The leader congratulated Qianzhang for the book, and said with a smile that this is the "smoke money" to add inspiration to the jazz, and there is no need to change it.

The reward is too great, the leader is full of expectations, the Jazz will naturally not slacken off, brothers and sisters, let's go!


The spring of the 17th year of Yongle was good, and Fang Xing's family was invited to participate in the garden tour organized by the princess, the place was in the palace.

This was the first gathering held after the capital was moved. The purpose was to gather people's hearts.

"After the capital was moved, many officials still had a bit of resentment, so this must be Wang Guifei's meaning, but her body needs to be kept quiet, so she left it to the crown prince to do it."

On behalf of the British government, Wu came to the party today, gathered with Zhang Shuhui at the door and walked into the garden.

The temperature in the spring in Peiping is still not high, and the flowers and trees in the garden are full of spring colors, which are full of vitality.

Those noble ladies wandered in groups in the garden, and the princess, who was the master, sat in the pavilion, talking to a few respectable old ladies.

"I have seen the empress."

Zhang Shuhui and Wu clan approached to salute, and the princess smiled and said, "It's a good coincidence that today, God, it's a sunny day. You two can be more comfortable, and the British father and Xinghe are here with your majesty!"

Wu said with a smile: "Niangniang and a few people are relaxing here, but the concubines can't sit still. Let's wait fifty years to talk to Niangniang and a few old ladies!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wu's words were so pleasant that not only several old ladies pointed at her and scolded the husband, but even the princess couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile, and her body trembled slightly.

Zhang Shuhui pursed her mouth and smiled, and then blessed herself, preparing to leave.

The crown prince gasped and said, "Go and see Concubine Taisun, that's a shy one, not as powerful as those."

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "The concubine Taisun is naturally prestigious, and the concubine is just a foil."

The crown princess laughed again, "You two go, let you stay here, this year's laughter is over."


Hu Shanxiang was a little nervous, and was a little overwhelmed when he was pleased by a few middle-aged women.

"I have seen the princess grandson."

Hu Shanxiang was relieved by Zhang Shuhui's arrival, and then kindly let her come closer, disappointing those women a little.

These women were all family members of civil servants, and they couldn't get close in front of the princess, so they came to get close to Hu Shanxiang.

When Zhang Shuhui saw that Hu Shanxiang's forehead was sweaty, she whispered to remind her.

"These people are not fuel-efficient lamps. Don't show your timidity. Once you show your timidity, people will know your weakness."


Zhu Di's place was also very lively, civil and military officials gathered together, but the garden was occupied by women, so everyone simply drank.

Fang Xing sat casually under Jin Zhong, looked at the raw fat on the dishes in front of him, and whispered: "Master Jin, don't eat it. This thing will cause diarrhea."

Jin Zhong ate a piece of icy lamb and said, "What's the matter? The old man followed his majesty to fight to the south, not to mention the fat, the half-cooked lamb is still eaten, and the next morning he pulled it dry, a big pile!"

When I woke up, I lost my appetite. Jian Yi, who was sitting on Jin Zhong, trembled, and put his chopsticks directly on it, making it clear that he didn't want to eat it anymore.

Jin Zhong smiled triumphantly: "Sir Jian yesterday got stuck with the old man, hahahaha!"

The old guy's revenge was a bit tragic, not only Fang Xing and Jian Yi were recruited, but also the ministers on the left and right heard it.

Fang Xing held back his smile, and then ate the white-cut lamb.

"Is there any vinegar?"

Fang Xing felt that it was not good not to be dipped in vinegar, so he asked the **** who was waiting next to him.

This eats in the palace has always been informal. The **** bent over to the back, and soon brought a pot of vinegar and a small dish.

Fang Xing smelled it from the spout and praised: "It's aged vinegar. How many adults would you like to have some?"

Jian Yi shook his head, Jin Youzi also shook his head, only Xia Yuanji and Jin Zhong asked for vinegar.

The lamb slices dipped in vinegar tasted really good. Jin Zhong ate a few slices and said sourly: "Dehua is indeed a gourmet!"

"Have you heard that Zhang Dalima was beheaded, and Ji is on his way to Beijing."

Jin Zhong looked extremely cheerful, then raised his glass and got up to congratulate Zhu Di.

Zhu Di smiled and did it. Unlike other ministers, Zhu Di mostly just took a sip.

Zhang Dalima is a native of the Tu nationality, a fan monk, who was previously regarded as a trusted person by Zhu Di, and was awarded Zuo Jueyi. As a result, the servant made a fortune in Xining and extorted a fan monk for tribute.

After being reported by someone, the servant fled and continued to cause chaos in the border area.

This time he was killed, which was Zhu Di's revenge.

There are many chieftains in Xining, many of whom claim to be descendants of the Xixia royal family, and often make chaos.

Fang Xing thought of one thing, and asked, "How about the Semu people in Xining? Are they the ones who are making trouble?"

Jin Zhong caressed his beard and answered the question: "The blue jade conquered Yunnan, killing a lot and castrating a lot. Zheng He was among them, and then he died."

Fang Xing lowered his head and thought of the Lanyu case. Zhu Yuanzhang must have meant to kill those ministers whom Zhu Biao could not control, but his subsequent purge in the army was very interesting.

"After being cleaned up by Emperor Taizu Gao, the number of aliens in the army was reduced by more than 90%."

Jin Zhong said meaningfully, this is not a secret, the big men in the army know it.

Zhu Yuanzhang's bones are still the stubborn cowherd baby: if it is not my race, his heart must be different!

And for a while, Daming prohibited intermarriage among aliens in the territory! ! !

Who said that Daming would not assimilate?

Look, if you want to get then go find a Han Chinese! After a few generations, the blood is mixed.

Fang Xing turned sideways and said, "There are a lot of people over there, so you have to disperse them. It's best not to live together."

No one knows the power better than Fang Xing. Seeing Jin Zhong startled, he whispered: "If you have a chance, he will break up, but the main reason is..."


Zhu Di got up, Fang Xing hurriedly sat down, otherwise the censor of the inspection would pick him out on the spot and impeach him for disrespect.

"I know that some people love the South and Jinling!"

Okay! The boss set the tone at the beginning: originally opposed to moving the capital, if anyone dares to beep in the future, I will clean up you!

"Beiping is bitterly cold, but it can sharpen the will. The sergeants in the frontier fortress are even colder, but for decades, they still go to the side wall in batches, and are now guarding the peace of Daming!"

Zhu Di walked down slowly, turned his gaze, and pointed to Jin Zhong and said, "Jin Zhong is old and old, but he has followed me all the way to this day. He is a model for all Qing dynasties!"

With a puff, Jin Zhong knelt immediately, and said with tears in his old eyes: "Your Majesty does not dislike a minister who is... humble, and the minister is willing to repay your majesty for his knowledge and encounters!"

What do you not dislike?

God stick?

Zhu Di was obviously very useful, so he quickly got Jin Zhong up, and then turned back.

"It's done."

Jin Zhong’s tears disappeared miraculously, and Fang Xing was introduced to Zhu Di’s habits.

"Your Majesty wants to beat the officials, you have to get someone to praise you, but don't be proud, you'd better forget it afterwards."

Jin Chung noodles did not change their color and sandwiched a slice of lamb, dipped it in vinegar, and then toasted and Fang woke up with a bite.

The best way for leaders to praise you is to enter your left ear and right ear. If you think this is your capital, then reality will teach you how to be a man every minute.

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