Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 998: Information is not smooth inside and outside the palace

Thanks to the book friend: "AeonSea"'s great rewards, ninety-nine chapters, great fortune!


The story of Fang Xing, King Zhao, and Fuyang Hou fighting for a dancing girl in Changyue Tower quickly spread. When Fang Xing first arrived in the womb, the news also entered the palace at the same time.

"His Royal Highness, please see the empress."

Fang Xing's words made Zhu Gaochi stunned, and you want to see my wife!

But Fang Xing's expression was very serious, not like a trivial matter. Zhu Gaochi nodded and said, "Liang Zhong, invite Xing and Bo to go."

Daming's princess, others, especially men, are mostly invisible.

But Fang Xing is different, the relationship between the two parties is very cordial, and you can see each other with the company of outsiders.

Hearing Fang Xing begging to see him, the prince princess was also a little confused, and said to the people around him: "I am a womanly family, and Xinghe Bozhen asked to see him very seriously. Could it be that something went wrong in Zhanji's backyard?"

"Invite him in!"

The crown princess frowned and said, if Zhu Zhanji's backyard really happened, she would be ready to teach others.

Fang woke in, looked down and didn't look at the people on his left and right, and said: "Niang, Changyuelou nobles gathered, and raised some dancers, nobles can get them, or even take them home."

The prince was still in a daze, Fang Xing had already bowed and resigned.

"Niang Niang, the minister retires."

After waiting for Fang Xing to leave, the prince concubine said inexplicably: "What does Xing Hebo mean? Whose Changyue Lou belongs to?"

The maids on the side bowed their heads and said nothing. Fang Xing's words were very short, but they contained interesting meanings.

"Is it my home?"

The princess woke up abruptly, and she sneered: "No matter, if it weren't for Xing He's reminder, this matter would have been covered up. Let's go, who knows about it?"

The people below looked at each other. One of the grandmothers hesitated, and came out under the gaze of the princess: "Niang, Changyuelou...you have some shares in your house."


The princess closed her eyes, her body suddenly loosened, and she looked extremely tired.

"How difficult is it for me to marry into the palace? Be careful every day, lest you break the rules of the palace, who is holding back?!"

The mother said: "It's uncle."

"Is he short of money?"

The voice of the prince concubine became colder and colder, and she was so frightened that she knelt down and said: "Niang Niang, it is the uncle that the shopkeeper of Changyuelou found. She only said that she was short of money. Please borrow some money from the uncle. Later..."

"It became a stock later, right?"

The crown prince rubbed her forehead and said, "These methods are clumsy, and you can see what Zhang Sheng is doing? Last time my father said he was simple and easy to learn, why? Huh?!"

The mother heard the unkind intentions and hurriedly said: "Manny, those uncles were confiscated at first, but the shopkeeper of Changyue Building was crying and she said that he had no money borrowed by his uncle, so he had to commit suicide. Later, Lu Some money was distributed one after another, and my uncle went to buy books."

After hearing this, the prince concubine's face turned slightly, and said: "Go to Zhang Sheng, and I will go to your Royal Highness to ask for grace."

Even if she is the prince, she still has to report to Zhu Gaochi if she wants to see her relatives, especially male relatives.


And Fang Xing had already arrived at Zhu Di at this moment, and was biting his head and preparing for advice.

"I heard that you and Fuyang Hou are fighting for a dancer?"

Zhu Di was a little curious, because since Fang Xing got married, Fang Xing has been considered to be self-cleaning, which is almost unique among the honors.

Good men can't help but steal fishy?

Fang Xing said solemnly:

"Your Majesty, the ministers heard that Fuyang Hou was inhumane. He just abused the women in the mansion every day for pleasure. After a few days, there would be women who were tortured and killed in the mansion quietly sent out. Now the woman in the capital hears the name of Fuyang Houfu. But if you change your color and avoid it, the minister may hurt your Majesty’s reputation..."

