Juyu Mountain, halfway up the mountain, in front of a walled wall under construction.

"Work fast, work fast!"

The whip of the bandit supervisor was furiously behind Sun Quan.

This Sun Quan was so painful that he didn't dare to speak out.

"Don't hit him first, this person is blue-eyed, like Sun Jian's second son is blue-eyed, known as the blue-eyed child."

Sun Quan: ⊙﹏⊙∥∣°

By his side, Lu Xun and others did not dare to speak out. They wanted to be as good as Liu Guanzhang, but now they have become shortcomings.

"Come here, let me take a closer look at you." The bandit greeted.

Sun Quan hurried over and said with a flattering smile: "This eldest brother, I am not fake, but I am really not Sun Quan. Sun Quan has a purple beard, you see I am a black beard." Then he touched the beard under his nose. .

The bandit looked at it and suddenly said, "Sun Quan is a pig."

Sun Quan was angry in his heart, but did not hesitate in appearance, "You are too right."

Inside: T_T

The bandit suddenly kicked out, "Then what are you doing as Sun Quan? Hurry back and work for me."

"Yes." Sun Quan clutched his stomach, sweating with pain.

Lu Xun and the others worked as hard as possible.

Sure enough, he responded to an old saying that if you want to make a major event, you must first suffer from your ambition, hungry your skin, and empty your body.

At this time, there were shouts of exclamation from the mountain.


Facing Yuan Tan, Fei Zhan went down. Used a whole body solution.

It's really a move to kill the enemy, Li Wei.

Yuan Tan was found to be unresponsive.

Fei Zhan was full of enthusiasm, and was full of anger.

It is clear that this person does not know martial arts at all, and he dares to speak such big words.

Chi You's axe's one-meter-long cutting edge has turned into a white drill, and if this axe goes down, it must be in two halves.

"No!" Guan Yinping yelled with concern.

Zhang Xingcai is shocked, don't shout so loud, OK, as if you are dead man.

Everyone was heartbroken, only Dian Wei Xuchu and the ugly young man had eyes full of expectation.

"Second sister, don't yell, in fact, this man is not as perfect as you think. He is not a Yi Bo Yuntian coming forward. He is far from my second uncle, he is a nerd."

If you don't have the ability, he came out to die. It doesn't matter if you die, if you say those big things, you will definitely implicate others. The integrity is good, but it is also the courage of a man.

Facing Fei Zhan who had made a move, he was so scared that he couldn't move. It can be seen that the courage just now was only temporary.

"Hehe..." Fei Zhan in midair sneered repeatedly, obviously his opponent had been frightened, "Suffer to death!"

Instead of closing his hand, he made this axe even sharper.

Let everyone here know that this person is just an incompetent fool.

The sound of the axe cutting through the air made Fei Zhan very satisfied with the axe.

Cut into two pieces from head to toe.

"Also say a trick to win me?"

The previous depression has been wiped out, and even the power of this axe is multiplied.

Amid the screams of everyone, Yuan Tan finally moved.

He was bestowed by the heavens, and he was as good as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, so he was afraid of being inconspicuous.

There is no evasion at all, but head on.

Facing Fei Zhan and falling in the air, he also rose in the air, directly using the classic flying kick of Master Bruce Lee.

The books in the department store space can be plug and play as long as you pay, and you will become a master at a glance.

Therefore, Yuan Tan's kick is also the pinnacle.

Fei Zhan's face changed drastically, "How is this possible?"

First come first.

He had to move the axe handle to resist this foot.

However, it was a step too late, only half of the foot was blocked, and it slid over the axe handle to the center of the mouth.


Fei Zhan snorted and flew back at a faster speed.

After crashing to the ground, the pain made him roll all over the floor.

Guan Yinping: ╭⊙ō⊙╮

Zhang Xingcai: (⊙0⊙)

People and bandits: o_O??? What happened?

Ugly young man: , worthy of being a big man.

Yuan Tan landed: ∪_∪, boring.

He practiced hands with Dian Wei Xuchu all day, and fought with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Now he is really bored to fight with Fei Zhan.

Immediately afterwards, the people's eyes fell to the ground, and then, there was an earth-shattering cheer.

This young man wasn't bragging, he really solved Fei Zhan with one move.

Heroes, real heroes, the beautiful boy named Zhang Xingcai before can't be compared.

The children who had surrounded Zhang Xingcai all rushed towards Yuan Tan.

Compared with the fragrance of Zhang Xingcai's brother, Yuan Tan's sweat is more manly.

And Zhang Xingcai opened her mouth wide, and the immobile nerd who was scared just now won.

I can't believe it.

Speaking of it, Zhang Xingcai had just tried her life, used her father's unique skills, and took advantage of it to win a match. Considering Fei Zhan's martial arts, I am afraid that only the second uncle's Azure Dragon Slash can quickly defeat the enemy, but she can't guarantee it with one move.

And this young man can.

Guan Yinping: \\(^0^)/, "Great hero, he really is a real hero like his father!"

Zhang Xingcai: (‵Ⅲ′), silly Baitian, "Even if he is a great hero, he is not a great hero comparable to my second uncle and my dad, at most he is a hero like the uncle."

Since Liu Bei asked them to kill Yuan Tan like that, the price dropped.

"You can rest!"

"You can have a full meal!"

"I haven't had a rest for ten years, I haven't eaten enough!"

The people broke out completely, and Yuan Tan, who brought them all this, gradually became their savior.

At this time, the bandits woke up from the shock, watching the two kings defeated by a single move, and they have not gotten up yet.

"kill him!"

Hundreds of bandits showed their weapons and swarmed them.

Dian Wei Xu Chu Zheng said to protect, who would have been one step ahead of an ugly young man.

The ugly young man shouted angrily, "Give me a stand. This is an agreed singled out, the tradition of Shanyue for hundreds of years. Is it that your Wuxi Village is so shameless that you will be spurned by the whole Shanyue, Fei Zhan, you can be regarded as one. Man, what do you say?"

The bandits stopped.

Fei Zhan can finally stand up on his own. As the second king, force is in the front of the entire Jiangdong. It is not too easy to clean up one person. Who would have thought that it turned out to be exactly the opposite, but was taken care of by one trick.

All this is a nightmare for him.

His face was so hot, it was crazy.

Originally, facing the two male subjects of the king this period of time, they have been very depressed.

It just happened to come out like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and rub it on the ground to soothe my mood. Unexpectedly, it was rubbed back and forth on the ground instead.

After all, it is a famous figure in Million Mountain and Yuezhong, who has no face and can't continue to dig deep in his face. Today, he must be no longer able to deal with this person.

Coldly said: "You actually have such skills. I don't think you are an unknown person. Can you dare to give your name?"

"Whether you can change your name or not, you can't change your surname, Yue Fei is me." Yuan Tan reported a former name.

"Yue Fei, yes, well, I remember you." Fei Zhan limped, pushed away the bandit who was coming to help, and turned away.

Yuan Tanton feels that this person is still a personal thing, "The second king, you haven't forgotten the agreement."

Fei Zhan paused, "Send my order, the slaves take a day off, and there is enough food..."

As the bandits evacuated, Guan Yinping first rushed over, Zhang Xingcai hesitated and passed.

The people were so happy that they immediately surrounded Yuan Tan.

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