while sitting in front of her husband's cloak.

Only she knew these pains.

It was George's enlightenment that made him cheer him up again. The courage to regain life again, thinking that people cannot always live in sorrow and the past, and there are so many wonderful and beautiful things worthy of heart.

But... these words can't be said anyway.

Just like Yingluo inherited Guan Jiaping's good temper. Linglong inherited her pretending to be strong.

George left the sofa, walked quickly to the door of the bedroom, supported her shaky body, looked at the two sisters and said: "You shouldn't talk like this, she... has been hard enough."

Linglong's hands were bleeding more and more, her eyes full of struggle. Finally, she exhaled heavily. Walked out the door without looking back.

Yingluo said headstrongly: "This is not my home." He followed her sister and left.

Claire winked at Bai Hao and Roy and instructed them to chase them. With a light sigh, she got up and walked in front of Lu Xialan and George, and said softly: "Please don't take it to your heart, they are all angry."

Lu Xialan shook her head vigorously: "Thank you for saving them."

She could see that the two sisters had a very good life, were in good spirits, and were in good health. There was no doubt that this was because of them.

"Please take care of her." Claire said to George, "I will try to persuade them."

"Don't worry." George nodded.

When Claire was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Uncle Guan's grave..."

George said: "At 1287 Ur Cemetery."

She nodded and left with Bai Yue, gently closing the door.

He watched the backs of the two people disappear at the end of the line of sight, and then walked slowly into the bedroom with the woman's hand, while comforting: "They are still two children, and they will understand one day."

Lu Xialan didn't speak, her eyes still showed dazedness and helplessness... She thought, perhaps Yingluo was right to blame, she was a low-hearted person.

The sun outside was still bright, and the young people on the meadow heard cheers and laughter from time to time. The pedestrians on the road gradually increased, and a young mother pushing a stroller passed by.

The sun will never lower its heat because of the misery of the world, and no matter how dark the world is, there will be a heart-stirring beauty.


In the evening, in a five-star hotel about seven or eight blocks away from the residential area where Lu Xialan and George lived, Claire went to the hidden place to communicate with the veteran using the communication equipment, and told him what happened to Yingluo and Linglong.

Bai Yue called the hotel's internal phone number, ordered some food, and waited for the dining car to arrive.

In the few days I took the special operations transport ship to "Georgia", I didn't have any good food at all. Now that I have this opportunity, I naturally have to eat a lot and take a good look at the five internal organs.

Linglong looped her knees, sat on the sofa, buried her head in the gap between her legs and was silent.

Yingluo stared blankly at a Clivia on the windowsill, also silent. It's like losing your soul.

After Claire's persuasion, they finally stopped crying, but still couldn't break free from their grief.

The death of their father was a heavy blow to them, and no one thought that at the beginning, they would be separated by heaven and man forever. I thought I could be reunited with my family this time. Where do you know, it turned out to be such an ending.

Bai Hao walked back and forth on the ground, with a complicated expression on his face, sometimes looking at Linglong, showing a hesitant look, sometimes gritted his teeth. It's useless to scold yourself.

He is brave and not brave. Being brave is to the enemy, not being brave is to the person you like.

Seeing Linglong sad, he was heartbroken, but he didn't know how to comfort her, fearing rejection and rejection.

It is true that he has many eyes. But it does not mean he is a cheeky, on the contrary, he is more sensitive than anyone. Just as Howson dug out so many unreadable materials from his room, he would be very shy and feel very shameless.

After a short time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Bai Yue went out and welcomed the waiter into the room. The steaming Chinese dishes from the dining car were placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa one by one.

In order to take care of Yingluo and Linglong's taste, he deliberately chose Chinese food instead of Western food. Or the Japanese food that I have always wanted to taste.

He thought this might give them some appetite...although the possibility is very small.

After such a thing, they certainly can't eat it.

Roy handed a piece of Yingluo's favorite white chicken to the front, shaking his head in exchange.

