Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 182: No Siege Point

Puff, a Jackal warrior easily cut the charging French infantry in half from the waist, and then grabbed the bayonet stabbing from the other side, ignoring the blood on his palm, and nimbly sent the knife to the opposite side. In the belly of the French line infantry.

Facing the level 3 demonized creature Gnoll warriors, the bayonet charge launched by the level 1 French line infantry is not much different from sending them to death...

But they themselves are buying time for the teammates behind!

When the first wave of bayonet-charging French line infantry fell down, the Jackal warriors, who were fighting heartily, suddenly discovered that there was another three-column salvo formation on the platform of the siege tower!


With the fall of the command knife, the wolf man warrior who had just occupied the pedal was beaten into a sieve trembling...

Immediately afterwards, this group of French line infantry launched a bayonet charge again!

The stairs below the siege tower are crowded with French line infantry jogging continuously, lining up to climb the siege tower!

Boom boom boom...

After a magic cannon that turned its muzzle was fired several times, it finally hit the siege tower full of people, followed by dozens of magic cannonballs that wiped out the siege tower together with the crowd inside and around it. !

In this regard, the French line of infantry lost one entrance to the city...

A group of French line infantry who had not climbed the siege tower came to the smooth city wall, and when they were about to throw the climbing hook upwards, a spike several meters long suddenly protruded from the city wall, and the French line infantry holding the siege rope One by one, they turned into gourds of flesh and blood!

Then these spikes suddenly retracted into the city wall, and the corpses of the French line infantry hanging on them fell under the city wall under the pressure...

After seeing this scene, the French line infantry in the back had no choice but to give up their plan to rely on the city wall to ascend the city.

Those spikes can't be defended at all, no matter how many people go there, it's not enough to die...

In the end, the French line infantry had to face a cruel reality. They could only use those siege towers as attack points to climb the city wall!

And these siege towers not only suffered great losses during the pushing process, but after docking on the city wall, they were even aimed and fired by the magic cannon that turned the muzzle!

Those semi-circular turrets are all protruding from the wall. After turning the muzzle, they can form crossfire against the docked siege towers!

Even if the Chaos Orc's aiming ability is very poor, they can't stand up to their magic cannons!

The only good news for the French line infantry is that the French line infantry on the siege tower successfully wiped out the demonized gnoll defenders on the city wall by relying on the suicide three-line salvo bayonet charge tactics, and boarded the city wall. head!

However, as the siege towers were blown up one after another, the French line infantry on the top of the city would soon become rootless duckweed!

The fact is, as the commander of the French line infantry had expected, when all the siege towers were shattered, the thousands of French line infantry who climbed the city wall completely lost their backup.

At this time, a large number of heavily armed Chaos orcs rushed to the top of the city, fighting with the French infantry.

The French line infantry basically only had one chance to shoot, and they were completely crushed in hand-to-hand combat. However, the small amount of explosives carried by the French line infantry had a great effect, and a small part of the French line infantry charged with large ignited grenades. For the Chaos Orcs, they completed the feat of exchanging one for many for the first time!

Generally speaking, in melee combat, ten French line infantry can't kill a Chaos orc!

If the bayonet pierces into the flesh of the Chaos Beast, it will be stuck by the Chaos Beast's tough muscles, and it will not be able to pierce the vital internal organs at all!

And the Chaos Orcs swept away at random, and any French line infantry they touched would die!

The area of ​​the city head is not large, and thousands of French line infantry are still divided into groups. After all, the positions of the siege towers against the wall are not in the same place.

Originally, all the attacking siege towers were not far away from each other, which was enough to ensure that the ascending troops quickly converged to reinforce each other.

But after being baptized by the rapid fire of the magic cannon, the scattered siege towers obviously cannot support each other...

In this way, the thousands of scattered French infantry only wiped out more than 300 Chaos orcs, and all of them were killed!

The entire siege battle also ended with the collapse of all the siege towers.

Although this attack failed, it provided valuable experience for the commanders of the French line infantry. They finally understood why the federal people were so afraid of the magic castle.

If such a magical castle does not have superior artillery, it is really difficult to capture it.

Only when the artillery with a superior number is arranged, can the artillery shells be used to suppress the semicircular magic fort on the city wall.

The half-empty and half-solid magic cannon can't be shattered, but the chaotic orcs controlled by it can be blown to death!

It's a pity that the French line infantry didn't have any available field guns, so they couldn't suppress the Chaos orcs on the semicircular fort at all.

The Chaos Orcs controlled on the semicircular turret are all far away from the battlements. There is a special tall female wall around the semicircular raised part. .

Although the French line infantry on the siege tower can hit the Chaos orcs on the parallel semi-circular fort, they must be facing each other.

It can be foreseen that once the slow-moving siege tower faces the semicircular fort, what will happen to it when it is bombarded by the magic cannon above it...

After the Earl of Badajoz saw the withdrawal of the "Federal Army", he took advantage of his face and sent someone to the front line to inquire about the captured prisoners.

Although the Chaos orcs cannibalize humans, they will capture human prisoners on the battlefield because of the order of the Chaos human lord.

Not surprisingly, Count Badajoz received disappointing news.

Not a single French line infantryman surrendered on the battlefield, and even the captured French line infantry who had been beaten unconscious would rather commit suicide than spit out a word after waking up!

As a result, the Earl of Badajoz was still confused about the 'federal army' outside the city. He didn't know which army of the federal government they were, and he was not even sure whether the opponent was the real federal army!

After all, the French line infantry are all white soldiers, and it is easy to think of bad aspects.

The main soldiers of the federal army are mainly Asian faces!

Although the federal army likes to recruit white natives as cannon fodder soldiers, it cannot be said that these brave soldiers are all cannon fodder...

If the cannon fodder were so desperate, the Zilong Federation would have unified all regions of the known world long ago!

In any case, the 'federal army' who attacked this time lost all their siege towers, and could not launch a second wave of attack for a while.

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