Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 768: Professional household

Such offensive behavior made the situation on the scene worse. In addition to the Lionheart Independent Fleet, the Guard Fleet, and the Orbital Administration Patrol Corps, unmanned space-based defense platforms in the nearby airspace are also approaching the battlefield.

Turamon had a brief conversation with Mellor, and the result was unhappy.

Judging from the battlefield situation, even if the more than 200 warships of the 23rd Ranger Regiment are covered by a cluster of ghost fighters from Tang Fang, they cannot be the opponents of nearly 700 warships on the opposite side.

Even so, the "Ye Liuli" has always been at the forefront, showing no signs of shrinking.

Kudria has this kind of character, and Melor has this kind of character...Even if the staff on this ship are all women, they did not show any weakness in this confrontation.

Turramon also did not dispatch the "Black Gold", but chose a Dark Knight-class light cruiser.

This shows that neither side wants to tear their faces apart and want to control the situation. The Sons of War and the Skywalker Guard have always stood still, which also represents the ideas of Hymn Will and Henrietta.

It’s a pity how things will move forward and the final fate of the two princes. The decision is not in the hands of Anthem, nor in the hands of Henrietta, whether it is the new faction, the old faction, or the fencer, or even The Grand Duke Rules, who had drifted away from the three parties, was tied to a chariot by the Tang side.

The outcome of this confrontation depends on how he does it, or how well he feels.

Mellor tried to contact Tang Fang, but didn't get a response. Henrietta also tried to contact him, but Captain Tang choked back with a few words.

Since Jasper and Linova dare to plot against him, they must be prepared to pay the price.

They are princes, and in many cases they can be self-willed, and Hymn Will once said, "Man. There must be yuwang."

It's a pity that they chose the wrong person. When willfulness meets more willfulness, it is bound to spark intense sparks.

then. When the phantom sky removed its disguise and turned into a mirrored sky curtain inside. It also shows the scene inside.

Jasper and Linuowa were controlled by two ghost agents. Next to them were Sunbat and a few descendants of wall-riding lords with ugly faces. On the grass lay two corpses, Reeves and Stringer. What is puzzling is that the only other protagonist in the assassination is missing, Captain Tang who seems to have nine lives.

Martial law has been implemented in the area near the Bavaria Space Station, and civil aviation passenger and cargo ships and private aircraft cannot enter this airspace. Many people suspect that something may have changed. Don't know the details. But the staff on the warships in front of the two armies can easily see what happened inside.

Noble figures like the Seven Princes and the Eight Princes were actually prisoners of Captain Tang.

Jasper's expression was somber, Linova smiled like a lunatic.

Some soldiers watched the scene in front of them silently, thinking that it turned out that this is the high prince, facing the muzzle, they do not have the magical powers of three heads and six arms, nor the calmness of heroes, they are no different from ordinary people.

Turamom's face was a hundred times uglier than Jasper. There is no doubt that Tang Fang's actions are a humiliation to the royal family.

If it is said that his humiliation to the royal family members in the past was a small cause. Now I'm making big pot rice.

The Orbital Administration's patrol corps, the garrison fleet, the Lionheart Independent Fleet, the 23rd Ranger Regiment, and some staff from the joint defense department all saw a scene inside the space station.

Everyone knew that Captain Tang from the Star Alliance was a lunatic. He has done many things that people can't even think of, but until today, people don't know how crazy he is.

Those are 2 princes, the face of this country!

To put it bluntly, he now controls the future of this country.

The giant of Turanx, the United Kingdom, stood at the crossroads of destiny because of him.

Many people with many hearts, quietly waiting for his appearance, waiting for the choice of Will. Waiting for Henrietta's choice.

Turalmon ordered the correspondent to take the bridge of the Yeliu Li, and then used very rude words to accuse Mellor of gambling with the fate of the country. Take risks for the royal family's interests.

Tang Fang may be the savior in the eyes of those greedy people, but he will never be the mainstay of the old-school forces.

Mellor was silent for a long time. Said a word, "But I just like him, not you."

If you say this in front of your nephew, if you put it in an ordinary family, you will be very chilled as a junior, but Turlamon’s eyes are calm, and the expression on his face is very cold: "Help me contact Tang Fang, he doesn’t Do you just want the 2w tons of zero element? After Jasper and Linova are released, I immediately send someone to the pier where the'Zai Angel' is located."

Mellor knew very well that Turramon had no right to do this, but it was Chance Will who agreed to transfer the zero element.

Facing this scene, His Majesty the King finally subdued.

Kudria's thin eyebrows jumped several times, looking at the Bavaria Space Station quietly floating above the "Cabrreto" on the big screen, and there was a lot of curiosity and surprise in her eyes.

She has heard of Tang Fang's name and seen his photos, but she has never seen himself.

Her father, like her, is a very harsh person to others. It is difficult to appreciate a person sincerely, let alone say the kind of words just now.

But... that's what he said, when he faced Turlamon, and when the two armies were facing off.

