Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Zhu Zhanji

"Grandpa Emperor..."

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were red, and he hurriedly arched his hands towards Fang Xing, and ran outside in a swift smoke.

Fang Xing understood this feeling and felt very excited.

The first signal of Lao Zhu was to endorse the words that Zhu Zhanji sent to spread.

Is licking the calf affectionate?

Or... Lao Zhu felt that the prince would become a hidden danger to Daming in the future! ! !

But anyway, this is good news for Daming.

Fang Xing couldn't leave, and under the pretext of celebrating Zhu Zhanji, he urged Yu Jia to order some good dishes in the kitchen.

"Also, let's see if Wanwan can come. If this girl misses her when she hears something delicious, my grandson and I will not be quiet tomorrow."

Yu Jia responded with a smile, and now he wakes up a little excited, inexplicably.

Old Zhu is interesting!

He showed his little movements in Jinling, but kept silent forever. Today, he took the opportunity to beat them, and he didn't want to settle accounts with him after waking up.

How can I feel like being protected?

Fang Xing was a little embarrassed, he felt that he could manage his life completely, but Zhu Di's hit hit the soft spot in his heart.

From the first day he arrived at Daming, he felt that he was alone. Even if you have a family, unreal feelings will pop up from time to time, reminding him: In this world, you are a superfluous person!

If the original Fang wakes up to die, what will the trajectory of these people look like?

The lonely Zhu Di was irritable and suspicious, and eventually died on the way home from Beizheng.

Before Zhang Shuhui could escape from Zhang's house, she received news that her fiance was belching.

Xiaobai will probably be resold somewhere, and then...

Where is Zhu Zhanji?

In the original history, he concealed his edge and was overwhelmed by the civilian officials, so he borrowed the humiliation of the civilian officials to obtain psychological comfort.

Finally, helplessly, the group of eunuchs was brought up.



Fang Xing always regarded Zhu Di as a majestic emperor, awe-inspiring but inviolable.

But today...

"I'll go to the palace first!"

The concierge of Taisun Mansion felt weird. First Zhu Zhanji rushed out with excitement, and then this Xinghe Uncle... looked very excited!


"Grandpa Emperor, grandson is wrong."

Zhu Zhanji rushed into the hall and knelt on the ground, crying when he saw it.

Yang Rong and the others hurriedly saluted and quit, not daring to listen to such things.

Zhu Di frowned and said: "Get up!"

Zhu Zhanji got up, nagging like an old woman: "Grandpa Huang, grandson knows that he has made a lot of mistakes before. It's just that Grandpa Huang, you have been watching by the side, and you will always mention your grandson..."

Zhu Di's neck couldn't help turning slightly, his expression a little stiff.

"...It's ridiculous to think about it, my grandson thought that Grandpa Huang was cruel to his grandson, but he didn't see Grandpa Huang's painstaking efforts. Grandpa is really damn, unfilial, if it weren't for...if it wasn't for your thoughts of Wanwan Spoiled, grandson is still in it and can't wake up, grandpa emperor, grandson..."

Zhu Di lowered his eyes slightly, holding the paperweight in his hand, some...


The **** was shocked and hurriedly bowed his head.

"Your Majesty, Xing He Bo beg to see you."

Zhu Di relaxed slightly, then turned his neck again and said: "The vertical is troublesome, let him go back! If it's too long, let him go out!"

Zhu Zhanji was still saying, "Grandpa Emperor, those vassals are really my family's assholes. My grandson originally wanted to cut them when I had a chance, but now it seems that my grandson is too tender and ignorant! It’s not only my family’s affairs, but also affects the whole body. The whole world is watching..."

The corners of Zhu Di's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes filled with memories.

That kid in the baby! Gradually he is stronger than his grandfather!

From babbling to learning, to following behind me, I followed my steps and asked naive questions.

Even now, this kid can wake up quickly from his mistake...

Just when Zhu Di’s eyes gradually became more soft, Zhu Zhan Keang said: "Grandpa Emperor, the king, the fence! At present, it seems that Daming's fence has become a whirlpool, a man who is constantly gnawing at his money and food. Maelstrom, my grandson thought that to restrict them step by step, Daming didn't need hundreds of inexplicable county kings, let alone countless town generals."

Zhu Di asked softly: "Then what do you think should be done?"

Zhu Zhanji said blankly: "The grandson hasn't thought about it, but I think there will be a way. For example... By the way, Grandpa Emperor, if Daming seizes a large amount of land overseas in the future, it will eventually be inconvenient to manage, can you..."


Zhu Di quietly drank Zhu Zhanji's following words, and said lightly: "I have some years to live, so you will look at it and study it. After that, I will naturally not be able to control this, you can do it yourself. "

Zhu Zhanji was horrified, but said, "Grandpa Emperor, waiting for you... grandchildren don't want to hear it!"

Zhu Di's gaze passed through the gate of the palace and looked into the distance.


Fang Xing stood outside the palace gate, his excitement gradually dissipated, and he simply chatted with the guards of the gate about how many sons the feudal kings had.

People who entered and exited the palace saw Fang Xing squatting on the ground, and the look of a few sergeants blowing eyebrows, they couldn't help shook their heads, thinking that this uncle Xinghe was probably the cheapest earl in the whole of Daming.

"Fang Xing!"

Wanwan was sent out by Liang Zhong. She just saw Fang Xing and shouted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing got up, and said with inexplicable meaning: "We will talk next time." Then she went to ask Zhu Zhanji's. Condition.

Liang Zhong said: "Your Majesty left the grandson to eat in the palace, and the princess said he was going to see the concubine grandson."

So Fang Xing had to go home desperately, and incidentally sent Wanwan to Taisun's mansion.

"Fang Xing, come over to this king!"

As soon as he came out of Taisun's Mansion, Zhu Gaoxu brought two guards on horseback and pointed at Fang Xing with his whip and shouted.

Fang Xing stunned and said, "What's the matter with your highness?"

Zhu Gaoxu said angrily: "Father Huang just sent someone to this king's mansion to scold him and let this king return all the over-occupied fields. Did you instigate it? This king went to tell you the news, and you turned around. Sell ​​this king?!"

Fang Xing said innocently: "It's really not me, but I don't think it's wrong. Can your Highness **** someone else's things?"

Zhu Gaoxu was furious, and conditioned to raise his whip to go down, but seeing the trace of indifference in Fang Xing's eyes, the whip could no longer go down.

"Then you...you ask this king to drink to make amends!"

This stuff!

Fang Xing shook his head. If Zhu Gaoxu's whip had dropped just now, there would be no friendship between the two of them. From now on, the bridge will return to the bridge and the road will return.

"Which one to go? First fresh!"

Of course Fang Xing wanted to take care of his own business, but Zhu Gaoxu said with disapproval: "The first delicious is delicious, but it's boring without women! Let's go to Changyue Building, where there is singing and dancing in the lobby."

Changyue Building?

Fang Xing wanted to refuse, but Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help telling the knife to go back and report the letter, and then said: "What are you afraid of, I am not asking you to play/woman, besides, what if you play? Does your wife dare to turn your face with you? ?"

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