Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 723: Busefalos

On the other hand, Mackintosh agreed directly as earl, how could he not be tempted?

Therefore, Halifax doesn't think Albert is playing double-handed.

In this period of more than half a month, the people Mackintosh sent to assist Albert in the preliminary work have obtained a lot of precious information. He has the confidence to avoid the Star Alliance Navy and directly approach the "Dillard". Then leave calmly.

Ten minutes later, the Quetzalcoatl departed from the largest sealed port of the Ptolemy Naval Port and flew to an assault fleet consisting of 2,000 warships.

On the battle route, the fifth-generation Imperial battleship Dragon King Whale-class, the fifth-generation special service ship Ghost Shark-class, and the fifth-generation heavy assault ship Mako-class battleships have all lined up, waiting for the "Quizome" to issue an attack order.

The above-mentioned fifth-generation battleships and the Lionheart Independent Ship are equipped with the Soul Singer flagship, the Dark Knight-class cruiser, the God’s Eye-class scout ship, and the Holy Spirit aircraft carrier. They are all the latest types of ships in various countries. The unit cost is expensive. 5-10 times that of the fourth-generation warships of the same specification, which shows how powerful their combat effectiveness is.

Albert's assistance, coupled with many powerful warships, is the source of Halifax's confidence.

He believes in data, he believes in Hydra, he believes in his own vision.

⊕↘dǐng⊕↘ǎn⊕↘小⊕↘ said, .⊕.≠o attack orders were issued from the "Quizette" to each wing, and 2000 warships entered the virtual space at specific intervals from front to back. Walk in the direction of "Dillard".

The streamer was flickering, the engine was roaring, and Hsudra left the lair, revealing two heads, and screamed towards the distant mountains and clouds.


At the same time, the deep space outside the Sokanada line of defense where the Star Alliance meets the Phoenix Empire and the Silver Eagle Group.

The stars became dimmed under the magnificent dust cloud, as if they were hidden by something, but they did not dare to open their eyes, for fear that the light would disturb the peaceful sleep of a certain horrible existence.

Yes. Under this deep space is dormant a monster of warcraft, to be precise, a huge bone dragon with a body length of more than 2 kilometers.

Many times, it is used to deep sleep, only the blood-red light flashing under the ribs proves that it is still alive.

For young people of this age. Many people don't know the origin of it, but it must be familiar to the elderly people in the Tianchao area, especially the people of the Yinying Group.

"Nibelungen", one of the three major fortresses of the Third Committee.

For so many years, it has been wandering in the deep space around the Sokanada line of defense, swallowing any unlucky person who accidentally broke into the territory.

It is next to the abyss, companions to darkness, and associates with death.

It is lonely.

However today. It is no longer alone.

Near the huge hull of the "Nibelungen", more than 40 warships with a body length of about 100-200 meters are suspended in the void. They have different models, including the Dogfish-class frigate of the Monya Empire, the Seal-class frigate of the Sulu Empire, the Viper-class light assault ship of the Charles Federation, the Cobra-class frigate...

These warships of different specifications have one thing in common: tattered. It looks like it has been in disrepair for a long time, and the surface of the ship has even grown a layer of weird moss, as if they were once discarded on a dark and humid planet, and then returned to space by a scrap buyer.

Such a scale. Such ships, in the eyes of ordinary people. They would definitely think that they were a pirate group that couldn't make it to the table.

The fact is that each of them has the ability to match the pirate organization of the White Beard Pirates group, because they come from a notorious organization-the Supreme Council.

Yes, they are all hybrid warships.

The Supreme Council and the Third Committee have reunited after more than 20 years. It is playing here.

A nearly 300-meter-long hybrid warship was parked 10 kilometers under the ribs of the "Nibelungen". From the appearance, it should be the Uxian-class destroyer of the Phoenix Empire.

At this moment, a small shuttle similar to a Goshawk flew out of the huge eye sockets on the head of the "Nibelungen" and dropped into the hangar of the mixed warship below.

One minute later. The tail thruster of the hybrid warship evolved from the Ukenwang-class destroyer ejected a black flame and quickly left the vicinity of the "Nibelungen" and returned to the hybrid warship cluster.

At the same time, the rib-shaped structure of the abdomen of the "Nibelungen" expanded outward, and one after another white objects flew out of the bone dragon's chest cavity into the void below.

That kind of white is not bright white, nor silver white, but pale.

