Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 754: Sight the drone and mine drone

"A lot of nonsense."

After speaking, he suddenly felt that he was a little bit mean. God's armed forces made a big somersault this time. It is normal for Mr. J to have grievances in his heart. It is normal for Mr. J to not let people finish his words.

He thought that he was still a good person, and he was used to being considerate of others. But... why don't they understand themselves?

God armed with so many good things in his hands, can he not be tempted?

Whether it is the lost civilization relic of "Heart of Darkness", or the legacy of the Ypsilon people, or "Elegy of the Fairy", and the likes of mt-10002, they are all things he covets.

His biggest capital to settle down is the interstellar system. To unlock new units, he must seize the legacy of ancient civilizations from the arms of God. He will not back down on this issue, and the other party will obviously not give it away. Therefore, There are irreconcilable contradictions between the two sides, and there is basically no possibility of getting along in peace.

Moreover, Mr. J has a negotiating face, but he is actually very heartbroken.

The fire system is activating the self-destruction process in the park, and the Lionheart Independent Fleet has sent a special service fleet to "Nacello", carrying a nuclear bomb that can blow down the entire Kandonia Trench, intending to bury him alive.

That old thing is simply delaying time.

Now that the cloned human embryonic stem cells in the sample repository have been destroyed and all the data in the quantum computer has been cleared, the park has no value. In order to bury him here, he even sacrificed the lives of those old men who followed for many years.

Therefore, he did not have enough motivation to arm and negotiate with God, nor did he have enough time to chat with Mr. J.

Regardless of whether the other party is happy or not, if he is happy anyway, it is enough.

It is very refreshing to see Mr. J deflated. It is even more refreshing to have new units unlocked.

The light knife condensed by the flow of superluminal electrons pierced into the mechanical intelligent brain, and his consciousness was forcibly pulled into the system space.

The emblem of the four races disappeared, and the selection interface disappeared. A line of characters flashed.


",Restart, ok!"







Tang Fang did not immediately check what new elements were unlocked, and removed the superluminal electron flow. Turned to leave the console, boarded the elevator, went down to the entrance, and then found Bai Hao. He stated that he was facing a dangerous situation and informed Emma of the escape route chosen. The two retreated in an orderly manner under the protection of the fanatics.

At this time, he has time to review the unlocking of new elements.

Based on past experience. He selected the Terran base, checked the basic building menu and the advanced building menu, and found no new items.

Then they switched barracks, heavy factories, Xinggang, and even scientific research buildings, again without any new elements.

"What's going on? Emma, ​​immediately analyze the system log to determine the race of the new element."

"Please wait."

A few seconds later, Emma reported the results of the analysis: "Commander, change the address based on the system log memory data. The new element is located in the human base... It's just that. It's slightly different from the previous situation. The new element is not a building unit."

Is the object of boarding not a construction unit?

He thought for a while before he understood what this sentence meant, that is to say. The new element is neither a building nor a combat unit, but something that resides on the combat unit.

This is the first time this situation has occurred, and it took a while to calm myself down and spot the combat units next to the human base.

Machine gunner, no; looters, no; death, no...

Until the focus switched to a raven, he finally found a brand new icon in the skill menu bar. It has an appearance similar to a fixed-point defense drone and is called a collimating drone.

The cursor moves over. The content of the note is: the sighting drone is a fixed-point suspended drone with stealth function, and it is generally matched with a fixed-point defense drone. Implement joint defenses. The UAV is equipped with the Empire’s most advanced motion sensors, long-range sensing enhancement modules, and miniature light radars, which can provide more detailed scanning data for the fixed-point defense target aircraft to form a solid defense line, which makes the fixed-point defense target aircraft not You need to provide battlefield data from the Raven, and you can use the sighting drone as your own eyes to intercept missiles fired by the enemy.

The sighting UAV has another ability to increase the frequency and rate of interaction of the battlefield data link system, form a battlefield information processing network with the Ravens, Nighthawks, etc., to provide frontline combat units with tactical tasks such as target guidance and terrain scanning.

In the battle mode, the sighting drone can weaken the defense power of the target by 50%.

Tang Fang was speechless, because he suddenly remembered the origin of sighting drones. Like Stagnant Ball and Veto, they were all units that were deleted in the test version. He didn’t expect to be brought out by Sister Logic again and relocated to the iron. On the crow.

This is naturally a good thing. The addition of the sighting drone has greatly improved the Raven’s field assistance capabilities and further enhanced the strength of the human units.

"Yes, yes, this time the infiltration mission is not small."

He was about to evacuate from the system space, and he chose a nighthawk, because the sight of the drone made him think of something else.

Then, he really saw something like Bray drone.

As a Nighthawk with the same status and technological content as the Ravens, it also has a drone production line that can assemble a mine-laying drone.

Slightly different from the Ravens, the Nighthawk is positioned more towards the ground battlefield than space and naval battles. By deploying mine-laying drones in the theater, several mines can be dropped on the surrounding area to threaten enemy vehicles and infantry.

