Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 746: Own person

She used to indulge in yuwang and do many things that hurt the nature and reason, thinking that it is also a kind of life, like living in the dark, noble and elegant vampire.

But when the devil abandoned her and this body no longer carried the name of Alice, what was left of her?

It is neither a person nor a ghost.

If the mimetic larva possesses her body, the devil possesses her soul.

Sadly, the devil can kick her away anytime and anywhere after playing enough with her.

She controls the life and death of countless people, and the devil controls her life.

"Alice" is such a devil, an organization born of human greed, devouring the lives and souls of countless people.

"Put me back, and'Alice' will be your strength."

Even if you realize this, knowing that your life after becoming Alice is a soap bubble, which looks glamorous on the outside, but empty inside. But as a person who has lost her direction and self, she has become accustomed to being the shadow of the devil. Doing things in the devil's way and speaking in the devil's tone can save her by simple principles.

"Oh?" Tang Fang raised his eyebrows lightly, and there were a few more lights in his eyes, and he seemed to be interested in this proposal.

Alice strikes while the iron is hot: "'Alice' has a huge network of relations and intelligence in the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire. It is a great help to you, the Star Alliance, or the Garcia Rebels."

An embarrassed expression appeared on Tang Fang's face: "It's a pity that I don't have confidence in you."

"Do you think that after witnessing the battle just now, do I dare to fight your idea again? Ten'Alices' tied together are not your opponents. And...Anyway, I am yours now. People, don’t you have the heart to kill me with a single knife?"

Although the filthy alien who had taken possession of her body just now, anyway, that creature used Tang Fang's face when he was going over the clouds with her. Tang Fang's body, as long as she showed a feminine and submissive side, it would undoubtedly enhance her image in Captain Tang's heart.

Especially he is still a Han. However, most Han people like to be gentle and virtuous women.

What is "Alice"? It is a criminal group of human traffickers. Because of business needs, customer tastes must be considered. Therefore, there are detailed statistics in the organization for the different tastes that people of different nationalities, different skin colors, different regions, different identities, and different cultural backgrounds love.

She knows what kind of man likes what kind of woman. I also know what to do to please men.

Tang Fang took out a blanket, wrapped the rain-drenched body with alluring lines faintly exposed, and helped her stand up.

Freya very rarely looked at her with a hostile look: "Tang Fang is mine, and bananas are mine. I won't share them with you, absolutely not!"

He shuddered, and he never thought that Xiao Nizi, who had always been heartless, would suddenly become jealous. When he said such words, he quickly covered her unobstructed mouth.

Bai Hao said to Roy: "Today's innocent blue."

Roy looked up at the cloudy sky and said, "Are you a fool?"

Bai Hao said, "You are really stupid."

"It's obviously raining. But you said the weather is good, who are we stupid?"

Alice didn't care about the stubborn mouth of the two boys, and focused her attention on the beautiful girl with blue hair.

Of course she knew what those words meant. He whispered: "Do I hate you so much?"

Freya nodded seriously: "Yes, because I don't like your taste, it's very fishy, ​​like human blood."

She lowered her head and sniffed the sleeve of the shirt. There was a **** smell, a little pungent.

Alice did not know that Freya was not talking about the white shirt soaked in blood.

Although the girl whom Captain Tang loved so much did not like her, from his facial expression just now, there was also the act of taking out a blanket to cover her body. It can be clearly seen that the strategy of pretending to be pitiful and enticing is successful.

As she said, "Alice" is in the countries of the Hilumbel region. Especially specialized countries have an extremely large network of relationships. Whether as the head of the "Morning Star Casting" or the spiritual leader of the Garcia Rebels, "Alice" has a fatal attraction to him.

You must know that the intelligence organization cannot be established overnight. It is a major project that requires patience and time. From appearance to rise of Tang Fang, it is only a year or so, and it is impossible to have perfection throughout the Hilumbel region. Intelligence Network, as Captain Tang’s woman, she has turned "Alice" into the eyes and ears of "Morning Star Casting". No matter how you look at it, it is a good thing for everyone.

In this way, she can still occupy a high position, continue to be her Alice, and find Captain Tang as a great backer. On the other hand, after experiencing this ambush, she was even more convinced, even emotional.

Again, compared to Xiao Xianrou, she prefers smart and capable men.

For Captain Tang, by owning her, controlling the large and small branches of "Alice" is tantamount to the empty glove white wolf and obtaining a huge intelligence organization out of thin air. Isn't it a great thing?

In fact, Alice has another psychology. The words of Captain Tang touched her a lot.

Since the devil "Alice" can play with her, she can also use a more powerful force to play with the devil, in order to avenge the devil's poison and insult to her life.

She inherited the name of "Alice", perished in sin, infested her life with blood, and got used to this kind of life. But he hates being imprisoned by the name "Alice", and wants to resist the greed of human nature while facing her poison.

As a result, this pitiful and contradictory woman found a delicate balance under the twisted and crazy psychology.