This is an expression full of sarcasm... He wants to defend Tang Fang to the end, and he does not hesitate to start a full-scale war with the new faction.

"I can't help you with this, he won't answer my call..." When Kudria was distracted, Mellor responded to Turamon's question.

The staff of the Dark Knight-class light cruiser bridge and even the combat staff were all dumbfounded.

Mellor couldn't even get in touch with that kid, so he dared to say such hard words, which was simply incomprehensible. Wiping his **** wasn't such a method.

Turamom's face shook slightly, and a snoring came out of his throat and fell into the officer's ears.

This confrontation is both speechless and angry.

The 23rd Ranger Regiment and the Lionheart Independent Fleet were in such a position that they almost merged with gunfire. As a result, the culprit who caused this dispute turned out to be indifferent, and did not treat the tension outside as the same thing. He has never appeared until now, no one knows where he is, no one knows what he is doing.

The key is. The combat power of the Mellor side was significantly lower than the combination of the Garrison Fleet + Orbital Administration Patrol Corps + Lionheart Independent Fleet, but there was no self-knowledge. Respond to Turramon's question with such a strong attitude.

Some senior generals knew exactly what Mellor was, and knew that His Royal Highness was such a pure man, who could lose, but could not lose.

Several staff officers thought of what Tang Fang had done, and suddenly wanted to understand why Mellor said something like that just now. It was not to mock Turamón. What he said was from his heart, because to some extent. That brazen boy is very much like his Royal Highness when he was young.

What the **** is Captain Tang making?

Everyone drew a question mark in their hearts. It was clear that His Majesty the King had already subdued and revealed his willingness for peace talks. Why did he hold on to it? You know this is related to the face of the king.

Today is different from the past, the 23rd Ranger Regiment and the Lionheart Independent Fleet are already on the line. When the joint council was convened, Change Weir could face the ministers and slap himself in the face. That would only bring a small shock in the political arena. Now it is different. There are hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers waiting to see. The progress and results of the event are related to the military spirit, and force is the basis for the Olipod family to rule this country.

No one knows. The culprit who caused this tension did not focus on the outside at all, nor was he bothered by how to deal with the two princes. He is now doing a very exciting job.

Of course, if it were the real Elena, he would not feel irritated, would be very angry, and would be murderous. Because it wasn't, he walked briskly with a joking smile. Filled with disguised outrage, he blasted the security door of the room with a sticky grenade.

When he rushed into the house. Small was getting off the sofa and only mentioned it halfway. Showing a softening rope.

The sound of the camera pressing the shutter sounded throughout the room, making Small's face pale.

"Elena" disguised as a mimic chick took the opportunity to tidy up her messy clothes, and then burst into tears.

Tang Fang suffocated his smile, pretending to be angry, rushed to Small, pinched his neck, rounded his arm and gave a loud slap in the face.

The light from the display fell on his right face, very white. The palm print on his left face was very red.

Lord Small couldn't understand why the outside guards in charge of security did not promptly remind him that someone had trespassed in the palace, but this thought flashed in his mind, and the face that should have become history scared him into a shiver. The semi-hard but not soft things suddenly withered.


He wanted to say, "Are you not dead?" The slap again slapped him back into his throat.

"Smore, you are so bold."

Tang Fang's slap slapped him into the stars, and felt dizzy and a little confused. However, the next sentence made him react at once, clearly remembering what happened and what consequences he would face. .

Whether the guards are dedicated to their duties is not important anymore. What matters is what should be done next?

He thought that Tang Fang had already died in the hands of Jasper and Linova, in order to avenge the two princes and also for his own benefit, so he chose to use the uncooked rice to make mature rice for her. Become a political puppet with his woman.

But who could have imagined that the good thing was only halfway through and was interrupted by sudden changes. What's worse, it was Elena's fiance who broke this incident.

If it is ordinary civilians, even small and medium-sized nobles, with the name of Grand Duke Rules under pressure, this thing will be done if you do it, and if you lose some money or give some political sweetness, the matter will pass.

It's a pity that the other party is not a commoner, nor is it an ordinary nobleman. The girl's fiancé is Captain Tang Fangtang, the troublemaker who messed up the Turanx United Kingdom.

Suddenly he regretted to provoke the kid, just like those guys who played with fire* before, he gave himself some points by playing three times.

To be honest, he really didn't want to kill Tang Fang, he just wanted to use him as a stepping stone to enhance his prestige. However, he never thought that things would turn out to be like this in the end, like a maglev car that couldn't stop, taking him into the ditch on the side of the road.

"You...you let go first...I...hehe...hehe."

Tang Fang's hands were so hard that he couldn't breathe, and Small had to give up the thoughts in his heart. Pray for Tang Fang to let go.

Puff through.

On the next breath, his face fell to the ground and his nose broke. Immediately blood flowed.

Tang Fang pulled out the dagger in the middle of the army boots and stared coldly at the ground without wiping the nosebleed. Grand Duke Rules hurriedly mentioned the eldest grandson, making no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

Small knew he had a reason to do it, and he had the courage to do it.