The first batch of warships that broke away from the belly of the ship were almost 80 meters long and resembled a scorpion. Different from the "Seraph", their bodies are very thin, and the thickest bridge part of the hull is only seven or eight meters high. Large wing-like claws protrude forward, gathering the head of the battleship, and one behind it. The small arthropods are also short wing structures, and the sting, the most powerful weapon of the scorpion, is also laid flat behind him, unable to bend or move, just like three unfolded tail wings.

Except for the foremost giant claw wings that are closely connected to the hull, those small fins and tail wings are the same as the huge wingspan of the "Nibelungen", outside of the main body of the suspended battleship.

These scorpion ships are not so much spaceships as they are huge special fighters.

However, in the eyes of the people of the Silver Eagles, they are synonymous with terror and killing ------ stalker-class assault boats.

Just like the bat-class destroyer carried by the Anubis Corps "Hades" aircraft carrier, the Voyager-class assault boat is a carrier-based aircraft carried by the "Nibelungen" fortress... No, it is a ship-borne aircraft. Boat.

A total of 24 Voyager-class assault boats left the mothership and flew to the airspace where the hybrid warship was located.

After that, at the end of the huge ribs of the "Nibelungen", the vacuole in the center of the pelvis slowly dissipated, and blood-red rays of light appeared in the 100-meter-high hole, one after another than the Voyager-class assault ship More powerful warships flew out of it.

From a distance, they are like two parallel three-sided military thorns, with a blood-red energy flow in the middle, and bright yellow arcs sometimes bounce on the surface. On the periphery of the military thorn track, there are circles of pale white unknown. The metal ring, like the white bones on the surface of the "Nibelungen", closely entwines the two army spines.

This kind of ship is no stranger to the people of the Yinying Group, they call it Wuzhu class armored ship.

The hull of this type of warship is 240 meters long, which is three times that of the Voyager-class assault craft.

This time, the "Nibelungen" released a total of 12 Wuzhu-class armored ships, which are the same as the previous 24 Voyager-class assault boats. Join the mixed battleship cluster.

Five minutes later, a total of 79 warships near the "Nibelungen" started the jump drive.

The first to leave was the Uxian Wang-class hybrid warship and its cluster of hybrid warships. When the tails of these seemingly tattered battleships ejected flames that were darker and colder than the void, one after another small black holes formed at the front of the mixed battleship. In the next second, the moss-covered battleships turned into a clockwise rotation and collapsed. The streamer disappeared above the void.

The Voyager-class assault boats and Wuzhu-class armored ships followed closely behind. A huge energy surge spreads outwards centered on the ship hull, and the surrounding time and space began to twist and oscillate. The original white hull was covered by a lattice structure, and the structure formed by the lattice shuddered like a heartbeat. The speed visible to the naked eye blurs and disappears into this space.

If Tang Fang saw this scene, it would definitely feel incredible, because the transition method of the Third Committee battleship was somewhat similar to that of the "Seraph" disappearing into the gap between time and space.

The originally restless starry sky took the opportunity again, and the curtain of dust clouds and star clusters seemed to be eternal. Hanging monotonously and quietly in distant places.

The "Nibelungen" was back alone.

It is a skull dragon, a death dragon, here is its resting place, the cemetery of the dragon.


The universe is endless, and no one knows what is happening on the other side of the starry sky or what is happening. Some of the brilliance falls into people's eyes, perhaps it is an old thing many years ago.

Like fate, the future is never known. Yesterday, it was mostly thin flowers and red leaves.

Tang Fang didn't know that there had been a conversation under the palace. I also don't know the hustle and bustle of "Ernaga", let alone hear the roar of the undead on the Sokanada line.

He just looked lightly, listened lightly, and chewed lightly on the sweet but not greasy, vanilla-flavored little heart.

Elizabeth was embarrassed, and so did Heroes. So no one dared to approach him, so he could finally enjoy the temptation of food quietly and soothe the little emotions of the five internal organs students.

No one comes to provoke him, it does not mean that people from the new faction will sit back and watch him leisurely enjoy the food, as well as members of the fence-riding faction and the old faction or worship. Or a fearful look.

Servez has always been an arrogant white swan. He is used to raising his head, holding up his snow-white neck, and attracting the eyes of the surrounding audience with his sassy and heroic posture, although when the "Zai Angel" passes through the second layer of speed interception net, He was thrown all over by Captain Tang. Although the protagonist is not him today, it does not mean that he will let go and be a quiet beautiful man.

He didn't go to the trouble of Captain Tang like Heroes did, but focused on Elena.

He is very clever, very, very clever, because Elena is very different from Tang Fang. She can't learn his cheeky, and she can't learn his cheeky. So Serves got his wish and became on the dance floor. A very dazzling pearl, attracting the eyes of many people from Captain Tang to him.