"Yingluo, this is your favorite white-cut chicken, will you eat a little bit?"

Her heart is very confused and her mood is not very high. Just want to be quiet and think about how to deal with this matter.

If you put it in normal times. She would definitely say thank you, and then bite off the tender chicken on the fork. He smiled and said it was delicious, but today, it is rare to say in an impatient tone: "I said... I don't want to eat!"

This kind of performance is different from the past, but it is reasonable.

Roy is very simple and honest, never knows how to watch his words, he is more honest, and he always has to say what he thinks in his heart and thinks it is right, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable and annoying.

"Yingluo, I don't think you should treat your mother like that. Those words are too hurtful."

Seeing that she did not respond, he continued: "Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. You can't stand still because of a momentary setback and live in grief and self-blame all day long. That kind of life is meaningless."

"I believe that my uncle is above heaven, and he never wants to see the pain and sadness of his loved ones. I must hope that you can cheer up and embrace the beauty of life."

Ying Luo remained silent, staring at the swaggering bluegrass under the moon shadow in a daze.

He was not discouraged, he still said what was in his heart, regardless of Bai Hao and Bai Yue, because he was Roy, he was used to let others know his inner thoughts, and felt that if humans could understand each other, the world would become full of warmth. , There is no more war, no persecution, no more sorrow.

This is the path he chose, never regretting, never stagnating the super pirate ship.

Because Big Brother Tang once said with emotion that if there were more people like him in the world...

Such a sentence is his confidence and courage to persist in himself.

"Oh... Actually, my uncle really shouldn't do that. Why did he choose to fight in extreme ways? That won't bring any change, it will only continue to increase casualties and encourage hatred... those disabled by him People are also very pitiful and innocent."

"He...really shouldn't do it, it's wrong to do it...in fact, it's very similar to what the founder of'Alice' did."

Yingluo's eyes were full of blood looking at Lancao, and the tears that had been stopped once again overflowed her eyes.

The exquisite body, hugging her knees tightly, shrank into a ball, like a little girl frightened by thunder in a rainy night.

She had a personality similar to Zhou Ai, but she showed her weakness for the first time.

He didn't notice this and wanted to continue.

At this moment, Bai Hao suddenly dashed to him, lifted his collar and pressed it on the wall, and roared, "Enough."

"You let me go."

He struggled hard.

Bai Hao took him to a relatively open place and punched him on the right cheek.

The punch was so heavy that it stunned Roy.

Although the two used to do things often, they have always been very measured. Bai Hao has never hit him as much as today.

He felt his right cheek numb, the corners of his mouth were hot and painful, and there was a strong smell of blood in his mouth.

"What do you know!"

Bai Hao pushed him to the floor, pressed his chest firmly with his arm, and said sharply, "Have you ever tasted the loss of a loved one?"

"You don't have it... I have!"

"Do you know how painful it is to watch your loved ones die while you are powerless? Don't you know... I know!"

"Should not do that? What should I do! You tell me what to do?"

"You only see people's sins and their hostility, but have you ever wondered why they did it? What forced them to follow that path?"

"Have you thought about it? You haven't! You only have the so-called ‘goodies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the world in your eyes, but you are selectively blind to those ‘dark’.”

"You keep saying to be a messenger of justice, but you can't even save the people around you."

"No... you are not a messenger of justice at all, you are just a coward, a coward who has no guts to face the darkness of the world!"

He breathed hard, looked at the speechless Roy who was asked, and said: "Perhaps you are right, they really shouldn't treat your mother like that... You are used to standing on the highest moral point, have you ever tried Thinking about this from their emotional standpoint?"

"If your father died soon, and your mother soon fell into the arms of others, what would you think...say, tell me! What would you think?"

"Moral and emotion are never the same thing!"

"There are no messengers of justice in this world!"

He said a lot. Roy who said that opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know how to respond to his question. (To be continued)

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