Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: Xu Jingchang

Chapter 1oooo, sprinkle flowers! Sir, I wish the life of the book friends-sesame blossoming steadily, and I also wish the results of this book to be better and better with everyone's support!

Thanks to the book friend: ‘aeonsea’’s great reward!

Thanks to the book friends on QQ: The reward of ‘whose fleeting year has been smeared by rouge’, maybe it should be ‘cute blooming’, thank you for your understanding and support!


"Da Ming's danger is mainly in the north, the future will be in the southeast, and the battlefield is the sea!"

The students were engrossed in listening. Such strategy classes are rarely given, and most of them are brief introductions based on the progress.

"The bitter cold in the north, Samarkand is very important. As long as you take that place, Daming will have a treasure that can be attacked and defended by both sides."

The so-called Samarkand refers to the territory of the Timurian Empire, where the so-called Central Asia will be there in the future.

The empire cemetery is also there, if you take it there, you will control the crossroads, making it easy to attack and defend.

"As for the offensive and defensive, it depends on Daming's external strategy at the time, but I personally prefer to nibbles at step by step, expanding the territory of Daming to the opposite side of the sea, slowly gathering from everywhere, and at the same time accompanied by economic invasion... …"

An oppressive offensive, even without a knife or gun, can suffocate the enemy, and in the end it will either explode or die naturally.

Fang Xing looked at the students: "The struggle between nations is omnipotent. You can think about it. For example, we seem to be enemies with Alutai, but why don't we attack? And Daming is in Wala. What is the rationale behind the attack between Tartary and Tartar? What are the flaws? Everyone can think about it and hand it in tomorrow as a homework."

When class was over, Fang Xing went out while answering the students' questions.

At the gate, there was a person kneeling abruptly outside, and Yuan Da was staring at him vigilantly.

"Shanchang, what does this person say is the shopkeeper of Changyuelou, come to find you a good thing."

Chen Dahua raised his head when he heard Fang Xing's voice, and couldn't help exulting when he saw Fang Xing: "Uncle, the younger one is willing to send Changyuelou to his uncle, just to be a steward."

Fang Xing was startled, and laughed: "The movements on the side of the prince concubine and empress are so fast, how long has it been before that the proud shopkeeper Chen actually kneeled! There is nothing I can do about this matter."

When Chen Dahua heard that this was wrong, he pleaded: "Uncle, the little one was obsessed with ghosts, and the uncle was Buddha-hearted and powerful. The little one is willing to thank him for his wealth!"

Fang Xing said lightly: "The Buddha is a Buddha not because of his supernatural powers, but his compassion. You have found the wrong temple and worshipped the wrong Bodhisattva. Go back."

Once this person is free from the protection of the powerful, he will immediately become the fat in the eyes of others. At the beginning, everyone would give the crown prince a face, but after ten and a half months, those people would rush up like a pack of wolves, devouring Chang Yuelou and Chen Dahua.

"Uncle... the little one just wants a place to live, uncle!"

Fang Xing shook his head, got on his horse and left the college.

Chen Dahua returned to Changyue Building in despair, but he saw a deserted look.

"Myself Guan Yongji, you offended the princess and Xinghe uncle, Chen Dahua, smartly signed this contract."

A contract was thrown in front of Chen Dahua. This is a bold guy who didn't wait for the crown prince to die before he did it.

The man touched his goatee and shouted: "What do you look at? Is the prince very powerful? You have to call relatives when you see my master!"

Chen Dahua knows it right away. He is like a dying man who grabs the last straw, and said excitedly: "The little one is willing to run a restaurant for the grandpa of the country!"

The visitor smiled and said, "You are clever, knowing that you have become a thorn in the eye, that's all, Lord Guo said, you will stay and look after the restaurant. But if you don't give your heart, you don't need Lord Guo to take action, you will naturally die. land!"

Chen Dahua softened, knowing that he had finally found a way out.

Humans are very strange creatures. When in crisis, they can be slaves, and they can do anything, as long as they can save their lives.

But once it is confirmed that they are out of danger, the first thought of most people is in this crisis, who are sorry for me, who are in trouble...

The person who hates most in Chen Dahua's heart at this moment, of course, is Fang Xing who initiated it.

When approaching the new master, of course he should be more diligent. Chen Dahua immediately pointed to the backyard and said, "Master Guan, there are some women behind, you...the younger one accompany you for a drink?"

Guan Yong set up an errand and said proudly: "Drinking is okay, but women are free. You must not move those women, otherwise the Lord of the country will tear you apart!"

Chen Dahua was stunned, and said disappointedly: "Don't you like Lord Guo?"

Guan Yongji squinted at him and said, "Don't try to be careful, remember, those women don't belong to you anymore, understand?"

"The little one understands."


Chang Yue Lou changed hands, and as a colleague, Ye Qing quickly learned the news.

"Is Duke Dingguo? Go and tell the master."


After Fang Xing heard the news, his expression was unclear.

Huang Zhong said in surprise: "This Duke Dingguo is taking advantage of the fire! And he also gave the crown prince a faceless face."

"Can't it?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Then Xu Jingchang is also the prince's cousin anyway, a family!"

Huang Zhong shook his head: "Uncle, this family is not an ordinary person, even if it is an ordinary person, if relatives don't give a face, they will still hold grudges, and I will find a chance to get back next time!"

Fang Xing said meaningfully: "Your Majesty is here, the prince is here, and the grandson is here. As long as these three are in power, if the Xu family refuses to lower their heads, naturally someone will be unlucky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huang Zhong said in surprise:" You mean..." As he pointed to the direction of the guide, there was exactly where Wei Guogong Xu Qin stayed-Jinling!

Fang Xing smiled: "Then it depends on who dances happily. When Wei Guogong came back from school, he didn't know if he had grown. If he is still fooling around, your Majesty will not be merciful!"

The Xu family is one family and two men. From today's point of view, Zhu Di is still a bit regretful. In addition, Xu Jingchang and Xu Qin are not very successful, and they are hitting Zhu Di in the face, so...

Huang Zhong shook his folding fan and said freely, "Uncle, don't worry, there are only two earls at home, and most of Xinfeng is a knight to enjoy, and he won't be jealous."

"I'm not worried about this. It's good to have a title, but you can't starve if you don't."

Fang Xing got up, with a somewhat energetic gesture.

With so many things, you don’t have to worry even if you have ten or eight children!

The two young uncles had no worries about this aspect at all. One babbled and gnawed something, and the other sat on a bamboo horse with a sound in his mouth.

Fang Xing took out what was in Ping'an's mouth, and it immediately became angry when he saw it.

"Who got this?"

A jade rabbit is wrapped in a red rope, and the jade rabbit is full of saliva.

Zhang Shuhui heard the sound coming in, took a look, and hurried out again, her voice was quick and fast.

"Husband, it was taken by my concubine, and I must grind my teeth in peace. I couldn't find a good one for a while, so my concubine took this. Anyway, it won't bite badly..."

Fang Xing was taken aback, feeling that his authority had been violated.

Xiaobai pointed to Ping'an pitifully and said, "Master, Ping'an is about to cry."

Fang Xing hurriedly tied the red rope to the small bed, and then handed Yutu to Ping An, who was impatient.

"Bite, bite!"


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