Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 737: That blackness is like a broken bamboo

What a dramatic scene when a beautiful devil encounters an ugly devil, and when the devil is transformed by the ugly side of human nature, the devil encounters a real devil without humanity.

Bai Hao couldn't see what was happening upstairs, but he knew exactly what was happening.

Brother Tang is still so bad, so he likes to treat evil people in an evil way.

Beauty and the Beast...No, it's Beauty and the Bug...Art? life? elegant? Just thinking about it is disgusting.

"Tang Fang" couldn't become the pearl adorning Alice's crown, it was just wishful thinking of that woman.

She is more clever than she can play with that person, and better than evil, she can't play with that person.

So, Alice stayed silly and pressed the red button on the remote stick continuously. Unfortunately, nothing happened and nothing changed.

He was still lying on the bed, looking at her with a pitying look.

The love and sadness in Alice's eyes were replaced by panic. His Majesty the King had no reason to deceive her on this kind of thing, but...Why is Tang Fang still alive?

That glass of red wine contains toxins that are enough to kill 3 cows. If it is not activated by a remote control, it will be excreted with the body's metabolism within 3 days. Moreover, this nano-biological robot has the ability to identify friend and foe, which is definitely a high-tech. Weapons are most suitable for assassinations and sabotage operations carried out by secret service organizations and spy agencies.

Such a powerful thing can't poison the man on the bed? how is this possible!

She didn’t even know that the man on the bed was not a human being. The toxin that can kill 3 cows is naturally a terrible thing for the human body, but for a creature like the Zerg with a natural strong physique, it’s like a cup that tastes less authentic The tea is a bit peculiar, but harmless.

He smiled, jokingly. A mocking smile: "What? Surprised?"

Alice could no longer say the ambiguous words "my love" and "", only panic and fear remained in her eyes.

"Do it, kill him!" She ordered the two bodyguards beside her.

Where does she still have the elegant and calm temperament just now. The affection for "Tang Fang" before has disappeared, turning into a hostile expression. The eyebrows that make her beautiful have a special kind of coldness.

If he is not poisoned to death, you can still use a gun to solve it. Although this will stain the white sheets and desecrate the poignant and literary script in her heart, she has to do so.

The wolf eats meat, even if it is a snow wolf with white fur.

The two bodyguards drew their guns at the fastest speed, and pulled the trigger at the person on the bed.

They are all tried and tested fighters, and they react quickly. The speed of drawing the gun is very fast, and the speed of pulling the trigger is very fast.

But no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than that "man".

A gray shadow flashed, red flowers bloomed, one arm pierced the bodyguard's chest, and the splashed blood pulled a curtain of blood on the wall covered with milky white wallpaper.

The combination of red and white is very conspicuous.

The viscous blood fell on the same white bed, washing away the smell of being soaked in sweat, and also washing away the smell of perfume on Alice's body, letting a smell of smell permeate.

He actually smashed the bodyguard's breastbone with one hand. Pass through the cavity. How much effort will it take to do this?

In Alice's suddenly dilated pupils, that hand looked like a demon's claw stained with blood.

In fact, it is enough to penetrate the claws of fine iron. It is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

As bodyguards, they are really competent.

At the moment when the first bodyguard died, another bodyguard took Alice to the door, and at the same time continuously pulled the trigger towards "Tang Fang", and the bullet hit the target's ribs accurately.

Unlike Alice, the death of his companion will not cause him any distraction or panic, and he will always remain calm and rational.

Such combat literacy is the cost of surviving cruel wars, and it is also the cost of obtaining generous salaries.

He didn't know why the man in bed was immune to toxins. He didn't know why that fist could pierce his companion's chest, the thing he could be sure of was. The opponent took him three shots, three shots in the vital part.

No one can survive this kind of injury.

Yes. Of course people cannot survive, but what if they are not people?

When the gunfire sounded, a piece of plasma swept across, mostly on the walls and windows, and a small part on Alice's white shirt and her beautiful legs.

The bodyguard pierced through the chest was blocked in front of the muzzle, and the remaining bullets were all embedded in the meat shield. "Tang Fang" dragged a 90 kg body and jumped out of the bed with great ease and took the surviving bodyguard. Knocked to the ground.

Then, Alice saw a terrifying scene.

"Tang Fang"'s right hand was raised high, and the muscles began to twist. The five fingers became longer and longer than the eagle's claws, like 5 sharp daggers, with a pop through the left rib of the dead bodyguard, and inserted The abdomen of another bodyguard twisting vigorously below.

The blood began to spread on the ground, and the light flashed red with palpitations.

He took out two hands soaked in blood and stood up.

No, it is not "he" to be exact, but "it"!

"Tang Fang"'s face began to change. From a man with good features, he slowly turned into a monster with an ugly face. Numerous silt-like viscous tissues fell on the ground and began to wriggle toward the horrified Alice at the door.

"Ah..." she yelled like an ordinary girl who was frightened, shaking the doorknob vigorously.