At the juncture of life and death, the noble son who will be in charge of the military and political power of the five star systems in the future lay on the ground very unmannered and pleaded: "Please forgive me this time, forgive me this time..."

Small knew very well that since Tang Fang came back alive, Hymn would have to give him an explanation, if only Reeves and Stringer were killed. It seems not enough, because anyone can see that Jasper and Linova are the masterminds of the incident.

It happened that he provoke "Elena" at this time, and was caught by Tang Fang.

If he is a tribute to Will, he will definitely find ways to pull Rules into the water, first to calm Tang Fang's anger, and secondly to cause trouble and drive away the tiger and the wolf.

Therefore, he did not have a second way at all, and could only beg Tang Fang to forgive him this time.

"As long as you spare me this time. I am willing to do anything for you."

Tang Fang's color eased slightly, and he knelt down and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, as long as I can do it."

"Okay. Go and kill Jasper and Linova for me, kill them both, I won't hold you back for bullying Elena, and spare your dog's life."

"What?" Small's face became very ugly, and he didn't expect Tang Fang to abandon such conditions.

"You don't have to do it yourself, I know that many people are willing to die for the Lord."

"No, I can't do it, only this I can't do."

Tang Fang said, "Then you go to death." After speaking, he sent the dagger forward. But he stopped on his left chest under Small's horrified gaze, and the tip of the knife went all the way down. Finally fell on the thigh.

He knew what it meant, and he knew how the man in front of him planned to torture him. This is the most classic method of retaliation against forced criminals, the most cruel method of retaliation, and the most pleasing method of retaliation.

"No, no, you can't do this." His face turned blue with fright, cold sweat dripped from the tip of his nose and fell to pieces on the dagger: "Can you change the terms? Murdering the prince is a capital crime."

Tang Fang said: "First, Jasper and Linova took advantage of you, and they deliberately threw you out as a scapegoat. You should retaliate against them."

"Second, they wanted to kill me, and they almost succeeded, and indirectly caused Elena to suffer such damage. If they don't kill them, I can't swallow this breath, but for some reason, I can't do it myself now. , You must fake your hands."

"Third, you moved Elena, and she is my fiancée. I have enough reason to kill you. I believe that Anthem will also be happy to see me kill you to weaken the relationship between Jasper and Linova. The guilt in the matter, while dragging your Franklin family into the water, using the fact that I killed you, joined forces to fight me."

"Fourth, I must kill people today. Either Jasper and Linova will die, or you. So, if you want to survive in exchange for my forgiveness, then kill the two outsiders. "

"Fifth, as long as you do this, I will ensure that you leave'Khanos' safely. Once you return to the Franklin family territory, Hymn will not do anything to you."

With a thoughtful expression on Small's face, he said after a while: "Can you really send me out of'Khanos' safely?"

Tang Fang said with a cold face, "Have you heard the words that outsiders say I have no faith?"

Small gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Of course, the personal attendants that Rules arranged for him are indispensable for those who dare to die. After killing Jasper and Linova and then committing suicide, at least no direct evidence will be left, as long as Tang Fang sends him safely out of "Khano" "S", returned to the Franklin family territory, Hymn Will never had the opportunity to avenge his two precious sons.

He can leave the Turanx United Kingdom, enter the Sauron Empire, and continue to live a life of rich clothes and jade.

Taking a step back, even if you don't leave, in the face of the alliance forces of Henrietta, Tang Fang, and the wall mounted faction, Sange Will has become weak, how dare you easily provoke the Franklin family who is ambiguous with the Sauron Empire?

Moreover, Small believed that with His Majesty's ingenuity, he would definitely be able to guess that Tang Fang forced him to do all this, and that the real enemy of Jasper and Linova was Tang Fang.

In any case, as long as he can survive and return to the family territory safely, Rules can judge the situation, either choose to get close to Tang Fang, or choose to move closer to Zange Will, and lose the merits, or he will not move ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or Agree to Jaina Britania's proposal, so as to seize the initiative and seek greater benefits for the family.

"Then do it." Tang Fang stood up, clapped his hands, and the ghost agent drove the two guards into the room.

Small walked over and talked to the two in a low voice for a moment. They did not hesitate, turned and walked out of the room, and walked outside the palace.

Tang Fang said, "Want to see what's going on outside?" Without waiting for him to reply, Tang Fang pointed directly to the console in front of him, and the light and shadow flashed on the big screen, showing a scene.

Small's face changed suddenly: "What the **** are you thinking? What a lunatic..." Then, as if thinking of something, he secretly scanned the rest area and found that Elena had been dressed silently and curled up in the corner of the sofa. . (To be continued.)

ps: Don't worry, there will be no breaks during the Spring Festival. Although there is a lot of entertainment, I will stick to the code word. Even if you get dizzy, the code text is not good, you can still use two chapters of daily life, right?


Thank you that the journey of a thousand miles started with the two local tyrants, imba, and bowed.

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