Yes, she wants to dedicate herself to the man in front of her.

Of course, different from Freya's pure love for him, she is ambiguous, uses, fears, doubts, admires, and distrusts him. There is a deep resistance buried in my heart.

It can be described as "enemy and friend" or "love and hatred".

She turned her face, her eyes fell on Tang Fang's face. Just wipe off those makeup marks with your hands, and said: "I didn't expect to be named. I just want to be your woman."

"As a former enemy and as a woman, the best way to save your life in front of a strong man and gain some trust and dignity is to become his woman."

She looked at Freya again: "I did this just to save my life. You don't have to be jealous about it, even if I know how to please men better than you. It is impossible to replace your position in his mind. ."

Freya frowned, unable to understand the unique outlook on life and values ​​of a woman like Alice, who lives in the abyss of evil.

Different from her, different from Claire, and different from Zhou Ai, this woman regards her body and emotions as a tradeable commodity.

Although Elena also dedicated her body to Tang Fang for political purposes, there are essential differences between the two.

Alice is for herself, and Elena is for the domain's subjects.

Tang Fang looked at her with pity: "Sure enough, the longer you stay in the dark, the more distorted your mind will be."

She said: "I don't have much time to win your trust. So I can only do this. Countless examples prove that only this way can increase the relationship between two people the fastest."

In "Alice" these years, she has seen too many stories about customers and products. Excluding the two special groups of nobles and merchants, a large part of those girls who were bought by commoners lived happily.

"Sorry, I am not interested in your body."

Unlike treating Elena, he rejected Alice in one fell swoop, regardless of her face.

He couldn't bear to hurt Elena's self-esteem and enthusiasm, and it didn't mean that he would treat Alice in the same way. Although this woman who hadn't even had her own life was sad, it was also hateful.

As Freya said, not only did her body smell of blood. Even the soul is hopeless.

Alice wondered: "Am I not pretty?"

"you are very beautiful."

"Am I not sexy?"

"You are very sexy."

"Then you think I am dirty?"

"...This is just one reason."

"Why do you want that monster to become you and have a relationship with me? You can obviously prevent it from happening."

Tang Fang said, "Because I'm very curious to use the devil's way to deal with the devil itself. Is this kind of fun?"

Alice gritted her teeth and said, "You did this just to insult me?"

Of course he will not accept this kind of description that damages his image: "Wrong, it is punishment!"

She wiped the water from her eyes. Hate said: "You are a real devil."

"Many people say that... but they are not the devil in the eyes of other people." Tang Fang said, "In fact, there is another way to become my person."

"any solution?"

Alice is very puzzled. Is there a better way to increase mutual feelings and build a bridge of trust without the physical bond?

Tang Fang said: "It's very simple, give your body."

She was stunned and did not understand the meaning of this sentence. Wasn't the conversation just for giving her body to him? Is this kid an idiot!

"What I need is your body, not a woman's body."

She thought of the mimic larva that had brought her endless fear and humiliation, and suddenly became panicked and stammered: "You...what are you going to do?"

The blanket slipped off her shoulders, revealing the alluring body again.

Bai Hao seemed to think of something, his expression changed slightly, and his eyes looking at Tang Fang's back were full of shock.

Tang Fang squinted his eyes and said, "What are you going to do? Turn you into my person. Isn't that what you want?"

An odious brown bug appeared in his palm for some time. It seemed a bit unsuitable for the drizzle falling from the sky. He was raising his head without eyes, curiously "looking" at the world.

Alice finally figured out why Tang Fang didn't kill her. It turned out that when he was still in the studio, he had already had some terrifying thoughts, and everything that happened in the salt field was under his control.

"You... Are you teasing me just now?"

Tang Fang learned the behavior that Alice did to mimic larvae when she was in the studio, raised her chin with his hand, and said with a smile: "Since you are so committed, I will always cooperate with you to finish the play."

"You devil," she said sharply, "Even if I die, I will never let you succeed."

She got up from the ground and hit the maglev car.

In such a desperate moment, as a criminal whose body was stained with blood of countless girls. Suddenly the courage to commit suicide broke out.

Alice likes to turn others into a walking corpse of destiny, but does not allow others to turn her into a walking dead who loses her beauty and "self-awareness".

Bai Hao had intended to stop her, but Tang Fang stopped her.

She failed to crash and died. It’s not that I’m not strong enough, nor is it a temporary change of mind. It was because he was unable to control his body and suddenly fell to the ground.

Numerous red-brown textures snake and crawl on the surface of the skin, giving it a thrilling taste.

She roared: "What did you do to me?"

Tang Fang walked to her and squatted down, looked at the parasite in his palm, and said, "Remember what happened in the workshop? It left something in your body. What is it called... Virus?"

There was a lot of sweat on her forehead, mixed with the rain, and she couldn't tell where it came from.

"You...you were not teasing me just now. The real purpose is to delay time!"