Nervous people are always easy to make mistakes, not to mention that in an unfamiliar environment, the door is clearly unlocked, but she can't open it.

There was dull gunfire outside, and flames spurted out from the corner of the studio. The target was the boy on the first floor.

Alice began to regret that she had not arranged a sniper across the window.

It's a pity that there is no place to sell regret medicine in this world. The ugly monster has already walked in front of him, and the crooked crawling mark pulled out from behind is like a spell written by the devil dipped in human blood.

Apart from fear, she also felt nauseous and uncomfortable.

Who would have thought that the man who was in bed with her just now turned into an ugly monster with abscesses.

She liked him so much just now, but now she thinks it is the scariest thing in the world.

What made her even more unacceptable was that the monster that made her want to die, left something in her body. That's really disgusting.

She is the noble and elegant Alice, but embraces such a dirty and ugly monster and kisses every inch of its skin with her lips. Let it kiss every inch of his skin.

This is not literary at all, very, very annoying; it is not elegant at all. Very, very evil; not sacred at all, very, very evil.

This is a blasphemy of Alice's name! Teasing and taunting her.

The noble, elegant, and stylish Alice was played by an ugly monster.

Thinking of being invaded by it, she knelt on the ground and retched vigorously, clasping her throat with her hands, as if she was about to vomit out all the nauseating things.

This was the first time she hated her body. I thought it was so dirty that it didn't deserve to be a container for "Alice".

In the end, it was not that she owned Tang Fang, but was instead possessed by the monster in front of her, turning a piece of art into dirty bodily fluids and annoying garbage.

She played Tang Fang? No, it was the other party who played with her.

If she is an elegant devil, she is ugly devil for convenience. Play with her body and soul of this graceful devil.

She was defeated, so thoroughly and so miserably. Not a little bit of dignity.

All the cleverness, all the elegance, all the calmness, all the beauty...everything she had that was worthy of pride was ruthlessly ravaged by that kid and turned into a poor bug stripped of all her gorgeous coats and thrown on the ground.

The monster's face began to change again, and the gray-brown body slowly stretched and tightened, and after a few breaths, it turned into another her, but her hands were covered with blood. Chi's body was also stained with blood.

"Now, do you still love me?"

Its image has changed drastically. Only the voice did not change, it was still Tang Fang's tone. Tang Fang's voice.

"You...you devil!"

She roared hysterically, her voice was so harsh and harsh, she couldn't hide the screams and gunfire outside.

"No, no, no." Tang Fang said, "I'm just used to treating the devil himself in the devil's way. That is the joy of my life, just like your artistic pursuit."

Alice looked at the monster that looked exactly like her, but had a voice of the opposite sex, and slowly calmed down.

After all, she is the head of a criminal organization, and her psychological quality is much higher than that of ordinary people. Although he does not know how Tang Fang knew what happened in the workshop, he was willing to say these things to her instead of remotely stabbing monsters like those bodyguards. There must be a reason for wearing her chest.

To know that the hostage is still in her hands, the most likely thing is that Tang Fang will use her life to replace the scientist's life.

After thinking about these things, her expression became calmer and she chose to accept failure and face everything that was hard to accept before her. Because her failure does not mean that His Majesty's arrangement will also fail.

She is just one link in the trap. People outside will notify Athena as soon as they realize that the situation is not good.

If he thought it was just "Alice"'s revenge, he would die miserably.

The only thing she has to do now is to hold the opponent hostage and support it until the reinforcements arrive.

She swore that once she caught that guy, she would use his blood to wash away the monster's insults.

Her voice no longer trembled: "Don't forget that I still have a hostage in my hand."

The mimic larva was unmoved and continued to move forward.

Alice thought that Tang Fang was going to subdue her and used it to threaten the armed personnel below. How did she know that the monster that looked exactly like her pierced the lock directly and kicked the door open with a kick.

Through the door frame, she saw an even more frightening scene. The thin young man was gone, replaced by a warrior wrapped in black armor.

The caliber warhead was fired from a sniper rifle and blasted into the air with a harsh sound. What is terrifying is that those horrible things with fire seem to be affected by an invisible resistance, and they are one foot away from the target. The place stopped and gathered into a barrage.

He completely ignored the rain of bullets that screamed behind him, enough to explode the body of an ordinary person, and he was raising his right hand, preparing to smash down the location of a large defense robot with an external sensor.

A wave of black particles rushed to the right hand and condensed into a black long sword at a speed that was discernible to the naked eye, as simple as piercing a layer of window paper, and submerged into the alloy armor with a chirp.

The robot trembles twice and is silent.

He turned his head, and the bullets hanging in the air rained down. It hit the steel skeleton of the defense robot, and made a crisp hum.

The next second, he disappeared on the shoulder of the robot. As fast as an arrow from the string, it directly broke through the fence railing. A sniper hiding in the corner of the second floor was thrown into the air from under the cover.