Elena's dance is very skillful. Under his guidance, she makes all kinds of pleasing movements, so smooth and coordinated, like dandelions in a distant place where the breeze is passing by, and like the gentle flowing clouds under the moon. .

Servez worked hard to show off his charm to tell people that he and Elena were more like a couple of gods and goddesses that everyone envied, rather than a mud bun like Tang Fang.

This kind of curve-saving behavior is really great, even Tang Fang himself couldn't help but cheer for the Lord Marquis.

Kylienia also entered the dance floor, not to disrupt the dance between Servez and Elena, she was the grandson of the Grand Duke Rules, and Lord Small invited to dance.

What Kylenia did at the reception was to promote a general trend and make Tang Fang the leader of the fencers. Although this matter should not be rushed, the necessary foreshadowing should still be done.

Small is the eldest grandson of the Grand Duke of Rules. It is good for Tang Fang to socialize with him. Even if the old guy has always adhered to neutrality, he does not participate in the political struggle between the new and old forces, and keeps a certain distance from the fencers.

As the saying goes, staying on the sidelines will make you meet in the future.

In view of Captain Tang's crazy idea, she could only choose to do so.

The atmosphere of the reception has become a bit subtle, because the identity of the participants is more or less mixed with political flavors.

Tang Fang was still eating his food, humming his little tune, as if he was out of the picture.

Sembart and Tyronn leave. I said goodbye to Li Yun, said a few more words with Elizabeth, and then walked to the dining table, and when he came up to him, he deliberately emphasized his tone and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang. I still have things to deal with today. Let's take a step ahead. , Have time to drink together."

"Okay." Tang Fang responded with a smile, then followed Sunbat's movements and hugged him gently.

"Be careful of Small." The voice was so soft that only two of them could hear it.

Tang Fang didn't speak, just patted his shoulder gently.

Sembat turned around and left, and took a 40-year-old woman out of the hall and walked outside.

Many people watched his back disappear into the dark night before turning around. Melting the stiff and cold smile at the corners of his mouth, he continued to talk in a low voice with the people around him, and scanned Tang Fang's calm profile by the way.

From Sunbat approaching to leaving, he has been very calm, without seeing the slightest wave in his eyes. Only Henrietta noticed an anomaly. The moment he embraced Sunbat, his shoulders trembled.

The old man thought Sunbat must have told him something.

Tang Fang did hear something unusual, but Henrietta got one thing wrong. It was not Sunbat's reminder that made his shoulder shake, but the reminder from the interstellar system deep in his mind.




"Prpar, as..."





Such a scene happened. If he doesn't give a response anymore, it will be tantamount to not selling the face of Sister Logic.

Sunbat’s mother-in-law hug actually expanded new elements to the system. Don’t think about it, it must be Sister Logic who is sick again.

Watching the Lord leave, he immediately moved his attention to the system space: "Emma, ​​report the memory pool data to change the address."

"Commander. According to the analysis of the system log, this update is located in the human base."

At first thought, the system interface was replaced by the Terran base screen. He selected an s and pressed the build hotkey to browse for new production items to unlock.

There are no new items to unlock in the basic building menu. But when Tang Fang returned to the main menu and pressed the advanced building hot key, he found a new architectural drawing in the upper right corner of the project column, and he was familiar with it.

When he moved the cursor to it, it was displayed as "Valenrian's Space Station", which cost as much as 500 crystals and 500 gas.

Tang Fang held back his ethereal thoughts and directed s to put down the building on the "open space" next to it.

Waiting for the building to take shape, he switched to "Valenlian's Space Station", and there were two new items in the menu bar, a highlighted human head, and it was Valenrian Mengsk, the prince of the empire. Your Highness.

A mother-in-law hug of Sunbat unlocked Valenrian!

This made him recall the unlocking process of Gan Cui lock number, Zeratul and Nova again, thinking that Sister Logic is worthy of Sister Logic, her logic is simply speechless.

You should know that Arcturus Mengsk used words like "mother" to describe his son when he met Valenrian for the first time after he was successful in his career. There were some female guns, so Sister Logic unlocked the little prince.


Apart from laughing, he could not find any emotion to express his 100,000 greetings to Sister Logic.

Valenrian's cost is relatively cheap, 8 gas, 7 gas, occupying 6 people, and the resource consumption is roughly the same as Airiel.

In the StarCraft plot, Valenrian did not play too much. As a good friend of Matt and Renault, his most powerful ability is to engage in politics. He was poached half of it from his father, Arcturus. The fleet can see that he has good language arts and knowledge.