After the mine-laying drone releases the mine, it can dive into the ground like a widow mine, gaining a stealth effect to save itself.

In fact, Nighthawk also expanded two other skills, defense matrix and shock shock.

"The Defense Matrix..."

He was stunned when he first saw this thing, it has another name. The famous a.t. force field is derived from the subsequent research and development product of the magnetic pole transfer energy shield technology.

One of the three anti-sky skills in the StarCraft 1 era is the above stuff.

It actually moved from the tech ball to the Nighthawk?

Tang Fang was speechless. It was more speechless than when I saw the raven's skill bar with more sighting drones.

But after browsing the skill description, speechlessness was replaced by depression. Because Nighthawk’s reactor and magnetic pole shifting device have insufficient power. It cannot provide mobile force fields to other units. In other words, the defense matrix cannot be applied to other units like the tech ball, it can only be applied to itself.

If you think about it carefully, the nighthawk is less than 30 meters in size. It is naturally impossible to compare with a big guy like the science and technology ball. The nuclear reactor and stand device it carries will naturally be restricted. A castrated version of the defense matrix is ​​normal. thing.

As for the final "shock shock". The attack effect in the battle mode is similar to that of the marauder after upgrading the "shock bomb", which can create a gravitational field to weaken the target's action.

The Nighthawk originally only had two skills: “manufacturing automatic cannons” and detecting invisible units. Compared with the Jay Crow, it was at a disadvantage. However, this upgrade directly gave it “mine-laying drones”, “defense matrix”, and “concussion”. Compared with the three powerful skills of "Impact", the performance gap has been reduced to a negligible level when compared with the Jay Crow that has been added to "Sight UAV".

Then he clicked on several other combat units and found that there were no more skill expansion items.

Although only the Raven and Nighthawk have expanded their new skills this time, because they are both auxiliary units, the innovation of skills has brought about the overall evolution of the combat effectiveness of the Terran forces, at least compared to the psionic jammers and the main nest mental simulator. Unlocking has more practical value.


He was shaken up by Bai Hao forcefully. Looking up, he had arrived at the retreat site, so he put away a few injured fanatics. Summoned an immortal, first blasted down the corridor where the clones gathered, instructed Bai Hao to wrap the dark particles around his body, and then gave the immortal an order to blast through the outer wall.

The two are now in the largest hangar in the park. To be precise, it is a fully enclosed submarine wharf. On both sides of the central plank road are small submarines floating on the water.

Obviously, the armed forces of God would not allow the two to leave the park through a regular way, so he could only use violence to break out a waterway.

The Immortal's Phase Fragmentation Cannon lifted slightly, and several fires flashed. With a loud bang, a corner of the hangar completely collapsed. The ice-cold sea, carrying a mighty force, rushed forward, crushing everything on the road. The gap was pierced more and more, as if a water monster that had been imprisoned for thousands of years finally got the chance to escape from birth, and desperately tore through the gap and entered this bright world.

Countless locomotives and engineering equipment were broken up by the current, and even disintegrated, swept across the hangar under the band of the flood peak.

The light has been extinguished, only the dim light of the emergency light is rippling underwater, and occasionally there is a muffled fermentation caused by the collision of metal equipment.

The gap blasted by the Immortal has turned into a large-scale landslide. Fortunately, the damage control management system in the park is still in operation. The corridors leading to the experimental area and living area from the hangar are automatically locked, blocking the seawater out, and avoiding the entire park. collapse.

When the water pressure inside and outside the standby storage returned to balance, Bai Hao swept away the surrounding equipment that was blocking the passage, and took Tang Fang away from the landslide and entered the pitch-black trench outside.

The brood lord has left, and the miasma cloud formed by the black bee has not dissipated, shrouding the entire park in darkness, and even the high-power searchlights have no effect.

The person in charge of the park did not know that a mixed fleet of frigate-type warships with death greetings was approaching at high altitude in the "Nasiro".

He didn't know that Mr. J and Athena had given them up, and he also didn't know that Tang Fang had left the park safely and entered the pitch-black world outside with no fingers.

Many people think that Captain Tang’s blasting through the wall of the hangar is seeking a dead end. Only a few people don’t think so, because the other party has the upper hand, and the remaining clones in the park are not those of the golden armored generals and the black knights. opponent.

He could obviously kill all the staff and then leave calmly, but why did he use such a fierce and dangerous method?

What is the reason for him to leave so anxiously?

Of course Tang Fang would not tell them the truth, nor did he have time to tell them the truth.

After leaving the hangar, the Protoss transport aircraft was summoned for the first time, and then climbed up along the sea trench gap at maximum speed.

The situation is no better than it was at the beginning. The Lionheart Independent Fleet's team has arrived over the Kandonia Trench and is making final preparations before dropping the bomb. Obviously, at the speed of the king insect, he could not leave before the trench collapsed, and only the protoss transport plane could rescue him from the trap.