In the next second, he disappeared in the corridor and appeared behind the out-of-control sniper. While piercing the back of the man with a sword, he rushed towards the other end of the room.

The "Alice" armed men's light-fire rifles sifted the snipers.

The black-clad boy's surplus speed did not decrease, and he threw directly into the corner filled with cargo boxes.

With a loud bang, the originally neatly arranged cargo boxes rolled around, and the sniper's body crashed into a piece of meat under the huge impact. The blood spread on the surface of the violently deformed cargo box, and some residual coarse salt flew into the sky, crackling and falling down, like a short hail.

The black shadow brought an afterglow on the ground and rushed straight to the gathering place of the armed personnel of "Alice".

Tiger into the flock? No, it's a tiger in the flock.

Bloody bodies flew up into the sky, gunshots and screams resounded throughout the workshop, and rows of bullet holes were swept out by the out-of-control rifle in the steel dome. The sunlight leaked from the outside, casting mottled light and shadow on the ground. .

The teenager is like a harvester of life. Wherever it goes is blood and death.

In a short distance of more than ten meters, there were no more than twenty bodies lying behind him.

Until the wave of black particles turns from a long sword into two one-handed crossbows, the thin black arrows will break through the roof glass windows. The soldiers wearing the Crusade-class power armor shot through them one by one, becoming iron-skinned meat hung under steel cables.

Until a black shield blocked the rockets falling from the sky.

Until the young man’s figure broke through the flames, he used a long sword to pierce the cpu module of a large defense robot on the opposite side, jumped up, grabbed the iron frame for a volley, and continued to climb up to the steel cable, going backwards, about a few seconds. After planting, there was an explosion sound, and then an armed transport plane blazing into the sea.

Alice finally realized what was happening before her eyes.

Let alone the monsters that can change forms. The boy alone is not something "Alice" can contend with.

A frail young man who was weak earlier. At this moment, he was transformed into an invincible black knight, whose combat power was enough to rival an army.

She thought that Tang Fang would bring a trump card to the appointment. In order to protect his life safety, but never thought that that trump card has this level of combat effectiveness.

She has always believed that "Alice" is very powerful. Those bodyguards are all retired soldiers from special forces of various countries who organize a snare. They have rich combat experience, command, coordination, and coordination capabilities, and their overall combat effectiveness even exceeds that of active soldiers.

But with this combination of combat power, facing that young man, he was fragile and vulnerable.

Tang Fang played her in terms of intelligence, played her on *, and strengthened her in soul.

Now, his little brother has completely killed the bodyguards she relied on.

It wasn't until this moment that she understood how far she was from him. The man who could play with the many old foxes of the Star League Council and Sange Will applauded was not something someone like her could defeat.

Again, there is no place to sell regret medicine in the world. She can only pray for Athena to defeat the boy in black armor.

But...is it that easy? You must know that Tang Fang himself has not appeared yet. She felt that the kid must be hiding somewhere nearby, and through some special means, quietly observing what happened in the workshop.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a face that flashed in front of her eyes. How many times she praised herself at the mirror stand, her face that fell in love to the point of sinking and inextricably loved, but now it has become synonymous with the devil.

Many people call her the devil, but she is more like a harmless sheep than that kid.

"She" grabbed her hand and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing? Don't forget that the scientist is still in my hands." She said in a stern tone. Can clearly distinguish the uncertain emotions in the voice, which seems very unassuming.

In fact, the scientist had already been taken care of by Athena before "Tang Fang" arrived. Will His Majesty agree to Tang Fang's request to exchange hostages in exchange for her life?

She doesn't know what the answer is, and if you change to her, she will definitely not do it.

There is no basis for trading between a person who can create value and a person who loses value.

"I suddenly thought of a good idea." Tang Fang's voice was full of jokes.

"You can't treat me like this." She said in a pitiful tone: "Even if he isn't you, he has taken possession of my body anyway. You can't treat a woman who belongs to you like this."

"Cut, what a cunning guy... Do you play emotional cards? I remember you didn't hesitate when you pressed the button."

"Who said no, I loved you."

"It's really ironic that the word'love' is spoken from the mouth of a conscientious woman like you."

Suddenly she sat down on the ground and stopped leaving: "Since you hate me so much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just kill me with a single knife." Now she, where there is a little Alice, is clearly one An ordinary girl full of grievances.

What is the biggest weapon of a woman? Beautiful and coquettish!

She tried to show her weak side, softening the man's heart with the charm of a woman. To test the man's bottom line with the tactics of wanting to catch.

Since Captain Tang didn't kill her on the spot, it meant that the other party didn't want to kill her, at least not in the near future.

I have to say that she is a very smart woman.

"If you really want to die, just stay here."

"She" suddenly let go and walked to the door alone.

Alice looked at her back and said, "What do you mean?"

"Listen carefully..."

There was the sound of waves rushing into the ears...big waves. (To be continued.)

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