Unlike the hypocritical and cunning dictator of Emperor Mengsk, he is a kind and benevolent king. This may be related to his early experience. In short, he is more reserved and steady than Matt's radical approach to reform.

Although Valenrian's appearance cannot increase his military and technological strength, in the current environment, he can become a good helper like Kylenia and help him.

It's like coming to Turanx by myself. For "Dillard", there are only Sheridan, Ruskin, Chen Jian, Stephen and others. Their abilities are not enough to carry the development task of "Morning Star Casting". Now they have such versatile players as Valenrian. It's up to the responsibilities of "Morning Star Casting" o, helping him share some pressure.

Whether it is the Supreme Council or God's armed. Or the Anubis Legion are extremely powerful enemies, and he can't always be passively beaten. Offense is the best defense, he will always lead the fleet to dig out those guys in the future. On the other hand, his hometown must be kept under care, Valenrian exists for this, including the future counterattack of the Monya Empire, the little prince can also help him a lot.

But there is a prerequisite, it must be the parasitic mode.

Only in this way. Only Valenrian can truly integrate into this world, know the social situation in the Hilumbel region, understand what the grassroots people are thinking and what they need, and continue to implement his path of reform.

If Congreve is not dead, he might be a suitable person to carry Valenrian’s thoughts and memories, but now...

He suddenly remembered that the "Angel" had only joined the Skywalker Guard, and then he said goodbye to Seike Bakar who had left. I think it's a perfect combination, but... I'm afraid it's hard to convince that stubborn guy. After all, no one wants to be another person.

Anyway, it’s not the point where Valenrian’s help is obligatory. He decided to put this matter aside for now, just like Nova, and wait for the completion of the mission of "Khanos" to rescue Zhou Ai. It's not too late to do it later.

He turned his attention to another icon, which was a battlecruiser. Unlike the Minotaur-class battle tour built by Starport, it is not a behemoth-class battle tour like the Hyperion, but a slenderer one. If he guessed correctly, it should be the most powerful empire. New battle cruiser. Gorgon class. If you refer to Valenrian's identity again, then its name is ready to come out-Bucerfalos.

Yes, it is Valenrian’s flagship, the Bucerfalos.

Unfortunately, its icon is gray and has not been unlocked yet.

This was within Tang Fang's expectation. Because the fusion core was not unlocked, the Minotaur-class battle patrol was still grayed out in Xinggang, not to mention the powerful Gergon-class battle patrol.

Sister Logic is still so good at playing with him. To unlock Gancui Lock requires Tassada, to unlock the Void Seeker, Zeratul, and to unlock Zeratul, he needs the Dark Shrine. In short, he is not allowed to unlock the large battleships. Always like to make some small planes to fool him.


As if thinking of something, he switched the cursor to the icon of the Bucerfalos, and then, the unlocking conditions displayed in the comment box made him laugh.

Yes, like the hero vehicles like Gan Cui Lock and Void Seeker, its unlocking has nothing to do with the fusion core half a dime. For it to appear, only Valenrian exists.

He couldn't calm down anymore, thinking about whether to summon Valenrian quickly and produce the Bucefalos.

This thought hovered in the depths of his mind for a long time before he was suppressed with strong perseverance. He has not yet obtained the 2,000 gas. The 7,500 tons of raw materials raised by the 1st Ranger Regiment are also in the Sess military port, and he has not had time to absorb it. , Now that the gas resource in the system space is full, it can’t be counted as 21. If you subtract the 7 gas required by Valenrian, the remaining 14 gas.

God knows how much the Busefalos will cost? He doesn't believe that this flagship-class warship is at the same price as the ordinary Minotaur-class, is 14 gas enough? Even if it was enough, he would not dare to waste precious gas resources easily in a place like "Cabrreto" where he might be ambushed by God's armed forces at any time~www.wuxiaspot.com~, unless he had to use the Bucefalos for help.

Therefore, even if he was extremely excited, he still suppressed this idea with all his strength.

When the turbulent mood slowly calmed down, he suddenly discovered an anomaly, not an anomaly in the system space, but from the outside world.

Many people looked at him with idiotic eyes, including Henrietta and Gilcott not far away. Only the people in the center of the dance floor who were engrossed in dancing remained unchanged.

He remembered that at the moment he learned that the Bucefalos did not need the support of the fusion core, he had laughed to express his excitement.

One person, while mechanically stuffing food in his mouth, suddenly laughed out loud, spraying all the scum all over the place.

What is not an idiot? (To be continued...)

ps: I didn't lie to you! I didn't lie to you! I didn't lie to you!

The important thing must be said three times.

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