Looking back on all the experiences today, she felt a kind of mental breakdown. The man in front of her played her between applause from beginning to end, insulting her again and again, and teasing her again and again.

He was like a messenger sent by the gods to punish her.

Tang Fang said, "You are so smart."

This is not a compliment, this is a red irony.

"Because only when the virus phagocytizes and weakens your will to the greatest extent can it blossom and bear fruit in your body."

She said in a weaker and weaker voice: "I hate you."

He shook his fingers: "Don't hate me...I'm saving you." After saying this, he took the palm parasite to Alice's body and watched her gradually lose consciousness. Stand up slowly and say softly: "I will give you a chance to redeem your sins."

Bai Hao smiled bitterly: "You can't just be a good person, you have to tease her like this."

"That's not my style."

A special operations transport ship appeared in the sky. Alice with a layer of purple frost slowly attached to her body surface was introduced into the cabin.

Tang Fang turned his head and looked at the sea, not knowing what to do with the damaged warship. Although the zealots had done careful inspection and confirmed that there was no precious information inside, the warship itself was a kind of research material.

He raised his head and swept across the sky, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and ordered Emma to temporarily delay the progress of the space-based detection equipment online, while his mind moved slightly.

The squally wind rose suddenly and the waves were magnificent.

The clouds in the sky formed a huge vortex. The raindrops are large and sometimes small, arousing a dense and uneven spray on the sea.

Thunder blasted across the sky. The entire salt field area suddenly became dark, and the wind was falling from the sky. Beat the heads of the weeds crookedly, blow away the gravel, and drive the sea to shore.

That is not thunder, that is roar. It's not a gust of wind, it's breath.

Behemoth is like a huge mountain, breaking through thick clouds, bringing a hurricane from the sky to the sea.

It is so big that it will cause violent celestial phenomena as soon as it appears.

The sea water swelled into a great tide, the atmospheric clouds appeared disorder, and even the planet's gravity and magnetic field had a certain degree of abnormal changes.

Freya's pale pink skirt was rolled up by the wind, and then covered by Tang Fang.

Bai Hao and Roy stood facing the sea, facing the wind, watching Behemoth plunge into the shallows.

The splashing waves turned into pouring rain, splashing around from the Behemoth falling point, and the tide tens of meters high rolled in, almost engulfing the entire beach.

Those violent winds rolled up the debris and rubble of the tidal flat, hitting the mottled exterior wall of the building next to the salt field, crackling.

The last time Behemoth entered the inland environment of the planet was under Akron's Star, because the space was too narrow, except for violent earthquakes, no extra celestial phenomena could be felt.

It is different now. From appearing to entering the water, it involved the entire sea area into a disaster, and its destructive power was more terrifying than the wind and waves caused by Tang Fang's bombing of the stinger.

This scene is coming and going fast. The moment Behemoth sucked the Nautilus-class special service ship into his pocket, the shadow that pierced the sky instantly disappeared.

The sun returned to the world, the rain faded away, the tide fell hurriedly, and the wind quietly dispersed.

Freya's skirt covered the white and tender leg roots, Tang Fang's hand returned to the position of the trousers, and the astonishment on Roy and Bai Hao's faces slowly disappeared.

Only the "Nacello" Planetary Environment Monitoring Center, the Institute of Geological Movement, the State Oceanic Administration, the Gangadas Weather Station and other departments related to the atmosphere, geography, and marine environment are in a mess.

Because of Turamon’s defense of the God’s armed forces, the salt field was artificially designated as a blind spot for investigation in the sea, so that people did not know what had happened. The small town closest to the place where the incident occurred only saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky. , And then there was a fierce earthquake.

Fortunately, this phenomenon came and went quickly, and it returned to normal in less than a minute~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So no one knows what happened. Only part of the plan was to cross the sea near the salt field, but was blocked by the military checkpoint. The passengers who got off vaguely guessed that something sensitive must have happened there.

After dealing with the salt field, Tang Fang glanced to the northeast, raised his brows, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

In order to confuse her vision, Athena used the war armor’s ability to transform into a shuttle into space to disguise the existence of the "Nasiro" Institute of God’s Armed Forces. It’s a pity that she has counted all the secrets, but ignored the most important things. A time bomb is regarded as a valuable treasure.

Of course, this is not to blame Athena, she is still very smart, but I can only blame Iger? Stetman is not a human, to be precise, he is very human, completely contrary to the common sense of the universe.

"Roy, Bai Hao, you take the special operations transport ship to destroy Alice's lair. Remember, except for those kidnapped girls, don't leave a living."

Alice is still three to five days away from transformation and rebirth. If she does nothing during this period, it is inevitable that the members of the "Alice" organization hidden in "Nasiro" will smell an unusual smell and recommend a new Alice. Silk, or suspicion of the leader who has disappeared silently for many days and then suddenly returned, causing unnecessary trouble. (To be continued.)

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