When it was 4000 meters from the sea, the bottom decks of the seven missionary-class frigates opened. One after another tactical nuclear bombs were dropped into the water, moving quickly toward the depths of the trench.

at the same time. More than a dozen heretic fast assault boats scattered from side to side, and also opened the bottom compartments, and dropped a large number of shaped-energy explosive bombs into the waters on both sides of the trench to assist the tactical nuclear bombs that dived into the deep waters to destroy the trench.

In order to completely bury Tang Fang, Sange Will has laid his blood.

Once the Candonia Trench, which is more than 13,000 meters deep, collapses, it will be chilling to think about what impact it will have on the surrounding sea. If this causes secondary geological disasters, I am afraid that the Durland Islands and the east coast of Frank Island, which are not too far away, will suffer severe tsunami attacks.

Many people will die unfavorably. Many people will be displaced.

Because it happened so suddenly, no one thought that Tang Fang would appear in the God Armed Division unconsciously.

After learning that all the experimental samples had been destroyed, Mr. J, in line with the idea of ​​a strong man breaking his wrist, worked with His Majesty the King to develop such a brutal method for the last fight.

Even Turramon didn't know that there was a branch of God's Armed Forces under the Candonia Trench, and it was not until the secret order from the Hall of the Palace was received that he could figure out a little taste.

The Governor of Nasiro, Lord Khanaru, was even more astonished. It was not until the bombing fleet arrived at the target sea area that he received a message from his father through a special channel, instructing him to prepare for emergencies. Try to render the possible consequences of this action as a natural disaster to cover up the truth.

According to the estimation of the detector, those nuclear bombs will pass by the Protoss transport aircraft at a depth of 1,000 meters. The people outside did not know that they would leave the trench so quickly, unless they detonated in advance, it would not pose a threat to the lives of the two.

Tang Fang did not breathe a sigh of relief, on the contrary, frowned deeply.

Change Will doesn't care how tragic the result of this action will be, he cares.

"Na Cerro" is not "Cabrreto", there are not many nobles, those civilians simply cannot resist the government's oppression, let alone see through this *. Many people will break their homes and die, and then be deceived by media lies. Thinking that this is an inevitable geological disaster, the next thing is to turn grief into moving. With the information bombardment that turned grief into strength, the government will use money and materials donated by civilians across the country to build new homes for them, and give everyone a sufficient amount of pensions, and this will pass.

Money will heal people's sorrows and cover up the truth.

Therefore, no one will know about this maritime operation. On the contrary, the refugees will thank the generous aristocracy and the officials who have worked hard and have no complaints. Those who donated money and materials will also feel satisfied and calm and get spiritual joy because of their good deeds.

This is the aftermath plan decided by Khanaru after receiving the telegram from Turramon and meeting with the think tanks in the Governor's Mansion.

It's perfect and amazing.

The fact that those poor civilians do not know the truth does not mean that he can sit back and watch people like Kehanaru use money and brainwashing propaganda to play with people's thoughts and lives.

The Protoss transport plane finally stopped at a distance of 1300 meters from the surface of the water. Tang Fang and Bai Hao left the cockpit and entered the already warm sea water.

The dark particles, like the stems and leaves of a tree, began to skyrocket outward, and soon formed a wire mesh covering the entire water area.

The deep-sea fish and some eels that passed by accidentally around were frightened and fled to the surroundings. Three or two unknown sharks swam from afar and surrounded them for some trials.

They may be just out of curiosity, or they may be malicious and murderous. In short, Tang Fang has no time to pay attention to them now. With a light stroke of his right hand, the poor three sharks are immediately stunned and slowly sink down.

This was just a small episode. When he raised his head again, the tactical nuclear bomb dropped by the frigate had already fallen from the top of his head. It was dark and cold.

When Emma received a hands-on instruction, he put his hands on Bai Hao's shoulders, and the powerful electromagnetic pulse wave formed an electromagnetic storm that swept across the entire waters.

On the other hand, the captain of the God’s Eye-class reconnaissance ship from the Lionheart Independent Fleet Special Service Team responsible for detecting underwater movements was taken aback by the abnormal response captured by the sensors. The turbulent electromagnetic pulse was like a giant net, and the whole film The waters are shrouded in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even the sensing system of the reconnaissance ship itself has been affected to varying degrees.

When he ordered the intelligence officer to upload the situation to the data link system and reported it to the ships, the person in charge of the weapon system of each ship reported that they had lost contact with the tactical nuclear bomb.

Those tactical nuclear bombs have just touched the 1,500-meter water depth of the sea, and have not reached the intended blasting site, so naturally there is no artificial detonation.

What happened underwater?

Many people looked at each other, wondering what was going on. How could all the tactical nuclear bombs suddenly lose contact? Is it possible that someone blocked the signal? how is this possible!

At this moment, the God's Eye-class reconnaissance ship uploaded the observation report to the communication network.

emp storm? What do you mean... Is that old thing kidding? Or treat them as fools?

High-frequency electromagnetic waves decay extremely fast in the water. It is conceivable how difficult it is to form an emp storm that spreads across the entire sea area. The old man knew that this kind of thing could not happen, but he still stubbornly informed the ships. Is he crazy? (To be continued.)

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