"The woman is a dancing girl, but if she enters the Fuyang Mansion, she will probably not be able to survive."

Fang Xing raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, if the minister has not seen it, it would be best to sigh afterwards, but under the minister's eyelids, a woman, even if she is a dancing girl, is somehow a citizen of His Majesty? How can a minister? Watching her enter the wolf den in Fuyang Hou Mansion?"

Zhu Di remembered what the Princess Yongping said when she entered the palace: Your grandson is very well-behaved. He takes care of business outside and teaches his son when he goes home. This is a model for clan family members!

"Here is Sun Xiang!"

Zhu Di's face was a little angry, and the big **** was stunned, and he quickly ordered to go down.

Zhu Di lowered his head and continued to deal with the memorial. Yang Rong and others below pretended not to hear, and from time to time gave some opinions on the issues raised by Zhu Di.

The emperor is the master, and the auxiliary ministers make suggestions, which looks very harmonious.

Fang Xing watched from the side, and felt that the emperor in this mode could not be lazy, and he would be dead if he was lazy, and the right was definitely not in his own hands.

Although the later Wanli emperor said he did not go to court, he firmly controlled the government through the cabinet, not the lazy people who were propagated by the Qing Dynasty.

At that time, the dispute over the origin of the country was fierce. If Wanli was in the dynasty, then there was no need to do anything else. He listened to the officials arguing and spouting all day long, always criticizing the dragon scales at every turn.

If you want to be famous, the best way to become a ‘famous celebrity at home and abroad’ is to seek direct fame, which is to criticize the dragon scale.

Of course, if the emperor could not bear to order him to have a meal, it would be really beautiful. As long as he doesn't die, this person will be a celebrity from now on, and there will be people to join him wherever he goes.

It's broken by being taught!

Fang Xing felt that Wanli was a clever man, but he had lost his father since he was a child, and was threatened at every turn by his mother and Zhang Juzheng, plus a breathless breath of Feng Baoya.

In such an environment, Wanli either rose up to resist and became a hero like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or he would become decadent and perverted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As a result, the emperor did not become the second Emperor of Han Wu, nor perverted, but just became one. Nice emperor.

Fang Xing diverged his thoughts here, and didn't even pay attention to Sun Xiang entering.

Sun Xiang saw Zhu Di's complexion not looking good, and hurriedly bowed down to salute.

Zhu Di asked, "What's the matter with Fuyanghou?"

Fang Xing had already recovered, and felt that this was the way of the emperor.

Zhu Di didn't ask about specific matters, but asked about Li Maofang very broadly. If Sun Xiang perfunctory or deliberately missed some questions, hehe! Then you have to suffer ass, and you have to throw away the errand if you don't get it right.

Sun Xiang didn't dare to hesitate. As soon as Zhu Di's voice fell, he immediately explained Li Maofang's recent incident.

"...In the last month, a total of three women's corpses were carried out in Fuyanghoufu, and they were sent to the incarnation field to be burned."


As the supreme emperor, Zhu Di would not torture or kill people without cause.

"Come on!"

Zhu Di's breathing was a little short, and his complexion turned red.

"His Majesty!"

Zhu Di said angrily: "Take my horse whip to Fuyang Hou Mansion, thirty whips! All the women in Fuyang Hou Mansion are dismissed, and also, to ask Yong Ping, is this the good son in her mouth?"

Who will do this?

Huang Yan's body shrank back, wishing to wear clothes that others could not see.

Wang Fusheng promised that he could smoke Li Maofang, but he could dismiss the woman and accountable Princess Yongping, but he needed someone else.

The **** came out: "Your Majesty, the old slave is gone."

Zhu Di nodded, and let the chief **** take the whip and go out with Wang Fusheng.

Sun Xiang knelt on the ground, panic in his heart.

Fang Xing hurriedly left. The rest of the time belongs to Zhu Di. He will beat Sun Xiang, who did not report, or said his own opinion.

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